Desperate Dan

  Dan Hodges has become ever more desperate at the prospect of UKIP getting a permanent place in the hearts and minds, and on the voting slips, of the British people….even more so than the BBC, almost. He’s denounced them as racist, and when he realised that this was not such a good idea as UKIP routed the other parties and he was ridiculed by thousands of comments under his … Continue reading

It’s Gonna be a Long Year

One year to the general election….we could probably fill an open thread every day with the BBC’s bias as the charities, pressure groups and think tanks clamour for airtime, so readily given, to pronounce the coming apocalypse if the Tories get voted into power again….only today we heard the anthem for doomed youth blasting out on the BBC as yet another left leaning charity, Save The Children, warns us that … Continue reading

The People Have Spoken…The Bastards!

    As noted in the last post the big battalions are mobilising to defend the European Supremacy and Domination over us. You might note a couple of things…that when the die-hards list the benefits of the European Adventure the BBC doesn’t counter with the disadvantages….that when UKIP, and its voters, are called nasty and racist the BBC doesn’t step in to challenge that….that when some dissembling politician says he … Continue reading

Can We Deport Mark Easton?

  The day after the Euro elections end the pro-Europe propaganda begins. (H/T  Is the BBC biased?) Mark Easton, the BBC’s very own pro-immigration/Europe Goebbels is back on our screens (23 mins 50) telling us that we all secretly long to be European, that in fact, due to ‘waves of European migrnats landing on our shores over 1000’s of years’ we are a country shaped by Europe. Conclusion?  We should … Continue reading

Ricketty Piketty

  Remember the delight of the BBC when research used by some to support austerity policies was found to have an error in its calculations…the BBC filled the airwaves with the news and gave us extensive briefings on the subject eulogising the clever lad who caught the profs out: Reinhart, Rogoff… and Herndon: The student who caught out the profs   And Reinhart and Rogoff correct austerity research error   … Continue reading


  In the last post I suggested that the BBC’s liberal, politically correct attitudes were partly responsible for the rise in anti-Semitism across Europe and elsewhere…the same could of course be said for the rise of UKIP as Tim Montgomerie explains:   The Ten Creators of UKIP Illiberal liberals. I support gay marriage (shamefully, I was resistant to homosexual equality but now have the zeal of a convert) but, but, … Continue reading

The BBC’s Role In Inciting Anti-Semitism

  Who are the worst anti-Semites in Europe according to the statistics? Muslims and the Left. Not who’d you’d expect if you listen to the BBC’s everyday coverage from which you’d think it was the ‘Far Right’ which was about to sweep to power and set up concentration camps once more across Europe.   The BBC admits: Anti-Semitism ‘on the rise’ say Europe’s Jews   Jews are once again being … Continue reading

Christian Jew Dog

    The Sunday Times reports:   ‘Christians Offer Safe Houses To Muslim Converts’   Now why the hell would they need to do that in secular, democratic Britain where Muslims are tolerant and live by the guiding light of the Religion of Peace? Apparently it is necessary to offer such sanctuary as Muslim converts to Christianity face ostracism and violent reprisals. ‘The penalty for them is at best to … Continue reading


Here is another guest submission, this time from Biased BBC contributor Guess Who? It’s on the issue of the Parliamentary Discussion into the future of the BBC. It is lengthy, detailed and astute analysis and I commend it you. “The remit is wide and covers issues like bias, accountability, size, licence fee etc.’ Well, in theory all of the above. But mostly so far the last, best I can see. … Continue reading