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frankos | 10.11.08 – 10:53 pm
and his policies made the great depression even worse.
only WW2 saved FDR’s place in history.
orla guerin did a report from congo on the news this evening.
i noticed the crisp new uniforms and the Russian style jackboots on the troops there.
at no stage did orla guerin inform us of two very important things:
1. WHY the war in congo is happening
2. who are arming them
instead. we get the usual sob story of yet another war in Africa because the poor Africans cant help themselves, the poor things.
next up , there’ll be a Congo Christmas special from Children in Need, with Bono leading the charge.
quite right we started the Great American success story by losing our Empire from debts incurred by Lend Lease + the subsequent “soft loan”
Perhaps Brown might look at a history book once in a while + see the historical perils of goverment debt.
Perhaps Brown might look at a history book once in a while + see the historical perils of goverment debt.
frankos | 10.11.08 – 11:18 pm
even worse – he seems to be hell bent on selling the country out to Islamic finance from Saudi Arabia…
“2. who are arming them”
terrible typo – it should be of course “who is arming them”…
but i wouldnt be surprised if it really is an “are” – as in a landgrab via proxy by Russia, China and possibly America, for the mineral riches of Congo.
sidenote: BBC2 is repeating Band of Brothers right now… awesome series.well worth watching.
whitewineliberal: Rubbish. Robinson has his nose so far up McTwats arse he’ll run into you.
WWL writes: “”The above statement may seem like complete nonsense, but it is true all the same.”
Best comment on b-bbc. Ever.”
I’ve just joined the “Save HMS Victory” Facebook Group
I’m not sure how solid the info is but I wouldn’t put it beyond the fat one eyed Jock to sell off HMS Victory for good.
The TODAY show this AM made the most of the latest poll giving the Tories their ‘smallest lead’ for months at six percent and the poll apparently found that voters thought Brown was the best leader to look after the economy.
No mention of the poll of a couple of days ago giving the Tories a thirteen percent or the twenty odd point lead of last month of course.
The TODAY show doesnt do polls does it? Er, well no and yes! when theres positive news for Labour then the comrades at TODAY are on it like their lives depend on it, however when the polls bring bad news for Labour then the comrades at TODAY seem to go back to their policy of ‘we dont do opinion polls’ Hmmmm, funny that eh?
PS: I was wrong about the US elections, dead wrong, a case of wishfull thinking I reckon! To say I was upset would be an understatement, I wont make that mistake again!
Jesus wept! The Tories are offering piddling little tax adjustments, a tiny bit of tinkering here and there, a bit of window dressing, a bit like polishing the brass on the Titanic just before it sinks? What is the point of the Tories anyway, they may as well come clean and rename themselves social democrats(euro division)and employ Blair as their frontman.
If the Tories get in what will change?
More cash for the rich and free yachts for MPs while the rest of us get crushed under the wheels of the Nu EUSSR juggernaut?
What’s BBC put in “Top Stories” today?
“Palin puts faith in God for 2012”
Can’t stop it can they?
disillusioned_german: “I’ve just joined the “Save HMS Victory” Facebook Group”
So have I – thanks for that. I don’t want it to end up like the Cutty Sark.…gid=31952215302
Obama-voter Peter Bowes: “Fans and hoards of journalists from around the world…”
It’s time for change, Peter – from “hoards” to “hordes”.
The last ICM poll (released Sunday)gives the Tories a 6 point lead
The last Populus poll (released Monday) gives the Tories a 13 point lead.
Of course the BBC pick the lowest of the two:
‘The Tory proposals come as a poll for the Times suggested their lead over Labour has fallen sharply in recent weeks – from 15 points a month ago to six points now’
Sorry ICM was 13, and Populus 6.
Anybody see the docudrama last night about how Stalin helped Hitler after the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, and about the Katyn massacre? It was jaw-dropping – the Beeb producing something that was factually accurate (though the reconstructions of blokes getting in and out of cars were as tiresome as ever).
I guess they’ll just be setting us up for the revelations about how Churchill and Roosevelt cosied up to Uncle Joe later on, but even so it made a change.
They had a bloke from the Adam Smith Institute on Toady this morning too. Now all they need is a presenter who knows something about economics who isn’t in the tank for NuLab.
BBC double standards: Jonathan Ross keeps his job, but:
“BBC Radio host sacked after call to taxi firm requesting ‘non-Asian’ driver”
This is a top story on
I can’t find it reported anywhere on the BBC. Can anyone correct me?
I should have thought it was quite interesting for the public to know that it was almost definitely a nuclear bomb making facility that was destroyed by the Israelis.
Presumably the BBC decided that the public don’t need to know. Sarah Palin’s views are far more interesting.
No surprise there, then.
