Start the Week 14 February 2022
Over to You
Over to You
President Putin is continuing to build forces on the Ukraine border. Diplomacy is failing . Does the BBC seem concerned with a potential war ? Not really – day after day it continues to hunt the British Prime Minister .Yet the government continues to indulge the BBC. Surely time up ?
How long will the BBC campaign to unseat an elected PM go on for ? It is using the same hateful onslaught used daily against president Trump – another politician on the ‘disapproved ‘ list . The answer might be ‘for ever ‘….
Is the BBC reporting the spreading protests by ‘truck drivers ‘ or is it trying to ‘non report ‘ as part of its’ propaganda programme ? Selective reporting and non reporting of events just makes it easier for people to see the bias in action . Time to end it .
Over to You .
Over to You – on 2.2.22…. Or wait around 200 years for the big – er 1
Lord Grade is in line to be the new Chair of OFCOM . Good news? Surely he knows the group think of the BBC – which is shared by those ex BBC types who hide in OFCOM … and _ elsewhere-for those who like anniversaries – this day is the anniversary of the UK leaving the EU- so be sure the BBC will celebrate that ….
Partied out ? Over to you
Is it to be a Gray day – ?as sane people suffer from Party fatigue the BBCSocialistEU brigade will go into overdrive … whether the PM goes or stays … (Happy Australia Day )
Get ready – this may be the week when the BBC explodes over number 10 parties / gatherings as The Gray Report ( redacted )is published . it will be on the screens and radio and social media . Everywhere . Don’t worry about Ukraine- that’s nothing – or gas prices – it’s the Number 10 garden that matters …