Cold Discomfort

  Spokesman Alvin Stone tells The Australian that the stranding of their vessel, Akademik Shokalskiy, has been misconstrued. “One of the misconceptions is that this is a climate-change voyage full of climate scientists, which is actually not true,” he says. “There are a couple of climate scientists on board, but it is just a scientific expedition and it is quite broad, with biologists, geographers, looking at penguin and seal populations … Continue reading

Voyage Of The Damned Fools

The BBC reports today that a US ice-breaker, the Polar Star, has now been called in to rescue not only the trapped Akademik Shokalskiy, but also the Chinese rescue ship, the  Xue Long, which transferred those passengers from one to the other, and is now itself trapped. In other words, the ship which rescued the passengers from the trapped ship by flying them in a helicopter to another ship, which … Continue reading

The BBC, Still Selling Us A Lie On Immigration

    The Telegraph tells us this: Long-time immigrants almost as concerned about immigration as UK-born people, study shows   Whilst the Daily Mail reports this: British families will ‘lose out’ from influx of cheap labour from Romania and Bulgaria, Miliband admits in call to close low wages loophole More British workers will ‘lose out’ from the influx of cheap labour from Romania and Bulgaria, Ed Miliband has admitted. The … Continue reading

The Truth About Immigration From The BBC?

  A few days ago we had this from the Daily Mail: Skewed figures and a BBC agenda: As a new wave of Eastern Europeans arrive, JAMES SLACK reveals how the ‘benefits’ of immigration are endlessly overstated It was a fascinating and damning article…more of which later. But suddenly the BBC has ‘allowed’, I might suggest ‘directed’, Nick Robinson to pen this for the Daily Mail: NICK ROBINSON: The public … Continue reading

Did The BBC Help Thatcher Crush The Miners In ’84?

  The BBC up to their usual tricks….trying their hardest to malign Thatcher….and have dragged in ex-BBC journo, Nick Jones, to help out…..Jones being very pro the miners who went out on strike and anti-Tory….but of course the BBC doesn’t mention his ‘leanings.’   The BBC has published this farcical ‘report’ based on material released by the National Archives on the Miner’s Strike and Nick Jones’ interpretation of it and … Continue reading


In the space of a few minutes on the Today programme this morning, we had two egregious instances of BBC climate change hype. First, it was claimed that 2013 was the official warmest year ever in Australia. As it happens, I was in Australia last year for a few weeks, it wasn’t that warm but the BBC managed to add that such extreme heat “fitted into the global pattern”. Really? … Continue reading


None, really. Yesterday, on Today, John Pilger was allowed to come on and claim that “more than a million” people have been killed in Iraq since 2003. Now talking fiction is the order of the day from Comrade John but the BBC must have felt slightly embarrassed about this so this morning, around 6.50am, they wheeled on the latest UN special representative to Iraq. He was quizzed to provide a … Continue reading

Bowen’s Complete Lack Of Interest In The News

    Jeremy Bowen retweeted this comment on the 26th of December: #Hezbollah is pressing hard to be granted similar powers in security & foreign policy matters that Syria exercised in Lebanon for 15 yrs. — Mohamad B Chatah (@mohamad_chatah) December 27, 2013   Mohammad Chatah was then assassinated the next day.   Bowen’s only comment was this: Mohamad Chatah was always informative and frank when I spoke to him. … Continue reading