Following on from BBC darling Jo Brand’s recent declaration that only white people can be racist, here’s another of the BBC’s favourite comedians, Phil Jupitus, expressing his ideological beliefs. This morning the ubiquitous BBC panel show guest shared with his twitter followers a photo of the lapel badges he’s wearing today:
Chairman Mao and a red star. Aww, how sweet.
A BBC regular proudly displaying a Hitler badge and a swastika would soon see the programme invitations dry up, and rightly so. Lefties are held to different standards and are allowed to celebrate their communist mass-murdering heroes by claiming “retro irony” or some similar bullshit.
(The other badge relates to a show by the comedy trio the Penny Dreadfuls)
Update October 22. Jupitus responds. Hello to all you leftie tossers.
Can someone remind me of how many people Mao murdered again?
Mao’s policies and political purges from 1949-1975 are widely believed to have caused the deaths of between 40 to 60 million people
Is that all? Not as much of a mass murderer as George W Bush then 🙂
Mao is one of the inhumane leaders of all time. Conservative estimates suggest that at least 30 million Chinese people died under his rule.
But then the BBC still has Diane “Mao was all right” Abbott.
” Martin<img src=””/>
Is that all? Not as much of a mass murderer as George W Bush then”
Not if it’s The Lancet doing the counting.
I look forward to the day that the BBC’s cosy hegemony is shattered and these cretins are forced to stand on their own two feet.
Who is Phil Jupitus? I truly have never heard of him.
He’s some fat, ugly prick who regularly appears on BBC dross like QI and – what was that godawful show called again? oh yeah – Never Mind the Buzzcocks. He’s one of their ‘edgy’ comedians (i.e. he makes jokes about Thatcher and Bush and toffs and whatnot). The fact that he’s an admirer of genocidal commie thugs, given that he receives a BBC salary, is about as surprising to me as waking up with a chub-on most mornings.
You’re not missing anything. Only he and other Beeboids don’t think he’s a chubby, annoying tit.
I heard him called “an environmentalist” on the BBC today. I think this was an advert for their Book programme.
Sorry it was a mix up apprently it was Tony Jupiter (whoever he is)
to Asuka Langley Soryu<img src=””/> well obviously from your comments you’ve watched Phil on many occasions, pity you haven’t devloped a sense of humour or at the very least good manners!
“He’s one of their ‘edgy’ comedians…”
Translation – he’s not funny.
Churchill always said the BBC was full of commies.
White House Commuications Director, Anita Dunn, is taking some flak from Fox News. Giving a talk to high school students, she stated her favourite philosphers were Mother Teresa and…..yes, that old lefty favourite, Mao Tse Tung. She has since claimed she was making a joke, which is a joke in itself. Judge for yourselves.
Mentioning Mother Teresa reminds me that on Sun AM TV Martin’s favorite broadcaster Wee Nicky was conducting an inquisition into Mother Teresa. A group of nonChristians & non religious folk were getting hot under the collar about just how evil was the woman (opposing contraception, abortion etc) as if they or the BBC had a dog in the fight. Thank goodness one member of the audience eventually got the opportunity to point out that MT was being found guilty of being a RC
Asuka 16:50
Spot on !! Really enjoy your posts here, keep on posting !!!
Porky the Poet, just another left-wing “edgy” comedian whose found a comfortable home at the BBC. See also: Jeremy Hardy, Mark Steele etc. etc. etc.
This site is embarrassing. Just got linked to here and wanted to express my thanks for giving me something to have a chuckle about for ten minutes or so. What an odd little site this is.
I heartily agree simon… it seems that people don’t get what the joke is… *sigh*
What was the joke, do tell? How amusing is it to wear badges celebrating the life of a man who was responsible for the deaths of many millions because of a disgusting ideology? What would your reaction be to a ‘comedian’ wearing an Adolf Hitler badge? What was difference between Hitler and Mao apart from Mao killing more?
“Lets all get angry about stuff that doesn’t affect us!”
I do declare that your mothers did not lot love you enough!
I love the self-congratulatory worthiness this site bestows upon itself, only to contain opinions like “[Jupitus is] some fat, ugly prick” and “Porky the Poet”. Very convincing.
Umm Jupitus called himself “Porky the Poet”; not my insult just a remembrance of his past. I Also remember “Attilla the Stockbroker” and “Seething Wells” – see previous posts of mine.
<address>You people are ridiculous. All of you should go outside, speak to some nice people, have a coffee and calm the fuck down. Stop getting annoyed by badges. </address>
This site has long been a ridiculous mixture of weirdos, right wingers, bigots, conspiracry theorists, and general lunatics. And Martin.
But it sure is entertaining isn’t it?
I am going to set up a website now called Biased-Biased-BBC – this site has an obvious bias to the right and I am so ANGRY about it I must rush off and set up a vanity site to regurgitate all my old college ideals. Jesus, what happened, did the creator of this site get turned down for a job at the BBC or something? Pathetic.
Actually the creator of this site ran for office in NI on a ‘peace is bad’ ticket after the GFA, and lost. Shockingly. He then decided the BBC was to blame for this, and all other evils in the world. Hence the site.
