How the BBC have been relishing the news that the Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been found guilty of an abuse of power by an official inquiry in Alaska. If you want bias incarnate listen to this link if you can stomach it….with even Watergate being thrown into the rhetorical swirl. The BBC, like the rest of the Obamessiah cheer-leading MSM, are using this to beat up McCain and Palin bang on cue. In fact the report shows that the Governor acted within her proper and lawful authority in the reassignment of Walt Monegan. The report also illustrates that this was a partisan led inquiry run by Obama supporters and the Palins were completely justified in their concern regarding Trooper Wooten given his violent and rogue behavior. Of course if we want real investigative journalism, I can’t wait for the BBC to get stuck into Obama’s association with self proclaimed terrorists and his outreach programme into radical Islam. For some reason, the Beeb have been mute on those minor matters but then again I guess they are so excited about the fact that they can drag Sarah Palin’s name through the mud that they just don’t have the time. Also have a look at the image of Palin the BBC use on their lead portal to illustrate this story, subtle eh? The witch-hunt the BBC have been leading against the Alaskan Governor has been remarkable in it’s intensity as even those who are not fans of Palin acknowledge. It makes me hope she will run for the Presidency in 2012 as the prospect of the BBC intelligentsia being driven mad appeals.


I wonder did anyone else catch the discussion on Today between psychologist Oliver James and historian Dominic Sands just before 9am? James was advocating the need to end the US/UK economic model whilst hailing that of mainland Europe (!) whilst Sands was going along with the entire “end of days” for our consumer society motif. James also urged the return of ” old fashioned manufacturing” with a stunning disregard for contemporary economic and labour realities. This little Saturday morning left-wing love-in was entirely uncontaminated by any alternative form of thinking and so it was that when the events in the financial markets during the past few weeks were favourably compared to the fall of the USSR, there was no-one to demur from such a fatuous comment. All the debate you want to hear – just so long as it conforms to the underlying BBC narrative. How they must miss the USSR?


Why is the BBC determined to give Red Ken a perma-presence on its programmes? I see that he has been babbling on that Boris had the right to dismiss Sir Ian Blair as if anyone cares what he thinks anymore. Except the BBC that is, of course! I heard Red Ken being interviewed on 5 Live minutes after Blair had resigned and he got stuck into Boris making the predictable character assassinations.

A parody of bias

James Forsyth has a good post over at the Specator’s Coffee House. Here’s the opening:

If Coffee Housers missed it, I’d thoroughly recommend watching Kirsty Wark’s interview of George Osborne on Newsnight. It could easily be mistaken for a parody of BBC bias. Wark starts off by suggesting that the Tory governments of the 1980s are to blame for the current crisis; even Gordon Brown hasn’t attempted to claim this…

Wark, of course, has some formwhen it comes to accusations of pro-Labour bias.

General BBC-related comment thread!

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.


I guess it makes sense to the BBC. We can defeat the Taliban and Al Queda by using…. mobile phones. The cunning plan is for NGO’s to give away mobile phones to Afghans who will then make short films which could be shown at a film festival next summer. Mmm…hope they are pay as you go or there may be some mighty phone bills! Sounds a winner of an idea to me and as security sage Frank Gardner points out the US and UK are losing the battle for hearts and minds so best bring in the crack battalions of home snappers to rout the Islamist psychopaths. With a daisy-cutter in one hand an a Nokia in the other?


It’s not JUST our police who are institutionally racist, oh no. It’s also our prison officers and the Beeb has been running with the latest report from Anne Owers, our drippingly liberal Chief Inspector of Prisons. I caught the item on Today prior to 7am and the gist of it was that prison officers were in danger of contributing to the radicalisation of Muslim in-mates in Whitemoor high security prison. The problem is that these officers in Whitemoor tend to treat all of the Muslim inmates as if they are potential security risks whilst only some of them are Islamic terrorists. Now I have to say I think they should be commended for their caution but on the BBC they are condemned for it. You see the narrative is always the same; Muslims need more understanding and special treatment. If Muslims become terrorists, it is our fault. The BBC must just love Anne Owers – the gift that keeps giving – but I wonder what those ordinary prison officers trying to do a tough job reckon to her constant undermining of their professionalism – an undermining that the dhimmified BBC is very happy to broadcast without any contrarian opinion.


It’s on – and lots of fun.Your comments? Thus far the concept of the free market is being beaten up on with Lib-Dem Chris Huhne and John Denham leading the charge. More sovietisation of the economy please and back to the early ’70’s. Usual moonbats in the audience -higher taxes all round and sod the “rich”. Nice to see that fat bloated traitor Ken Clark patronise Sarah Palin to tumultuous applause. I suppose it slipped his mind that another female politician from humble stock rose to a position as one of the greatest leaders of the Conservative Party. It was bash Palin night amongst the spawn on the panel – no mention of lyin’ Joe Biden.


Say it ain’t so!The BBC reports that a missile from a suspected US unmanned aircraft (drone) has killed at least six people in a Pakistani tribal area close to Afghanistan. “Unnamed” Pakistani security sources say it hit a house in the village of Tappi, North Waziristan, and that the dead include... a number of Arabs. Mmm – Arabs? Anyone reckon that this is code for Jihadists that just got prematurely but deservedly dispatched to eternity? The most the BBC will accept is that this is “possible”. Or could it be just another of the many wedding parties that seem to have such bad fortune in these areas.


I see that on a day when the financial markets TUMBLE yet again (despite the international bail outs which the BBC crowed would save the day) the main headline on the BBC news portal is that “Councils not reckless with cash” How re-assuring – for the Councils. Why is the BBC running this angle and giving it such priority?