Hearts and Minds

Headline and soundbite from ex MI5 Dame Stella RimmingtonUsing Fear of Terror
Measures to combat terrorism are causing fear. (What, more fear than terrorism itself?) She says people in Britain feel as if they are living “under a police state because of the fear being spread by ministers.”

(She must have said that before she saw last night’s Panorama.)

So, what about the fear being spread by extremist Islam? What about fear being spread by the government’s delusion, heavily promoted by the BBC, that a moderate version of Islam can be set against an extreme version to bring about a multicultural paradise?

Frank Gardner now says Stella Rimmington rang the BBC to say that she had been slightly misreported. (Surely not!)
Frank Gardner thinks she meant something about winning hearts and minds.

Maybe, if we adopt some Sharia law as recommended by the Archbish, cover up our wimmin and confine them indoors, keep gays underground, wipe Israel off the map, and eradicate those annoying Jews, that would do the trick. Maybe those measures would win hearts and minds. Someone very clever indeed or very stupid might be able to argue that it would bring our civil liberties back. But would it stop all that violence and terror? It didn’t do Frank (Help me I’m a Muslim) all that much good, did it.

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110 Responses to Hearts and Minds

  1. PeterN says:

    Taken that there is a very serious threat to our security (or not)- isn’t it the point that there should be ways and means of combating this without every jobsworth at my local townhall having the ability to read my emails, check that my rubbish is environmentally correct or that I’m not enrolling my children in the wrong school or that virtually any pcplod can trace my movements on LT through my oyster card for whatever reason. Bring on the Stasi!


  2. Millie Tant says:


    its hilarious how my posts have ruffled feathers so much. to the point where you just try to insult me, in a boring and predictable way. its ridiculous how anyone on this site who tries to argue against the extremist views of vance and co is labelled as anything from a terrorist sympathiser to a student layabout. clearly you are insecure (especially martin) about your own views, otherwise you wouldn’t feel the need to make such a big show out of attacking and insulting me. no constructive responses, just a load of rubbish. i’ve got news for you guys – no one outside of the little clique who post here takes this blog/your views seriously. you are nutcases. you love to spread rumours and lies, and you hunt for news stories that support your thinking. the only bias on this site comes from its contributors! I wish a lot of the people who post here would themselves eff off and leave the country. britain didn’t become great because of people like you – it became great inspite of people like you.
    Yorrick | 17.02.09 – 11:56 pm |
    Heh…Maybe you revolt people the way Hamlet was revolted (his gorge rose)when he looked at the skull of his once-beloved jester, your namesake:


    Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow
    of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath
    borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how
    abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims at
    it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know
    not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your
    gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment,
    that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one
    now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen?
    Now get you to my lady’s chamber, and tell her, let
    her paint an inch thick, to this favour she must
    come; make her laugh at that.

    PS: I am not in a clique, or at least if I am, it is a clique of one! I do not need to share the political views of DV or anyone else here to see bias at the BBC.

    And by the way, why if nobody takes any notice of views on here, are you bothering to post? Slightly contradicting yourself, aren’t you? Remind me again, what are your views about the BBC – I forget.


  3. Grant says:

    Millie 2:07
    Excellent !!


  4. Ratass Shagged says:

    Christ almighty, it’s getting a bit too Johnny Big Potatoes round here for my liking. French and Shakespeare and petulant brats. It’s like being back at school.


  5. wally says:

    Regarding the IRA atrocities I was just pointing out that the IRA often gave warnings and usually did not aim at large civilian casualties. I get the impression that the Omagh bombing was carried out by a particularly moronic or psychopathic bunch. No doubt the same could be said about many other incidents.


  6. Millie Tant says:

    Ratass Shagged:
    Christ almighty, it’s getting a bit too Johnny Big Potatoes round here for my liking. French and Shakespeare and petulant brats. It’s like being back at school.
    Ratass Shagged | 18.02.09 – 6:07 pm |

    hehe…I can’t help it that we did Hamlet when I was at skool… did Milton and Chaucer too…ooooooooohh!


  7. Grant says:

    Millie 7:25
    You mean they don’t study these at school now ?


  8. Jeff Todd says:

    I have no tack with anyone who resorts to terrorist acts – but I don’t remember the IRA using suicide bombers……”

    They used proxy bombs.

    The IRA would hold your wife and kids hostage and you drove the bomb (on pain of their death)- sometimes being tied into the vehicle. You would drive up to a Police station or checkpoint. If you were lucky, the army would manage to get you out before the device went off.

    The only difference between that method and a suicide bomber is that the detonator is not one of your own.

    Try googling Patsy Gillespie.


  9. Grimer says:


    I’ve just had a read of the Wikipedia entry. That really is repugnant.



  10. AndrewSouthLondon says:

    …. virtually any pcplod can trace my movements on LT through my oyster card for whatever reason…

    Any particular reason why they would want to? Just asking.