Well, it’s the morning after as the dust settles and what have the BBC been saying? Well, they have been struggling to get past a sentence about Boris Johnson which does not contain the word “buffoon” for starters. Then we have them giving Jack Straw – the Chemical Ali of the Labour project – being given an easy ride on Today where he was allowed to babble about how great Labour had been but how it had been damaged by not listening enough and those pesky global financial pressures. You could feel the pain in the interviewers tone, I doubt champagne corks popped last night at Broadcasting House. I also noticed two stories that the BBC have not bothered much about following the results of the London elections. First the success of the BNP. Whether you like them or not – and I don’t -nonetheless their performance was quite credible and worthy of more coverage. It got virtually no coverage. Why? Also the crushing defeat at the poll by Saddam Hussein’s cheer-leader George Galloway has hardly been mentioned. Surely the BBC wouldn’t want to minimise the rejection of this nauseous specimen?
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And on the morning that EVERY newspaper is presenting the Labour disaster of the last few days for exactly what it is – a disaster – what’s the BBC website headline?
“Brown offers Labour reassurance”!
The BBC’s contribution to Boris Johnson’s celebrity, via e.g his appearances on ‘Have I Got News For You’, indirectly assisted his success as Tory candidate for London Mayor; perhaps now the latest ‘HIGNFY’ chairman, Brian Blessed could be offered as a political candidate.
If you have iPlayer access:
Otherwise, web extracts here:
BBC news at 10pm (or thereabouts). The lead story – not that Boris had been elected (it still wasn’t 24 hours since the result had been declared)- but that the senior ministers were going to meet to plan Labour’s comeback. So a Labour party meeting was the top story – don’t they have them all the time?
When will the BBC understand that 44% of people chose to vote Conservative and less than 10% of the population wanted Labour? I know it is a rhetorical question. The BBC don’t understand they are out of touch with the general population. The sooner they are privatised the better – and I won’t be buying shares.
I don’t like the BNP. That’s why I don’t pay them a subscription. I don’t like the BBC but I have to pay for their slanted news, lumbering ‘analysis’ and all the trash TV like Eastenders that rolls off their mass production line. Why? All I want my TV for is Sky Sports.
George .. “Brian Blessed could be offered as a political candidate.”
Well he has the perfect credentials to be a politico, his favourite topic of conversation is “Brian Blessed” …
I used him in a radio commercial I recorded many moons ago. He was booked for a hour… he spent the first 45 minutes.. talking about Brian Blessed… quite often in the third person as well!
Latest website headline: ‘I feel voters’ pain’, says Brown
The beeb types are o desperate they are not even attempting to disguise their propaganda any more.
It’s beyond belief, rolling on the floor funny. It seems to be run by a pretentious halfwit calling himself Lenin.”
He’s not a youth. He’s a student in his early 30s. His name is Richard Seymour. He’s from Northern Ireland. He calls himself Lenin on his internet blog.
Classic “Lenins Tomb”:
A. Eurovision should really be called
Above post correction:
It’s beyond belief, rolling on the floor funny. It seems to be run by a pretentious halfwit calling himself Lenin.”
He’s not a youth. He’s a student in his early 30s. His name is Richard Seymour. He’s from Northern Ireland. He calls himself Lenin on his internet blog.
Classic “Lenins Tomb”:
A. Eurovision should really be called “CrackerVision”.
B. Old schoolmates from Friends re-united who you were once afraid of should be raped “just to establish once and for all who is the master”.
C. ‘V for Vendetta’ is a “really good film”. Lenin, like V, has a book fetish and an axe to grind. An intellectual superhero. One day Lenin, like V, after having been brutally tortured will emerge from the flames all naked and superhuman; as imposing, as monolithic and as terrifying to his enemies as the school bullies were to young Mr Seymour.
D. Remember that incident in the summer where holiday makers didn’t want to fly in a plane with Muslim men in leather jackets?
Lenin royaly slagged it off, which was basically the right thing to do. However he ended his attack on them by imagining himself in the scene and telling them to sit their “fat, pampered, white ass down.”
E. The recent Israel-Lebanon war was actually “white on brown violence”.
Well, a racist leftist, who would have thought we would see the day?..
I have provided a few links but I can’t be bothered with anymore. Lenin’s Tomb is a cesspit of hatred and bile. And I remember Marxists used to at be so intellectually competant. Lenin’s Tomb–like its author–is a flabby paroxysm of heaving sweaty meat.
