Bravery, Beauty and the BBC

Here’s a happy and positive letter from unjustly-imprisoned Tommy Robinson. A short time ago he was finally given his mail after it was withheld from him out of spite by the employees of the police state. He’ll be out in three weeks. I doubt that BBC corridors will then be strewn with empty champagne bottles. I cannot find the audio of Jane Garvey’s inadvertent admission of BBC lefty bias, but … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread 24 August 2019

I often wonder what to write in this bit but it struck me that it’s a good place to summarise the weekly misdeeds of the Lefty pro EU Biased BBC So this week we’ve seen An official finding of bias in the EU election campaign by distorting results in favour of Remain Humph and RTHon David Davies on the naughty step for ‘ trivialising domestic violence ‘ The Head of … Continue reading

Start the Week Open Thread 19 August 2019

If weekend press reports are correct Government Ministers are to be advised not to go onto the Flagship/Wreck“Today Programme “ because it is a waste of time . Anyone who consumes the biased output of the BBC might understand why such a direction has been given and wonder why it hasn’t happened before . The question is – How will the Far Left , Pro EU , biased BBC react … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread 17 August 2019

The anti democratic – biased pro EU BBC continues to run daily episodes of Project Fear in the run up the the UK leaving the EU. Desperate amateur repeats after Three Years of Pro EU Propaganda . Luckily the British People are far more intelligent than the BBC thinks . Let’s hope it pays the price for deceit and lies in time .