I’m pretty sure this site existed for a good few years before David Vance began contributing.
Could I modestly suggest this excellent site as the obvious antidote….
The virtual fainting couch where OMTE goes to fan himself after reading all the rough views and nasty language.
Well, I came here from the link on Twitter and enjoyably silly though it is, I seriously doubt I’ll be back. Oh and FWIW I think NMTB is one of the few things worth watching on the BBC at the mo, mainly cos it gives me the belly laughs I need to escape this oh-so-serious life…..
I think they’re nice badges. better than the “I’m a wittless gobshite” badge that you must own.
I see from your Twitter page that you’re a “British expat based in Hungary”, Matthew. Talk to a few survivors from the ’56 revolution and see what they think of the red star (a particular favourite of Jupitus, evidently).
And witless only has one ‘t’, fuckwit.
Yes, because wearing a red star badge automatically means the wearer sympathizes with the blodshed of the revoution….
And Phill Jupitus spells his name with two Ls, fuckwitttt.
Agree with many above, came via Twitter, had a laugh, won’t be looking again (sad creatures…)
Goos point, poorly made.
I was calling you witless because you obviously can’t understand irony. My wifes great uncle too part in that uprising, before fleeing to New Zealand, so i know all about it. probably more than you as a matter of fact. Today the occation is used as an excuse for a riot by pathetic right wing arseholes with little more to do with their lives that fill theselves and those around them with spite and bile and hate. Much like you it seems. So, if you are talking about tarnish the memory of countless innocent people who died, who is worse them, of someone who wore a badge to be ‘controversial’? twat
*occasion, since you’re a spelling nazi too
“My wifes great uncle” needs an apostrophe too.
Unless you mean your wives uncles.
I have three, and they all share one uncle.
In response to all those rushing to defend the radical left retro irony chic bullshit represented by Mao badges and red stars – we’re not going to agree. You excuse it all you want, but it fucking sucks.
Next they’ll be telling us that HRW’s ex-employee Marc Galasco’s collection of Nazi memorabilia, and his penchant for wearing a T-shrt with a Werhmacht Iron Cross, qualifies him for writing balanced reports on Israel’s military operations.
Actually, on second thoughts, they’re right. Who better, other than a Jewish lawyer, to write lies and false accusations against the Jews?
ANGRY! ANGRY! ANGRY! <brain embolism> ANGRY! TIRED! <collapse>
All over a couple of lapel badges?
Given that the BBC clearly isn’t the broadcasting organisation of choice for most of you, may I suggest turning over/off? I hear there are some excellent alternatives available from both the UK and around the globe. Making yourself so angry that you need a dedicated hate website seems just a little excessive.
Would happily turn over or off, and indeed do. However am still forced to pay for the BBC’s pro-left, pro-IRA, pro-Palestinians etc. propaganda.
To all friends of Fat Phil,
you’ve missed the point.
I actually like the fat fool however on a continuous basis our national broadcaster controls what presenters wear. It would never be accepable to wear a swaztika on TV (apart from a rerun of Colditz or Allo Allo). Why then is acceptable for Mr Jupitus to wear a badge depicting another mass murderer from the 20th century.
Imagine the furore if it was of Hitler on the badge yet he was responsible for fewer deaths.
Just seems to be one sides mass murderer is anothers post communist ironic hero.
This site may be a little onesided and a bit ragee (North Eastern word for Grumpy) but it is in reaction to the endless stream of soft left pap we get fed on a daily basis both indirectly and directly by auntie.
You may be in denial but auntie just spouts editorial straight from the pages of the grauniad and the observer. You may like this but when you actually think that almost nobody who doesnt work for auntie actually buys the paper you can understand what an incestuous bunch of smug lefty t+ts the beeb are.
I love NMTB and like PJ but please get a grip on why people here are upset
Are you people for real? I agree with Simon.
You strange little idiots. THe saddest part is, you’ll probably never know why you are idots. But that doesn’t really affect me so whatever.
@ “You’ll probably never know why you are “idots”?
So, Carrie, you would have no problem with people captaining panel shows on the BBC wearing Nazi logos?
Funny that. the BBC would probably not allow someone to wear a BNP badge and captain such a show. but a mass-murdering communist dictator who actually slaughtered at least 3X more people than Hitler did, and that is OK!!! WTF?
How is the view that, being offended by overt support by the BBC for communist murderers, idiotic?
In my humble opinion, the BBC being revolted by the barbaric and evil mass murder by Hitler is totally correct. We all should rightly feel that revulsion for Hitler. So why don’t the BBC apply the same revulsion to mass murdering communists from the same time in history? For the record, the BBC have total revulsion for Hitler to the extent of pretending that Hitler was not a socialist and claiming he was of the extreme right. The FACT is he was of the extreme left as the head of the National SOCIALISTS and ran a fascist, or corporatist government. One whch privatised profit and socialised losses, where state and large corporations were effectively merged and the state dictated what these corporations would do and paid them handsomely for doing so.
Why do not the BBC hold the same level of revulsion for communist mast murderers as they do for socialist ones?
Great to see you are right up-to-date with the debate here. Thanks for your intellectual contribution.