Midweek Open Thread 1 May 2019
Over to you Comrades …it’s May Day – but any protests in mainland Europe will be under reported by the the biased failing BBC . They’ll distract with the usual ‘ remain ‘ lies
Over to you Comrades …it’s May Day – but any protests in mainland Europe will be under reported by the the biased failing BBC . They’ll distract with the usual ‘ remain ‘ lies
Over to You…
We can get bogged down in individual incidents of BBC Bias – but trying to identify the main areas pro Muslim – anti Judeo Christian pro homosexuality – anti heterosexuality pro remain – anti democracy Pro multiculturalism – anti Britain pro green . Pro Scots/Irish /Welsh nationalism – but not English Pro London – wheres the rest of the UK?
Over to you .
The Slaughter of Christians by Muslims continues to be under reported by the BBC and the rest of the main stream media . Yet even the slightest incident involving Muslims as victims gets the full treatment . I’m sure the BBC could explain this – surely ?
I was going to call it the Easter Open Thread but this site is primarily about bearing witness to the bias of the Far Left BBC as opposed to specific religions [or none ]. Any way – there is a new line of attack for us . The BBC has whole heartedly swallowed all the human- activity-changing- climate stuff . You may agree or not . But the point is … Continue reading
Over to you .
Over to You – it’s Holy Week for Christians so the BBC will be making a special effort to come up with anti Christian ‘stories ‘ as there are some religions of which they approve and others not so much . The Godless can go on in their own happy way …
….and gets some heart-warming help from a Republican. Some of my eminent colleagues here have watched clips of Candace Owens fighting back against the Democrats, including her powerful defence against a sly, PeeCee defamer named Lieu, during the hearing on hate crimes. Out of general interest and in order to hear more from Candace, I decided to plough through 3 hours of the hearing on YouTube. An hour and 38 … Continue reading
The Biased Far Left BBC is trying to relegate Brexit to the ‘3rd headline ‘ . Some might say the State has realised that there are over 17 million voters who are angry because they can’t understand how democracy was subverted without a shot being fired .