Well, it’s the morning after as the dust settles and what have the BBC been saying? Well, they have been struggling to get past a sentence about Boris Johnson which does not contain the word “buffoon” for starters. Then we have them giving Jack Straw – the Chemical Ali of the Labour project – being given an easy ride on Today where he was allowed to babble about how great Labour had been but how it had been damaged by not listening enough and those pesky global financial pressures. You could feel the pain in the interviewers tone, I doubt champagne corks popped last night at Broadcasting House. I also noticed two stories that the BBC have not bothered much about following the results of the London elections. First the success of the BNP. Whether you like them or not – and I don’t -nonetheless their performance was quite credible and worthy of more coverage. It got virtually no coverage. Why? Also the crushing defeat at the poll by Saddam Hussein’s cheer-leader George Galloway has hardly been mentioned. Surely the BBC wouldn’t want to minimise the rejection of this nauseous specimen?
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Interesting how Talksport manage to sack James Whale for urging listeners to vote for Boris Johnson. ( http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=564233&in_page_id=1770 )
With such ethical standards running high in British broadcasting, presumably we can now expect nine tenths of the BBC’s presenters to be joining him on the dole queue?
GCooper — from the Mail
There are clear rules forbidding broadcasters from election bias – and although the Ofcom investigation is yet to finish, Talksport mounted its own inquiry and dismissed the veteran presenter.
Yet for some odd reason Talksport employs an actual “MP” who is a ranting, disgusting Jew hater … Galloway. What, he endorsed other candidates than his vile “Respect” party?
Oh, and OFCOM has a very narrow view of bias doesn’t it. Day in, day out BBC “personalities” pretend to be unbiased as they find every way possible to promote Labour.
Yet a guy on the radio openly states he supports Johnson and urges others to do so.
How exactly is that “bias.” Isn’t that transparency?
Can’t think what coverage you were watching DV?
I fully expected when visiting this site for the first time after the election results that you would be claiming that even the BBC (Nulabor’s propaganda unit) couldn’t put a positive spin on the results. Given that bulletins started with lines like’A disaster for Labour at the polls’ etc.
As for the BNP results, they did get coverage, you must have missed it. The BBC broadcasts on TV and radio 24 hours a day, not suprising you missed it. That doesnt make it biased does it?