The Prodigal Son Returns…To Jail

    The BBC’s adopted son, Moazzam Begg, has been arrested by anti-terrorist police: Ex-Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg arrested by terror police   Can we expect the BBC to bring out Jimmy Savile’s old caravan and park it in the car park again as they must have done the last time Begg was incarcerated and his father became a constant fixture on the airwaves demanding his innocent son’s release.   … Continue reading

DisHarmany And Disarray

    The BBC long ignored the Daily Mail’s revelations about Harman and Co at the NCCL.  The BBC didn’t investigate the claims and only began to ‘report’ the story when Harman made her defence. The BBC on the other hand has been quick to report a story in the Times about Tory MP Peter Bone. Curious what catches their eye.   Having said that Newsnight did put the boot … Continue reading

US Islamophobe of The Year?

    Guess who?       Not a peep from the BBC….who were happy to report his ‘Nobel Peace prize’ US President Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Committee said he won it for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples”.   Guess not everyone agrees……     Reporting on the ‘awards ceremony’, the IHRC stated in a press … Continue reading

“If it’s news, it’s news to us”

    Paxman has a general sneer at the world of the Media: The Invention of News by Andrew Pettegree The news – noisy, self-important and often pointless?   I wonder if he meant those lap dogs at Cardiff University who provide the BBC with so much academic cover for their bias when he said this?….. Reporters in rehab (now often posing as professors of media studies) have endlessly tried … Continue reading

The March Of Progress

    Houses are being built across an ever more wide area of this green and pleasant land…on the green belt, in flood plains and now in National Parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty. The BBC isn’t interested in the real reason all these new homes are ‘needed’. Because they would then have to admit that there is at least one downside to immigration.   This morning on ‘Today’ … Continue reading

Manufacturing The Age Of Consent

    The BBC has long ignored the links between the NCCL and the Paedophile Information Exchange…or rather its links to certain members of the Labour Party….it is quite apparent that the NCCL knew precisely what PIE stood for and yet still allowed itself to be persuaded that PIE was a persecuted minority in need of the NCCL’s protection. It is also clear that the NCCL actively worked in support … Continue reading

The Green Hush Continues At The BBC

  The Daily Mail notes: Surprise, surprise, the BBC has ignored our expose of Labour’s links to a child sex scandal. QUENTIN LETTS imagines its reaction if those involved were Tory     No surprise there really….but what else has the BBC ignored? The BBC is very green and promotes everything so tinged…even hated Tory politicians with ‘vested interests’ that conflict with their duties but who promote the green agenda. … Continue reading