I am listening, gobsmacked, to this “Food Programme” on radio 4, from a “Climate Change” farm in Devon, for God’s sake.
I can’t believe the drivel I’m hearing. The climate’s been warming for the last 50 years, apprently, and will continue to do so, and within the next 50 years, the Former UK will be enjoying a mediterranean climate, and we’re all gonna fry, boil, drown, die. It must be true, a “climate change farmer” said so, and Mrs. BBC reporter was lapping it up.
Can’t they see, don’t they understand? How can they be so stupid, and even more so to try and brainwash the rest of us? Fuckin’ BBC.
Now that the real effects of ‘Global Warming’ are starting to take place (i.e. a huge chunk of your wages going on running your car and heating your home, as well as the countryside being covered in huge unsightly inefficient windmills), people are starting to look at the evidence, or lack of it, more closely.
Natsman, I think it’s a repeat from yesterday afternoon. And, like you I was appalled at what I heard being said, and without challenge by the presenter – Sheila Dillon? The bbc thought machine has infected just about every aspect of public life, including such uncontentious, as I thought, programmes as The Food Programme. I had to switch it off because I was swearing too much and the radio was in danger of being damaged.
These BBC poppets need to get beyond the word “warmer” and be asked ” by how much?” The IPCC (crooked computer) model says one tenth of one percent a year.
The temperature at the north pole is minus 40. So now its minus 39.9 And that means? What? These can’t count arts graduate greasy-pole climbing presenters should have to pass an IQ test,.
(BBC poppet: I took an IQ test!. Luckily it came back negative!”)
This seems very odd to me. I thought many Beeboids felt that “cultural interchange and social cohesion” were paramount? We were told that rather often by “John Reith” and others. The Charter says this:
4.The Public PurposesThe Public Purposes of the BBC are as follows—
(a)sustaining citizenship and civil society;
(b)promoting education and learning;
(c)stimulating creativity and cultural excellence;
(d)representing the UK, its nations, regions and communities;
So maybe it’s not a subjective “higher purpose” at all. Why would the guy have been fired, then? I guess it depends on how one defines “sustaining civil society”. Something doesn’t add up here, but who knows what without any real details of the charge.
(a)sustaining citizenship and civil society; As long as it is EU and minorty centered.
(b)promoting education and learning; Of what we feel they should know
(c)stimulating creativity and cultural excellence; See (a) and (b)
(d)representing the UK, its nations, regions and communities; Unless we don’t like them in which case we will ignore/insult/belittle as we see fit (BBC memo: anyone white and/or non-muslim and/or non leftie make up this group)
Talking about the CAGW fraud, the BBC toady show had that bent regime yes man stooge Turner on for a verbal hand job by the beeboid. WTF? do beeboids lose their critical faculties when talking about green fascism and the like?
Everyone agrees windmills are essential to our future croons the beeboid, no alternative is allowed and no other guest is invited to counter the outrageous pack of lies spewed by Turner. Windmill electricity will soon be as cheap as fossil fuels(bollocks it will) all is well and the crippling and utterly useless carbon reduction targets forced on us by the EU will not completely destroy our economy.
But the biggest lie is yet to come and its a F*CKING WHOPPER!
Apparently our electricity needs are going to be met soon by inporting solar array produced electricity from north bleeding Africa no less =-O Quite how this “cheap” electricity is going to get to us in the UK along several thousand miles of pylons not to mention the massive leakage on route. Perhaps this mong believes we can ship it over on the train or giant sailing ships? Talk about fairy dairy land.
Energy security? Yeah lets build thousands of miles of high tension power lines to an unstable area where unrest could cut the supply off even if the raghead camel admirers dont blow up the pylons and steal all the copper cables.
The tragedy about dribbling retards like Turner is that he is the voice of the regime, they have turned wishful thinking into an art form. Reality is not allowed into their political fantasy island, no common sense is allowed to intrude and those who attempt to tell them they are making expensive mistakes are ignored or smeared.
The BBC toady knows full well that if a critic was allowed a response then stooges like Turner would fold like cheap toilet paper, they simply cannot stand up to scrutiny.
But the worst thing about all this political fantasising is that slashing a completely harmless trace gas will not affect the temperature at all, it will not have any affect whatsoever but to bring poverty and desperation and misery and death. All that money wasted, all the time spent on a useless fantasy.
