Sorry for the lack of output from me here these past few days but normal service is resuming! Hey – have you been following the BBC’s coverage of the Local Council and London Mayoral elections? Some hilarious stuff – did you see Jeremy Vine’s performances late last night? Cringeworthy! Makes Peter Snow seem good. These results must be such a nightmare for Al-Beeb as Labour are humiliated across the country and it’s looking like Boris is going to dethrone the gruesome Livingstone in London – fingers crossed. I’ve heard some very easy rides being given to those Labour Minister suckers forced to come to camera – Alan “Postie” Johnson was given the most gentle of interviews on the lunchtime news. Did you see it? Tonight should be great stuff as the dawn of the end of Ken becomes apparent and the BBC have to see their beloved Jihad supporting Mayor take a your highlight of the election coverage…!
Just as Sky News are making it clear that Boris will win, the BBC are still equivocating on the Mayoral result as of 10pm. The line being taken is that Ken Livingstone WON the last time despite Labour, now he “may” lose because of Labour! Looks like the BBC will berate Labour but still loves the IRA supporting Jihad understanding Jew hating Livingstone.
UPDATE TWO. It’s now 10.30pm and Newsnight are still in denial mode. The air of depression is obvious although I noted that the lead item was prefaced with the description of Boris being a clown, a joker and chat-show host. Better than being a terror-supporting anti-semitic goon, eh?
UPDATE THREE. It’s now 10.45 and Newsnight are now in full-on “Save Gordon” mode. Ruth Kelly, a vision in pink, is being allowed to talk tripe and commentator Michael Crick has been saying that in a way this was not unexpected.
Has the old Boris gone forever? What happens if he returns? And what will it mean for David Cameron and the Conservatives?
The Tory leader does not want to spend the two years in the run-up to the next general election having to defend, or distance himself from, the London Mayor.
Mr Johnson is now the national and international face of London, one of the world’s greatest cities. He will now face media and political scrutiny.
As Londoners prepared to vote The Guardian newspaper published a series of articles urging people to reject Mr Johnson.
This is all the BBC has to say on the london victory…
“Similar articles appeared in other papers. The warning was clear: you may think you are voting for a charming Bertie Wooster-like figure but in fact you are about to hand power to a less pleasant character.
This is moment to trot out what is perhaps the most famous journalistic cliché of all – only time will tell.”
Magnanimous eh!
here is the link
“The warning was clear: you may think you are voting for a charming Bertie Wooster-like figure but in fact you are about to hand power to a less pleasant character.”
I have just read that quote again and repeated it because it is a quite utterly unbelievable thing to publish. What is tha basis for that opinion? is this actionable?
Let’s have some more of this democratic voting.
After the BBC’s rather desultory coverage of the Lisbon Treaty/Constitution debate of late, let it allow the case for a UK Referendum be publicised.
Brown, Miliband, Murphy, etc.,etc.,now talk about ‘listening to what the British people want’. We want democracy, national independence from the European Union, and a
“Court challenge to EU referendum”
“Stephen Pound’s raison d’etre” – indeed. And for 2 months in 1997, that little shit was my MP. Coming after Greenway, who was a very decent human being and a brilliant constituency MP.
Just been watching al-Beeb News 24. Phone interview with Polly Toynbee – Boris Johnson is lazy, disorganised, inefficient etc. etc.
Only elected because of Evening Standard campaign against Livingstone, etc. etc.
This was then followed by interview with Tony Travers of LSE (he’s a Labour quote slut) – with Travers saying how Johnson is going to need to be controlled by Tory Central Office because basically he’s crap. Not exactly in those words but that’s what al-Beeb wanted to get across to the punters.
“The polish has gone of the NuLabor project” – I thought it went in summer 1997, when Blair was shown to be corrupt, a liar and a bullying turd.
And on The Editors, apart from giving a list a few days ago of where people could access the BBC’s election ‘coverage’ the ‘editors’ have totally ignored the elections.
Yesterday’s two articles were on David Attenborough and, oh the irony, Can we trust the media by Kevin Marsh, ‘editor’ of the BBC College of Journalism.