-=[ Weap0n of A$$ De$tructi0n ]=-
Unbelievable!!! On Radio 5 just now Gabby Logan (and leftie guests) had Andrew Gilligan on. He was attacked non-stop for his “unfair” reporting about Livingstone (what corruption)
They all thought it was time for the papers to be neutral (does that include Socialist worker, The Guardian, The Independent and the Daily Mirror as well I wonder) in an election. Of course unlike the BBC, if you don’t like what the Evening Standard writes, you don’t have to buy it. Oh and of course the vile Ms Logan read out only anti Boris emails. Just what happened to the 1.2 million people that voted for Boris? I’ve sent some 30 emails in about the BBC and their arse licking of Ken since the election result. Not a single one read out, so if the BBC try to claim that they are not getting pro Boris emails, they are lying and I have the evidence to prove it.
As Gilligan pointed out, none of his stories were lies they were based on fact (not that the BBC are interested in the truth of course) and the Police have been involved for some time.
However, that was not good enough for the leftoids on the BBC. They really did attack Gilligan that he helped get rid of the sainted Ken. When Gilligan pointed out that the voters of London had had their say he wa almost hung.
The BBC just don’t bother to hide their bias anymore
Gilligan slapped them down like a bunch of sulky teenagers who didn’t get their own way – I think he was very calm as they seemed to be advocating restrictions of the free press to avoid future ‘bias’.
The ‘listeners comments’ were probably written by the producers. The Beeb has hiostory on that sort of thing.
WoAD | 03.05.08 – 1:53 pm |
Did you have the origin of that quote? The source (book? – P Johnson?) sounds worthy of a read.
woganjosh: Yes Gilligan did a good job on them, mostly because ?logan and her leftoid mates were talking shit.
However, it goes shows the BBC are upset that “democracy” didn’t give them the result they wanted.
The BBC are behaving in the same way that they did when Bush won in 2000 and 2004.
Radio 5 is probably one of the most antri Tory parts of the BB (and that is saying something). The Nolan show the other night which literally spouted HATRED for Boris Johnson went far beyond anything that could be considered fair or balanced.
I’m hoping that the BBC are panicking. They can see the Tories getting power at the next elextion and along with getting rid of the Scots out of English politics the BBC will be in the sights of the Tories.
If we can apply enough pressure to the Tories (keep bringing up the subject of the extersion that is the licence fee and the hatred the BBC has for them) they might be brave enough to kill the BBC once and for all.
Unbelievable!!! On Radio 5 just now Gabby Logan (and leftie guests) had Andrew Gilligan on. He was attacked non-stop for his “unfair” reporting about Livingstone (what corruption)
Yeah, I saw the interview with Gilligan by Sopel the day after the election. Sopel asked Gillian if his reporting was biased. That made me chuckle. It was like a 28 stone, bed-ridden blimp saying to someone who may or may not be slightly overweight, ‘Hey, don’t you think you ought to lose a bit of weight fatty?’
Around the same time the Beeb interviewed Tony Benn. Did anyone know he’s now senile? I didn’t. According to him, the massive Labour defeat, nationally, was all the fault of Blair, or ‘Blairism’ as he termed it. And since Blair was created by Thatcher (presumably in an underground laboratory somewhere), when you get down to brass tacks, the defeat was actually the fault of Thatcher. Just like probably everything in Benn’s irrelevant life. ‘Oh fiddlesticks, I’ve overdone my boiled egg. Damn you Thatcher!’
He then went on on contradict himself a few times and waffled on about something or other I didn’t bother to listen to since it had become obvious to me that he’d lost his marbles. I’m not sure who the interviewer was (possibly Sopel again), but whoever it was, he was probably composing the purge request form (or however they do it these days) in his head.
I’m very pleased to say that I got through the whole election without the need for the BBC at all.
On election night I monitored sites like ConservativeHome, Ian Dale Blog, Sky and Simon Derby Blog. Gave me all I needed to know – including the fact that BBC coverage was appalling.
Post that I use a variety of sites including PoliticsHome to keep up with the best reviews – plus of course the personal comments. I don’t need the BBC to read me out their monitored reactions.
I watched the ‘entertaining bits’ eg Littlejohn vs Toynbee, Jeremy Vine’s dreadful antics, Boris’ victory speech over Ken on iplayer, live on the internet (turned off all the BBC claptrap reporting), and on YouTube.
