God Help The British Nation

Today had an expose of a national television network that broadcasts propaganda for the government…..Syrian  not British. Ghatan Sleiba, an ex-correspondent from a government affiliated news channel, met with the BBC’s James Reynolds near Turkey’s border with Syria and provided some insights into how the government controls the media’s message. The final words made me smile…. ‘The people can’t trust us…..the Syrian nation is a simple nation…they believe who ever … Continue reading


I’m wondering if the British Army which the BBC seems ever so concerned about today is in any way related to the British Army which the BBC routinely likes to run down as bloodthirsty mercenaries at every possible opportunity? Each time our brave soldiers go into battle, the BBC has been there to demoralise them; to undermine the legitimacy of the operations; to offer propaganda for their enemy. But today, … Continue reading


Wonder did anyone out there catch the debate on Today this morning  concerning the claim from the Kids Company that there are “at least one million” kids in Britain who are starving? Well, when I say debate, it wasn’t. Instead we had two people, one from Netmums (who else? Yawn) and another from Leon restaurants who came on to agree that the one million starving figure was, if anything, underplaying … Continue reading

The BBC is VAST!

In this article in GQ we are delivered of some fascinating facts about the Guardian: Firstly that Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger admits the BBC is VAST. Second that the Guardian, losing £1 million a week, is sacrificing its journalism to make cuts…savings…or is it investing for the future? Third that Labour’s Lord Myners…he of the Libor inquiry, was Chairman of the Guardian Media Group….and a tax avoider big style. (So … Continue reading

“It’s inconceivable that the Bank of England and Barclays did not have a conversation around how to get Libor rates lower.”

Going to hit you again with another Libor tale of woe….It all seems plenty complicated but I have been trying to make some sense of it….so here is my very basic take on it….and a quick summary …Labour is lying, and the BBC, at least in many areas are not doing the homework or are deliberately downplaying Labour’s role in this…with some exceptions. It is a curious thing but either … Continue reading

Labour, The Ugly Duckling

The Victoria Derbyshire show   (45 mins) finally admitted that there maybe some suggestion that both the Bank of England and the Labour Party may have had some involvement in fixing the Libor. Well no I tell a lie…they raised the matter only to conclude as soon as they could that Labour were in no way involved…Jonty Bloom came on to dismiss all allegations and assure us that Diamond was merely trying … Continue reading

White Trash

Yesterday the BBC reported on the recommendations in a report into child abuse of those in children’s homes by sex gangs.  This is what the BBC reported: A working group will consider why some local authorities send children to homes outside their own borough whether such placements can meet children’s needs how well the quality of care is monitored whether areas such as Rochdale where there are high concentrations of … Continue reading

Dennis The Menace

Dennis McShane has managed to evade having his collar felt by the boys in blue for claiming £125,000 for a garden shed…sorry, ‘office’,  says Guido.                   Guido also says McShane employed his own brother, Edmund Matyjaszek as an interpreter. I have never looked at McShane’s background in detail before but reading that on Guido a lot became very clear….along with a quick look … Continue reading


Well, I see the BBC have appointed a new Director General, on about half the salary Thompson was on, but still more than twice what the Prime Minister earns! Lucky we don’t have a recession on….hang on a moment… George Entwistle, the BBC executive in charge of the coverage of the Queen’s diamond jubilee, has been named as director general of the corporation, beating competition from Ofcom chief Ed Richards … Continue reading