My thanks to B-BBC contributor George R for pointing out this little gem. I suppose the fact that ONLY 400 BBC employees protest in favour of Gaza relief is the really shocking statistic. It would be very interesting to see the names of all these stalwart advocates for Jihad relief. Any evidence of similar protests by BBC staff in favour of Israel?


I see the BBC gives that paragon of political integrity Peter Hain (!) the chance to sound off on the “shock” BNP victory in the local council election in Sevenoaks. Wonder will the BBC’s political experts consider why it is that the increase in BNP votes seems remarkably proportionate to the decrease in Labour votes? The BBC and others on the political left portray the BNP as “extreme-right”even though it is essentially socialist in nature. So when it becomes clearer by the day that the advance of the BNP is related to the retreat of Labour, perhaps the BBC may like to consider asking some tougher questions of Mr Hain.


I see the BBC are drooling in anticipation that new Jihad poster boy Binyan Mohamed is due to come back to Blighty next week! Love the pic of him here posing beside the Thames – wonder was it tourism or reconnaissance? The BBC are so enthusiastic about portraying Binyam as a cheerful Brit that it is almost amusing. Wonder have they more pics of him dressed up as Pearly King doing the Lambeth Walk … before he went on his travels to Al Queda’s holiday camps?

General BBC-related comment thread

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.


Did you catch this item on Today just after 7.30am discussing the issue of polygamy and Islam? The topic was, correctly in my view, raised by Baroness Warsi, and her view is that in the UK one man should be legally married to one woman. Naturally dark ages Islam finds such concepts difficult but in this lengthy broadcast item by Zubeida Malik, the clear impression given was the mainstream Islam, and all good Imams, oppose polygamy and it is not the way of the Religion of Peace. Total and absolute nonsense. The BBC is prepared to turn truth on its head in order not to offend tender Islamic sensibilities and in this regard, for once, I applaud Warsi for saying that which the BBC dhimmis find untenable — namely that BRITISH law should operate in this United Kingdom, not the tenets of Sharia.

Go With the Flow

Anyone who is conscious of BBC bias should read Howard Jacobson’smoving piece in the Independent. Then read the vitriolic comments it has attracted.

Over many years the BBC has influenced swathes of people, who quite rightly and naturally, feel a strong sense of injustice at what they have been shown. All the BBC has done is to report what is happening, is it not? They have seen something happening and said “Hey, look at that!”

A friend was travelling back from some far-flung trouble spot. Sitting next to him on the plane was a journalist-in-chief. “We’re covering this newly emerging trouble” he confided. “Why then, are you travelling home?” asked my curious friend. “Well, I’ve set them up and told them what shots I need, why would I stay?” was the reply.

BBC denies antisemitism and bias against Israel. Its case might look credible if it did something to redress the balance. The recent Panorama programme raised the question of Islam’s incompatibility with the west. It was a small start. Memorable images are affecting and bound to influence opinion, and perhaps a number of viewers began asking themselves some questions.
Awareness that this kind of exposure doesn’t help Islam’s public face explains why images of extremism in the film ‘Fitna’ were the focus of such strenuous efforts to suppress and condemn them.

Most of the virulent loathing expressed by Israel-haters demonstrates huge factual ignorance and misunderstanding by the public. The underdog theory falls apart when you know the geography, the stolen land theory falls apart when you know the history, and the deliberate baby-killing theory falls apart when you know the facts.
I believe there smoulders an undeniable suspicion and dislike of Jews in Britain, always ready to reignite at the smallest spark. But I wait for the day when the BBC commissions a programme, informative, educational and entertaining, that sets the record straight. I fear I’ll be waiting a very long time.
MPs need to be very determined and steadfast to get where they are, and no doubt high ranking BBC executives and commissioning editors do too, but they still need other people’s approval to keep them in power. They have deliberately or accidentally ‘set up the shots’ over many many years. Now the current is so strong, who is going to risk swimming against it?


The BBC just love little Marxist appeaser Desmond Tutu and I see they have generously provided him with a soap-box from which he can advance the usual left-wing narrative. It allows him to attack the Reagan regime, praise Obama, and all wrapped in his pious Anglican cloak. Once you can be trusted to say the right things, the BBC can be very generous with the platforms they provide. Of course if you OPPOSE their narrative, sorry but we’ll be in contact.


David Dimbleby, Tony McNulty, Michael Heseltine, Sarah Teather, Piers Morgan and Tim CampbellQUESTION TIME ALERT.

It’s coming again tomorrow night! Yes, it’s going to be Question Time and what a troupe we have for you to consider! Tarzan – the man who stabbed Thatcher on the back – is on. A BBC favourite. Then there’s the forces sweetheart, Tony McNulty. Adding even more feminine charm there’s Glib-Dem lovely Sarah Teather. Next up is the demure Piers Morgan. Finally, there is “Apprentice” former winnerTim Campbell. Who says the BBC is dumbing down. Impossible. Anyway, hope you’ll be able to tune in and join in OUR conversation!

General BBC-related comment thread

. Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.