Result, quite happy to write to my MP an point out that the BBC in this day and age is just no longer necessary. I have absolutely no need of their filter, and the analysis is so minimal it is not worth a candle.
PS But I’ve enjoyed reading here about all the ‘bias’ and ‘blather’ I’ve missed. Nice to know the BBC lefties are upset – excellent news.
Come on, that ghastly fascist Benn was born demented.
WoAD | 03.05.08 – 1:53 pm |
Did you have the origin of that quote? The source (book? – P Johnson?) sounds worthy of a read.
PJ | 04.05.08 – 11:32 am |
The quote is from “Nihilism, the root of the revolution of the modern age”
Allow me to communicate to you some extracts from “Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future” by Fr. Seraphim Rose:
“The goals of the New-Age include a “convergence of religions” in tandem with a “confluence” of political and economic forces toward World Government. The plan for a New World Order would include a universal credit system, a universal tax, a global police force, and an international authority that would control the worlds food supply and transportation systems.”
“All forms of Discrimination would cease, and peoples’ allegiance to tribe or nation will be replaced by a planetary conciousness”
“It should be pointed out that many New-Agers today would not be aware of, much less subscribe to, all the point of “The Plan”. As we have seen, the movement incorporates a diverse array of groups, ideas and practices. If it can be called a “conspiracy”, this is certainly not because all New Agers are working together secretly, o an organizational level, toward fulfilllment of “The Plan”. Ultimately, “The Plan” is being orchestrated not on a human but on a demonic level, and the architects of the New Age movement are, to a large degree, only mouthpieces of ideas that are not their own”
“Alice Bailey [a UN ideologue] in the 1940s wrote: “the expressed aims and efforts of the United Nations will be eventually brought to fruition, and a new church of God, gathered out of all religions and spiritual groups, will unitedly bring to an end the great heresy of separateness”
“William Swing, Episcopal Bishop of California and founder/director of the United Religions Initiative, expressed it in his book The Coming United Religions: “The time comes … when common language and a common purpose for all religions and spiritual movements must be discerned and agreed upon. Merely respecting and understanding other religions is not enough.”
On Denatured Christianity: “Although not all globalists share the specifically religious goals, they are certainly united in their view of what kind of religion will not fit into the one-world system they are working to create. Conservative, traditional adherents of a religion, who believe that their religion is a unique fulfilment of the fullness of the truth, will not be welcome in the “global village”. As Paul Chaffe, board member of the United religions Initiative, said in 1997: “We can’t afford fundamentalists in a world this small.” The same view was expressed at the 1998 State of the World Forum, Jim Garrison announced: “If my theology is an impediment, than I have to get rid of my theology.”
“Also in 1998, this subject was discussed in some detail by one of the more recent ideologues of the “new religious consciousness,” Ken Wilber. A popular author whose works have been praised and avidly studied by both former President Clinton and Al Gore, Wilber outlined the agenda that the world must follow in order to combine science with religion, as well as to establish a “Universal Theology” [Global Warming anyone?] which all religions can embrace without losing their outward differences. “Religions” the world over will have to bracket their mythic beliefs,” and he cites as examples Moses parting the Red Sea, Christ born of a virgin etc”
“Wilber than says “only those who embrace the new religious consciousness, or who at least bracket their religious beliefs, will survive in the coming global society, which Wilber says will be marked by a “worldcentric” awareness based in “universal pluralism”.”
“Unity in Diversity, destroys diversity. If an adherant to a religion believes that all other religions are equal to his own, he can no longer truly hold to that religion; he can no longer be who he is. He becomes a blank – a blank waiting to be filled with a new revelation. There is only sameness based on blankness. This false “unity in diversity” is precisely what Satan will use in order to hypnotize the mass mind in the last days. And if you have no particular religious belief and give yourself over to some kind of vague idea, then the demons come in and begin to act – as the many New-Age cult mass murder/suicides attest”.
You know, you will be surprised how common Satanism is becoming these days. From Tai-Chi to meditation, to healing massage (Reiki), astrology, wicca, “complimentary therapies”, these are all religious practices – not lifestyle choices. And they’re very common.
