One long-running narrative the BBC pushes down our throats is that British Policing is “institutionally racist.” This bizarre left-wing guilt-fest seems to get the Beeboids excited as they imagine all sorts of intrigue going on to keep the racial minorities in their place. The Metropolitan Police, in particular, is most often in the firing line, a situation that is exacerbated by the race hustlers in the Black Police Association (Isn’t that, be definition, a racist body or is it open to all races I wonder?) I caught an interview this morning at around 7.20am on Today and despite the meek mannered approach of the Met spokesperson the BBC line was still that we have a race problem in the Met and that ethnic minorities are suffering as a consequence. I wonder would the BBC permit an interview with someone who thinks that what we have here is pathetic race baiting by the State Broadcaster and race hustling by the BPA which are distractions from the key issue of ensuring the delivery of effective policing in our capital city. Or is it cos I is white that I might think like that?


I was on the local BBC this morning, having been invited to discuss the merits or otherwise of corporal punishment. There were three of us in the studio – one was a retired teacher (Opposed to it) , a Human Rights Lawyer (Opposed to it) and yours truly (In favour of it). I thought the discussion had balance and I was afforded the time to make my points, criticising the EU and UN to a presenter who had worked for the EU as it happens!

But earlier on this morning, I caught a debate on the BBC Radio 4 “Sunday” programme. There was an item on the war in Afghanistan and there were two guests discussing it. One opposed UK involvement in the war from the very beginning whilst the other opposed our involvement it following “the hideous mistakes” of Bush and Blair. There was a consensus that a criminal-prosecution based policy against Al Queda and the Taliban would have worked best. (The sort that led to /11) Unbelievable – poison dripping even in the religious hour.


You can always rely on the BBC to spin stories to reflect favourably upon the EU. Take this nonsense that “Europe agrees bank crisis plan”. Really? Well, what is the “plan” exactly? It appears to reduce down to an agreement to “work together” and “seek” a relaxation of rules. Oh, and Sarkozy has issued an unspecified threat against bank executives. I suggest that this is NOT a plan but rather the usual garbled gibberish which the EU has perfected and which the BBC then trumpets as something of substance.


So, who to believe when it comes to understanding outflows of money from the UK to Ireland? The BBC is suggesting that there is nothing happening and no reason for any concern but others take a very different view. I wonder why the BBC is so determined to retail the notion that the Irish government securing 100% of savers deposits would have no impact on the UK money market. Any thoughts on who that might benefit? Answers on a postcard.

Suggestio Falsi …

Holocaust denier gets MP backing

This is such a dishonest headline, sticking to literal truth while implying that Chris Huhne (in deploring an arrest in Britain, under EU law, for an offence which is not illegal in this country) is somehow ‘backing’ the (IMHO) eccentric view that the Shoah is “a lie”. Mr Tobin is being extradited to Germany for what he has written on his Australian website.

I’ll let Ross say it :

What part of free speech don’t they understand ?

Obviously if he backed a Holocaust denier then he would be unfit for office, but of course that is not what he has done, he has simply made it clear that he regards free speech as being for everyone even if you disagree with them.

General BBC-related comment thread!

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.

They never learn

So Newsnight decided to “debate” Mandelson’s return with a panel made up exclusively of Labour supporters: first Minister Liam Byrne on his own; then the Guardian’s Polly Toynbee and the Independent’s Steve Richards. Now, why does this ring a bell? That’s right! They did the same thing when he resigned (the second time) – which even the governors admitted was biased. Some things, it seems, never change.

Thanks to dave fordwych in the comments


Well now, Mandelson is back. Gordon Brown is relentlessly selling us the line that we need “serious people for serious times” – as the BBC obligingly parrots. But Mandelson is a man without political integrity, twice forced into resigning. I met him a few times politically and counted my fingers after shaking hands with him to ensure all were still there afterwards. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, Margaret a Beckett is also called back, another serious person for serious times? Wonder how the BBC will react to Mandy in the times ahead? Personally, I am delighted, as he was here at the birth of NuLabour and he will be there when it is buried in less than two years.

Competition time – Weekend special

This time, it’s spot the bias in this piece of free association by Matt Frei. I mean, I know it is biased because… Well, because it’s by Matt Frei and is, as far as I can tell, about American politics. But what the hell does it mean?

…the latest opinion polls suggested the public was selling Palins and McCains and buying Obamas and Bidens. It was not a rally. But gambles are out and caution is in. The numbers were looking terrible for the Republican candidate … Novelty and shrillness almost induce an allergic reaction. The most reassuring thing that has happened all week is that Warren Buffet, the sage of Omaha, has decided to sink a cool $5bn into a revamped Goldman Sachs. I bet you many Americans are wondering if we cannot just outsource government to him until the storm is over. The campaign has been transformed…

It doesn’t get any better. Bonus points to anyone who can tell me what Frei was on when he wrote it.

Beyond repair?

Guido has a good post on Newsnight here, taking in its inability to report the markets (“pathetically bad”, he says); a harsh comment or two on Crick’s pointless Place that Face, which even Paxman seemed embarrassed by; and a note on our favourite Trotskyite, the programme’s economics editor Paul Mason. He also links to this piece by Iain Martin at the Telegraph which he argues it would be better just to scrap the programme. Well worth a read.