Seen this from the BBC? “British winters are likely to become milder and wetter like the last one but cold spells still need to be planned for, says the UK Met Office. Summers are likely to be hotter and drier, but washouts are still on the cards, it adds.” So, plan for all sorts. Met Office covering all the odds whilst still flogging AGW. Just wait until the IPCC hits!!!


I have had a tsunami of outraged emails from Biased BBC readers concerning the bizarre and OTT sanitisation of former Co-Op boss Paul Flowers by the BBC today. It seems the Coalition is to blame for the implosion of the Bank and as for Mr Flowers…erm…”colourful”private life, well, I blame Thatcher. Thoughts? Just WHY is the BBC leading all UK news with the hideous self-pity bleating of Flowers??

Miliband Will Freeze Energy Prices When Hell Freezes Over

      Miliband’s proposed energy price freeze was apparently a game changing political moment, one that dramatically caught the headlines….so why does the BBC not report one of his backers claiming that Miliband will not honour his promise?   We’ve long been off the opinion that Miliband is as much a windbag as Kinnock ever was…his ‘policies’ being mere populist piffle designed to catch the headlines….and they were very … Continue reading

Peter Allen Strikes Again

    Peter Allen ambushed me…he was lurking as presenter on Derbyshire’s show  (1 hr 50)….telling us that inflation is going down…but only ‘on the government’s measure of inflation’. And we all know you can’t trust that don’t we children? BUT….He went on to say that food prices are going to rise by 3.8%…and your wages just won’t keep up with that….it’s a very big story he tells us….never mind … Continue reading

The Science is Unsettled

  As mentioned before climate change sceptics are pretty unwelcome at the BBC: The Green Hush Strikes Again   Btu now is the time to be talking if ever there was one: Climate change: the debate is about to change radically The latest report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is due out next week. If the leaked draft is reflected in the published report, it will … Continue reading

Commie Capitalists of the BBC

  Daniel Hannan thinks a subscription form of funding will be the end of the BBC: Budgets come and go, but something more far-reaching will take place in the House of Commons today; something that might change our political discourse significantly, benignly and permanently. The Government has indicated that it will back a Bill, brought in by the backbench MP, Andrew Bridgen, to decriminalise non-payment of the Television Licence Fee. … Continue reading

Conviction Politics…Good or Bad?

    Tony Benn was widely lauded for his staunch convictions……remaining a trenchant champion of hardline, radical leftwing ideology….Miliband claiming he was an “iconic figure of our age…. a great parliamentarian and a conviction politician.“ “Tony Benn spoke his mind and spoke up for his values. Whether you agreed with him or disagreed with him, everyone knew where he stood and what he stood for. “For someone of such strong … Continue reading

Labour’s Telly ‘Poll’ Tax

    Just been listening to Today (around 07:35) where they’ve had on a couple of cheerleaders for the TV Tax…Former chairman of the BBC Lord Grade and shadow culture secretary Harriet Harman …..Justin Webb suggesting that if the BBC had called it a ‘Tax’ it would have been OK to throw people into jail..they’d have understood and accepted that….tipping their caps and exclaiming ‘Gord bless ya gov’nor, I done … Continue reading

The Green Hush Strikes Again

  Via Bishop Hill and the Mail: BBC boss gags ‘sceptics’ from climate change debates A BBC executive in charge of editorial standards has ordered programme editors not to broadcast debates between climate scientists and global warming sceptics. Alasdair MacLeod claimed that such discussions amount to ‘false balance’ and breach an undertaking to the Corporation’s watchdog, the BBC Trust. Mr MacLeod, head of editorial standards and compliance for BBC Scotland, … Continue reading

Holy Smoke And Mirrors

  Did laugh this morning as Justin Webb gave Lord Dannatt a hard time over his suggestion that perhaps we should beef up our military….Webb suggesting that military force doesn’t work anymore. Has anyone told the Ukrainians?     We also had Thought for the Day with Bishop James Jones who told us  that Jesus loved immigrants…and that we are all immigrants really….we must open our hearts and our borders.   … Continue reading