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General BBC-related comment thread!
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I don’t think we need worry that the BBC is going to drop it’s anti US stance any time soon.
The real world is getting steadily more dangerous.
Unless, and it is possible, the US suddenly retreats into isolation. After all we still have Iran vowing death to Israel and keeping the Middle east boiling hot. North Korea at loggerheads with Japan and the West.The Balkans brewing up nicely. And so on. Obama will have to deal with this and can any of us really see the BBC and the liberal media suddenly backing the US?
In your dreams.
All that has happened is that the British liberal elite has suffered from an attack of hysteria.
But if I was Cameron I would watch my back. Ravening liberal fascists can do a deal of harm before the good sense of the British electorate can put an end to their posturing
Wow, how sad…how incredibly sad…the MSM campaigned for Obama from the start…and why? They didn’t know where he stood on the issues…they didn’t know anything about his advisors…but they pushed and pushed for a change…so tired of W I guess?? The MSM won this election for the liberal illuminati!
MMGW sceptic Michael Crichton is dead. What a shitty day this is. If it wasn’t for the fact that I helped an Obama-loving journalist lose his job I’d be really pissed off now.
Apropos the dismissive ‘racist’ jibe being bandied around. I wonder if you might find this as illuminating as I did. It was sent to me, a white Brit, by a black American relation:
A white man asked his black friend, “Are you voting for Barack Obama just because he’s black?”
The black man responded by saying, ‘Why not? In this country men are pulled over everyday just ’cause they’re black; passed over for promotions just cause they’re black; considered to be criminals just cause they’re black; and there are going to be thousands of YOU who won’t be voting for him just because he’s black!
However, you do not seem to have a problem with that!
This country was built with the sweat and whip off the black slaves’ back, and now a descendent of those same slaves has a chance to lead the same country, where we weren’t even considered to be people, where we weren’t allowed to be educated, drink from the same water fountains, eat in the same restaurants, or even vote.
So yes! I’m going to vote for him! But it’s not just because he’s black, but because he is hope, he is change, and he now allows me to understand when my grandson says that he wants to be president when he grows up, it is not a fairy tale but a short term goal. He now sees, understands and knows that he can achieve, withstand and do . . .
Thought-provoking, no?
Seems like people are posting anything on this thread, so , just point out from Guido’s blog, that 10 Guy Fawkes impersonators were arrested outside No. 10 today. Didn’t seem to make the BBC news.
mikewineliberal said:
“I am happy to confirm for the record that I:
Have indeed had intimate knowledge of another human being on numerous occasions.”
I think you should let Nearly Oxfordian judge that one; he knows, you know. I remember being lectured by him about my wife’s virginity some months back!
Thought-provoking, no?
Mesmereyesed | 05.11.08 – 6:40 pm |
puke inducing, yes ?
betyangelo | 05.11.08 – 6:04 pm | #
Always amuses me when the rabid right accuse the looney left of hatred. It’s the right who use fear to drive their agenda, lies and damn lies to get their way. And when people fall for their propoganda and lies THIS generates hatred.
Just look at how they tried to tar the Chosen One as a socialist and even a commie. “Spread the wealth” does not equal communism or even socialism. It means being fair. It means people who earn $1million a year should not pay less of a % of their income into the government than someone on $20,000.
I do not feel I come down on any side of the fence. I feel leftish toward human rights (we have a duty to those victims of genuine – I stress GENUINE – oppression) but rightish toward crime and punishment (would support chemical castration, even death, for paedophiles, immediate expulsion to all immigrants committing a jail-able crime), so my support for Obama is not borne out of some misguided leftie ideal. I even accept he has unanswered questions about his character and background, but he is still preferable his opposition.
Ultimately, I hoped he would win because the right has become corrupt, and everything they say and do has been smoke and mirrors with one aim: keeping power, keeping the wealth for that tiny minority on the top of the US tree. Obama has little experience, but he’s been elected for one reason and one reason only: because he ain’t a Republican.
One republican supporter on the BBC put it very well: “Maybe we need to understand that negativity and fear do not win us elections.” (paraphrased from my diseased memory)
On another topic – frankly, this election isn’t about race, and am sick of the coverage on it. You could have stuck a tie on a donkey and gone with the slogan “I’m not George W. Bush and I’m not a clone” and it would have romped home.
“Thought-provoking, no?”
No. It’s stoopid, and racist.
Devil’s Advocate 6:57
So do you think the right’s hate campaign against Obama was worse than the left’s hate campaign against Palin ? If so, why ?
Another great genius lost.
RIP Michael Crichton
Just showing how deluded you are DA.
Devil’s Advocate:
“Spread the wealth is not communism or even socialism”
Well, try this quote from Jim Moran (D) on for size:
“We have been guided by a Republican administration who believes in the simplistic notion that PEOPLE WHO HAVE WEALTH ARE ENTITLED TO KEEP IT and they have an antipathy towards means of redistributing wealth. And they may be able to sustain that for a while, but it doesn’t work in the long run.”
