Measures to combat terrorism are causing fear. (What, more fear than terrorism itself?) She says people in Britain feel as if they are living “under a police state because of the fear being spread by ministers.”
(She must have said that before she saw last night’s Panorama.)
So, what about the fear being spread by extremist Islam? What about fear being spread by the government’s delusion, heavily promoted by the BBC, that a moderate version of Islam can be set against an extreme version to bring about a multicultural paradise?
Frank Gardner now says Stella Rimmington rang the BBC to say that she had been slightly misreported. (Surely not!)
Frank Gardner thinks she meant something about winning hearts and minds.
Maybe, if we adopt some Sharia law as recommended by the Archbish, cover up our wimmin and confine them indoors, keep gays underground, wipe Israel off the map, and eradicate those annoying Jews, that would do the trick. Maybe those measures would win hearts and minds. Someone very clever indeed or very stupid might be able to argue that it would bring our civil liberties back. But would it stop all that violence and terror? It didn’t do Frank (Help me I’m a Muslim) all that much good, did it.
Tom | 17.02.09 – 5:41 pm |
Thanks Tom.
With regard to Norman Bettison’s statement I refer back to what I said earlier. “They are told what it is suitable to tell them.”
Sue 4:54
Sorry, I misread it. Quite agree with your point, “some of our liberties”, being the area of debate.
If I could be convinced that the corrent losses and proposed losses in our liberties were motivated by a genuine desire to curb terrorism, I might support the government.
But, as I don’t trust them or their motives on this matter or any other, I think it is right to be wary of them , especially given their appalling record.
Oh yes, and the expressions of horror at the very idea that the counter-terrorist lot could be so sneaky looked mighty ridiculous in the light of what we had just seen.
Beeboid Richard Watson’s nervous laughter didn’t mask his discomfiture when the mob turned ugly, obviously he hadn’t ingratiated himself quite enough with these moderate fellows, and the child that took a swipe at him as he retreated added a slapstick element.
Yorrick is plainly a troll, whatever it claims.
Many of us here are widely read in the history and theology of Islam and know that Yorrick is spouting leftist platitudes and received opinion. Don’t encourage Yorrick by refuting its points, you’re just wasting time and effort boosting one troll’s ego.
Remember, don’t feed the troll.
“the terrorists are a direct response to british (and american led) foreign policy. pure and simple. we create these monsters with out short term, we-know-whats-best,”
More interestingly Warrick,seems to think that British foreign policy should be dictated by religious extremists.The concept of democracy seems to have evaded him.
There was an attempt not long ago down my way when the Muslims tried to use a retard ss a suicide bomber.
It was thanks to incompotence not lack of murderous intent that nobody was killed.
Yorrick is just using this site to vent spleen while he studies his GCSE in sociology.
He’s also quick to point out how brave he is by thrusting his head in the sand and dismissing the threat of Islam as nothing more than tabloid fiction. Yeah, you and about ten million other anemic, bed-wetting liberals who actually believe that if you ignore something nasty it goes away.
Let’s just hope that principal works if we apply it to you. Tosser.
Still, you have to admire how Muhammad, the illiterate, kiddy-fiddling, thieving, woman-beating, mass-murdering psychopath went back in time to 610 AD to creat a vile, Arabian-moonfairy-centric dethcult which he called Islam in order to protest the 2003 Iraq war. He could’ve just hilariously, pathetically, impotently put on a Che Guevara t-shirt and marched through the streets with the rest of those mixed-up nutjobs with banners reading, ‘ZOMG end teh illeygul okupayshun of teh irac!!1!LOL’ instead.
So let’s summarise: Islamic Extremism doesn’t exist. But if it does it’s our fault. And despite having nothing in common with IRA terrorism except maybe bomb recipes, it’s a direct analogy to it. So let’s all cover our ears, go ‘la-la-la’ and everything will be hunky-dory, and we can all live in hapiness with unicorns that fire rainbows out of their bottoms.
Robert S McNamara. That just about sums up Yorrick, his apologising for Islam and his puny ilk. Nuff said.
“The people we hear about in the press (the radical preachers) do not represent anywhere near most Muslims. Why Would you judge a community by its worst elements?”