“interview with Polly Toynbee – Boris Johnson is lazy, disorganised, inefficient etc. etc.
Only elected because of Evening Standard campaign against Livingstone, etc. etc.”
Yes, she really is clinically insane. Totally cut off from reality.
To take a screen shot, press the ‘Prnt Scrn’ button on your keyboard. This will take a snapshot of your whole desktop. Then open an image editing program. I use Photoshop and this is what to do:
1) press ‘prnt scrn’
2) open photoshop
3) press ‘ctrl’+’n’ to create a blank canvas (this will be automatically be exactly the same size as the screenshot)
4) press ‘ctrl’+’v’ to paste the screenshot.
5) drag a selection box over the bit you want to keep
6) select the ‘image’ drop down menu and then ‘crop’.
7) select ‘save as’ and save it as a jpeg.
You can now upload it to a filehosting website such as photobucket and post the link here.
Some posters use a preview function, although I don’t know how to do that.
Warning!!!!! On 5 lite the Tory hater Stephen Nolan is getting callers on (not from London) who are complaining that Boris’s sister was interviewed and was talking about celebtating with Champagne and Oysters.
Needless to say I rang the BBC and tried to get on the air to point out that Jane Garvey and the rest of the BBC also celebrated with Champagne in 1997. But the BBC wouldn’t let me on air.
They have been putting on loads of anti Tory callers. In fact for the last 20 minutes they’ve done nothing but attack Johnson.
The wanker Nolan is in full anti Boris attack mode now, the man is fuming at Johnson. Take a listen, it’s a disgrace.
The BBC are such BAD losers.
A couple of days ago BBC World TV was promising up to the minute updates on the local and Mayoral elections.
I must have blinked and missed it.
“It also vindicates Mr Cameron’s decision to back a maverick candidate” – definition of ‘maverick’, please? Someone with a human personality, perhaps, unlike McLiars’ gallery of lumbering droids from Brown down through Harridan and Balls-up all the way to the ghastly Blears et al, and not forgetting demented media tarts like most of the BBC and Guardian?
“There was little evidence of the flamboyant Wodehousian personality that has won him lucrative work as a newspaper columnist” – unlike said tarts, eh, e.g. the slug Toynbee?
“Better than being a terror-supporting anti-semitic goon, eh?”
surely you mean, Not as good as being…?
The wanker Nolan is in full anti Boris attack mode now, the man is fuming at Johnson. Take a listen, it’s a disgrace.
I listened. Amazing!
Martin, but don’t you enjoy their impotent fury and what it’s doing to their arteries? I know I do 😉
Screenshots: if you don’t have Photoshop, you can use the freeware IrfanView (downloadable from many sites – google for it). It’s brilliant.
“down like the bismarck:
Another subtle yet significant bit of bias by our friends at the BBC:
With all local election results declared, Sky News are reporting 299 Conservative gains, and 421 Labour losses here fixe…1314737,00.html.
However, the BBC are reporting these as +256 and -351, respectively, here:…ap/html/ map.stm.
The significant difference comes from the way in which the new Cheshire and Durham unitary authorities have been counted. The BBC has chosen to represent all of the seats won here as gains, whereas Sky have (correctly) calculated the gains and losses based on the old council seats.
Qu’elle surprise.
down like the bismarck | 02.05.08 – 7:28 pm | # ”
Well it seems to me that the Telegraph and the Guardian agree with the BBC’s figures:
Again its B-BBC and half a story – why did you fail to mention that other news outlets posted exactly the same figures as the BBC?
Right, because that means by your logic the Telegraph was diddling the numbers to make Labour look better off.
In fact, if I were to point the finger at anyone for dodgey numbers it would be Sky.
I retract and apologise for the comment made about Tony Travers. I have no evidence for this and the comment was made in the heat of the moment.
Boris Johnson will make no serious difference.
Anyway, I heard Ken Mugabe has had his goons tamper with the ballot boxes, and he still lost.
Nonsense, Woad. There will be no more Nazis visiting city hall at the tax-payer’s expense. That’s worth it on its own to have a so-called ‘useless Eton-educated buffoon and maverick’, even if he really were one.