So how would you describe that “simplistic notion”? Communism? Socialism? Envy? Is it even logical?
I wonder if Obama’s trickle up economics will work?
To The Devil’s Advocate
Dear Sir or Madam:
The absolute looney insane hatred on the left for George W Bush is what I referred to. Go to Berzerkley California for a good dose of it. Freaks, their hatred makes them insane. I do not see anything even slightly similar on the right. I cite their treatment of Sarah Palin for a good example of their hatred.
Mesmereyesed | 05.11.08 – 6:40 pm |
Thought-provoking, no?
No. President-elect Obamessiah is not descended from US slaves. In fact, his white, US ancestors owned slaves. Further, his black African ancestors were Muslims, who are often called “Arabs” in Africa, for adopting the Arab Muslim lifestyle. The Muslim Arabs historically built up the African slave industry which ultimately fed the European/US slave trade.
So in fact, his ancestry is full of slave owners, and not slaves. You and your friend have been misinformed, or maybe it just makes you feel good to believe that, even if you know better.
You should probably also tell your friend that black males were allowed to vote in the US for about sixty years before white women were granted that right. That probably won’t mean anything either, I’m sure.
I have no problem with black people voting for their own, purely for racial reasons. They have been educated by their leaders that they don’t have the same rights or needs as white people, and have to deal with the consequences of being the same skin color as too many actual criminals. I don’t blame them for feeling they have to vote for their race no matter what. The vast majority of them have no idea that there’s any other option for them. For the last twenty five years or so, that has been as much the fault of terrible African American community leaders as the fault of white racism.
But let’s be honest and say that African Americans voted for someone who looks like them, even if he isn’t one of them in actual fact. They better be concerned that the man on whom they’re pinning all their hopes and dreams will do more for them than all the other current leaders in the African American community have done.
I’d like some examples of right wing looney hatred that even compares to the left’s display.
David P.:
Blacks are a minority, it was white guilt that elected the O.
And hispanics looking for a handout. Here, every pinche mojhou had an Obama sign outside his trailer, over by where the skinny dog was chained.
Another great genius lost.
RIP Michael Crichton
It’s weird, I was just watching some YouTube videos of talks he gave on Global Warming hysteria a few days ago. I haven’t read anything he’s written since The Lost World, but he was an accomplished techno-thriller author and I used to enjoy his book when I was a teenager.
Only 66 too. What a shame.
betyangelo | 05.11.08 – 7:22 pm |
Blacks are a minority, it was white guilt that elected the O.
Oh, yes. I didn’t mean to imply that the black vote swung the election. I was just talking about racialist politics. If anything, judging by certain local issue results in various places, it was more of a failure of McCain voters to turn out on the day than anything else. Maybe I chose the wrong sports metaphor last night. Sometimes a team quits before the game is over once they think they have no chance.
And hispanics looking for a handout. Here, every pinche mojhou had an Obama sign outside his trailer, over by where the skinny dog was chained.
We had the equivalent in my mostly Hispanic neighborhood: Obamessiah stickers in windows and on car bumpers, right next to the Dominican flag. There were a few people running up and down my block last night screaming and setting off firecrackers for about an hour. They don’t know anything about his policies, or possible handouts. All they know is that as good Hispanics they’re supposed to vote against white people. That’s what all the local Hispanic politicians tell them to do every time. I know because I hear their speeches when they drive around in vans with loudspeakers, and get their campaign literature shoved under my door. Policy doesn’t enter into it at the low end of the spectrum.
If you haven’t read it I would recommend ‘Climate of Fear’ a chilling (pun intended) insight into the current corruption of science.
It was indeed a failure to turn out – I know a few who just said, my vote won’t count, Obama is going to win, and they shrugged. REally infuriating.
So I’m guessing you know what is a pinche mojhou π
betyangelo, just to be pedantic and not to trapse in any way on your understood grief – the green furry beings worshipping the claw inside the lucky dip machine was actually from ‘Toy Story’.
I think ‘Monsters Inc’ is more representative of the entire MSM.
AHA! You are correct.
“Toy Story” one of Hollywood’s finest flims.
Si, ese.
To David Preiser. You wrote that “All they know is that as good Hispanics they’re supposed to vote against white people. That’s what all the local Hispanic politicians tell them to do every time.”
In certain south-western states, these hispanics are about to be come an absolute majority, thanks in large part to GWB. When they do, voting against the white man could mean secession. Is this a possibility?
How long until Obama starts kowtowing to the muslim community? That’s all I worry about.
I thought the US stock market was already discounting an Obama victory. But it has dropped quite a bit today. And the main tech stock I follow is down 11% today – having already been dragged way down already in recent months.
