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- vlad Jan 22, 23:59
Midweek 22nd January 2025
However useless the Tories were, at least they would be at the front of the Trump queue instead of at… - pugnazious Jan 22, 23:25
Midweek 22nd January 2025
‘The great lie of British politics is that there is no alternative, that all parties should be the same, that… - pugnazious Jan 22, 23:19
Midweek 22nd January 2025
It is remarkable that as Wrecker Reeves & Co tear up planning laws to enable builders to concrete over Britain… - Lucy Pevensey Jan 22, 23:17
Midweek 22nd January 2025
It’s quite shocking looking at the actual figures. It’s even worse than I thought. - pugnazious Jan 22, 23:10
Midweek 22nd January 2025
Nicky Campbell was in fine form yesterday as he tried to manufacture and cement in a narrative that ‘mental health’… - Lucy Pevensey Jan 22, 23:00
Midweek 22nd January 2025 - vlad Jan 22, 22:23
Midweek 22nd January 2025
After Trump has got rid of Starmer and Khunt, perhaps he could do the same to the BBC. A good… - vlad Jan 22, 22:15
Midweek 22nd January 2025
Now that some heroic Western scholars are investigating Islam properly, it’s being revealed to be a pack of lies, fabrications,… - Up2snuff Jan 22, 22:09
Midweek 22nd January 2025
davy, I have just written to my MP about the Climate & Nature Bill’s second reading on Friday: You…
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Monthly Archives: August 2010
Biased-BBC were asked on a recent thread if we had any logos suitable for putting in a side-bar on your own blog to link back here.
Via the marvellous delegation skills of our Gracious Host David (“Eye, can you sort something out?“) and the most excellent design skills of the GrumpyOldTwat here they are. You only have to copy the code into a blog widget for them to work, changing the image size within the code if necessary (on these settings they’ll come out just a bit too wide for the left margin of this blog as a guide).
<a href=””><img src=”” style=”border: 0;” height=”44″ width=”200″ alt=”Biased-BBC Blog” /></a>
<a href=””><img src=”” style=”border: 0;” height=”91″ width=”200″ alt=”Biased-BBC Blog” /></a>
Please do visit GOT’s blog for some adult political satire and knockabout mixed with skilful graphics work, and if you have any problems with the code or questions you can email me, AllSeeingEye, here.
Matey Feldman
In a previous post Sue highlighted Robert Spencer’s dealings with Kiera Feldman, the seemingly friendly “freelance” journalist who failed initially to mention that her enquiries regarding opposition to the Ground Zero mosque were in fact on behalf of the BBC.
Spencer is right to be suspicious of Feldman’s intentions. She has also reported for Beyond The Pale, a programme which airs on the left-leaning Pacifica Radio Network:
BEYOND THE PALE is the only Jewish program on radio or television devoted to bringing a left perspective to political and cultural debates. As we all emerge so happily from underneath the soul-crushing weight of these last vicious eight years, it’s important to remember how critical our voices are under a more liberal administration- an administration we can push on from the left and hold to the high ideals it claims. What a relief that these ideals are not fundamentalist, war-mongering, free-market mania.
Unsurprisingly, the programme’s website declares support for the building of the Ground Zero mosque.
In one of her Beyond the Pale broadcasts Feldman visited a Manhattan nightclub where a pro-Israeli group called Fuel For Truth was holding a terrorist awareness event. The piece drips with contempt both for the organisers and Israel:
Fuel For Truth has been hosting events like Arm Yourself for the last seven years. Yet, surveying the cultural front, the group doesn’t seem to have been successful in bringing its brand of hip militarism to the Jewish mainstream. Still, as Israeli missiles fall on Gaza and calls continue for an attack on Iran, the overall Jewish political atmosphere looks more like a Fuel For Truth rally than ever.
Feldman has also contributed to Mondoweiss, a pro-Palestinian anti-Zionist Jewish website. For Feldman Israel means “settlement construction, human rights abuses, or war crimes”, born from “the original sin of Palestinian displacement” and sustained by “Israeli apartheid”.
Some of those involved in organising opposition to the Ground Zero mosque are also outspoken supporters of Israel. In her approaches to Robert Spencer, Kiera Feldman let it be known that her original intention was to concentrate on one of those opponents, Pamela Geller, but her BBC editor told her to widen the scope of her reporting. No news organisation with serious claims to impartiality would give this (or any other) assignment to someone with Feldman’s prejudices and political beliefs. Then again, this is the BBC we’re talking about.
Strength in Numbers
It’s good to see a plug for this website elsewhere, so thanks to everyone who has mentioned B-BBC on JihadWatch, and Mel’s Blog, and anywhere else.
It struck me how easily things can take off or go viral if they catch the imagination. I was thinking of the video of the alarming security breach at Montreal Trudeau International Airport that was filmed by ‘Mickfly’ and posted here. (The affronted reaction to it was interesting too.)
The story has been picked up and blogged by Daniel Pipes, and the more mention it gets the more likely the powers that be will be moved to act.
