Some may winder if the pouting Victoria Derbyshire over on BBC 5 Live in danger of being perceived of inciting disorder and riots against government policy? A Biased BBC reader says of her programme the other day… She spent the day with student protesters on the last two protests and now is asking ‘What is the best way to make your voice heard?‘ against government policy…this assumes of course that … Continue reading

The Straw that Nearly Broke the Camel’s Back

Jack Straw was being fashionably outspoken, and the admirable Douglas Murray and Mohammed Shafiq all shouted at once in a Newsnight chaired by Stephanie “toss-tosterone” Flanders.The best way they could deal with the question of Muslim racism against non-Muslims in a suitably non-racist way was to identify the practice of ‘men of Pakistani origin’ abusing vulnerable white girls, as a criminal rather that a culturally-motivated issue.Someone proposed that the police … Continue reading


I was very struck by this blog this morning, by Joseph D’Aleo, in which he relates that many diligent scientists – even thoose previously blinded by climate change fervour – are having doubts about the ozone hole scare. This, you may recall was the 1990-or-so sprinbgboard for the whole AGW industry, and showed the greenies how they could taste blood, make politicians jump and win their prized goal of new … Continue reading


I feel like a cracked record here but I am not going to let go. Another dime, another day, and Richard Black is at it again, illustrating that the climate alarmists are anxious for any new straw they can clutch. This time, it’s our old friend, the farting cow syndrome – if that nasty CO2 doesn’t get us, say dial-a-scare scientists, then methane will because billions of tons of it … Continue reading


Well, bless my soul, but BBC stalwart David Attenborough – having moved to Sky – has attacked the BBC for becoming too big, claiming its ‘sails need to be trimmed’. He said the corporation needed to be ‘refocused’ and had ‘strayed from the straight and narrow’. Sir David, who recently presented his first show for Sky, said it was vital that the licence fee-funded BBC represented ‘the highest aspirations of … Continue reading


The BBC is never happier than bashing those who succeed in generating profit. I suppose this is a consequence of the fact that they are handed £3bn a year without having to do anything other than undermine the Nation whose name it bears. Give THIS interview a listen. It’s classic anti-capitalism and the idea of balance is risible. TUC Comrade Brendan Barber leads the assault, and Garry Wilson gives the … Continue reading


Busy day so my first chance to catch up with you!. Spoke to the Mail on Sunday today re the BBC offering a lucrative contract to Racing Driver David Coulthard even as he retains a lucrative contract with Red Bull. I trust they will run the story on Sunday. Also, was alerted to this call for diversity feedback from the BBC. It seems Amanda Rice, BBC Head of Diversity, wants … Continue reading

Matt Frei’s Partisan Humor

Matt Frei simply cannot help himself. In his latest blogpost, he reveals his political bias when he says this: I know John Boehner has the Tea Party Taliban breathing down his neck Ha, ha, very droll. Just one more bit of slander from a BBC employee. I’m sure Helen Boaden is proud. Not to mention the fact that Frei’s piece is generally a humorous dressing down of the new Speaker … Continue reading