MisterMinit: oh, dear …
Just wait until, Gordon Brown’s re-launch
Grimer | 03.05.08 – 12:58 am
Nearly Oxfordian | 03.05.08 – 1:07 am
Thanks guys, I’ll see if I can get my ageing compt. system cranked up to do screenshots.
“The BBC was reporting last night that Labour had done worse than at any time for 40 years. However, the truth for the Government is much bleaker.
The 24 per cent share of the electorate recorded by Labour is the lowest since the party emerged on the national scene at the start of the 20th century. ”
I heard the Toynbee interview. It was a classic hissy fit.It’s the first time iv’e laughed at a leftie social commentator.
The BBC World coverage ran from denial to “it’s bad” to a route.
They spun a story of Boris/Ken so close to call line right up to the results. Even then it was interspersed with Boris stupid and Boris clown stories, of course completely ignoring the punchy, alcoholic, corrupt legacy of vermin Livingfilth who threw someone down a stairwell after he objected to Livingfilth beating up his pregnant girlfriend. Of course we now know that Livingfilth’s brain was in his dick. How many children does he have by how many different mothers? And how many are on welfare benefits?
Not a word from BBC scum about Livingfilth’s indiscretions, but if Boris sneezes, well Tories beware, they`ll be all over it like the maggots on a carcase that they are.
By the way, being where I am I don`t see mainsteam BBC.
Has the preposterous Toynbee been on BBC slagging off the voters for being ‘ungrateful’ again (and unchallenged by the the BBC clown). The socialist slag did this the last time the party of filth and corruption got a hammering.
Anyone remember the BBC trumpeting “Were you up for Portillo”.
Well were you up for Livingfilth.
I was, it was 5:00 pm where I am.
Having had to endure Livingfilth`s London during our daily commute, me and the wife gave a huge cheer when we saw the result.
BBC do you really think the Conservatives are going to `forget and forgive` when they get back in.
Bryan | 03.05.08 – 12:37 am:
Wish I knew how to do screen shots. You really can’t make this stuff up. The BBC is adololescent.
Nearly Oxfordian is right – the freeware “IrfanView” is brilliant – its prime purpose is as an image viewer-converter. I’ve not come across anything better.
For screenshots of entire web pages (i.e. including any parts of the page that aren’t in view) try ACA Capture Pro free for 30 days ($40 to buy). It’s really easy to use. Once installed just right click on the page and select. You can use it for video-recording the BBC’s iplayer broadcasts too.
It’s all too much’s link bears repeating:
headed “Analysis. Boris’ big win”, by some incompetent shite named Sean Curran. And a worse, piss-poorer, scissors and paste job you’ll not see for many moons. This is incompetent journalism at its lowest level. The sentences have been stitched together by a blind man in a coal cellar, there’s no argument, no structure, just a load of random soundbites fished out of articles the same moron has been producing over the last 48 hours. “Analysis”? Try “failed GCSE comprehension test”
I mentioned here
that last night the BBC felt Boris’ victory was less important than Mugabe’s latest fiddling with the truth of Zimbabwe’s election. Today the news homepage has grudgingly elevated Boris above Mugabe with this crap:
Johnson wins London mayor race
Conservative Boris Johnson wins the London mayoralty, adding to a bad set of local election results for the UK’s governing party.
Hell, could the BBC be more negative and flatly understated about a well-deserved and hard-fought victory? This wasn’t a bad set of results for Labour. They were bloody well demolished.
“It’s all too much’s link bears repeating:…ics/ 7380916.stm
headed “Analysis. Boris’ big win”, by some incompetent shite named Sean Curran. And a worse, piss-poorer, scissors and paste job you’ll not see for many moons.” – yup, that’s where I found the sub-moronic drivel about ‘tousle-haired’ and ‘maverick’ and Cameron distancing himself and ‘lucrative newspaper column’ and all the rest of it.
Anon 12:26: Stephen Pound is one Labour MP I will really be hoping loses his seat in 2009/10.
Jonathan Boyd Hunt | Homepage | 03.05.08 – 5:27 am,
Thanks for that, JBH.
