. I caught Brendan Barber TUC General Secretary being interviewed on what was billed as the appropriate level of pay for public sector workers just after the 8am news on the Today programme. What an easy ride he was given by Evan Davies! We all know that the Public Sector has been the primary beneficiary of ten years of Labour magnanimity and those who work in it have enjoyed salary and pension benefits dramatically higher than those in the wealth-creating sector. Barber’s job however is to ensure that the parasite sector gets more and more for doing less and less and this can only be achieved by squeezing the pips out of those who work in the private sector. Corporate Britain is NOT paying it’s fair share, Barber claimed, and Evan Davies let him get away with this outrageous claim. I also noted the way in which Davies made a point of differentiating between the “middle-classes” and the “public sector”. There are plenty of those in the public sector who are very comfortably off and Davies displayed a shocking lack of economic understanding for a man who has an economics background. Comrade Barber was left to waffle and the toughest question he got lobbed his way was “How angry is the public sector”? A better question might be how angry is the private sector at the special treatment Government hands out to those in the public sector. What chance the BBC focusing on that??

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