Just an added thought about the regime yes man who would claim the moon was made of cheese if so ordered.
The disasterous effects of the fraud he champions will have no effect on him, he is rich and he will live out his life in comfort while the poor elderly will die off in the tens of thousands, his pensions and payoffs will mean he will not suffer.
The choice of photos used to illustrate the story is revealing. Over the words “Nuclear continues to be the cheapest low-carbon energy source, the committee says” someone (Richard Black himself?) has chosen to put a slogan from French Greenpeace (“Le nucléaire sûr n’existe pas” – Nuclear certainty does not exist), with its image of a man running away from a nuclear symbol and, next to it, the image of an anti-nuclear protestor.
Strange that this fantasy involves getting the solar power direct from North Africa. I assume that is to replace our dependance on the same people for oil. How very illuminating is that sentence by the Beebeegreeny.
I got it! give everyone who goes or comes from Africa a pack of rechargeable batteries which they fill when their there and bongo !
So OK the flights and transport costs would be a prob and also the lethal concoction of chemicals that go in the batteries and yes maybe all the wars and BBC sponsored democratic blood letting could add to the huge bill !
But hey remember the greenish/BBC dream is only ever another Billion or 2 away !
Sorry CK, every so often I just have to respond to you – you are priceless, your little comments are probably my fave reading on the whole internet thingy & I read a fair amount of blogs…
“stooges like Turner would fold like cheap toilet paper”…
Maybe as well as an award for the best BBC dragon slayer-Melanie Philips pips Douglas Murray for this weeks prize- we need another one for the show that best sums up the flatulent smugfest that best typifies Beeb groupthink!
My nominees are
1. Thinking Allowed”( with that tag team father and son neptism we`ve had to put up with for years). Laurie Taylor .
2. Peter Whites godawful disabilty show- pregnancy testing sticks need a voice recording the result was the last one hgave us!
3. Bleedin` Libby Purvis and the Never Ending Tour that is Midweek!
Shiela Dillon was in Sicily a few weeks ago…no dounbt,she`ll be doing something on virgin olive oil from Karalonia before the schools break up!
Osama-you`re better off out of it sometimes!
No doubt one of the BBC “science for siblings”shows will point out to the mourning Bin Ladens that that extension lead was badly overloaded-not only unsafe but he was a carbon thief too!
Let that be his epitaph on the BBCs “roll of shame!”…no longer 72 virgins lad; just a 72 year old virgin now!
It’s been said before, but I wonder when (if, even) Cameron and the Number 10 media machine are going to grow balls and take on the BBC about their coverage of coalition policies. Cue PM tonight, and 12 minutes of anti-Tory rhetoric on the Health Bill, followed by three minutes of the other side of the argument. Just WTF is Craig Oliver doing?
The bBC and it policy of victimhood by saying ‘Muslim’ instead of Asian. Birmingham Project Champion ‘spy’ cameras being removed More than 200 so-called “spy cameras” installed in largely Muslim areas of Birmingham are being dismantled. The cameras in Washwood Heath and Sparkbrook, some of which were hidden, were paid for with £3m of government funds earmarked for tackling terrorism. An independent report was highly critical of the Project Champion scheme and West Midlands Police. So the bBC which is more than happy to shout out Muslim when they can be promoted as ‘Victims.’But when the Muslim has been up to no good, then the bBC blindsides the reader by referring to Allah’s little helpers as…Asians: “Rioting involved youths from the black and Asian communities”
Oh and just for the record those so called terror cameras, they were vehicle number plate recognition cameras. Guess which areas in the Uk have the highest rate of vehicles been driven without insurance. Put it this way the bBC would describe them as ‘Asian areas’.
Broken record time again! vBulletin software would give us a fast and flexible forum where posts can be organised by themes and topics and where we can search and find past posts. To have that speed, flexibility and functionality would be blissful.
Agreed. I find it the most cumbersome blog to use that I know. Content superb though, but there must be a better way. A preview facility would be good too, so that I can cover up my typos !
So am I. But, it still seems slow with strange quirks compared with all other websites I access and that is quite a large number. Maybe it is me or my computer. I am not very computer literate but, it appears other people here have problems too. I would be interested in comments fro other posters.
