Andy Burnham…What About Stafford Hospital?

    Thanks to #88 who draw my attention to the snakelike Andy Burnham….who lives by the motto that in every disaster there is opportunity.   Burnham, he who ducks and dives when questioned about Stafford Hospital, has suddenly found the time to be ‘outraged’ about something…the altering of the Hillsborough Wikipedia page….and the BBC are happy to give him plenty of …er…rope you might call it…….. In fact the … Continue reading

Death And Football….Some Perspective

    Today the BBC announced that a report that someone, from 2009 to 2012, using a government computer, had altered the Hillsborough tragedy’s Wikipedia page  adding insults to it, was the BBC’s lead story. Indeed it did seem to be so with a not inconsiderable amount of coverage for what might seem a small story in the scale of things…though naturally distressing to the families….. though the abuse was … Continue reading


My thanks to David Keighley and Andrew Jubb for this most interesting report on BBC bias over at Civitas. Make sure you read it…. “In this report Newswatch finds that the BBC’s independent Prebble report1 – which the BBC Trustees claimed gave a clean bill of health to the Corporation’s coverage of the EU,2 immigration and religion – is seriously flawed. Newswatch has unearthed ties between Stuart Prebble and the … Continue reading


Yesterday, the BBC obligingly ran with the Labour line that Comrade Ed and the gang had taken the moral decision to move away from the long historical link to the Co op Bank. However it seems not all was as the BBC reported; As pieces of political spin go, it was up there with the best – even if it concerned the dry subject of Labour’s banking facilities. This morning, the … Continue reading


Have a read of this if you will! “So is the BBC in crisis? The consensus seems to be, not yet – though it soon may well be. Steven Barnett predicts a gathering tide of anti-BBCism from Tory politicians and newspapers in the runup to the charter renewal. He writes: “If Britain wants to sustain a cultural institution which is still trusted and enjoyed by the vast majority of its own citizens while … Continue reading

Le Grande Project

    A low key look by the BBC’s Gavin Hewitt at probably one of the most important and interesting questions in politics at the moment: Europe braces for first EU-wide vote since 2008 crash In many countries this will be a referendum on the European project. Many voters will have the chance to support parties disenchanted with Brussels and all its powers. The last few years have seen the … Continue reading

How Do I Delete……

    A couple of Tweets from Roger that shed new light on ‘science’ and certainty:         So Roger thinks ‘expert groups’ may be lying to us about just how certain they are about their projections…due to the politics…and Roger himself objects to claims of ‘certainty’ or over confidence in ‘the numbers’….though not when economist Stern tells us we are all going to die in 100 months … Continue reading

Nick Robinson Is An Arse

  Sorry about the title but I think I can’t really take much more of his low brow, lightweight,  twaddle….considering the job he is supposed to do. Thanks to Dave S who pointed out this from Robinson: UKIP immigration policy – the wife test On a day when Nigel Farage launched a nationwide poster campaign warning that millions of Europeans were waiting to take your job, I asked him why … Continue reading