Sorry for the lack of output from me here these past few days but normal service is resuming! Hey – have you been following the BBC’s coverage of the Local Council and London Mayoral elections? Some hilarious stuff – did you see Jeremy Vine’s performances late last night? Cringeworthy! Makes Peter Snow seem good. These results must be such a nightmare for Al-Beeb as Labour are humiliated across the country and it’s looking like Boris is going to dethrone the gruesome Livingstone in London – fingers crossed. I’ve heard some very easy rides being given to those Labour Minister suckers forced to come to camera – Alan “Postie” Johnson was given the most gentle of interviews on the lunchtime news. Did you see it? Tonight should be great stuff as the dawn of the end of Ken becomes apparent and the BBC have to see their beloved Jihad supporting Mayor take a your highlight of the election coverage…!
Just as Sky News are making it clear that Boris will win, the BBC are still equivocating on the Mayoral result as of 10pm. The line being taken is that Ken Livingstone WON the last time despite Labour, now he “may” lose because of Labour! Looks like the BBC will berate Labour but still loves the IRA supporting Jihad understanding Jew hating Livingstone.
UPDATE TWO. It’s now 10.30pm and Newsnight are still in denial mode. The air of depression is obvious although I noted that the lead item was prefaced with the description of Boris being a clown, a joker and chat-show host. Better than being a terror-supporting anti-semitic goon, eh?
UPDATE THREE. It’s now 10.45 and Newsnight are now in full-on “Save Gordon” mode. Ruth Kelly, a vision in pink, is being allowed to talk tripe and commentator Michael Crick has been saying that in a way this was not unexpected.
I also hope the BBC continues to support McBean. The greatest asset the Tories has is in McBean. The man is an idiot has no idea what he is doing and is going to continually keep dropping clangers.
I do laugh at the BBC attacking Boris saying he’s never run anything, but what had McBean and Bliar run before they got elected in 1997?
But once the Tories do get power, they MUST do something about the BBC. With the switch to digital, the BBC could easily be made a subscription only service so all those Guardian readers that think it’s great value for money can continue to pay for it.
I’d also like to to see the commercial subsidy the Guardian Newspaper gets stopped as well. Government jobs should be advertised in all the papers not just the Guardian.
I’d love to know how much money they make from those jobs pages.
But Martin… Brown-noser has LOTS of experience running things. The country into the ground, for starters.
From private school to university to Labour party to Labour candidate to MP to Cabinet to PM.
That’s Brown — never had a frackin’ actual “job” in his whole life.
Flipping burgers at the local McDoanlds would be beyond this workshyte sub-marxist.
As a great admirer of Chesterton, thanks for that!
Look, we even get it in the sport pages now:
Check out the comment from 12.10.
Boris Johnson is Ken Livingstone but with recidivist standards of consistency, decency, and humanity.
With Tories winning elections and global warming stopping for ten more years its tough for the BBC at the moment. They’ll need every penny of their £3 billion per year to get us back on the straight and narrow, but they’ll be OK. We’re all on the database.
given the usual bank holiday weather …I am enjoying basking in the beebs humiliation…its a good day.
The Beeboids are frantic,the whole leftist part of the MSM is in a hissy fit.We must mock them,sneer and jeer at them,destroy the assumed moral high ground that they have falsely adopted.
Agreed Peter.
Can anyone recommend a place I can go sneer and rub salt into the wounds where Beeboids are most likely to read it. I have already posted on “Have Our Say” on the BBC website but it’s not enough to satiate my hunger to sneer.
I would have gone and done some sneerng on BBC reports on Youtube, but Youtube has vanished off the face of the earth at the moment. Try it!
Mr Gravy … you could try the Grauniad. Or the (In-de-tank-4-Labour) Independent. It’s the same audience.
But be warned, the “tolerant” libz posters get very intolerant of contrarian views involving free speech.
Bryan – You might also want to look at Picasa. It is a free program, available from Google, that does a good job of cataloging all your pictures.
But it is also quite good at minor fixes for photographs. If I am working with photos, I will often try Picasa first, before bringing in a heavyweight program like Photoshop, or Paintshop Pro. (I use it with Linux, but the Windows version is almost identical.)