The way the BBC have behaved through all this proves two things:-
1) Their reporting is purely for themselves.
2) Nobody is listening to them.
That last comment must be the most bitter pill to swallow, because soon the BBC will be throwing it’s own lifebelt in, as they do their worst to convince a bitter public why the BBC license fee shouldn’t be split across a hundred different media outlets all bidding for a slice of public broadcasting.
The end of the BBC as we know it is nigh, and there is absoultely NOTHING any of them can do about it except start looking for a fresh public funded trough to bury their snouts in.
As for Boris Johnson becoming mayor, perhaps he is a buffoon, but I agree with Nearly Oxfordian. At least he won’t be championing the causes of murderous religious zealots while he spends the rest of his time poising pigeons and smashing up buses.
The BBC are pretending that the local elections never happened, take a look at their “news” front pages; it’s all Boris and the McCanns. Even when they run a story on the aftermath of the local elections, it’s from the point of view of Gordon Brown and the Labour party not the Conservatives. The BBC is just the house broadcaster of the Labour party, why should we be forced to pay for its vile propaganda?
PREMEDITATED Have the conservatives / LD’s/ Others instigated an Alex Ferguson type boycott of BBC?
Watched results Thursday / Friday till 2.45 (wonder why?)Yes usual studio panel journos / politicians etc – but why only Labour MP’s at their local count?(coordinated response “it’s all about listening”) Just happened to be passing? No other party figures out at their town hall? Does the Beeb only interview defeated parties on these occasions (whoever that might be)? WAKE UP APPARACHICKS! This takes coordinatined planning and is totally transparent to anyone who has any knowledge of live TV.
Similarly last night – Newsnight – lame excuse about no shadow minister being available. Why am I surprised that only press reviewer old chestnut Michael White of the Guardian available. New24 until 1.45 (there are limits!) Only PollyTs number available?. BrianP, TJowell, ‘have you stopped beating your wife’ with Boris interviews apart only comments from beeb political editors / correspondants (how many have they got?)& Travers. Are the reseachers the QuestionTime mob or are they only following orders? Great idea for fly on the wall doc – ‘A day in the life, Inside the BBC Newsroom’
Toady prog on Saturday morning characterises Boris as a ‘buffoon’ , but strangely not livingstone as ‘corrupt, nepotistic & induging in cronyism’ , all of which epithets apply equally.
Is the BBC’s ‘analysis’ of Boris Johnson’s victory in the Mayor for London contest the most one sided leftist attack on Boris you could see given he won? It’s just basically running the poor guy down, full with a cut and paste job from the BBC’s in house toilet paper the Guardian. No sign of any balance in the article, like Boris’ good qualities.
I guess it’s time to add Sean Curran to the ‘list’ as another first rate tosser working at the BBC.
Re 5 lite They have been putting on loads of anti Tory callers. In fact for the last 20 minutes they’ve done nothing but attack Johnson.
The wanker Nolan is in full anti Boris attack mode now, the man is fuming at Johnson. Take a listen, it’s a disgrace.
Martin | 03.05.08 – 12:59 am
A procession of lefties, who like the Alibi Brown on Sky last night, know better than the poor, ignorant & gullible voters.
Nolan promises 3 more hours of it from 10pm tonight.
The pro-Ken/anti-Boris tone was pretty relentless and structural in all the BBC News 24 coverage I saw last night and this morning. The emphasis was heavily on ‘Boris the Buffoon’ with analysis of Ken’s corrupt regime virtually nil. The impression was of Livingstone as a departing hero. By contrast, Andrew Gilligan – the Evening Standard’s lead reporter on Ken’s alleged corruption – was questioned by John Sopel last night in sneery tones that implied that he was a maverick gutter journalist, while Polly Toynbee was afforded the status of royalty.
Overall, this was handled as a sad loss, rather than an outstanding victory for the Conservatives and Boris personally. His success was firmly put down to spin doctors.
Out of the country and a bit behind on the news today – but nice to wake up to wall to wall good tidings.