The only consolation is that Brown has so damaged sterling that the value of the shares – in dollars converted to sterling – has appreciated mightily since the summer.
The tech company concerned is an example of high-grade US ingenuity. It is selling next-gen telephonme exchanges worldwide – including winning at BT. There is not a single UK company left of any stature selling telco capital equipment, even in the home market, let alone overseas. All down the tubes.
So when people in the US suggest that the fundamentals of the US economy are relatively sound, I tend to agree. At least as compared to the non-finance UK competitiveness, which is shot to pieces.
If I might jump in that question for David, if he doesn’t mind – do you ask about Mexican illegals or just good old Spanish that have been here since the conquistadores came, 500 years ago, and then Spain abandoned them?
There are two communities of Hispanic down here, those are they, though I think David doesn’t live in AZ anymore – he said Dominican Republic Hispanics, he could be somewhere on along the Gulf Coast.
The Mexican flag gets waved around here in NM and AZ, but pretty much the Spanish and the Mexicans don’t mix – hence the nomen “pinche mojhou”*, and is said by the indigenous Spanish, who consider themselves very American and are feircely proud to be so, they make awesome marines.
The Mexicans might think they are claiming the Southwest for Mexico, but the Spanish abandoned here in the 1600’s feel no love of Spain. They are their own people, and no part of Mexico either, and very much a part of America. Even though it might be 2008 and only a few in the famiy bothered to learn English.
*fucking (mexican) dude, meant as an expression of utter despair of ever understanding why they do what they do.
Allan@Oslo | 05.11.08 – 9:07 pm |
In certain south-western states, these hispanics are about to be come an absolute majority, thanks in large part to GWB. When they do, voting against the white man could mean secession. Is this a possibility?
I don’t see that happening at all, and for two reasons (in addition to bettyangelo’s correct observations). There just isn’t enough of an economy to support any independent state based there, unless Texas went along. That’ll never, ever happen, of course.
The Hispanic leaders in Arizona have been fighting for La Raza (“the race”) for as long as I can remember. It has always been in their best interests to keep Mexican immigrants and their children from learning English, so that they will always have a reliable voting base. It keeps them from integrating and succeeding financially, so they’ll always be suckers. The politicians (and I include white Democrat panderers in this) will l lose that racket if they secede.
I live in the Uppermost West Side of New York City. The Hispanic population is Dominican up here, with a growing contingent of Mexicans (almost all illegal) who do the deliveries and sweep the floors for the Dominican (and Arab) business owners. The Puerto Rican community (Spanish Harlem) starts about 25 blocks south of me, and is also across the river in the Bronx.
There’s a big schism between Hispanics and African Americans for a variety of reasons. For cultural reasons, anyone who speaks Spanish or is of Caribbean-Hispanic descent is not considered “black”, even if they have black African features. Due to the lack of an Hispanic option, they all voted for the candidate who wasn’t white. Normally, though, there’s very little solidarity between the two.
In other elections, it’s always “Vote your Race”. That won’t change any time soon, because the Hispanic politicians here do the same thing they do in AZ.
It’s about creating a reliable, captive voter base, not actually doing a damn thing for their constituents. That won’t exist if they secede and form a purely Hispanic state.
That won’t exist if they secede and form a purely Hispanic state.
David Preiser (USA) | Homepage | 05.11.08 – 10:10 pm |
There’s already a great example of a Hispanic State that’s out of control: Mexico. Arizona or California are probably not that much different.
I was wondering: How many hispanic votes did McCain get in his home state? Any idea?
How amusing to watch you all fighting among yourselves.
In case you didn’t know, the all-powerful leaders of Biased BBC Blogspot block BBC IP addresses from commenting on the site (so much for free speech) so if a post is made during the daytime it’s unlikely the poster works for the BBC.
Ha ha ha ha regarding Obama’s magnificent routing of your neo-cons, by the way.
Anyone care to defend the last eight years of Bush misrule? No? Thought not.
If B-BBC blocks you Beeboids from commenting here, isn’t that simply paying you back in your own coin?
After all, you certainly block us from access to the frequencies you stole.
The difference, of course, is that we pay your wages and we also pay for your website, too.
But I suppose the point is a little subtle for you to grasp.
Tommy wrote;
“How amusing to watch you all fighting among yourselves.In case you didn’t know, the all-powerful leaders of Biased BBC Blogspot block BBC IP addresses from commenting on the site (so much for free speech) so if a post is made during the daytime it’s unlikely the poster works for the BBC.”
And you know this by?
A) The voices in your head tell you so.
B) You read about from Hazel Blears
C) Abu Bowen wrote about it.
D) You’re a Troll.
E) You use a browser other than IE (Like I do) and find some of your posts are blocked so you have to switch to IE in which to post.(That isn’t censorship, it’s websites that haven’t been fully tested)
Tommy 11:04
Maybe one of the “all powerful leaders” of Biased BBC will comment on your allegation that BBC IP addresses are blocked from this site.
