Weekend Thread 20th March 2021

In one small incident on BBC Breakfast TV on Thursday the British taxpayer was given direct evidence of the true views of BBC staff. The lie of an ‘unbiased ‘ ‘neutral ‘ BBC was lifted as two presenters sneered at the Union Flag . Maybe it’s time for a makeover – and remove the ‘British ‘ from the BBC. One incident to remember .

Weekend Thread 13th March 2021

The Far left BBC has cancelled a Left wing propaganda programme called ‘the mash report ‘ – but is allowing the SNP leader to run daily party political broadcasts ( also know as covid briefings ) in the run up to Scottish elections . The BBC fixation with race has now been joined by an anti – male strand following the death of a woman in London . To describe … Continue reading

Site Migration

Site migrated to a new server/hosting company!  Hopefully you shouldn’t see any issues.  If all works fine then things will be exactly as before.  I still have a bit of clean-up work to do but I’ll try to make it as un-glitchy today as possible. Note the site address hasn’t changed – still https://biasedbbc.tv

Weekend Thread 6th March 2021

BBC support for the 1.7 million NHS workers pay increase is relentless- and the threat of a strike too . In the meantime an American actress who married a prince will hold court and display true victimhood – but at least even the BBC hasn’t paid for the interview .Closer to home MPs ‘debated ‘ decriminalising the TV Licence Tax – got nowhere and will forget about it until the … Continue reading