England’s Blame

        Amazing that the BBC denounces a whole country and its population over a boxing match, especially as the BBC’s interpretation of what happened in the match is coloured by the colour of the two opponents…one black, one white…guess which has the BBC’s sympathy?   England’s shame The boxing match between a freed slave and a sporting star In the brutal world of bare-knuckle boxing a fight, … Continue reading

Dreams Are Made Of This

  BBC getting excited about this: Berlin House of One: The first church-mosque-synagogue? Berlin thinks it is making religious history as Muslims, Jews and Christians join hands to build a place where they can all worship. The House of One, as it is being called, will be a synagogue, a church and a mosque under one roof.     Liked this: Rabbi Tovia Ben Chorin. “From my Jewish point of … Continue reading

There’s Lovely Boyo

  The BBC this morning reported some of ‘what the papers say’.…and gave us this gem: Kinnock said part of the reason the rightwing press was going for Miliband was because it knew he was bold and a threat to Tory victory hopes.   The BBC didn’t bother to provide some contrasting balance to that and reveal that half Miliband’s party think he is a dead duck, that the grass … Continue reading

Coyled For Action

      Yesterday I saw that Diane Coyle had thrown her hat into the ring and applied for Patten’s old job. This morning on R4 I heard that the application process had been extended due to the lack of quality of the applicants…they didn’t mention Coyle had applied funnily enough. Not sure a person who has helped preside over the failing BBC Trust should then be appointed to lead … Continue reading


I’m sorry but I have no real sympathy for IDS when he moans… “Iain Duncan Smith has launched the strongest government attack on the BBC since the last election, accusing the corporation of being a ‘bigger opponent’ of welfare reform than even the Labour Party. The Work and Pensions Secretary reacted with fury yesterday after the BBC led its bulletins with more criticism of the Government’s changes to the bloated benefits … Continue reading


Some things never change. The senior management of the BBC still loath the fact this country remains 82% WHITE and this causes them great stress as they seek to change that on our screens;  The BBC has pledged to increase the number of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) people on air by more than 40% over the next three years and almost double the number of senior managers from those groups … Continue reading

Rampant Islamophobia

  The police and the likes of the BBC are usually very quick to claim that Islam has nothing to do with the various attacks and planned attacks that Muslims have or have tried to put into operation. They quickly move in to play down such associations in the interests of community cohesion.   How different when a Muslim is killed. When a Saudi Arabian national, Nahid Almanea, was stabbed … Continue reading


When Michelle Obama jumped on the #bringbackourgirls campaign, the BBC were all over it. Yet they seem largely disinterested in the #bringbackourboys campaign when it comes to the three teenage Israeli boys kidnapped by Palestinian savages.  Equally, they choose not to let us know about the CELEBRATIONS that have characterised the Palestinian response to these kidnappings. It’s almost as if the BBC are determined to sanitise the barbarity of the … Continue reading


A Biased BBC read brought this to my attention; BBC Breakfast are coming in for a lot of flack due to their feature on Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis which included a consultant putting the blame on junk food and anti-biotics but then ignoring and talking over representatives of the Crohn’s and Colitis UK charity. Unless you know Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis is caused by the bodies own defence system attacking … Continue reading


Well, the BBC may not have cared for one Margaret in the form of Thatcher, but when it comes to Margaret Hodge, they have found someone to lionise. Here’s another attack on Government policy by Hodge and once again here she is portrayed as the champion of the disadvantaged and all round good egg. Let’s NOT talk about this…