How do you know this?
“Up to 4,000 Islamic extremists have attended terrorist training camps in Afghanistan before returning to Britain, security chiefs have revealed.”,000-in-UK-trained-at-terror-camps.html
So how come this woman now says different?
When IRA terrorists started blowing people up – I don’t remember people saying that the vast majority of Irish are peaceful. I expect they were, but it was never stated like that. Is this just to “reassure” us – or is it scare tactics by the government to stamp out “civil liberties” There is, I believe, no doubt that there is a threat to Britain, but new Labour is using this
for other purposes as well.
And what about this?
A lot of intelligent points could be made in favour of your arguments, but no, you resort to racism, petty insults, and paranoia.
Fine, live your life in fear of something that may or may not ever happen. Your choice. But you bring that fear and unhappiness upon yourself, don’t whinge about it if you chose to be miserable. The rest of us will go on with our lives and look for real solutions to deal with terrorism, as opposed to saying ‘they’re baddies those muslims, lets kill em all’.
Let’s quit feeding the ignorant troll
“A lot of intelligent points could be made in favour of your arguments, but no, you resort to racism, petty insults, and paranoia.”
LOL. The death rattle of a frustrated lefty. Go back to the student union bar Yorrick, if you want a ‘debate’ in which everyone ultimately agrees with you.
The best strategy on the Middle East threat is to hijack their TV broadcasts and transmit a mix of MTV and the Playboy channel across their airwaves – oh, not forgeting the best of Top Gear.
alas, poor troll…
try again
The defintion of irony lost the BBC…
US Muslim TV boss ‘beheaded wife’
“Both Mr Hassan [the founder of the TV station] and his wife worked at Bridges TV, a station aimed at countering stereotypes of Muslims.”
One of the first actions by Stella Rimmington on her appointment was to declare that any perceived threat from Muslims and Islam in the UK had been exaggerated and she scaled down the counter terrorist activities then in place!
Head of Intelligence? Give me strength!
Stella Rimmington appears to be belatedly concerned with a slide towards a police state. Why should we trust a fully paid up member of the ruling class?
This government has set out to create a society where the state is no longer that organisation we, the citizens, create in order that we may have sound government but a society where the state exists independently of our leave and grants to us such liberties as it deems fit. It is this that underlies the totalitarian approach of the EU.
The Islamic threat is a godsend to those, who in every age, desire power and wealth at the expense of all.
The threat is real but to destroy our freedoms to counter it is futile.
If you doubt that those at a lowly level ,who are charged with implementing the new laws have any care for our freedoms then just run foul of them.
They ,beneath a veneer a politeness, are just like every licensed thug down the ages. Happy to wave their power in your face but so politely it makes me sick.
This government has unleashed this mean spirit in our England and will not stop until it has put it’s boot on our face.
‘The IRA terrorised the UK for years, the Islamic threat is mostly a theoretical threat’
That’s because the IRA, malevolent as it was, occasionaly showed some brains and guts.
The Muslim gang show neither.
This is not entirely true, but it is very much worth remembering all the same.
Our civil liberties and individual property rights, are basically all we have that is worth having. Because without these things we no longer have a need for a free mind, and therefore will lose even that. A free mind most surly being the only thing that is worth having.
IMO This is still the case, whether we have further terrorist attacks or not. You may however disagree with my assertion. Fortunately you still have a right to do so.
It is obvious to myself at least, that 9/11 and 7/7 were inside jobs, or black ops, of one kind or another. Even if they were not, surly the fear of terrorism is still worse then the terrorism itself, by a very long distance.
How long do we have to go, without any more serious terrorist attacks in this country. Before we will be able to reduce our current level of government repression, supposedly aimed at reducing the risk of another terrorist attack?
For absolutely ever and a day, and at our current rate, even longer.
What depresses myself even more then that, is this.
IMO it is a 100% certainty that as soon as we seem to have reduced are state of alert, another terrorist attack will indeed take place, either here or somewhere closely related. Which of course was the real reason why we were given 9/11 and 7/7 in the first place.
There has never been a time when we have actually been allowed to live without fear of being mass or otherwise murdered, one way or another. Certainly not in living memory. This state of affairs it seems will never be allowed to change.
There is without doubt an Islamic equally mind controlled force, determined to do harm to this or other countries common people. It would be silly to deny that there is.
However these purely Islamic Fascist forces REAL power to in reality achieve any of their stated aims, is SELF EVIDENTLY as good as non existent.
Historically it is a fact IMO that International Terrorism has never achieved anything ( other then many very dead innocent and not so innocent people ) that the establishment it was supposedly attacking, did not want it to.
If 50 years of M.A.D. did not bring down western democracy and its love child, individual property rights.
Why has only 8 years, and a couple of nasty but relatively harmless terrorist attacks, carried out by a few rag heads with suicide jackets. Along with a few maniacs armed with only a basic pilots training and a commercial airliner, done such a fine job of bringing our long suffered for FREEDOMS, all but crashing down around our heads?
Surly even you lot can work the answer out for yourselves. I should not have to spell it all out for you, in my best schoolboy English.
OK you can’t, so here go’s.
The establishment of this country and now the world hates us all, and especially our relative prosperity, and sense of freedom and liberty. Therefore it long since planned to destroy every vestige of all of them, preferably at the same time, without us even knowing, or much suspecting, they have permanently done so already.
Got it yet?
NO? oh well, let me have another go.
A rather smart cost effective way of enslaving the entire world, is to think LONG TERM.
First get extremely rich and even more powerful. Then divide the world into approximately two seemingly opposing halves. ( This part of the process started in 1945, and was called The Cold War. )
One part reasonably free and liberal, the other hardly free at all, and highly repressive and authoritarian.
Then wait approximately 50 years or so, getting for ever more rich and powerful by supplying mining and other arms technologies to both sides. Then pretend to collapse the authoritarian half, which of course by now you completely control. This because you have been by now asset stripping the place, for a very long time.
Now this is the really smart bit.
You then conspire with the international banking system which you own and various military intelligence agencies which you now completely control to very cleverly enslave the more free part.
Thus in the end the whole world is ENSLAVED, by effective Internationalist Marxist Communism, or indeed socialist corporate capitalism, better known as world FASCISM. Even better known today as The New World Order.
Perhaps our ruling elites intend to be nice to us from now on. Although it is worth stating that their record so far on such matters is not good, to say the very least.
Yorrick said
“A lot of intelligent points could be made in favour of your arguments, but no, you resort to racism, petty insults, and paranoia.”
I only asked the question – how do you know that
“The people we hear about in the press (the radical preachers) do not represent anywhere near most Muslims.”
What is the answer. As Leo McKinstry said 24% of 2,000,000 is a lot of people.
And by the way Islam is not a race.
Nothing to fear but fear itself? “The jury was told that had the alleged plot come off, there would have been deaths on an “unprecedented scale”.
al-muhajiroon is alive and well and recruiting in Brent..
Greenmail | 17.02.09 – 8:26 pm |
I have no tack with anyone who resorts to terrorist acts – but I don’t remember the IRA using suicide bombers.
“An elderly man, who appeared to have difficulty walking, blew himself up and killed a policeman who was helping him in Afghanistan on Thursday, a local official says.”
The only thing the Islamic terrorists have in common with the IRA is that they are both terrorists.
What should people do then Yorrick, in your opinion, to appease the “militants”? What is it that they want? How is it that Islamic Terrorism affects the whole world, not just the west.?
The posts by Atlas Shrugged really bring down the credibility of this site (and are also attacking everyone else who posts here to boot, such as the following example):
“Surly even you lot can work the answer out for yourselves. I should not have to spell it all out for you, in my best schoolboy English.
OK you can’t, so here go’s.”
The IRA never showed brains or guts, it was evil incarnate.
Atlas shrugged | 17.02.09 – 8:29 pm |
Historically it is a fact IMO that International Terrorism has never achieved anything…
Statements like this aren’t going to convince me of any “facts”.
