The Holocaust Tool

This is not straightforward bias, but an example of painfully elaborate impartiality. AKA tolerance of the intolerant, or the other one: ‘there is nothing so unequal as the equal treatment of unequals’.
The BBC has been announcing in its hourly news bulletins, that Hamas has “slammed” its friend and supporter UNWRA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) for having the audacity to suggest the Jewish Holocaust might be included in the curriculum of the schools they run in Gaza.

The BBC reports this in the simplified manner they deem appropriate for their simpleminded readers. But although they have omitted to add the usual scare quotes or indeed “Israel says” to the penultimate paragraph,
‘During the Holocaust, Nazi Germany murdered some six million Jews’
the last paragraph goes some way to counterbalance the omission.

“However, the event’s significance is often disputed in parts of the Middle East where Israel is seen as the enemy and the Holocaust is seen as a tool used by Israel to justify its actions.”

Contrast this with the other report, from a Chinese news agency.
This report, written for adults, includes some rather revealing quotes from one Husam Ahmed, including this one about the material in question:

“”…..was formed in a way that shows sympathy with the Jews.” He warned of having an attitude “to construct a generation that supports the Jews and the Holocaust” in the Palestinian territories.

The article takes care to show that the thing Hamas fears most about teaching the Holocaust is that it might spark sympathetic feelings in the children, and they might stop hating Jews and striving to eliminate the Zionist entity.
Less danger of that sentiment coming through in the BBC’s report; they must at all times be careful to avoid any traces of partiality.


Well, we have reached the end of another month and I just wanted to thank you all for your continued patronage of the site. This month has seen the highest number of stories posted and whilst I know that they vary in import, and inevitably there is hit and miss! – I like keeping things lively and topical. The site is attracting more and more followers and is read in places high and low.

I also owe a debt of gratitude to those who mail me so many good stories to cover – there are many eagle eyes out there. My thanks to all my fellow writers here on B-BBC and here’s to a good September.


Mr Doolittle, McDoom is determined to talk to the Taliban as part of his fantasy strategy in Afghanistan. British Governments have proven rather good at selling out to terrorists over the years and I do appreciate that Brown is merely following in the same dishonourable tradition as Major and Blair but I do wish the BBC would provide balancing voices to those sirens such as Col Richard Kemp. The meme is that if we listen to those wise old coves in the F.O. and sit down and talk to these dark age barbarians then perhaps we can conquer and divide, although I note that the Colonel does make the precautionary suggestion that talking to Mullar Omah is not possible….”at this stage”. How very shrewd. How long before we have a chat with Bin Laden?

I have been a long time advocate of the war on militant Islam. 9/11 marked the dividing moment for me but I feel that under Obama and now with McDoom the original momentum has gone out of things as liberal values re-assert themselves and we forget what happened the last time the Taliban got their base. I don’t think that there is any such thing as “moderate” Taliban but the political left and their courtiers in the BBC believe otherwise. Hence this sort of ever so helpful item to Brown and his white flag brigade.


Did you catch this interview with Matt Prescott, director of campaign group Ban the Bulb? Fawning. It’s eco-loons like Prescott that IMPOSE their agenda on the rest of us and I would have thought that the BBC could have found at least ONE person to come on the programme and put the alternative view that banning “traditional” lightbulbs is both draconian and entirely ineffective at”fighting” the climate change chimera which so concern Mr Prescott.


Had a laugh at this item the BBC ran this morning. In essence the suggestion is that the UK Government did not do a deal with Libya for commercial advantage. Oliver Miles, deputy chairman of the Libyan British Business Council, was wheeled on to suggest there was probably some “political” deal though the objective of this was unspecified. Of COURSE there was a deal for commercial and political advantage. Palmerston’s adage remains as true now as ever but for some reason the BBC want us to think that Labour, being good little socialists, would never do something just for £££. Labour’s political DNA is all over this one and the one thing we do know for sure from the track record is that when it comes to cash. Labour will do anything. Prostituting decency in pursuance of riches is no problem for them. No blood for oil anyone?


Mohammed Rafiq Passwala

“A sex offender deemed to be a danger to women and children has absconded from a psychiatric unit in West Yorkshire. Mohammed Rafiq Passwala did not return to Fieldhead Hospital, near Wakefield, after being given unsupervised leave. Passwala, who was convicted of sex offences in 1996, is described as Asian, 5ft 7in tall, of stocky build with black/grey hair and a full beard.”

“Asian”, eh? Mmmm, I think there’s another word that the BBC appears to have overlooked.



I listened to this programme on Tuesday past and dare you to do the same. It’s an opportunity for BBC favourite Human Rights lawyer Clive Stafford Smith to pontificate. A nice little lefty love-in, tucked away in the schedule for your edification.

Not for the likes of us to question

The Times reports: Jana Bennett, BBC TV chief, says stars’ pay is too complex to understand

The BBC will not disclose the salaries of its top stars because the public would not understand why they are so high, according to one of the corporation’s top executives.


She said: “The BBC is in a market; in the broader sense it’s part of the creative industries. It performs a fundamentally different role than that performed by, for example, policemen or teachers. It is a category error to suggest that the public would actually be able to contribute to working out what we do about it. It’s like me talking about Tom Cruise’s movie deals. I’m not of that sector.”

Ed Vaizey, the Shadow Culture Secretary, said that if a politician made similar comments there would be outrage. “A politician caught on camera saying the public don’t understand why we need to be paid £120,000 gets a front page and outrage. What Jana is saying is that the public don’t have the right to know talent and executives’ pay at the BBC because they wouldn’t understand why they’re paid that money,” he said. “ I think you’d find the public is far more sophisticated than your remarks suggest.”


And, next up on The Big Question, “Should we always show compassion?” The BBC finds a lady who survived 7/7 and who feels that we cannot judge those who carried out this atrocity. She has been on a journey over the past four years and feels that the perpetrators have been radicalised and so were not to blame. Great. I am sure the Imam on the panel approved. They also had the parents of a young boy kicked to death – they wanted their son’s killer released from jail as they had forgiven him. There is a more subtle meme here – the BBC approves of the release of convicted mass murderer Megrahi by the gutless SNP – and the notion is that we must all show “compassion.”