Also, Richard Dawkins is held in thrall to devils. Do you know what he said? He hopes for Aliens to arrive on Earth with superior wisdom and to reveal the origin of life- to reveal the “missing link” of Darwinism. These Aliens, are revealed to be devils when scrutinized with LOGIC and REASON. IRONICALLY.
All secularized religious practices and charlatan science druids have in common a desire to “raise consciousness” by channeling a vague “spirit” or “force” of all pervasive “Oneness”.
-=[ Weap0n of A$$ Destructi0n ]=-
Nearly Oxfordian:
Come on, that ghastly fascist Benn was born demented.
Ha. I can believe that. A boy named Sue… I mean Hillary.
And we need this mystical waffle because … ?
Gibby Haynes: Did Benn start going on about how he fought the Nazi’s? All the way from a beach in south Africa you know!!
The man is not just demented (just look at the mad stare in his eyes) he’s also very sad. He’s stuck in the red wedge left days of the 1970’2 and 80’s.
He probably thinks British Leyland made good cars as well!!!
Don’t miss “Tony Benn’s Greatest Hits”
When veteran politician, Tony Benn, retired from parliament “to devote more time to politics” a career move into the music business was not part of his retirement plan. But now the much loved elder statesman of British politics has teamed up with urban record producer, Charles Bailey – creator of the “Don’t shoot”, “Don’t forget to vote” and Met police rap campaigns – in a unique collaboration that is causing a stir in political and music industry circles. “Tony Benn’s Greatest Hits” is a compilation album of memorable speeches delivered by one of the greatest orators of our time, set to music composed by a 21st century maestro. The first track on the album features a powerful speech made during a House of Commons debate on war in Iraq before the start of the bombing campaign in 1998 – laid over an ambient “groove” that mixes elements of jazz, R&B and classical music.
I kid you not!
Biodegradable: He’s still loved by the BBC though, as is George Galloway. Galloway was back on Talksport last night. Oh dear poor George, his beloved Cuba is slowly turning away from the darkside (Communism) and the Tories gave him an arse kicking in London.
It was really amusing to hear all his wet left mates literally crying on the radio. I love it!!
As for the demented fascist demagogue (oops … beloved elder statesman and great orator), this yellow-belly tosser was too scared to urge people to refuse to pay the pool tax from outside Parliament, where he could rightly be prosecuted for criminal incitement, so he only did it in the safety of the Commons. But I am sure every beeboid loser will buy this pathetic CD.
I don’t think Brown feeling the voters pain is the same as my version of how I’d like him to feel this voters pain.
note how the BBC manage to associate Boris with the BNP…
note the opening paragraphs.
thats calling “framing”, or setting a scene. or maybe “guilt by association”… mention the BNP enough times in a Boris article, and pretty soon ordinary readers will equate Boris with the BNP.
utterly disgusting.
Congratulations anyways to any and all Londoners for kicking out Livingstone. Although that’s not what happened according to the BBC News shown to us United Statesians.
Apparently some floppy-haired, jolly fellow will become mayor in his place. I didn’t catch the political party he belonged to, nor did I learn much about the mayoral election at all. I watched BBC World News and was told that Livingstone lost his position due to an overall bad showing by Labour in the elections. Nothing more than that.
Jack Bauer:
No, I’m not making it up about Evan Davis and his PA, though I’m impressed that you could gauge that he is the sort of person likely to be sporting one. He is, of course, a gayer, so he was probably checking you out too. Obviously you failed to make the grade. Here’s a tip: if you ever meet Nigel Wrench, run like hell.
The BBC are continuing their attacks on Boris Johnson, today this piece notes his presence at the Sikh New Year festival, Vaisakhi, in Trafalgar Square. The BBC faithfully report that:
“The new mayor is expected to build bridges with the city’s ethnic minority groups, after being accused during his election campaign of being a divisive figure who could not represent all of the metropolis.”
Now I wonder who accused Boris of being a divisive figure and which media organisation faithfully reported this?
I also note that oddly the BBC report omits to mention on a page that at least ostensibly is about Boris Johnson’s visit to the Sikh New Year festival; that Boris’s wife is half Sikh, her mother being Dip Singh. I suppose that might make him seem more able to understand how “to build bridges with the city’s ethnic minority groups” than Ken Livingstone, Lee Jasper or Simon Woolley.
The Gabby Logan show dragged me out of bed to text the show to get some balance.
Odd but my texts did not get read out.
I howled when they said the the E Standard should not pick a editorial line about the Mayoral election.