Quite happy to defend Bush when compared with Clinton’s Presidency of misrule and certainly the useless Carter, worst US President ever. As for Obama , we shall just have to wait and see.
Tommy must be another one of these unbiased posters putting a stop to our right wing groupthink.
How lucky we are that they visit
Why would B-BBC block BBC IP addresses?
I am sure all B-BBC readers welcome the hilarious contributions from BBC minions.
Grant | 05.11.08 – 11:34 pm |
I second that. One of the first things Obama will do is close down Gitmo and let the terrorists roam the streets of Washington DC. I wonder how that will go down with the electorate.
Please tell me Tommy one of Obamas policies that has the faintest chance of working? Abolition of NAFTA? trade barriers to foreign goods? Higher taxes in a recession? Talking to Iran? Its remarkable to see a Democrat inheriting a bad economy it’s usually the ineffectual lefties who have to be bailed out by the so called neocoms –and don’t call us fools you dumbass
Mikewineliberal you could never beat me in any physical combat
“One of the first things Obama will do is close down Gitmo and let the terrorists roam the streets of Washington DC.”
Then an escort to San Fran, to be greeted with by red carpet and a hallal stay at a four star hotel replete with veiled escort, where NY literary agents will flock to hear their stories and help them write books. In English, of course. About their experiences at the hands of American infidels. All the monies will be channeled to fund a safe house for so-called terrorists, plus serve as a staging ground where they will meet attorneys to represent them as they sue.
The safe house will be called, “Flying Imams”, and a live goat’s throat will be slit to commemorate the dedication. As well, 72 virgins will be present to publically swear to name their first born sons Obama.
I don’t believe there is any pre-blocking of comments here. Whereas there is endless censorship on BBC have-your-say lists or BBC blogs. People are still accusing everyone in sight of being a racist on the Justin Webb site – with no blocking by the “moderators”. But a high proportion of posts critical of Obama are blocked, or delayed wth “This post is being reviewed by the moderators” and left to rot, never being adjudicated.
Perhaps the BBC would like to represent the views of black people like this sometime:
π π π
if i were a yank right now id be thinking smugly “fuck the world” which i have a sneaking suspicion,obama is. Obama is going to be looking out for the interests of some people. i think i have an idea who – it certainly wont be germans,iranians,koreans though – it will be african americans primarily. Oh and possibly the odd kenyan.
Cameron | 05.11.08 – 2:00 pm
totally agree. obama is a bit of an isolationist if you look through his policies.
the beeboids will be in for a hefty wake up call, when America pulls back its military.
Americans, with some justification, are sick and tired of them providing the military umbrella for the free world, while Europe indulges in welfare statism.
Your a genuine nob end. You arguements make no sense. Please get a life
I agree, Please get out more, your wasting your life
Well, I’ve just been vindicated and entertained at the same time reading an article and the comments afterward about Michelle’s … er… dress.
When I saw it I personally thought of a bomb. Perhaps you may not appreciate, being British, and well…rather thought of as having a kind of oblivious sense of women’s fashion. Mind – it was not me who said English women’s shoes look like someone saw a shoe, described it to an Englishman, who promptly made a woman’s shoe without ever having actually SEEN one.
“Our First Lady should set an example of elegance and grace for American females. Therefore, I was appalled to see Mrs. Obama not only poorly dressed and coiffed when casting her vote at the Chicago polling station, but doing two things a lady never does in public: Scratching her rump and then resting her hand on her hip for a good long time!”
Dang. ‘Merica’s chickens come home to roost.
Weren’t Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice black? I don’t seem to recall the Beeb ramming it down our throats that they were black and in very powerful positions. Maybe because they were Conservative?
“Please tell me Tommy one of Obamas policies that has the faintest chance of working? Abolition of NAFTA? trade barriers to foreign goods?….”
I don’t wish to upset the flow but I think that these two policies are essential if the US is ever to recover its industrial base. Neither Korera nor Japan practice free trade except where they can increase exports so, if this is what Obama is offering, then it’s not unreasonable. The US simply cannot sustain its huge trade deficits – and the sage of Omaha agrees.
Tommy | 05.11.08 – 11:04 pm |
Anyone care to defend the last eight years of Bush misrule? No? Thought not.
i think bush has done a fine job as president,two full terms in his pocket
is hardly a disaster is it fool.
Watching the BBC Breakfast ‘News’ this morning I am reminded of the Charlie Higson artist character in the ‘Fast Show’.
I do presume President Obama does have more going for him than what the BBC and those it has selected (or got in touch to say what they want to hear in return for plugging a book/website, etc) to talk to might suggest.
I, for one, would be very keen to learn more on these aspects of governance.
For a change.