General Election Thread 12 December 2019
Ready Comrades ?
Ready Comrades ?
Over to you ….
The final week of the General Election campaign . Have you had enough Far Left BBC bias? The BBC is throwing the whole range of propaganda to favour Labour against the Conservative/Brexit candidates . The end of the week will see how persuasive the BBC/MSM still is after so much poison .
A long week of Far Left BBC bias for those who can stand it . The BBC is trying to make people forget why there is a General Election in the first place and is actively helping the Far Left Labour Party undermine the Conservative message whilst ignoring Brexit .
Islamic Terrorists are attacking again and it’s 10 days to the General Election . Plenty of mud will be thrown about and we ll witness the biased Far Left BBC trying to make it stick to the Conservative and Brexit Party as much as possible . More and more people are finally realising how biased the BBC is ( see Andrew Marr ).
The next 13 days will see a pretty undisguised Far Left propaganda stream from the BBC . The latest terrorist attack in London will be harder for the BBC to ‘bury ‘ due to its’ very public nature with a lot of broad daylight footage online . We will have to wait and see if the BBC follow the usual pattern of minimising and ignoring the motivation to accord with … Continue reading
Nearly half way through the election campaign and the Far Left Pro Labour bias is pretty much set . Stories which potentially harm Conservative pro Brexit views are maximised whilst stories harming Labour are avoided or minimised . The Brexit Party is refusing to take part in C4 politics programmes and it can’t be long before the BBC is boycotted because of left and anti brexit bias . At least … Continue reading
Over to you .
The Far Left Biased BBC now has three weeks to sell the Labour Plan to sell out Brexit and Crash the economy . We can expect full coverage of non labour/Liberal candidates being abused whilst Labour candidates will be heroic in their support of Jeremy Corbyn . We must think of the many who can no longer stand the Bias and unfair coverage and the few who still force themselves … Continue reading