Weekend Thread 30 November 2019

The next 13 days will see a pretty undisguised Far Left propaganda stream from the BBC . The latest terrorist attack in London will be harder for the BBC to ‘bury ‘ due to its’ very public nature with a lot of broad daylight footage online . We will have to wait and see if the BBC follow the usual pattern of minimising and ignoring the motivation to accord with … Continue reading

Midweek Thread 27 November 2019

Nearly half way through the election campaign and the Far Left Pro Labour bias is pretty much set . Stories which potentially harm Conservative pro Brexit views are maximised whilst stories harming Labour are avoided or minimised . The Brexit Party is refusing to take part in C4 politics programmes and it can’t be long before the BBC is boycotted because of left and anti brexit bias . At least … Continue reading

Weekend Thread 23 November 2019

The Far Left Biased BBC now has three weeks to sell the Labour Plan to sell out Brexit and Crash the economy . We can expect full coverage of non labour/Liberal candidates being abused whilst Labour candidates will be heroic in their support of Jeremy Corbyn . We must think of the many who can no longer stand the Bias and unfair coverage and the few who still force themselves … Continue reading