Anyone watch Panorama this evening? Quite remarkable bias, even by the BBC standards. The programme was all about America’s homeless but as ever that was the subterfuge for a more subtle agenda of; 1/Chiding Obama for not being more progressive (although it was the bad Republicans in Congress that prevented him for doing what must be done – spreading the wealth around )  2/ Presenting Republicans as cold hearted monsters … Continue reading


MSM coverage of events in Athens last night was lamentably slow, with Sky and the BBC sharing honours in putting BAFTA trivia ahead of a major European capital in flames. Then again, when a broadcaster like the BBC is in receipt of ££millions from the EU, perhaps the images of Athens ablaze is unhelpful? Of course in the end they HAD to show the scale and depth of public unrest … Continue reading


Back in November, the BBC begrudgingly admitted that some of its greenie/current affairs programmes broadcast on BBC World News and made by an outfit called FBC Media (UK) Ltd had been illegally sponsored by influence groups including the Malaysian and Egyptian governments to the tune of at least £18m. This was no small beer, and I sensed it was the tip of an iceberg because also drawn into the net … Continue reading


Putting the BBC in charge of a project to arbitrate the accuracy of weather forecasting organisations in the UK is a bit like Josef Mengele running research into the science of eugenics. They (from the Trustees down) long since made their collective mind up that man-made global warming is definitely happening, and that the warmist fanatics at the Meteorological Office are therefore to be believed in their fantasist modelling. Nevetheless, … Continue reading


A B-BBC reader asks; “During the milder than normal November/December of 2011, I saw a weather report on the BBC which used a graphic comparing temperatures to the average for the time of year. From memory, the graphic and the temperature line used nice warmish colours and was on an upward trajectory. This indicated the temperature was above average for the time of year, and that it would be rising … Continue reading


Biased BBC’s Alan reports;2The truth of theallegations against Jimmy Saville are not proven in any way and that is not thepoint of this… the BBC felt that the mere accusation was enough to’tarnish’ the BBC’s reputation and so they filed the report away never to beseen. BBC ‘buried Savile sex abuse claims to save its reputation’The BBC shelved a Newsnight investigation into allegations that Sir JimmySavile sexually abused a teenage girl … Continue reading

The BBC Will Not Be Discussing This Republican

Here’s one for you. Spend a moment or two studying the “Issues” page of the Mia Love for Congress website. Ms. Love is a Republican candidate for the US House of Representatives from Utah. Issues – Mia Love Notice the issues listed, and her positions on them. Note especially the ethnicity of all the people in the accompanying photos. Also notice how close her positions on certain issues tie in … Continue reading