It seems opposing Ken is somehow unfair.
Of course it is ok for the The London Paper, Time Out , The Independant and Guardian to support his Newtship.
Hey Rob – you are correct, I did feel his beady little eyes squirreling into my nuts.
It must have been my boyish good looks! Initially.
But now I am well impressed by my innate insight regarding good Prince Albert.
Though on reflection, maybe the books he was carrying: “Prince Alberts For Dummies” and “The Idiots Guide To Prince Alberts” were subliminal giveaways.
You seem to know a lot about Good Evans boy? Mmmmm.
Bit off topic…
Has anyone else notice now the Gabby Logan show on R5 has gone all leftwing and biased?
Is it something in the water makes them go native?
I used to listen to her show last year and enjoyed it. It was generally good natured banter with guests of a (mostly) sporting background.
Well three Sunday’s weeks ago after a long gap I tuned back.
Guess what?
Billy Bragg was on being leftie and opinionated. He was allow free reign to spout rubbish.
Well fair enough. I know Billy Bragg has his braces caught in the door of the radio studios at the BBC. He keeps snapping back and they can’t seem to get rid of him.
The next week it was Brenda Dean (Lord someone or other nowadays) of Sogat ’82. Remember her?
Well Gabby didn’t seem too sure of her history. Brenda filled in the details rewriting the history of the print disputes in the 80’s and how hard working printers were forced out by (spit and swear) Murdoch. Free reign again from Gabby for the guest to spout rubbish.
On Saturday I heard that Andrew Gilligan was to be the guest on the show. I thought “balance over time”. Two leftie guests for two weeks and someone the left would consider a right winger for exposing our dear corrupt ex London mayor.
Basically they tried and ambush Gilligan by adding a couple of other lefties guests whose role was to prove Gilligan was bang out of order in exposing Ken.
It seems not to support Ken is illegal, or immoral , or against some old charter or something.
Read Martin’s comments for the fully horror of the show.
LurkingBlackHat: I’ve posted here about Logan and her leftie bias before. Radio 5 is the most left wing of the BBC outlets by far.
As you noted any emails or texts that oppose the BBC are simply not allowed on the air.
When wanker Nolan went into meltdown about Boris Johnson the other night (his mad ramblings about who was paying for the Champagne and Oysters was unbelievable) it was rock bottom for the BBC.
When I rang the shits at BBC 5 lite to ask to go on air to explain that the BBC had celebrated in 1997 with Champagne (as let slip by Jane Garvery) they said I couldn’t, that I can’t quote a BBC presenter without evidence. I pointed out I actually had the audio to hand (thanks to B-BBC) at which point they said it was too late to go on air anyway and I should ring again in the future.
I’ve often rang these arseholes and they promise to ring back and put me on the air, but they’ve never done it once. Yes, I’m very anti Labour and anti BBC, that seems to put them off for some reason. I wonder why?
I had to laugh once when one of my anti BBC emails actually got read out by Victoria Derbyshire. Another “I think the BBC is great value” idiots then commented that if I didn’t like the BBC I should switch off. !!! Classic. I would happily if I wasn’t still forced to pay £140 a year for this left wing festering dump hole called the BBC.
Typical BBC.
Did anyone notice that on today’s BBC News front page, the link to the article about the election of the BNP is entitled “Rise of the Right?”
The BBC here is asserting the idea that the full spectrum of ideas representing “the right” is encapsulated by a party known for its extreme nationalism and racism.
I would call this the “Heebie Beebies”. It’s meant to both slander conservatives by association and instill panic into the population at the same time. Oh no, the Nazis are coming. They’ll be aided and abetted by conservatives, who are also on “the right” and are also “rising”.
For the life of me, I can’t remember whether or not the BBC ever referred to the election of Marxist anti-semite bigot George Galloway as “the rise of the left” after his election in 2005. But I’m guessing they didn’t.
Te beeb has to conflate the bnp with the conservative right..its their only weapon.The bnp are the latest in a long line of national socialists,socialist being my least favourite part of the description and has more in common with nulabours philosophy than it does with many of us here.
Ah well Galloway is a Jew hater, that is OK in the eyes of the BBC.
Perhaps the reason the BNP is doing so well is that the leftie skinny latte drinking leather trouser wearing losers have totally ignored the views of the people?
