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- Zephir Feb 5, 15:31
Midweek 5th February 2025
No doubt where the bbc stand, of course: “Trump’s Gaza plan will be seen as flying in face of international… - vlad Feb 5, 15:30
Midweek 5th February 2025
This clip isn’t very informative, but it’s fun to watch the end. Some Swedish journo is trying to play down… - Ian Rushlow Feb 5, 15:23
Midweek 5th February 2025
“Tomorrow lies close at hand in images of elsewhere” Coming soon to a town near you… - Zephir Feb 5, 15:20
Midweek 5th February 2025
Overheard in the bbc corridors: “I’m coming in my panties just thinking about it but…were there any black or muslim… - micknotmike Feb 5, 15:18
Midweek 5th February 2025
Afternoon Z, A lot of comparisons being drawn with Norwegian Anders Breivik. Some of my information may not be 100%,… - MarkyMark Feb 5, 15:00
Midweek 5th February 2025
“The Chagos surrender deal is in complete chaos. Yesterday the Mauritian PM announced he had managed to get significant additional… - Zephir Feb 5, 14:56
Midweek 5th February 2025
[img][/img] - Zephir Feb 5, 14:49
Midweek 5th February 2025
[img][/img] - Zephir Feb 5, 14:49
Midweek 5th February 2025
Hurrah, Hurrah ! ..champagne at the bbc ! ….Swedish mass killer photo released HE’S White !!!! quick, all stations go,…
agw anti-American anti-conservative anti-Israel anti Israel. pro Palestinian Antisemitism BBC - sickeningly biased at all times. BBC agenda BBC bias bbc bias and balance. bbc bias by omission BBC censorship BBC Question Time BBC selectivity bias Biased BBC climate change dhimmis general thread immigration Islam israel Mark Mardell obama obama bias Obamalove open thread pro-labour pro-palestinian pro EU pro Hamas pro Islam pro Labour bias pro Obama PRO OBAMA AT ALL COSTS. pro Obama BBC agenda question time question time live Richard Black save gordon. USA politics US economy US News US politics US presidential elections
Monthly Archives: May 2009
See the BBC is leading with Labour fighting back after the scale of their rapacious greed is exposed for all to see It gives Margaret Moron, oops, I mean Moran and Phil “Nappies” Woolas the lead story as they try to defend the indefensible. It’s hilarious to see Labour sinking and there is NOTHING the BBC can do to save them. It will be interesting to see how the State Broadcaster covers the revelations concerning the Conservatives and Lid-Dems. It seems to be that the scale of what has opened up has set back even the best PR the BBC can provide. Brown is not waving, he is drowning and he is now way beyond help. So where will the narrative now move?
Saved by the Click
Today, today.
The Pope is in Jordan travelling with Jeremy Bowen. Or the other way around. Anyway they’re on a pilgrimage.
James Naughtie points out that there are Pitfalls For The Pope.
Not to mention pitfalls for Jeremy Bowen. He’s been smacked on the wrist for committing Bias.
“The Pope wants to build bridges” says Jeremy, “The Muslim Brotherhood want an apology for something or other that the Pope said once that made them angry.”
“Yes,” says Naughtie, “Too bad. And what will happen when he crosses the river and has to confront all those nasty Jews in Israel?”
“Click” says the radio.
“Oh dear,” says Naughtie” “That’s another fine mess technology has got us out of.”
Hi all. Been away all day and am only now catching up with things!
I guess the thing that strikes me tonight is the way in which the BBC – playing along with the Nulabour pigs whose snouts have been exposed as having beeb sunk deep into the trough of taxpayer largesse, has been playing up the possible police investigation of the leak to the Telegraph.
Suddenly, at least on the teatime news, the issue was one that focused on whether the police would track the leaker down? Such a helpful distraction from all that unfortunate detail exposed for us all to see. I heard Theresa May interviewed and although a bit on the wet lettuce side, at least she didn’t come across like the Labour MP interviewed this morning who declared that we should respect our politicians. No we should NOT. They should respect US and their unseemly avarice speaks volumes for how little respect they show us. The BBC seems to think the issue is whether this damages the public confidence in politicians. No, it is not. The issue is the rapacious greed of the political class and what this says about the state of our democracy. Surely the BBC should pursue that – fearlessly and without favour? Instead it seems concerned for the honour of the politicians whereas ordinary people just feel enraged at their greed.
I believe there are quite a few lamp-posts within distance of the Palace of Westminster.
Nice Programme Alert!
Little gem about Mendelssohn on Woman’s Hour just now.
“Mendelssohn and the Nazis.”
Also, look out for Sheila Hayman’s film on June 19th on BBC4, and her radio 3 programme which isn’t on Sunday May 9th as advertised. (There is no Sunday May 9th) It’s on tomorrow, Saturday 9th. May. 9 – 9.45pm
“Felix Mendelssohn was the grandson of great Jewish philosopher Moses Mendelssohn. Baptised at the age of seven, Felix became a devout Christian – with Christian influences at the heart of much of his music. But he also tried, throughout his life, to reconcile his Christian faith with his Jewish roots.
Just two years after his death, Richard Wagner stated that Felix, as a Jew, was a second-rate composer. And, in 1934, the Nazi government declared Felix, and the entire family, Jewish and therefore Mendelssohn’s music was banned in Germany [………….]Mendelssohn’s Elijah was performed at the Oranienburgestrasse synagogue in 1937, with the doors and windows sealed – to keep the music inside. “
Please, BBC, give us features like this on the BBC main channels, not shoved into the obscurity of BBC4 along with all the WW2 history programmes, if for no other reason than to counterbalance incessant programmes about the lives of Saudi women and Thoughts for the Day about UK Moslems that we are treated to day-in-and-day-out on the main radio and BBC telly channels.
Seems to me that the BBC has moved into full “Save Labour” mode as wave after wave crashes down on the hapless heads of their paymasters and political soul-mates in government. The Today programme this morning is a classic example. The lead story, just after 7am was the scandalous abuse of the expenses systems by cabinet members, including the Dear Leader and that £6000 cleaning bill. As you know, the Telegraph has revealed all the sordid details, including Ms Blear’s scams, Jack Straw’s “errors” – the whole rotten lot. What to do? Cue Nick Robinson who pops up to say that none of this is too bad and when you compare it to what happens elsewhere it is no big deal. Cheers Nick – glad you take this relaxed view of OUR taxes being abused by the scum in power.
Next up, the Government controlled RBS announces first quarter losses of £44m. That’s a loss to you and me, the tax-payer – who bankrolls this failed bank. Up pops Robert Peston to suggest that this result is not that bad and that there are plenty of good things in the RBS announcements. How wise government was to step in and bail it out, right?
Never mind – if you are feeling about down about the BBC tune in to Thought for The Day, it has Abdal Hakim Murad, Muslim Chaplain at the University of Cambridge on to share his wisdom with us all. Allah be praised.
It’s an alternative universe these people live in and I only hope that when the electorate throw Labour out of power, the incoming Conservative administration finally faces up to the menace that masquerades as a State Broadcaster. If it doesn’t, it will regret it.
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Don’t know if you caught TFTD on Today this morning but is was a blatantly political appeal for a “Two-State” solution to the conflict between Israel and the “Palestinians.” It’s amazing how sometimes the bias is so deep that they don’t even feel it.
This is where you can discuss any BBC-related issue that concerns you. Please use it sensibly, no abuse and no trolls!
Another report from the blessed Barbara Plett – this time on those “conservative” tribal heartlands in north-west Pakistan where Islamic terrorism is so popular. Wonder has David Cameron considered an outreach campaign?