In actual fact, International Terrorism has achieved the following:
The election of Zapatero in Spain;
An increase in anti-Jew activity in Europe and Britain;
The post-9/11 Question Time revelation that many people at the BBC (and their defenders) believe that the attacks were somehow justified;
Calls from the public and the BBC to give Afghanistan back to the Taliban;
Inspiring John Adams to compose an opera as a paean to the Palestinians, in an attempt to understand and sympathize with people who pushed a man in a wheelchair off a cruise ship, rather than condemn the act of terror;
The banning from Britain of an elected MP of a European country;
A member of British Parliament declaring on national television that the Home Office is right in saying that any British citizen wishing to have a free debate about a certain topic must leave the country in order to do so;
I could go on.
“The threat from Islamic extremism does exist but it’s hardly any worse than the threat from the IRA before 98”
It is far worse. There are statements in the ahadith along the lines that the death of a non-believer is a matter of little consequence. The intention to cause as many casualties as is practical is a hallmark of the Muslim operation (to the extent that they indulge in fantasies -we hope they remain so – of nuclear, biological or chemical attacks). The IRA often gave short warnings about explosions, realising that large scale civilian casualties would be counter-productive. They also had to keep in mind opinion among Irish Americans, on whom, to some extent, they relied for money and arms. Finally, having presumably received a Christian upbringing, Irish republicans had not been taught to regard great swathes of the human race as the most contemptible of created things.
Folks, I think it is well past Yorrick’s bedtime and he has had a very busy day.
Over the past few years, it has become clear to me that the only way a modern country can actually have freedom within its borders, is to restrict the entry of those from ‘outside’.
For example, you can only be safe on a plane, if you keep the nutters and their bombs off the plane.
We in the UK can only enjoy freedom within the UK if we restrict the entry of nutters into our country. If we have a homogeneous culture (not ‘race’ before I get accused of ‘racism’) within the UK and prevent hostile cultures from entering and colonising the UK, then we can enjoy total freedom within our borders.
This seems quite obvious. Am I missing something?
What the government needs to do, is get a grip on our borders (by any means necessary – e.g. leave the EU if that is the only way).
Then they need to issue an ‘integrate or fuck off’ message to the nutters. Anybody not born in Britain that refuses to get with the programme, to be stripped of UK passport and shown the door.
Finally, impose large fines/jail terms for employers that employ illegals. Without income, they will soon leave of their own accord.
Once we’ve got our ‘core population’ – i.e. those that wish to live here peacefully as British citizens, we will be able to enjoy true freedom (as we used to).
I’m sure there are people that will claim this is ‘impractical’ or ‘racist’, but it (to me at least) just seems to be common sense.
Of course, it won’t happen. The government would much rather restrict our freedoms and see British citizens killed, rather than appear ‘hardline’/’racist’/’un PC’.
So instead, we sleepwalk towards civil war.
Yorrick: Exactly how should a UK government respond to demands for ‘independence’ or ‘shariah law’ in muslim majority areas – e.g. Bradford? Should we practice ‘democracy’ and allow a mini Pakistan to be created within the UK? What about the Brits that don’t want to live in ‘mini Pakistan’? Should they kneel before Islam or become refugees in their own country?
You seem to think that demographics aren’t an issue. If that is the case, how did Bradford come to have a majority muslim population?
Finally, having presumably received a Christian upbringing, Irish republicans had not been taught to regard great swathes of the human race as the most contemptible of created things.
wally | 17.02.09 – 11:07 pm | #
Sorry, but I do have to take issue with that:
On the same day a bomb four times larger than the Eniskillen bomb was placed at a similar but smaller parade 20 miles (32 km) away at Tullyhommon,[7] where the parade was conducted by members of the Boys’ Brigade, Girls’ Brigade and “three of four members of the security forces in uniform there to lay a wreath”.[4] That bomb failed to explode.
Hilarious to read the childishly simplistic left wing talking points from Yorrick, as if we haven’t gone over this nonsensical claptrap and demolished it time and time again.
He would do well to browse the excellent collection of links and resources gathered on the website of Mark Humphrys, particularly this:
and this:
and these:
Then perhaps he’d like to consult the Muslim terrorist attack-ometer on the Religion of Peace website:
Well how about that! It currently registers 12,751 deadly terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims since 9/11. The fact that none have occurred on American soil and that only one has occurred on British soil is a reflection of the tireless work done to foil such attacks by the counter-terrorist organizations of both countries. Many attacks have been detected and stopped in their embryonic stages.
