Playing Politics With The Floods II

  This from Bishop HIll: EA working with Labour against government? Feb 11, 2014 Bureaucrats Environment Agency Labour Inside the Environment Agency is reporting that he has received a letter from a potential whistleblower who claims to have evidence that Agency officials are conspiring with the Labour party to undermine the government. I have been following your blog for the last few months. You make some truthful claims but they are … Continue reading

Playing Politics With The Floods

  The Environment Agency Chair, Lord Smith, has lied twice when talking about flooding and his agency’s reaction to events. Once when he claimed the Agency had no policy to deliberately flood the Somerset Levels, and again when he claimed Eric Pickles was wrong when he said the Agency had advised the government wrongly about dredging. The BBC has ignored the huge inconsistencies in his story and continues to report … Continue reading

Name, Rank And Number

  Name: Lord Smith Rank: Incompetent Number:  Well, his number’s up.   Or his number should be up if the BBC were doing its job properly and fully investigating Lord Smith’s role as Chair of the Environment Agency and its policies.   Lord Smith has made two statements today which can unequivocably be called lies….about issues that go right to the heart of the flooding in the Somerset Levels.   … Continue reading

The Eye Of The Beholder

    Same story…..completely different take:   From the Guardian 13 Sept. 2013: Ofcom could easily regulate BBC, says chief executive Ofcom boss Ed Richards says it would be ‘comparatively easy’ to oversee corporation, but parliament has ultimate responsibility       From the BBC Sept. 13 2013: Ofcom ‘should not govern’ BBC, says regulator     Here’s another story that you might keep an eye on to see the … Continue reading

The Science Is Settled, No It Isn’t..Oh..em…It Might Be..Or Not

    Amazing what a difference a month makes. One month ago: Storms’ link to climate change uncertain – Met Office   One month later: Met Office: Evidence ‘suggests climate change link to storms’     Originally they told us: The recent storms that have brought heavy rain and floods to much of the UK cannot definitely be linked to climate change, the Met Office has said. A spokesman said … Continue reading

Shuffling The Deckchairs

      You’d never have known that there were any concerns about growing Union power over the Labour Party from this Today interview last Saturday in which we had Labour man Jim Naughtie interviewing (08:10)  (unfortunately now timed out) Ian Davidson, Labour MP for Glasgow south-west and the former Labour lord chancellor, Lord Falconer to discuss the proposals….so three Labourites in a BBC studio…any possibility they might come up … Continue reading

The Toxic BBC

  Two think tanks, Policy Exchange and Civitas, have criticised Ofsted…..apparently that is not allowed. The boss of Ofsted, Sir Michael Wilshaw, said he was ‘spitting blood’ about the ‘attacks’…he claims the ‘attack dogs’ were set on him by Michael Gove. Apparently Sir Michael Wilshaw believes he is above criticism. The BBC seems to agree…at least when it is from ‘Right leaning’ think tanks…or ‘rightwing’ think tanks as they described … Continue reading