Update for BBC’s D. Casciani:
“Abu Qatada arrested and back in jail”
Re- BBC sacking of white presenter:
“White Flight” (by BBC’s Vivian White, May 2007):
Above: “White FRIGHT”.
compare and contrast
Anonymous 12:21 pm
Be warned Beeboids; this is how a BBC’s muticulturally -imbued boss treat workers: they are summarily sacked (not merely ‘replaced’ on a programme, as the above BBC devious report suggests).
I trust any freedom-loving Beeboid (possibly working for the wrong organisation) will rally round Ms. Mason and her many supporters and stand up against this insidious ideological destruction of a colleague’s career.
You can add a bit of class to the rag-bag of commenters on this site, by saying what you think here.
‘Daily Mail’:
update on ‘Comments’: 147, and counting, nearly all supporting Ms. SAM MASON:
why is it that those of us who have always supported America are ignored? “the world had already chosen barack obama”. No they hadn’t Beeboids. I chose McCain. but you don’t listen to those with oppossing views do you? I thought common purpose was all about understanding how other people think? You all need refresher courses.
and how on earth can the BBC end the report with this setence:
“But they too may have to rethink how they deal with the Great Satan, if global goodwill persists.”
RR 10.15a.m.
I did not listen to the Today programme, but I can assure you that the Adam Smith institute is an economic libertarian organisation that is about as pro-Labour as Yasser Arafat was pro-Israel. This is not to be confused with the Smith Institute, which is a thinktank with close ties to Gordon Brown, which is to the left of Keynes in its economic outlook.
Given Today’s previous form, I would suggest that the spokesperson was from the Smith Institute, but I may be wrong. Maybe you could confirm for us?
In fact, the Adam Smith Institute has some excellent economic ideas and commentary and its website is well worth a read – its link is in the sidebar here.
This is not directly relevant to the BBC, but I hope the moderators will allow me to digress for a moment, as I would like to know other peoples’ opinion on this.
I have been very disappointed by Cameron and Osborne’s performance during this recession; their policies lack clarity and consistency, and they have ceded ground to Gordon Brown by allowing him to take the lead without holding him to account.
Sad to say, but if Brown were to call a snap election now, I think he has a chance of scraping back in.
I feel Cameron has one way to take control of this financial crisis, and that is to demote Osborne and recall Kenneth Clarke as Shadow Chancellor. This can be risky in the long term, as Kenneth Clarke can be a divisive figure, especially over Europe. I also understand he is not every conservative’s favourite MP, nor is he mine. However, if Cameron can ensure that he keeps his mouth firmly shut over Europe – which surely a leader in his position can – it could be a risk worth taking, because Clarke is the only man who can walk the walk and win against Gordon Brown when it comes to the economy.
With Clarke as Shadow Chancellor, the Conservatives can retake control of the economic agenda, and have an irrefutable line of attack against Brown – “We left you a perfect economy, look how you’ve ruined it.” It is difficult to see how Brown could win against Clarke; but he’s certainly making Osborne look weak (this despite the fact that he has been wrong on just about everything!).
I’m sure this is a controversial idea, I just wondered what other people thought?
Heron | 11.11.08 – 3:54 pm |
Two things to remember, Cameron doesn`t know the true state of the countries finances, although I think he feels (like most non Labour commenters)that we are really up sh*t creek.
Secondly, if he manages to come up with some financial wizardry that looks like working, Brown will just pinch the idea, alter the wording a bit, and claim it as his own.
As for bring back Clarke as chancellor, it would look very much like a party going backwards.
I feel the best tactic, is what they are doing, not make any silly promises, get his cabinet to behave, and Gordon Brown will lose the next election without any help.
Then when they get to look at the books, tell the country just how badly managed the economy has been for the past 11 or 12 years.
Just my take on things.
for countries read country`s 🙁
I think bringing Clarke back would be a problem as he is a link to the Major government. Never mind that for every example of “Sleaze” in that government there is an example of corruption in this (Fayed may have paid Hamilton, but he still travels on an Egyption passport and Hamilton is out of parliament, while the Hindujas “sponsored” a government project and now they, their families and their pets all travel on British passports and Mandelson is back in the cabinet!); never mind the strong economy that government left for Labour to destroy; Labour’s propaganda team will find it too easy to paint the Conservatives as “sleazy” again.
A wider question, and one very relevant to this site; is how do the Conservatives get their message over? Wilson and Callaghan (uninterupted by Heath) left the British economy needing very strong and unpleasant medicine, which Thatcher administered only to be blamed for the necessary measures. Major, following Thatcher left a very strong economy for which Labour are being given the credit. Now that Labour have destroyed what they inherited, the Conservatives will be blamed for, once again, having to apply stromg measures to undo the damage wrought by Blair/Brown.
The Conservatives are the nasty party in the same way a surgeon is nasty for cutting people open to remove diseased organs. If only we could finally and permanently remove the disease of Socialism and its softer (looking) modern variant, Social Democracy.