Woad, have you sought professional help?
Buffoon or journalist? It is amusing to see that the BBC keeps referring to Boris Johnson as a buffoon when he is, in fact, a journalist, or, if you prefer, a journalist/politician, a breed more common in Britain than the US.
By denigrating him they are, implicitly, denigrating their own profession.
(My impression is that he was a successful editor of the Spectator, but if I am wrong about that, please feel free to correct me.)
Oh, and congratulations to the voters of England and Wales, especially those in London.
Laughing Gravy | 03.05.08 – 1:12 pm
I tried to sneer at them here,
pointing out that I was amazed at their total silence in the light of this stunning political upheaval. Dunno if they’ll publish it.
Jim Miller | Homepage | 03.05.08 – 1:50 pm
Thanks for that.
Bryan, nice one. I just dropped them a quick sneer on that link.
Well, we’ll see if they can take being sneered at.
Laughing Gravy,
You could try for some Beeb bashing. Specifically the ‘broadcasting’ section. The leftist stench is all to apparent there and you can hit them hard while they are down at the moment.
You’ll be able to spot the leftist assholes just by their post counts which run into 10’s of 1000’s.
To get you started try:
– (warning: assholes present)
Happy Beeb bashing…
The Beeboids are frantic…..
Peter | 03.05.08 – 12:57 pm | #
The following BBC election report clearly written by an unhappy beeboid- with left leanings and no doubt more than a little subconscious regard for the Respect party- has a sub-heading in bold type:
‘Respect Stoke voters’
Strange, how this was culled from this comment: ” Mr Tappin said: “We have lost some seats, strangely enough, not to the Conservatives but to the independents and the BNP. I think that will be sad for the government of Stoke but that is what Stoke’s voters want and we have to respect that.”
Picture the Beeboids,sat miserably in a bar,disconsolately pushing the cherry in their Campari and lemonade round with the little umbrella.Tears course down their cheeks,smudging their eye shadow.
The women have taken it even worse.
The amusing part is,the prattle about Brown having two years to put things right.Interesting he fucked things up in only a few months.
Have just joined and posted several sneers, both about their pathological anti-Boris and anti-Israel bias and about the obscene amount they’ve spent on ‘rebranding’ themselves. What a bunch of wankers.
LOL, Peter.
From DigitalSpy:
“The problem with most of the “anti BBC” posts on these boards is people refuse to engage in a proper debate. They simply ignore questions that are uncomfortable or they change the subject”
OK, OK, I know that one shouldn’t mock the slow of thinking. They can’t help being dumb. But really …
My god, just five minutes of reading some of the blather on digital spy and my toes are curling. Some of those posters come off like Christian missionaries spreading the gospel of the BBC. What world do these pipe smoking simpletons inhabit because it certainly isn’t the real world.
Discussions on how fantastic the BBC is and what value for money the license fee is.
The posters can only be hardline Beeboids and nothing else. If ever a place was asking to be trolled, that has to be it. I’m off!
Digital Spy is the home of the McLiebour camp leather and stilleto wearing male Beeboid
‘Respect Stoke voters’
But I predict that my native city will shortly become an object of hate for bourgeois leftists. Expect articles in the Guardian (‘City of Suspicion and Fear’) and a Panorama doc (‘Mosley’s Shadow’) in the near future.
The local MP Mark Fisher (Lab) is an Old Etonian…but that’s just it with the vulgar masses – they can’t get anything right. If they vote for a toff in London they’re immersed in a culture of deference, and if they veer away from the toff’s party in Stoke they’re knuckle dragging bigots.
If only they all listened to Radio 4.
I see Al-Beeb has lost no time in reporting that James Whale, the Talksport presenter, has just been sacked for advising listeners to vote for Boris in the mayoral election.
Apparently, it’s illegal for presenters to openly advocate the choice of one party over another in advance of an election! Of course, we all know that BBC presenters have been faithfully and objectively holding that non-partisan line for years, haven’t they.
The hypocrisy just goes on and on.
Least we forget what Londoners rid themselves of: