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Obama sings ‘Happy Birthday’ to journalist
is this really front page news or is it a bad news day on planet beeboid
The BBC News website has already relegated to UK page, and to ‘More from the UK’, after only a few hours:
“Terror arrests link to PM threat”
Maybe the BBC wants to hide this report for political reasons known to itself, and to us.
“The Martyrdom seekers of the organisation of al-Qaeda in Britain will target all the political leaders..[and] all Embassies, Crusader centres and their Interests though out the country, with the help of Allah.”
An article on the future of TV is with the disgraced former BBC controller,Peter Fincham, who resigned over the dishonest Queen photo shoot “walk-out”. He’s now at ITV.
Why we should listen to someone known for perverting reality is a good question, and given his loose connection to reality it is not surprising to see he shifts the blame to Ofcom for the paucity of entertaining TV.
“Mr Fincham said it was after he had left the BBC that he had found time to read Ofcom’s 137-page report on the future of public service broadcasting.”
“This contained so much jargon that the average viewer would “wonder what on earth we were on about” if they read it, he said.”
“Only once was the word “entertainment” used, with far greater emphasis on TV being a medium which should educate, inform and strengthen cultural identity, he said.”
So how does he explain the supposed entertainment schedule of the Beebs reality TV musical shows, and shallow & puerile talk-shows (Ross, Norton)?
“Peter Fincham, ITV’s director of TV, claimed regulator Ofcom was dismissive of pure “entertainment” programmes.”
Given what the Beeb perceives as entertainment, it is no surprise of Ofcom to be dismissive.
The US election 16 – 22 August: a week in quotes:
This is the most biased and one sided attack on the Republicans I’ve ever seen. Why didn’t the BBC run pieces like this about Obama not visiting the army hospital in Germany?
Lets see some balance BBC. Or you’re gone in 2010. But then, I guess you already know that.
I see the BBC are blaming Boris Johnson for the fact that the UK bloated Olympics should come under budget!
Oh the cheek of a politician to want to be careful about how public money is spent!!
Ultimately it’s the Government that decides how much is spent on the Olympics, not Johnson, but I haven’t heard the BBC attack one Liebour politician about the cost of the Olympics!
boris? whos he ? never hear of him at all apart from when the bbc need a hate figure for their sickening backing of the olympics in well 2012 or another 9 bill i should think ! and not a single article about the destroying of energy watch the only defense we have against the energy companys awful practices [hmm thinks browns just done a deal to save his green energy cr*p!!!!!]
See if goold old red Ken had still been in charge we’d have had even more money spent on the Olympics. Funny that left wing wankers at the BBC let Liebour politicians spout on about the “tory cuts” for schools and hospitals, but don’t say a word when the London tax paayer and the rest of us are asked to cough up even more money for this white elephant.
That “summary” of the past week in the US election is truly disgraceful.
I believe the BBC delegated the job of writing it to the Dem National Committee, or to David Axelrod at Obama HQ.
No mention of the generally-accepted judgment that Obama was trounced by McCain at Saddleback.
No mention of the fuss in the media up about Obama’s close links with terrorist Ayers.
No mention of the continuing stories about John Edwards.
Above all – just a glancing mention of the string of polls showing the Obama campaign in deep doo-doo.
From Friday’s Evening Standard…
“A 10-year-old London schoolgirl is to star alongside David Beckham at the Beijing Olympics closing ceremony.
Tayyiba Dubhwala is to hold the footballer’s hand as he walks into the centre of the stadium, watched by 1.5 billion people worldwide as London accepts the Olympic Flag.
The Forest Gate schoolgirl won a Blue Peter competition to take part in the eight-minute ceremony.”
Of course, we all know how reliable Blue Peter qcompetitions are, however, is this a portent of what we will witness in 2012, is the burqua wearing Tayyiba really the face of Lonon or is the BBC merely looking into its crystal ball in eager anticipation?
JohnA: Spot on. However, what left wing wankstains like the BBC thinks doesn’t matter. The american public won’t elect Osama to office.
A man who hangs out with convicted terrorists and has nothing to offer America other than hot air.
Paris Hilton would make a better President than Osama.
Anyone catch Dom Joly, a regular guest with Peter Allen on FiveLive’s Drive Olympic coverage, this morning?
He is apparently there to offer some “quirky” coverage. He is dishing up a solid menu of bigotry.
Here are his articles in the Independent, which he repeated this morning on the radio:
The BBC doesn’t really even try to pretend, does it? Why am I forced to pay these bigots?
McCain cheers gloomy Republicans
This article is headlined as above, but instead listed on the news indexes as ‘Why has Obama’s lead slipped?’ (because it’s not that McCain is doing well is it, it’s because Obama’s slipping… that’s bias enough) but… where are the ‘scare’ quotes on ‘gloomy’?
Subdeck: A year ago Washington was full of morose Republicans.
Reassure us that the Republicans are under the pressure.
This goes on in the most negative tone about how beaten the Republicans were.
So do we get depth and informative reporting on McCain’s recent rise in the polls.
Well yes we do, as long as it’s taken in the context of Obama being too ‘cerebral’ for American tastes, unable to court religious voters and ‘is it cos he is black?’.
A great quote in the article is this:
Increasing numbers of those voters are also (again according to polls) saying they are bored with the relentless coverage of Mr Obama and would like to hear more about Mr McCain.
So the media in general have shot their golden boy in the foot because of their relentless coverage… but if they don’t vote for him it’ll be the fault of your typical American.
A racially bigoted, warmongering, religious fanatic with bad education and no interest in intellectual politics.
Outrageous article.
it’s shown as an obama loss of lead not a mccain gain because obama has gone down from about 48 to 44, whereas mccain has remained even at around 43 or 44
The cowardice the BBC are showing about even mentioning the home nation bias judging of events is appalling.
The 606 opiion pages are being censored (in a way china would be proud of) to remove articles about what appears to many to be state sponsored cheating to avoid offending the chinese officials.
Watched “Gardeners World” last night, actually it should have been called “You’re all gonna die and your plants cos it’s climate change, you know”. All spouted by an airhead whilst admiring gardens with old cottage garden flowers in full bloom. Every second sentence was along the lines of “climate change will kill all these lovely flowers”. Funny though, CO2 didn’t get a look in, someone might have spotted that it helps plants to grow. An hours viewing ruined by a spoilt little rich kid, with auto cue.
BBC News 24. The reporting of Joe Biden is nothing short of anal in its love.
But turn to Sky and it’s much more realistic.
Oh and Sky really got stuck into fatso McBean, unlike the BBC who just spout their love for the great leader.
Regarding the alleged civillian deaths in Afghanistan. Just read the difference in tone between Sky and the BBC.
Mark: The blatant cheating by China is a disgrace. The fact the communist loving BBC refuses to investigate is a joke.
I’m a believer than there should be no sports in the Olympics that reply on opinion for results. Everything should be against the clock. No cheating then.
Mr. B.Bragg, Labour Party supporter, is apparently trying to break the record for the number of guest appearances on BBC programmes; it all seems to be part of some mutual appreciation society.
This afternoon he’s on ‘Weekend Woman’s Hour’ (one of Labour’s Women Minister, Harriet Harman’s radio stations of choice). How politically congenial and cosy for all concerned.
Here’s an example of just how the BBC LOVES investigating Gordon Brown’s arse.
The BBC have been attacking Boris Johnson over the cost of the Olympics.
So just who made THIS statement then?
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Olympic Delivery Authority assured the committee that the revised budget will not be exceeded.
So all Boris is doing is agreeing with McLiebour is he not?
Trust the twats at the BBC not to tell us the facts once again.
Derek W. Buxton writes: “Watched “Gardeners World” last night, actually it should have been called “You’re all gonna die and your plants cos it’s climate change, you know””
I gave up on Gardener’s World when the BBC decided that horticultural knowledge was secondary to physical appearance for its presenters.
The incessant harping on about ‘Green’ issues (‘organic’ gardening not the least of it) was the final nail.
The BBC’s gardening ‘experts’ (only some of whom are worthy of that term) have been banging the drought and AGW drum for a decade. I’m still not growing opuntia in my mixed borders.
Indeed, there has been rather to much rain this, cold, summer.
Inter alia Whoever it was who remarked on Bob Crow’s blatant lie on Any Questions last night, was quite correct.
I have just heard the programme again (if fact, I’ve just switched it off in disgust) and Crow certainly did state as a fact that the USA has installed nuclear weapons in Poland.
Moreover, he was not corrected by Dimblebey (always the first to leap down the throat of anyone whose political opinions are to the Right of Polly Toynbee).
It is probably due to ignorance on Crow’s part that he could say such a thing but, either way, someone so ill informed has no place on such a programme – unless it’s to remind us of the thuggish, moronic stupidity of so many union leaders and why they should rarely be listened to, of course.
Inter alia Whoever it was who remarked on Bob Crow’s blatant lie on Any Questions last night, was quite correct.
I have just heard the programme again (if fact, I’ve just switched it off in disgust) and Crow certainly did state as a fact that the USA has installed nuclear weapons in Poland.
Perhaps he was thinking of the General who only this week said HE WANTED to install nukes in Poland.
That would be the RUSSIAN General, and by install nuclear weapons, he meant fire a thermo-nuclear tipped ballistic missile to land on Polish territory should they have the gall to think they are a sovereign nation who wants to install the US Missile Defense Shield.
I gave up on Gardener’s World when the BBC decided that horticultural knowledge was secondary to physical appearance for its presenters.
Are you saying Carol Klein is attractive? Or Joe Swift? Ye gods!
Eh, anyway, I used to really enjoy watching Gardener’s World. In fact, it’d’ve been about the only thing – apart from some of the BBC’s historical archives – that would go on the ‘things to save when the BBC is killed’ list.
I’d noticed a gradual infestation of eco-bollocks into the program, but the thing that broke the camel’s back for me was when they had a program on apples and they had one of the presenters, the women with red hair, whatever her name is, conducting blind tests of local and foreign apples with people at a village fete, and then giving the people who preferred the apples from foreign countries shit (presumably because they caused a few tonnes of that evil gas, carbon dioxide, to be released during their shipping).
Did anyone notice that particularly egregious bit of anti-Americanism on Newsnight last night? Gavin Estler was jabbering on about the Democratic National Convention and BO’s Veep-pick, and he said something like ‘Barack Obama is thin and fit, I wonder if he’ll pick someone to better represent the American population, which is mostly obese.’ Then he went on to announce that he’ll be presenting Newsnight from the convention, whenever it is. I wonder if they’ll be presenting an episode for the Republican National Convention? I wonder if they’ll even mention it?
“Killjoys: ITV boss warns that PC brigade are taking the fun out of TV”
[Extract, from P.Fincham, ex-BBC]:
“‘The 14million people who tuned into the final of ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ weren’t there to be entertained but to watch TV promote understanding of religions, culture and lifestyles.'”
I wonder if he’ll pick someone to better represent the American population, which is mostly obese.’
Uh, dunno Gavin. Wonder if the BBC will replace you, as you’re mostly thick.
There’s a long article by Ms. McClatchey of BBC News about what Chinatown people in London think of China’s Olympic Games. And the general response? The Chinese in London are proud of China.
“Chinatown’s pride in golden Games”
Thank you BBC, you must think that this report represents licencepayers’ money well spent. (There’s no comment about the lack of expression of Britishness among that ‘community’.)
Announcing Obambi’s running mate by text message is reported on here by the Beeb…
But the stunt has backfired. To find this out you need to check the blogosphere not the £3bn/yr al-Beeb.
Here is an Obama supporter’s take…
I guess I should have known. The girl that won the right to partake the Olympic ceremony with David Beckham is … a Muslim. What a shock. And of course it was a competition run by the BBC to decide. I guess the BBC fixed it to ensure a Muslim won.
What a fucking shock.
and in a hijab no less…
Boris has gone native.
Gibby Haynes writes: “Are you saying Carol Klein is attractive? Or Joe Swift? Ye gods!”
Gosh, no! Klein’s as unpleasant in the flesh as she looks!
I was referring to Monty Don, Rachel de Thame and that crowd.
I wonder if part of the “This is London” demonstration in the Birdshit arena tomorrow will be a group of Jihadists living in London who will chant “Behead those that insult Islam” 1000 times and be lead around the arena by red Ken and George Galloway?
So the BBC picks a Muslim girl to represent London. Just out of interest, how many Muslim women are allowed to partake in the Olympics?
Did Saudi Arabia send a few hundred?
With even Mayor Johnson drinking ever deeper from the multi-culti Kool Aid the mega mosque looks almost inevitable now. I can foresee London accepting Saudi money to make up shortfalls in funding – so long as the Wahhabis get something in return. 2012 – The Londonistan Olympics?
DB: Will the Saudi’s fund the 100 metres suicide bomb dash?
Red Ken on Any Questions next week.Well I suppose he`s got the time now.
The BBC/Blue Peter competition WAS fixed!
The BBC have lots of ‘previous’ cheating and lying and fixing competitions/votes, socialists and leftists show a surprising gift of dishonesty and deception which I guess goes to their core value of ‘the ends justify the means’. The BBC has not changed/will never change and no amount of ‘honesty courses’ paid for by the mug taxslave will change it!
