Ok, so we are in a recession that may turn into a depression but hey, those folks who work so hard in the Poverty Industry only see that as a sign that we need to spend £££ Billions chasing the phantasm of “child poverty.” The Rowntree Foundation is a BBC favourite and each time they produce liberal tosh it is treated as if it were the received wisdom of Solomon. As we have discussed here before, it is the political invention of relative poverty that is being retailed by the bleeding hearts at Rowntree and as ever, only one side of this faux argument is permitted on the BBC.


When it comes to a concise analysis of the situation in Afghanistan, who better fpr the BBC to turn to than….Paddy Ashdown! Argh! I listened to he whose eyes never quite open being interviewed earlier this morning and it became clear that the reason the BBC like Ashdown is because he, like them, believes a military victory is not enough to defeat the Taliban. It appears we will need to talk directly to them and help win– yip — their hearts and minds.


Wonder how it feels like for British police officers who tune into the BBC only to be met by the chorus that they are “institutionally racist?”. Yet again, “Today” leads with the accusation that racism abounds within the ranks of those who seek to uphold law and order. It’s a favourite theme and I suppose the attendant demoralising of those who go out every day to try and protect the public from crime is a small price to pay for the BBC indulging it’s liberal whims.

Hearts and Minds

Headline and soundbite from ex MI5 Dame Stella RimmingtonUsing Fear of Terror
Measures to combat terrorism are causing fear. (What, more fear than terrorism itself?) She says people in Britain feel as if they are living “under a police state because of the fear being spread by ministers.”

(She must have said that before she saw last night’s Panorama.)

So, what about the fear being spread by extremist Islam? What about fear being spread by the government’s delusion, heavily promoted by the BBC, that a moderate version of Islam can be set against an extreme version to bring about a multicultural paradise?

Frank Gardner now says Stella Rimmington rang the BBC to say that she had been slightly misreported. (Surely not!)
Frank Gardner thinks she meant something about winning hearts and minds.

Maybe, if we adopt some Sharia law as recommended by the Archbish, cover up our wimmin and confine them indoors, keep gays underground, wipe Israel off the map, and eradicate those annoying Jews, that would do the trick. Maybe those measures would win hearts and minds. Someone very clever indeed or very stupid might be able to argue that it would bring our civil liberties back. But would it stop all that violence and terror? It didn’t do Frank (Help me I’m a Muslim) all that much good, did it.


I listened to quite a bizarre exchange on the BBC Today this morning concerning the shambles that is Zimbabwean politics. The new line being peddled is that “perhaps” Mugabe himself is not responsible for the arrest of MDC nominee Roy Bennett and indeed he may not even be responsible for the detention of dozens of MDC supporters in recent times. The suggestion is that unspecified “hard-liners” in the military are now calling the shots and Mugabe could be their victim. Remarkable! Is this the beginning of the BBC’s beatification of Marxist thug Mugabe.


It seems that the BBC cannot report on the Conservative plan to devolve power and accountability closer to the people via elected Mayors without, in the same sentence, mentioning the words “Thatcher” and “Poll tax!” I listened to an item on Today early this morning circa 6.40am and essentially the discussion instantly turned away from what Cameron proposes to do and focused instead on Margaret Thatcher taking power away from “loony left” councils, the poll tax and monkeys getting elected as Mayor in Rochdale. I know that Caroline Spelman will be on later, I don’t fancy her chances! Expect to hear the BBC interviewer blurt out “Thatcher – poll tax” before the interview is concluded.

Careful what you Wish For

Tonight’s Panorama is going to tackle two issues troubling the government. First, terrorism and violence. They Don’t like it.

Second, the new one they they’ve just noticed. In a slight shift from the diversity agenda where ‘there’s no right or wrong, only different’ – now they’ve noticed that preaching against western values is not such a good idea either.

Even our good friend Lord Ahmed is on board. In a sudden reversal of policy he now says:
“We need to empower the mainstream Muslim leadership and the scholars so they can actually hold the arguments and debates within the Muslim society.”

Just keep Geert Wilders out of the way, though, eh.

As per interview on Today it seems new Muslim thinking is: Good Muslims oppose terrorism. Although they believe man-made laws cannot be supreme, they must put immutable words of the Koran on one side and disregard God’s law while living in countries that practice man’s law. I assume they must just be content to introduce Koranic ideologies gradually, by democratic means, such as those of great philosopher Sheikh Khalid Yassin

“If you prefer the clothing of the Kaffirs [non-believers] other than the clothing of the Muslims – most of those names on most of that clothing is faggots, homosexuals and lesbians.”

Watch out Beeboids!

Oh yes, and don’t forget, it’s all because of Gaza, and this country’s foreign policy.

General BBC-related comment thread

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.


I see that the BBC gives considerable prominence to to empty-headed wittering of the left wing Runnymede Trust which once again accuses our Police of being “institutionally racist.” At a time when criminals run rampant on our streets and justice is turned into a laughing stock the best the BBC can do is try and further undermine the integrity of those who at least try to uphold law and order by giving the Runnymede Trust a bully-pulpit to conduct their war on policing. Might it be possible to consider the bona fides of this Organisation when presenting their “report”? Could it be that Runnymede is institutionally biased against British Policing? I note the use of the image of Stephen Lawrence in this story, murdered “by white youths” as the BBC solemnly informs. But since then, sadly, many more black youths have lost their lives at the hands of ” black youths” in London. You never get that context. The suggestion running through this entire article is that our Police are racists and the BBC seems very content to spew this out oxic poison out hoping enough of it sticks.

Join the Dots

BBC radio 4. Sunday programme with Roger Bolton. Interview with John Mann, M.P. for Bettislow, chairman of the all-party Parliamentary Group against Anti-Semitism and co-founder of the Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism.

He is chairing an inaugural conference, co-hosted by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of all places, on Tuesday. One hundred parliamentary representatives are attending, from over forty countries.

The conference is about the alarming rise in antisemitism in UK and worldwide.

Roger Bolton:
“Some of the incidents are pretty low level.”……“relatively small amounts of physical assaults.” ……“ Israeli governments say any criticism of Israel is antisemitic.” etc. etc.

World Service:

Feedback type programme called “Over to You”

Listener asks why the BBC sent hundreds of BBC people to report events in Gaza and hardly any to report events in Sri Lanka where there were far more casualties.

News Editor:

“People are more interested in Gaza.”

Join the dots.