I thought that an essay by Robert Solomon Wistrich writing at the Institite for Global Jewish Affairs has a very well expressed analysis of the vicious anti-Semitism that pervades much of BBC reporting…
“Since the Second Intifada, the BBC as well as some major British newspapers have reported daily on Israel in an often tendentious, biased, and one-sided fashion. Under no circumstances will the BBC refer to any act of Hamas or other Palestinian terrorist organizations as terrorism. These killers are always referred to as militants, which has trade-union connotations in Britain. It is the term used when, for instance, shop stewards advocate a factory strike. “Within the distorted BBC system, the reporting of Israeli civilian fatalities and Palestinian suicide attacks made them seem no more than minor pinpricks compared to the retaliations by Israel, the definitive rogue state.’ The BBC invariably disconnects jihadi terrorism from any notion that it is part of a hate culture and the result of ideological indoctrination. The explanation is that these murderous deeds are driven by the relentless, racist actions’ of the Israeli government. It is Palestinian misery and oppression that allegedly brings about suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks. I believe this is a false, simplistic, and one-sided account. Terrorism is mentioned without connection to an ideology and the issue of antisemitism in the Arab or Islamic world is virtually nonexistent.”
He has a point, doesn’t he?
RL I would argue the problem in the ME is Islam. Plain and simple.
“Just you wait till the Caliphate proper comes here. Where will YOU go?”
Yes I’m shaking in my boots so I am.
The war is in the middle east, the same place it’s been for the last two thousand years.
If you really do support it so much. join up.
Go kill some evil muzzies.
In the UK a few islamic kooks does not a jihad summer make, most folk are really no more interested in your inter-tribal conflicts than you are in ours.
As far as being touchy is concerned it’s definitely not me who’s dedicated the output of an entire website towards being touchy.
Jews have never been safer…and yet you spend an incredible amount of time dwelling on how you might all be dead tomorrow…lol
You’ve never been safer, nor more powerful…and yet the doomsday script continues unabated, it’s actually quite entertaining in a black comedy kind of way.
Modern Jews are a lot like one of those 70 year old aunties in perfect health who’s always talking about how we’d better be nice to her…because she might be dead tomorrow.
I can’t remember why you said you’re interested in making comments about the subject.
Jihad is a joke, Israel/Palestine is an inter-tribal conflict in the middle east, the Jews are moaning minnies, and Ady’s alright Jack.
So why are you here?
Oh yes, black comedy entertainment.
Why not be nice to your 70 year old Auntie, just in case?
That’s like saying the problem with a splinter in your finger is the reaction of the central nervous system. Remove the splinter, remove the problem.
ady | 02.04.09 – 9:04 pm |
LJews have never been safer…and yet you spend an incredible amount of time dwelling on how you might all be dead tomorrow…lol
You’ve never been safer, nor more powerful…and yet the doomsday script continues unabated, it’s actually quite entertaining in a black comedy kind of way.
Look, it’s only been a few years since we’ve been safe at all, anywhere. Jews have not been historically successful or rich or powerful. We haven’t had all this power and success you’re talking about for very long at all. In fact, it wasn’t so long ago that a whole bunch of us weren’t safe. So you’ve got to cut us a little slack in that department.
Modern Jews are a lot like one of those 70 year old aunties in perfect health who’s always talking about how we’d better be nice to her…because she might be dead tomorrow.
My 70 year old auntie remembers when the letters stopped. Give her a break.
If we’re still bitching about this in 150 years, then you can laugh all you want.
While it’s a good thing to debate with those who disagree with a point of view, it’s clear to me that Adv and Le Pond Life are just winding everyone up.
Time wasters all with a warped view of history and an emotive response to rational argument. Don’t bother.
Who appointed you gatekeeper!? And save the psychology, because you don’t have a clue.