If comments on Twitter are anything to go by, Richard Bacon was an extremely inept and very biased host on last night’s Young Voters’ Question Time. This will come as no surprise to regular readers of this blog who already know that he is simply incapable of being impartial and shouldn’t be covering politics at all, either on BBC TV or radio. One audience member even tweeted that Bacon said openly that he was going to vote “yes” in the AV referendum. Quality impartial BBC journalism, that.
Click on the images to view just some of last night’s Twitter commentary.
More still:
And to counter any feeble suggestions that Bacon doesn’t have a dog in this fight, here’s what a member of the audience tweeted:
I never realised anyone took Bacon seriously. I inadvertently caught a few minutes of his show a while back. More than enough to raise the IDIOT flag high.
I’m a big supporter of Bacon. Every time that odious buffoon opens his mouth he strengthens the case for licence fee abolition.
I am glad I missed it as I may not have been able to control myself and that would have been another TV smashed to smithereens in a Biased Broadcasting Corporation induced rage.
So that was the famous Richard Bacon then?
I had my back to the last couple of minutes of this spongy padding of a show, but did turn round when David Starkey was named in a reply.
Jamie Oliver…Richard Bacon…for heavens sake,man get away from it all!
Some girl seemed to think that Afghanistan was a matter of the oil it contained, and he asked her if she was a pacifist. By the look on the poor poppets face, I think she thought he was accusing her of being an ocean!
Let`s hear no more talk about education or the BBC not being dumbed down slops for tomorrows Science/Religioius Affairs correspondents and gofers. If a Starkey turns into a Baddiel before our eyes, then no further questions m`lud!
I doubt there is anyone but the Beeb who would consider a privately educated 36 year old was young enough to “get down with the kids” and present such a show.
To counter BBC-Labour’s AV propaganda:
Interestingly, there seems to be a lone ‘defender of the faith’ on this blog too who, surprise, starts with silly demands to repent and conform and then descends into ad homs as s/he digs deeper into the mire.
Is there just one that does the round of all such threads, or do they simply all take their cue from the same handbook?
If so, it is rather off-putting. Maybe that’s the idea?
The BBC, however, is a different kettle of rotting fish entrails, and I am getting more vexed with the blatant attempts at rigging the gaping flaws in democratic process with a £4Bpa PR fund and multiple access to eyeballs and ears the length and breadth of the land 24/7.
Paying to be subverted may be OK for overseas aid ministers and the like, but I am getting a tad fed up with the injury on top of insult.
I didn’t see it and I am glad I didn’t see it (tv screen gets to live another day), but has anyone sent in a complaint to the BBC and passed this on as yet another example of the BBC’s bias?
Not that it will do any good of course. The BBC couldn’t balance an empty nominal ledger.
I like Bacon. As long as it comes with a fried egg, mushrooms and tomatoes.
However, Richard Bacon is an idiot and his backing of the “Yes to multiple votes (for some people anyway)” just reinforces my commitment to the “Vote No for democracy’s sake” campaign.
It is going to be so wonderful if the AVers lose. And in the same week as the killing of Bin Liner. And spring is here. Life is beginning to look good !!!
If AV is defeated on Thursday, will the BBC start stoking anger like they did over tuition fees and nasty Tory cuts and try to incite riots over it?
if they don’t get their way then the answer is protest and riot – it’s for the good of the country.
Funny stuff. Nice work, DB.
BBC website has a heading ” Voting is Sexy “. No comment required.
I just cannot get the hang of Twitter. How do you know who’s saying what, and to who etc etc?
To talk to someone @<name>, to talk at people #<tag>
Why do you want to get the hang of twitter ? !!
They couldn’t have picked a rasher chairman for the debate.
I think it is time for you to get your coat !
Everyone should stop patronising penny… Perhaps if she wasn’t such a child she wouldn’t be treated like one.
Also lol at the woman having a rant about oil, and the lads who could barely string a sentence together. That’s the future folks right there…
There will be letters of complaint to the BBC for Bacons obvious bias. Bacon meanwhile will sit back enjoying our money in the certain knowledge that nothing will happen. The people who have compalined will be sent an email or letter with the words “.. impartiality is in our DNA..” and Bacon will carry on as usual.
And i say to all those who like Bacons programmes – “You like it, then you pay for it”
I would hope that Bacon is grilled about his lack of impartiality.
I’m surprised we haven’t seen a new political debate show hosted by Stephen Fry & Richard Bacon…
It’s a simple test; can you imagine a BBC host saying (off the cuff) that they were going to vote No2AV or Conservative?
We do have the topical news show presented by the unapologetic, and used to be funny, Labour supporting, Frank Skinner.
I deliberately didn’t watch it as I saw that Bacon was hosting it and I was also pretty sure that the young peoples views would probably wind me up. 🙂
Just to piss off the bBC crowd. I voted no to AV and also voted for the Tories.
Oh dear, how could a Paki living in the UK vote as such.
In yer face bBC arseholes.
I did the same here in Scotland, except we also have a form of PR list system , so you have a second vote. Can’t rely on the counting or postal votes , of course.
Having seen the “adult” version of Question Time just now-I honestly would happily take Bacon and his Glee Club of tanned trollopes and blank lads if they could only put the drugs down,stop filming each other and send Dimbleby to his care home!
Douglas Murray apart,it`s as if the BBC and its talking heads are in a flatulent lift together and sniffing each others shoes! Never seen a bigger collection of nomarks/has beens and never weres-with a BBC script writer to fall flat on his face and display the Beebthink that got him the edgy commissions!
For Gods sake-what do youn THINK Yasmin wouyld say about the fall of one of the umma-what do you imagine Lord Ashdown would think about AV or torture?
I hope Bacon and his merry band turn Wood Lane into a squat and turf these bien-pensants out to meet some real people and do real jobs. Strangely enough,only Beebworld thinks that Bin Ladens death is somehow a bone of contention_the rest of us thank God for the USA.
Really hope that Washington starts to turn BBC visa applications down until they beg and scrape to be allowed their beanos there once again. The USA need not take this mealy mouthed treachery as the UK does…why does it?
Well said ! Especially about Beeboids in the US. It is a plum posting for these lazy free-loaders. I have never been , sadly, but I understand the natives are friendly, beautiful scenery, good food, mostly quite safe.
Beeboids go on a highly paid holiday , abuse the hospitality and make fun of “rednecks”. Well give me a mid-west redneck any day over a sneering Beeboid !
Yanks, kick out the Beeboids, you don’t need them !!
God bless America !!
Well said ! Especially about Beeboids in the US. It is a plum posting for these lazy free-loaders. I have never been , sadly, but I understand the natives are friendly, beautiful scenery, good food, mostly quite safe.
Beeboids go on a highly paid holiday , abuse the hospitality and make fun of “rednecks”. Well give me a mid-west redneck any day over a sneering Beeboid !
Yanks, kick out the Beeboids, you don’t need them !!
God bless America !!