Nato has denied claims that its naval units left dozens of migrants to die aboard another boat in distress.It said it was unaware of the plight of the boat, which reportedly was adrift for more than two weeks…. The Guardian reported on Monday that a small boat had left Tripoli on 25 March, hoping to make it to Italy but ran out of fuel and started drifting. Eventually food and water ran out, too.”Every morning we would wake up and find more bodies, which we would leave for 24 hours and then throw overboard,” one passengers, Abu Kurke,told the paper.On 26 March, the passengers made contact with a priest in Italy,Father Mussie Zerai, who often plays a key role assisting migrants who hit trouble.He confirmed to the BBC that he had alerted Italian coastguards, who said they would take action. But he lost contact with the boat when its phone battery went dead. Abu Kurke said that shortly afterwards a helicopter appeared and dropped bottles of water and packets of biscuits onto the boat – but that after that, no further help arrived.At one point – on 29 or 30 March, the Guardian says – the boat drifted close to an aircraft carrier. Survivors contacted by the paper said two jets took off and flew low overhead, while the migrants held two starving babies aloft. But no effort was made to assist them.The Guardian said its inquiries suggested the ship must have been the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle.
The above is a story I read in the Guardian this morning , and if you read it fully and then looked at the mapyou would quickly realise that the full story isn’t been reported by the bBC.
In a nutshell a boat left Tripoli on the 25th March it ran out of fuel on the 27th60 miles from….Tripoli , it then floated back to shore and landed near Misrata on the 10th of April. Now correct me if I am wrong here, but surely the remit is for the nearest state to rescue the boat, be it libya or tunisa both were alot closer to the boat than Lampedusa . Ref that so called Aircraft carrier. Libya has lots of anti-ship missiles, nearly all can fly over 60 miles. Do you really think the French or the Italians are going to place their only aircraft carriers in harms way? Just think if Gadiffi managed to strike an European aircraft carrier. Do you think that said country’s citizens would demand they pulled out. Then there’s that so called Helicopter which dropped water and biscuits. You’d think in this day and age they would put the source of the country on both of them seeing as it is law in the EU to do so? Yet the so called survivors ccan’t provide a name?
Something smells rotten about this story, yet the bBC only tells you half of it.
“Every morning we would wake up and find more bodies, which we would leave for 24 hours and then throw overboard,” one passengers, Abu Kurke,told the paper.
I didn’t think it was acceptable for Muslims to be buried at sea, or is that only when the Yanks do it?
I forgot to mention David that while the bBC claims that the people are leaving unrest in Northern Africa (As if Tunsia /Eygpt are bad) the vast majority of people on these boats are from the Horn of Africa.
I too have noted this Asian/Muslim blurring by the BBC.
Hopefully Indians,Chinese and those who work their socks off from SouthEast Asia will take on this “catchall” lazy stereotyping of them all.just so the BBC is able to avoid the truth of what ever is going on!
Typical cultural cringe by the BBC-and I would argue-racist too!
Muslims work their socks off too! After all, breeding like rabbits and cashing all those benefits cheques ain’t easy you know. Or should that be innit?
I see the bBCs Fav Utopia are looking at letting the little people to leave the country freel as tourists. The bBC also explains that the little people haven’t been allowed to do so for over 50 years.Get that! The country which the bbC time and time again has boasted as the best place to live in the world, what with its roast pea coffee, and its fantastic medical system has been exposed as having kept more people locked up and for far longer than that nasty America base also on Cuba.
Expect like those former inmates of Guantanamo for a large number of people from Shangri-la to forsake heaven to come and live in the UK.
Seems a bit premature to make this into a news story. They’ve only agreed to discuss thinking about doing it. Yet the BBC leaps to announce it as evidence of real reform. At least the sub-editor had the integrity to add the disclaimer that details are “sketchy”.
As it happens, a friend of mine just got back from a family trip to Cuba. He doesn’t pay much attention to the news, and is only vaguely aware of politics, but describes himself as a liberal and Socialist-leaning anyway (it’s what he hears from his artiste friends and colleagues, naturally). As for Cuba, he knew only anti-Castro rants from his grandmother, to which he barely ever paid attention. He was shocked by what he experience there, and what his cousins had to go through.