The BBC wanted a particular face(wrapped in a slave mask) and they wanted a particular religion, any native British kids applying were wasting their time, you know it and I know it.
What really breaks my heart is that the BBC scum want to portray this foreign female ‘slave to be’ as British!
The islamists will NEVER be British, they hate and despise us and our culture and our history, in fact you could say they are the absolute epitomy of ANTI Britishness!
How many female Islamists in the olympic team?
How far has Great Britain fallen that we have as our national ‘representative’ a little foreign girl bound for a life of servitude and slavery to an evil alien religion(who would be killed by her family in a heartbeat if she were to rebel)with the symbol of servitude and serfdom wrapped around her head.
Anyone who thinks that it was just pot luck that an Islamist child won is either an imbecile or a fellow traveller.
Who decided that a US resident, D. Beckham, and a hijab-wearing, 10 year-old Muslim girl, winner of a BBC Blue Peter competition should bring Olympic flag to London?
It is inappropriate, and it smacks of social engineering.
Islam, to say ther least, sets a negative example re-the Olympics, especially concerning the participation of women.
Even the BBC, in its usual sympathetic reporting on Saudi Arabia, says this:
“Saudi women vie for Olympic rights”
[Concluding paragraph]:
“London 2012 may therefore see Saudi women Olympians for the first time. If not, it is conceivable the Kingdom may not be allowed to enter an all-male team.”
As Islamic societies reserve the right to decline full participation in the Olympics, the UK reserves the right to reject such inappropriate representatives from carrying the Olympic flag to London.
Face it George, Cassandra, London has been ethnically cleansed judging from the demographic breakdown of its current generation of school children.
There is nothing left but to console myself with fantasy. I like to imagine David Beckham emerging infront of 1.5 Billion people dressed up like a Black and White Minstrel.
These fantasies may not make us laugh, or even make us feel better, but the day-dream of causing that much shock at least affords us some small compensation, the only regret being that it will not be real.
“BBC’s Tomorrow’s World to be revived”
– no doubt as a token to science; but will the programme be largely a propaganda opportunity for the usual BBC ‘man-made global warming’ stuff?
one wonders what the reaction will be , not only amongst the British public.
but also amongst the Chinese – who are currently having an “islam” problem in their western provinces…
the chinese will probably think we’re stark raving mad. cant blame them , to be honest.
Cassandra: Of course it was fixed. If the BBC need a competition fixing, Blue Peter is your show.
Just WHO decided that the BBC would have ANY say in this in the first place?
Perhaps her family will send her out with a Union flag hijab?
No doubt the BBC are just waiting to release their “muli cultural” nonsense on us?
bear in mind that this is going to watched by about 2 billion people…
The BBC features rather prominently in the handover show, doesn’t it?
How bizarre.
If the BBC are going to be involved in the Olympic opening ceremony we can bet that there will be a display by beeboids of barebacking and the 100 metre rent boy chase.
part 2414 on why islam is so great
“faceless dolls” for kids
i kid you not.
its like something out of the matrix.
archduke – thats a very spooky site
Just watched a usual bigoted and one sided BBC report on the Gaza ‘blockade runners’ with the news reader busily building straw men for the Jew hater to eagerly knock down!
The simple question to the Jew hater Booth would have been, once the ships start arriving then how long before the secret arms shipments arrive? Explosives for human bombs,rocket launchers, surface to air missiles.ammunition for the terrorists,AK47s,heavy machine guns and spare parts all waiting for a safe way into the hands of the terrorists and Booth must know this, there is no way she cannot realise that once the blockade is broken the weapons will roll in freely and Israelis will die!
The land borders are well policed but the sea is a different matter, one ship can carry tonnes of terrorist hardware.
As always its not so much the terrorists who win, its their western leftist sympathisers and supporters who end up helping the terrorists win out in the end.
I hope the Israelis realise this and also realise that many of us support her struggle with the Islamist evil.
Re this Muslim scarf girl representing us for the Olympic ceremony in London. I have never felt so ashamed as I do now. BBC must be stopped from making us the laughing stock of the whole world. No other country in the world allows a state media to indoctrinate its ethnic people.
“The BBC features rather prominently in the handover show, doesn’t it?
How bizarre.”
Prominent? Explain.
Bizarre? Explain.
OK, they organised the selection process for the girl who is to hold Beckham’s hand. But how are they ‘featured’?
Many of us would have preferred it if the girl were not Asian, but these days she is fairly representative of London schoolchildren. Ethnic children are the majority in London schools.