BBC not happy that Government is using CPI rather than RPI as inflation measure to calculate public sector pensions, amongst other things. Jonty Bloom had an item on Today this morning about this with the not so subtle meme that basically this change will drive us all into poverty. Talk about inflating hype!  I suppose expecting the BBC to look at it from another perspective, namely cutting the bloated Public … Continue reading

Hide, Wait, Run

The BBC is always rigorous in its work when it comes to certain subjects….Israel, George Bush, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and undermining the Tory Party…it is also well known for attacking ‘America’ itself, its values and customs, its legal system and health care, its gung ho attitude to life. Here is an ex-pat American, who has now fled back to America (presumably because he knew one day Justin … Continue reading

30 Pieces Of Silver

The BBC, the police, academia, local and national government all conspire to hide the truth about Islam in our midst…..They tell us that Al Qaeda doesn’t exist, bombers are just criminals perverting a peaceful Islam, Muslim rape gangs targeting non-Muslims don’t exist, ‘extremists’ don’t represent the vast majority of Muslims….all untrue. The real, inconvenient, Truth is much more complicated…and all the more frightening. Read this from Der Spiegel and contemplate the future … Continue reading


Yet more relentless socialist, green propaganda from the BBC:  Secret Life of the Motorway – 3. The End of the Affair ‘When the first motorways opened they did so to national celebration. But after the first 1,000 miles had been built, their impact on both town and country was becoming apparent and people started to protest. Middle England rose up and disrupted public inquiries to voice their frustration at motorway … Continue reading


Forty or more years on from the heady revolutionary days of the 60’s Joan Bakewell is still breaking down boundaries and hierarchical structures in her search for a socialist nirvana….and all from her plebeian, lowly social position…as a Baroness in the House of Lords! Of course she is fighting the Establishment from the inside! Just like John Prescott and Peter Mandelson. Bakewell was the ‘thinking man’s totty’ in the 60’s … Continue reading


The last two weeks have been a pleasure…Janet Daley in the telegraph explains her delight at the transformation of London’s ‘personality’…… ‘What I had not anticipated was that the spectacularly effective campaign of advance warnings and threats to London’s travelling public would cause so much of its working population to abandon the capital. Thus the evacuation of traditionally depressive, harassed, exhausted Londoners made way for the arrival of a lot … Continue reading


BBC economics editor (and former advisor to Bill Clinton’s Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers) Stephanie Flanders offers an insight into the BBC’s narrative for the rest of the election campaign: Ryan is risky VP choice for Romney. Republicans now so extreme, his main appeal 4 swing voters was record as a moderate. Ryan anything but. — Stephanie Flanders (@BBCStephanie) August 11, 2012

They Make A Desert And Call It Peace

The BBC knows the majority of people in Britain are highly suspicious of Islam if not completely against it. That being so the BBC has set out to change how you perceive Islam even if it means broadcasting half truths, outright lies and pure Muslim propaganda. The BBC believes that your views on Islam are as a result of prejudice and misunderstanding….you need to be educated. Of course the voices … Continue reading