But because he spent a couple weeks with people who had no agenda to flog to a reporter or with any serious ideological drive, he found out what it’s really like, and who’s really at fault. He was shocked that an island nation had no fresh seafood available to the general public and instead relied on imported frozen sea food from China. It was obvious that he couldn’t blame that or the rationing on big bad old Uncle Sam. Nor could he find a way to blame the US for the fact that the only person in the family who had ever used the internet was his uncle, a low-level government paper-pusher.
I’d say he learned to blame the government from his family, but I can’t because he was also shocked to learn that nobody would dare discuss it even in their own homes. But it was clear even to him that the US wasn’t the problem here.
Funny how this is the same story I hear from everyone I know who has taken a little jaunt to Cuba expecting to blame the US for everything. They finally learn that totalitarianism was a deliberate choice by Castro, not something he was forced into by a nasty US embargo. I think it’s only the bien pensants who don’t have to live there who blame the US. I include the BBC in this.
Dave P wrote: “As for Cuba, he knew only anti-Castro rants from his grandmother”
If you have the time may I suggest you hire the Video ‘Blame it on Fidel’ Its french and unless you speak it you’ll have to settle for subtitles. its a hoot. But the star of the film is the child star Nina Kerval. She acts well beyond her years.
Great news eh? Long the demoocratic peoples revolutionary republic of Cuba, life is just great there.
Everyone gets a vote in free and fair elections, no secret police arresting people in the night, no rationing and food shortages and no restrictions on travel. Its a veritable paradise where everyone drives aound in lovely old 1950s cars having a great time. And its not just party members that get the finest medical treatment, ordinary people get the finest medical treatment in the world, everyone is happy in Cuba and everyone loves the party. If there was a free election tommorow then Castro would surely be re elected with a 99.9999% majority.
Watch thisbBC videoof following members of slough council clamping down on people living in sheds. What is the bBC leaving out? Here is a similar story from the bBCwhere they have no problem informing you where the person living in the shed comes from. Funny enough this report from the bBC in 2009 about people living in sheds in Slough also had no problem saying justwho. I get the impression that over the last few years the bBC have aped that 60 minute makeover program for their fav religion of peace.
Yes; BBC-NUJ relegates the centrality of the on-going MASS IMMIGRATION into Britain, especially from Islamic/Asian/African countries, and turns it into a mere local housing/cuts issue of Slough!
This following is a report on SLOUGH from the ‘Telegraph’ of a year ago; note that recent immigrants oppose more immigration too:
I see the bBC has found and posted on line the plans for Bin ladens home.
Have a look, notice anything strange, No Kitchens, No living rooms, No second floor. (Now where was OBL living?)
Gosh you’d think the bBC would have mentioned that.
On another note and people wonder why house prices drop when a Pakistani moves next door. Just hope my neighbour is happy with me. But then I do have a standalone Kitchen, living room, Hallway and even a dining room and only 2 bedrooms
This raises a point. Who owned the land ? Who applied for planning permission ? Did the authorities inspect the building ?
I have never been to Pakistan but Paki friends of mine here in Scotland tell me that planning laws there are surprisingly strict.
It is certainly true in countries which I am familiar with, Turkey, Malaysia and Gambia.
I never thought anyone could be worse then the “environmentalists” at the BBc but the “conservatives” and Louise Grey win hands up.
Wi-Fi disrupted by high temperatures?? Wouldn’t it be nice if these so called “environmental” reporters had just a smattering of common sense. Maybe she is after a job at the BBC (along with Spelman). Maybe they should use their Wi-Fi and check this out! http://en.kioskea.net/contents/wireless/wlpropa.php3
‘Wouldn’t it be nice if these so called “environmental” reporters had just a smattering of common sense’
I seems beyond comprehension that the owners/publishers/bosses of so many MSM seem content that an area as key as environmental reporting is staffed almost exclusively by unqualified numpties whose every word deems almost designed to compromise sensible discussion.
Spelman is useless. But the problem is serious. Politicians and journalists ignorance of science is breath-taking and dangerous. Of course they don’t have the intellectual capacity to study it, it is too “difficult” for their superficial butterfly “minds”. And , what is worse, it is hard work. Can’t have that at any cost.
