DC Alden, author of the excellent The Horse of the Gates, and a reader of this august journal (!) shares the following with us; “I’m sure you’re probably aware by now but there was a newspaper review on BBC News this morning with a female Muslim blogger. She began with a piece about Christians offering sanctuary to Muslims wishing to leave Islam’s embrace. I didn’t catch the whole package but … Continue reading

Girl Power!

      Gotta laugh at the do-gooding worriers of the BBC. Honouring ‘International Women’s Day’ we get this from the BBC:   Dolly + Beyonce + Miley = Girl Power! First broadcast: Friday 07 March 2014 Fearne creates a Girl Power Playlist in honour of International Women’s Day, including tracks from the likes of Beyonce, Miley, Adele and even some Dolly Parton!!!   And there was this: Girl Power: … Continue reading


This item was posted by my colleague Mike Cunningham over on A Tangled Web and I think it warrants your consideration. “Listening on the Beeb’s Today Programme to what must be considered a true favourite of the BBC’s way of group-think. The woman being interviewed had a son who had been kidnapped by the Nigerian Boko Haram bunch of criminal terrorists, and he had been killed during a rescue attempt. The woman … Continue reading


Biased BBC Graeme Thompson aka Hippiepooter offers us this! Clearly, £ Stirling as “Britain’s currency doesn’t make the BBC happy. http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20140522-are-money-and-happiness-linked The death of the Queen Mother couldn’t induce BBC presenters to wear black ties, but one suspects tomorrow’s euro-election results may well do so!”

Snapshots From Inside The Bubble

    Just a few confirmations of the usual casual bias or lazy thinking from within the Bubble.   Nicky Campbell on Friday declared that it was quite unfair of the Press to publish those photos of Miliband munching on a not very Kosher bacon sarny: However…Miliband was on the stump looking for that photo opportunity to present himself as a man-of-the-people….he made a mess of it and showed bad … Continue reading


      Is it just me or is the new iPlayer a complete shambolic mess? The old one wasn’t perfect by anymeans, clunky but usable, but the new one is abysmal, confusing and hard to navigate and find anything…browsing wasn’t a delight before, now it’s just a lucky dip or a grind through the hidden listings…almost as if they didn’t want you to find things to watch. Pretty certain … Continue reading


    Why does UKIP not attract so many voters in London?   The BBC tells us: Demography Neil Hamilton said London was “difficult territory” for UKIP because it was so “cosmopolitan”. Earlier it was put to the party’s communities spokesman, Suzanne Evans, on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that the party had some difficulty appealing to Londoners because they tended to be “cultural, educated, and young” – reportedly a … Continue reading

Surely Some Mistake…Socialists Are Nasty?

  The Daily Mail reports: Why Britain bombed Germany with copies of the Beveridge report: Dream of a welfare state ‘helped bring down Hitler’ RAF crews dropped copies of the Beveridge Report on occupied Europe The report was seen as a psychological weapon to undermine morale Senior Nazis thought Britain had accepted the theory of ‘national socialism’   British airman dropped copies of the plan for a post-war welfare state … Continue reading