We are looking at a culture and a movement which seeks to destroy the West and replace it with Islam. It does not matter that “not all Muslims are part of this movement” – we do not believe this anyway, contrary to the persistent claims of left wing trolls like yourself who can’t debate without setting up straw men at every available opportunity.
It does not even matter if a majority of Muslims have no desire to see Western culture destroyed (although surveys conducted throughout the Muslim world have frequently shown that a large proportion of Muslims agree with the use of violence to defend or promote their religion). The fact is that we’re facing the very real possibility of the intersection of Islamic jihad and weapons of mass destruction, something which we cannot allow to happen under any circumstances. The mocking and braying and whining of inconsequential nobodies like yourself will do nothing whatsoever to deter the determination of those who wish to make sure it never happens.
Don’t worry about Atlas, he just has delusions of grandeur. As I’ve pointed out to him before – and never got a response – if he’s such an oracle of conspiracy theories then why chose ~Biased BBC?
its hilarious how my posts have ruffled feathers so much. to the point where you just try to insult me, in a boring and predictable way. its ridiculous how anyone on this site who tries to argue against the extremist views of vance and co is labelled as anything from a terrorist sympathiser to a student layabout. clearly you are insecure (especially martin) about your own views, otherwise you wouldn’t feel the need to make such a big show out of attacking and insulting me. no constructive responses, just a load of rubbish. i’ve got news for you guys – no one outside of the little clique who post here takes this blog/your views seriously. you are nutcases. you love to spread rumours and lies, and you hunt for news stories that support your thinking. the only bias on this site comes from its contributors! I wish a lot of the people who post here would themselves eff off and leave the country. britain didn’t become great because of people like you – it became great inspite of people like you.
Yorrick | 17.02.09 – 11:56 pm |
Well give me a response to my question.
You just seem to want to be attacked – you have said a lot of things but without any evidence to back it up.
Why not answer Grimer | 17.02.09 – 11:23 pm | – or do you think that there is no Islamic terrorism – if so who is it who is causing all the outrages in the world at present?
“..britain didn’t become great because of people like you – it became great inspite of people like you.”
Britain became great because it had confidence in itself – it was people who could not see the threat in the 30s from the facists, who like you deny that there is even a problem.
Actually if you know your history Britain became “Great” to distinguish it from Little Britain ie Brittany.
Reprinted for the benefit of the aptly named Yorrick for he certainly demonstrates an empty skull:
“…the Islamic threat is mostly a theoretical threat…”
Yorrick | 17.02.09 – 1:35 pm |
As someone who was privy to the weekly JTAC reports for 5 years and closely involved in intelligence gathering on terrorism where it impinged on serious and organised crime I can state quite categorically that you do not have the first idea what you are talking about.
TPO | 17.02.09 – 4:34 pm |
The British Navy – made Britain great – people like Nelson who were men of action – not appeasers – people like Ramsey McDonald and his countryman Brown did not.
Yorrick | 17.02.09 – 11:56 pm | #
It’s also hilarious how you so loudly proclaim that nobody here has anything constructive to offer you but insults, while simultaneously calling us “nutcases” and telling us to “eff off.”
It seems that the only ruffled feathers here are yours. You’ve buzzed around this thread like an angry little wasp who’s just spent the last hour in a margarine tub.
The reason why nobody’s taking you seriously Yorrick is because you have a tediously immature mindset of the type that we’re experienced at dealing with. Hell, some of us might have even thought like you when we were 18 too. It’s all part of growing up.
And hence the childish melodrama. So David Vance is an “extremist,” Martin is “insecure,” we all spread “rumor and lies” and “nobody takes us seriously.” Who are you trying to fool? It’s obvious you don’t have anything constructive or credible to say whatsoever. You’re just some dumb young kid who’s upset that life isn’t what you thought it was, that your naive interpretation of reality is being challenged by people who have more experience of life and can back up their arguments with facts and logic. It wasn’t meant to be that way was it Yorrick? Your adversaries were supposed to stand up and take notice of your adolescent rage and hang their heads in shame, weren’t they?