The problem is more serious. They don’t even have the equipment to distinguish between good science and bad science. To know which scientists are lying for financial and/or political reasons.
Our political masters are immature fools and we all have to suffer because of their stupidity.
One of the early comments there sums it up nicely:
“please be assured-wifi works perfectly well in Dallas Texas, USA where it regularly achieves temperatures of 100-115 from May/June into Sept/Oct
i have no recommendation for the upcoming floods, locusts, plagues sure to come next….nor do i have any recommendation of how to handle clueless bureaucrats.”
They are brainwashed!
Wishful thinking from tonight’s (Monday night) newsreader on “The World Tonight” at 22:00
He began the full bulletin with, “The government has been defeated … [hesitation, begins again] … The government has defeated … ”
It’s in their DNA to decry the present government!
Yet again the BBC find themselves squirming on the hook.
All this Twitter stuff and super duper injunctions shows them up for the irrelevant state funded toadies that they are.
Time was then these fearless “publish and be damned” 60s types were “sticking it to the man” with Oz, Gay News and the many other places that Rag week could be replayed every week.
Now the Rag they work for is the Guardian-and as they straddle their two punts between Guardian and Beeb, they just simply have to “obey the injunction”. What happened to the spirit of 68 maan?…sell out!
Andrew Marrs apology of a show this morning followed on from the injunction/Twitter stuff on the 9am news-he didn`t seem to have anything to add!
Jon Snow looked a bit peeky on Channel4 news about it too! Like the other progressive alliance gasbags, he simply had to go all prurient on the poppet from “Popbitch”-but meanwhile wanting the dirt dished ,because his limp lettuce show is in the pay of the man.
Classic hypocrisy from the last eunuch in the harem!
Hate to remind the Jam Generation(sic) of St Joseph of Strummers prophetic yelp that they used to swear by
” There they go -fat and old/queueing up for the House of Lords”
Something like that anyway!…no doubt Snow, Billy Bragg etc can include…”just as long as it`s reformed”!
It`s what Joe would have wanted!
this may have been posted elsewhere. I didn’t watch it , but “Panorama ” today had something like ” The death of Bin Laden, the full story “.
No comment required.
Didn`t miss much Grant!
Maybe all those cassette tapes fluttering from the branches were NOT because the Taliban were medieval in their world view!
Au contraire-bet they were critics pissed off with well meaning relatives sending out ” Midweek” or “File on Four” to them!
Never fear Greece the BBCs economics editor is on the case as Stephanie Flanders is discussing it. Never mind that she told us that Greece and Ireland would get nowhere near default she has now discovered that one of the rules of mathematics is flawed. Hurrah for Stephanie the mathematical and economic genius!
“”Re-profiling would mean the principal (the initial amount that was borrowed) would remain the same, but the maturity is extended by, say, 5 years. In theory, investors agree to the exchange because the net present value stays the same. ”
Yep the same amount of money five years later has the same value as five years earlier.
No wonder I saw an economics discussion on the online Independent where her blog was called stupidonomics.
Good grief, she’s still singing the same song? That’s essentially the same thing she said about bailing out Portugal: it will cost “next to nothing” because interest rates are low. Consistently ideological.
Steph demonstrates she doesn’t even understand the concept of NPV which is taught in all basic introduction courses to financial management.
Steph, hint, if the period of the loan is extended without any change to the interest rate, the NPV does not stay the same !
I am almost tempted to say , if Steph can’t understand basic Discounted Cash Flow and Net Present Value , what chance has she with Capital Asset Pricing Model ?
She would probably think CAPM is a contraceptive.
Note, how the BBC rush to censor her gaffe !!!!
Pathetic creatures, the whole lot of them !
I have just looked up Stephs education on Wikipedia it includes an expensive private school , Oxford followed by Harvard so I doubt she is thick. So just what is her excuse for this p*ss poor reporting – Does she really believe and press release put out by the EU ? Can you really progress so far in the western education system simply by believing and then repeating parrot fashion every “fact” you are told ?