Comments on the B-BBC open thread by George R & David P about the honeytrap style interview with a covert BBC reporter and Robert Spencer of Jihadwatch caught my eye. The BBC’s Kiera Feldman was trying to record something juicy she could use for propaganda purposes, using Pamela Geller’s name to entice him to blab. This devilish technique is widely used these days it seems. Someone with an agenda pretends to be on your side, you spill too many beans, and it’s taken down used against you as the joke goes.
I note that David P said “I think this is worthy of a main post.”
Can I just say: you know where I live. Mail me. Or David Vance. If you prepare a main post we would gladly guest-post it.
Another comment that caught my eye, which deserves to be discussed more fully, was Dazed-and-Confused’s spot about Hizb Ut-Tahrir’s repulsive article which managed to exploit the BBC’s disingenuous reporting of the girls that allegedly got chucked off a bus for wearing the burqa. The article was given prominence on the BBC’s website, but the explanation by the driver and London Transport, revealing a very different version, was buried deep in its bowels.
Before being sort of elected, David Cameron promised to ban Hizb Ut-Tahrir. I suppose the Lib Dems thought that would be too intolerant.
The websites I look at frequently mention the BBC in despair. But some commenters seem unaware of us. Feel free to spread the word. Every little ‘elps.
The full facts are not yet up on the BBC complaints site, but the Mail on Sunday today reports that the corporation has apologised to the vice-chancellor of the University of East Anglia because John Humphrys suggested on the Today show back in December that the Climategate emails may have shown that Phil Jones, the head of UEA’s climate research unit (CRU), had manipulated data. Stephen Mitchell, the BBC’s head of news programmes, has reportedly written to the vice-chancellor apologising for such impertinence and stating that the question was “misconceived”.
The corporation clearly operates in an alternative universe. Climategate showed beyond doubt that those involved were – to put it mildly – lacking in transparency in the way they handled and presented climate data. But to the BBC jackboots who now control editorial policy, even hinting that something may be amiss with the climate change scam is now officially considered a crime. The Today programme’s coverage of climate change is already ludicrously one-sided; the editor, Ceri Thomas, is an activist in the cause. It now seems that the Ministry of Truth has fully taken over.
Melting glaciers are an essential part of the BBC’s AGW alamist narrative. Yesterday it was Greenland alarmism; back in June, it was that Mount Everest is becoming treacherous because of a deluge of meltwater. Mark Hendrickx has done some very thorough digging into the Everest claims, and found that at their root, as usual, is exaggeration and distortion. The source was a paper quoted in the IPCC AR4 report which – it was claimed – showed that Himalayan weather station readings showed rising temperatures. Mr Hendrickx notes first that none of the stations are actually in the most mountainous parts of the Himalayas; and second that they show rises that are so small as to be statistically insignificant. Two of the stations actually showed falls. As Mr Hendrickx concludes:
The case for dangerous man made global warming hangs on the wall like a frayed medieval tapestry. By pulling just one loose thread the whole thing starts to unravel. We pulled one of those threads recently…
But the BBC goes blundering on, always reporting the alarmist drivel and never the work of those who show the lies for what they are.
A Biased BBC reader spots the delights offered on RADIO 4 in just one day..
“Beyond Belief: Santuary”
A look at Britain’s history of offering sanctuary to those fearing persecution.
“The Mossad”
The BBC’s Security Correspondent talks to the world’s most feared and fabledsecurity services.
“Face The Facts”
Is the legal aid system failing asylum lawyers and their clients?
“Alan Johnson: Failed Rock Star”
Alan Johnson meets people who have tasted the fame he craved in the 1960s
“Women’s future in Afghanistan”
How will women’s rights be affected oncecoalition troops leave?
Tuesday 03/08/2010
An iceberg four times the size of Manhattan has calved from one of the main Greenland glaciers. As What’s Up With That? quickly pointed out last night, it’s entirely normal for this to happen; a far bigger iceberg similarly calved from the same glacier in 1962, well before even the most ardent warmists claim that CO2 was fomenting our doom. WUWT also warned that the media would be swift to blame AGW, even though the press release from the university that noticed that calving was careful not to do so. True to form, first off the block in warmist zeal is the BBC. The web story doesn’t actually say that AGW is to blame, but the prominence given to the story, together with the immediate juxtaposition of the bald statement (hotly disputed in sceptic circles) that the first six months of 2010 have been “the hottest on record” make it plain that as far as the BBC is concerned, this is global warming writ large. The only thing missing from their alarmism is the Richard Black by-line.
It’s Friday, these Open Threads get overwhelmed with great comments after a few days, so time for a new one to see us through until Monday! The floor is yours….so, what is the BBC saying that annoys you?
The BBC seems outraged that Banks make profit. Today, it seems affronted that RBS has made a half-year profit of £1.1bn. We have Peston droning on each morning, and the BBC not being able to make it through a sentence on RBS without reminding us that the “tax-payer” owns 84% of this bank. The way I see it, the license-payer owns 100% of the BBC and it doesn’t provide us £1.1bn profit every six months. In fact it costs us £3.5bn each year to keep this anti-capitalist parasite afloat. Given the choice, I’d keep RBS and sell off the BBC.