I hope somewhere in the bowels of Nulab HQ there’s a spinner crying into his latte and dimly remembering, from his Oxbridge days, G.K. Chesterton’s unmatched lines on the English………
They have given us into the hands of the new unhappy lords,
Lords without anger and honour, who dare not carry their swords.
They fight by shuffling papers; they have bright dead alien eyes;
They look at our labour and laughter as a tired man looks at flies.
And the load of their loveless pity is worse than the ancient wrongs,
Their doors are shut in the evenings; and they know no songs.
We hear men speaking for us of new laws strong and sweet,
Yet is there no man speaketh as we speak in the street.
It may be we shall rise the last as Frenchmen rose the first,
Our wrath come after Russia’s wrath and our wrath be the worst.
It may be we are meant to mark with our riot and our rest
God’s scorn for all men governing. It may be beer is best.
But we are the people of England; and we have not spoken yet.
Smile at us, pay us, pass us. But do not quite forget.
Well, Nulab, we’ve spoken now and – to put it less elegantly than Chesterton – Which bit of “F*ck off” don’t you understand?
And to beeboids everywhere – never forget your turn is coming soon.
Well Said. Gordon, take your Scottish army back across the border to think again.
Anyone notice that the BBC dropped UKIP out of the mayoral results, keeping the 3 candidates that polled lower?
Andrew: I thought it was interesting that the BNP only got 7,000 vote less than the Green party which as we know has had endless airtime on the BBC.
It just shows that the so called “green issue” is a minority issue and they don’t deserve any more airtime on the BBC than the BNP or UKIP.
What really heartens me though is that I think the BBC is a busted flush. Despite all their effort they couldn’t get red Ken elected and they won’t save McBean.
The internet exposes the lies they promote (like climate change) and we can see the hatred they have for the Tories exposed on a daily basis.
What we must do is put pressure on the Tory party that if they do win the next election (and I think that’s now odds on) the BBC MUST be finished off. WE have to put pressure on Tory MP’s, we have to remind them of the BBC bias and make sure the BBC is sorted once and for all.
Sell it off, scrap the TV tax, I don’t care, but end it as a haven for fat left wing harridens like Toynbee.
Going back to wanker boy Nolan last night on his hissy fit queen rant about Boris Johnson. He got upset because they were drinking Champagne and eating Oysters. When a caller asked who was paying for it, wanker boy said “we don’t know”.
But he continued to rant about it. I might be wrong but I assume there was some sort of party at the Council building afterwards probably to celebrate the elections including all the staff and the journalists there as well?
Fact it, Nolan is a journalist so could have found out fefore shouting this pathetic (and very punchable) face off.
Once the shock passes, the Beeboids will get the gloves off now and go into full pro-Labour anti-Tory election mode. The bais will become extra-ordinary blatant.
My personal favourite moment, was an ashed faced Mill-broon blustering on about how it was really a great Labour triumph and rudely accusing a Tory lady of being complacent. Needless to say he got a free reign to spout all sorts of nonsense completely unchallenged.
I’ll say something else, too. The BBC must be petrified, not just because Boris and the Tories have had such a good couple of days, but because they have had all this success despite the BBC’s constant bias. When you look at the rubbish the BBC has thrown at Cameron, Boris and the Conservatives in general over the last couple of years (yes, it has gone on longer, but wasn’t directly related to this new ‘crop’), it is astounding that the millions of people who watch the BBC clearly haven’t been taken in by their propaganda. They must be terrified that it’s not working anymore.
Yes, let’s hope the arrogance that permeates Broadcasting House continues for the next 2 years.
Personally I want them to continue supporting labour to the very moment they are booted out of office – and of course for weeks after – as the Conservatives plan to rid the UK of them forever.
Yest, now would be a good time to take advantage of this blow to the BBC. Don’t let conservative politicians ever forget who’s side the BBC have been on and the damage they have done to this nation over the past decade.
martin .. “What we must do is put pressure on the Tory party that if they do win the next election (and I think that’s now odds on) the BBC MUST be finished off. WE have to put pressure on Tory MP’s, we have to remind them of the BBC bias and make sure the BBC is sorted once and for all.”
Agreed. The whole rotten reactionary edifice has to be torn down.