The idea that Boris Johnson is saying to the Met Police Chief, cut crime or you’re out of a job is such a breathe of fresh air to the people. The left won’t like that as Ian Blair is simply another arse licker for McLiebour.
Those Lenin’s Tomb lefties are not without a sense of humour though…
Did you read this, brings tears to my eyes:
“the BNP have made some gains
the torys are back
rangers are in the uefa cup final
chelsea are in the champions league final
the mullet is back
james blunt is playing glastonbury
f**k me can this week get any worse”
“Well fair enough. I know Billy Bragg has his braces caught in the door of the radio studios at the BBC. He keeps snapping back and they can’t seem to get rid of him.”
Just as well as the guy is virtually unemployable. I’d be surprised if he was able to support himself by way of his ‘music’ alone.
Out of curiosity I bought “Talking with the Taxman about Poetry” in a second-hand recordshop back in ’87. I paid about three quid for it and was robbed blind.
Whenever the BBC want some “trendy” type to represent England they dig up Bragg. What on earth makes the BBC think a piece of shite like him represents the white English?
I hear you!
Just trying to get a reality check – and get the regular posters to pipe up! I like this one one from fewqwer particuarly
Perhaps you can explain why it is that, without exception, those who defend the BBC here are either student leftists or have their snouts in the BBC trough (or both)?
Hmmmm it would be interesting to see someone who isn’t either a BBC employee or a hopelessly niave politics student with ill thought out arguments defend public broadcasting. Although only the these two types seem to show up here. Although anyone who defends the BBC and doesn’t admit being on the payroll usually ends up being accused of being so!
” thud | Homepage | 04.05.08 – 9:07 pm ”
have read of this bbc article on the arrival of boris to city hall…
note how they mention the BNP in the opening paragraphs
thats called “framing”… keep mentioning BNP in a boris article , in the hope that the electorate will equate boris WITH the bnp.
trouble is, the electorate arent as dumb as the communists in beeboid land like to think they are…
Billy Bragg,a kind of poor man’s Lonnie Donegan,but without the talent.
I have no trouble at all enjoying the music of people who happen to be rampant socialists – for instance the great Andy Irvine of Planxty fame – but not Billy Bragg. Has he actually written anything good musically? To me he always sounded like a 3rd rate rush hour subway performer.
I have no trouble at all enjoying the music of people who happen to be rampant socialists…
jason | 05.05.08 – 6:02 am
True. Joan Baez and Paul Simon are so far on the left they’re practically falling over sideways, but musically they are among the greats.
Turning this around, how many people on the left, including BBC hacks, would allow themselves to really enjoy music from someone on the right?
Is there a limit to BBC bias ?
Billy Bragg is on the speed-dial at the BBC who see no contradiction in him being the spokesman for “britishness” and “multiculturalism” at the same time.
He used to live in vibrant London – but when his own children reached school age he suddenly moved to rural Dorset.
Billy Bragg — a working-class schmuck.
Please don’t insult the working class, Jack. Bragg is a parasite, not working class.
“True. Joan Baez and Paul Simon are so far on the left they’re practically falling over sideways, but musically they are among the greats.”
What’s not to like about multimillionaire socialists? They have the red star on their sleeves and a gold star on their dressing room doors.
Jack Bauer:
I have never met Evan Davis. I did meet Peter Tatchell once, now there is a left wing gayer for you, but that’s another story.
Re: Gabby Logan show broadcast on 5 live Sun 04 May – 10:00
Sorry, this is not about the London Mayor, but about the quality of tosser invited to entertain us.
During the discussion (about 1h:41m:20s in) about the game ‘Grand Theft Auto’ vs ‘grotesque oil company profits’, one of the guests, I think his name was Simon Evans (whoever he is), mentioned little boys playing with model Spitfires.
According to Evans, Spitfires “were used to murder Germans in reality”.
None of those clever people on the show disputed his claim.
All this time I thought the Luftwaffe was over here to bomb the crap out of Britain when they were, apparently, just innocent Germans on sight seeing tours when those terrible RAF chaps murdered them.
What’s not to like about multimillionaire socialists? They have the red star on their sleeves and a gold star on their dressing room doors.
Peter | 05.05.08 – 1:01 pm
I don’t think I’d like to sit down and have a glass of wine with Simon or Baez, but I really like their music. I imagine they were blinkered lefties way before they made it, so they at least get some points for consistency.