Your last statement, that Britain became great “in spite of” people like us is, characteristically, the polar opposite of the truth. Britain became great and survived in spite of people like you, soppy little milquetoasts who think the best way to deal with a threat is to pretend it doesn’t exist. Like I already told you, the effort to protect us from that threat will continue with or without the inconsequential whining of kids going through their angry phase.
This thread should be renamed, in honour of Yorrick.Hearts and Minds to “Arse From Elbow”.
People like Yorrick are typical of many in the West who argue from ignorance (and an assumptive arrogance) when it comes to discussing Islam and the very real threat political Islam poses. Even if they do begrudgingly accept that some acts of violence are carried out in the name of Islam, they are usually quick to blame Israel or Western foreign policy. Of course, this is what the Islamists want these people to believe because it suits their aims. In effect, the “it’s-all-our-fault” brigade become force multipliers for the Islamists.
I notice also that Yorrick speaks disparagingly of Jihad Watch. Does he think that Jihad Watch just makes the stuff up? So today, for example, when Jihad Watch reports that the owner of a “moderate” Islamic TV station in the USA has beheaded his wife, what are we to make of this report? It’s a lie? It’s racist bigotry to report the murder and make a connection with Islam? Are we wrong to link the murderer’s religious beliefs to his act of beheading his wife? Or could Wilders have a point about linking acts of violence to an unquestioning acceptance of the Koran as the true and immutable word of God?
I look forward to your considered response to the points made by Grimer at 11:23 and subsequent posters.
“The IRA often gave short warnings about explosions, realising that large scale civilian casualties would be counter-productive.”
Tell that to the families of the victims of Omagh who were directed TOWARDS the car with the bomb by the deviant sub-humans of the RIRA in their phoned “warnings”. And the massacres at Kingsmill, Claudy, La Mon, Enniskillen etc etc etc. did cause large numbers of civilian casualties without any prior warnings.
The only difference between IRA and islamic terrorism is that muslims carry out their terrorism on an international scale.
BBC headline:
“Law Lords back Qatada deportation”
‘Telegraph’ headline:
“Radical preacher Abu Qatada will ‘stay in country’ despite deportation order”
Now that Yorrick’s adolescent ‘points’ (such as they were) have been comprehensively dealt with by the likes of TPO, Jason & Grimer there is absolutely no need to respond to his subsequent petulant insults
Robert 12:08
Hear ! Hear !
I suspect we have heard the last of Yorrick. Most of them disappear after about 2 days.
Only the serious ones like Mikewineliberal survive and more power to his elbow !
I’ve read this somewhat vague or coded BBC article to try to find out what ‘extremism’ is:
“Colleges advised over extremism”
The nearest I can get to any mention of the problem of ‘extremism’ is in the BBC’s cryptic mention of it by Labour’s Mr. Denham :
“Whether we’re talking about some of the international terrorism that we’ve seen, whether we’re talking about animal rights extremism…”
Not very specific Mr. Denham or BBC.
About this “international terrorism that we’ve seen”, do you mean the on-going global assault on Western and other societies by Islamic jihadists?
And what advice can you give to potential victims of such Islamic jihad attack on how to confront it?
All too vague and ignorant to be helpful, as usual.
The Archbishop of York tells us that Christians have become a persecuted minority in their own country. There is a Foreign Office sponsored conference on rising antisemitism in London right now.
Who is responsible?
Stand up the BBC.
With your appalling partisan coverage of Gaza, you are directly responsible for inflaming Muslim hotheads.
With your sinister alliance with Marxist and Islamic extremists, you are promoting a culture of hatred against mainstream British traditions, values & culture.
With your obsessive promotion of political correctness, you are directly responsible for alienating the British people from each other – creating a fragmentary society with dangerous consequences for all
With your extremist agenda, you have created a “broken society” – where foul language, disrespect, greed, violence, class war hated, dumbing down culture, soviet style propaganda, subservience to minority bullies are promoted as the norm in documentaries, news programmes and soaps.
You are out of step with the mood of the people who actually pay your telly tax. In the name of God, go. You are well past your sell-by date.