Midweek Thread 28 October 2020
Over to you ….
Over to you ….
8 days until the US election. Will the Biased Far Left Anti British BBC descend even further to triumphalism as their socialist candidate becomes a shoe in ? And if they are wrong – how will they handle 4 more years of President Trump ? Get your popcorn ready …
How will the Far Left Biased anti British BBC prepare for the US Election in 10 days time ? Will any Trump supporter get to speak ? Will anyone question whether Biden is corrupt or mentally fit for office? Let us see?
Will the Far Left anti British BBC mention that today is Trafalgar Day ?
Biased BBC busily running two versions of Project Fear – Brexit no deal and Covid Lock Down – meanwhile the BBC thinks President Biden is only a couple of weeks away …
According to the President of France – the horrific beheading of a teacher in Paris was an ‘Islamic terrorist attack’. The BBC has had to report this murder which was motivated by the showing of a cartoon of Mohammed ;but on its track record the BBC will be desperate to close the incident down and pretend threats of terrorism in the UK are from elsewhere . There is a dark … Continue reading
Over to you …
All ready for another week of Far Left Biased BBC propaganda ?
Over to you .
Do you notice how those people and things the BBC approve of get uncritical coverage – eg Obama and the EU . Yet something or someone the Biased Far Left BBC disapproves of – President Trump and Brexit – received unrestricted criticism and condescension- without reference to their democratic legitimacy or otherwise? This site bears witness every day . Defund the BBC now .