‘I have just looked up Stephs education on Wikipedia it includes an expensive private school , Oxford followed by Harvard so I doubt she is thick’
Looking at a fair tranche of the Labour front bench (which I understand she ‘met’ at uni), I’d have to say there appears to be another track that can get followed covering all these bases to assist those who are not the sharpest knives. Maybe it’s just open to those aiming for such as the BBC and ‘correct’ political thinkers? Probably only offered by a nod, wink, funny handshake and obscure classified in the Graun to show it was ‘open to all’.
Gordon the Moron’s PhD thesis was on an aspect of the History of the Labour Party in Scotland. It was at Edinburgh University. All the Unis in Scotland are controlled by the Left and that topic would never be failed.
Over the years me and others have tried to get access to his PhD, but no success !
Can she progress at the BBC by repeating parrot fashion every “fact” she is told ?
Evidently – YES
As for Oxford/Harvard , it reads well doesn’t it ?
What a shame she missed all the lectures on integrity, far too busy no doubt attending the “mathematics for dummies” course.
Actually Stephanie Floundering Flanders just gets worse and worse.Here is her latest effort.
Why the Greek bail-out has worked”
Er has it? So we can all have our money back?
But then we see why Steph is in Athens and she simply repeats what she is told. When she meet Ireland’s Finance Minister Brian Lenihan she called him a good man. Two months later Ireland had to call for a bailout…
Don’t know what Steph studied at Harvard , but obviously not economics or finance. Also , Harvard has a reputaion for being pretty left-wing, so who knows ?
BBC-greenie’s latest political campaign: stop UK shale gas drilling.
BBC-greenie has taken a propaganda stance against development of shale gas, as Harrabin indicated in his recent trip to Blackpool shale gas area to meet a solitary, unrepresentative ‘Green’ guy in a pub.
So from now on we are fed BBC-Greenie’s scary side of the story only.
So we DON’T get this:
“Freeman Dyson: Shale gas is ‘cheap and effective'”
Only got a taste of the Toadys Shows “three part” feature on Broadmoor. Just the one to go though.
Yesterday the “clients” were “on a journey” and “displayed challenging behaviours”-you don`t say!
Hopefully those” journeys” do not extend too far past the medication station, but the BBCs journalists are busy setting the scene for us all to “see past the alleged crime-or its perception”. Can you see where this is going? We know what the BBC/Guardian would want for this their latest “oppressed,vulnerable community” . The BBC will be picking up the usual minibus load of human rights lawyers next time they are invited in. Share the petrol?
And then I thought-tomorrows part is what to do with the “established community” of those who`d been there for -well, rather serious offences if you MUST ask!
Here`s a thought-they live in their own little world there-they rant on about extra terrestrial threats-everyone is innocent there and not to be questioned. Swap Martians for global warming/bankers and we find taht Broadmoor is the new BBC!
Why not leave Bush House to the squatting community, and make the BBC our national hosptital radio-it would give the marginalised a voice-the inmates could earn an honest crust(Rizlas and snout Index today Steph?), and their incoherent droolings and ramblings with boozy Lennon singsongs toi follow would be no more that we get now-but far more expensively. No pensions or injunctions either!
So much cheaper and honest for us all. Their cocooned world as seen through a lilac haze applies to both these historic iconic and cloistered institutions. Just put Broadmoor on the paper boys route from now on,and we can send the BBC to somewhere less northern than Salford!
Come on-this blue skies thinking is my tribute to John Birt!
Let`s face it-Jenni Murray would win a lifetime achievement in both-and Louise Casey would be the Broadmoor choice for a “victims czar” in both-AV or not!
A few years ago on a train journey I had a very interesting conversation with a guy who turned out to be a guard/nurse at Broadmoor. In short his job disgusted him as he had become a nursemaid and servant to assorted criminals many of whom in his mind weren’t mentally ill at all but knew how to play the system which he said wasn’t very hard.
Dame Nikki in introducing a report on the then upcoming verdict on privacy by the European court gives us a 25 word potted background of Max Mosley. That manages to include that Max is the son of FASCIST leader Sir Oswald. A criminal’s crimes are wiped clean by him serving a prison sentence but it would appear that the actions of a parent can, in certain circumstances, put the offspring beyond redemption.
The BBC never seem to be keen to tell us about the parentage of their political reporter Ben Wright, who like Mosley has/had a former Labour MP as a father.
Do the BBC mention it when someone’s father was a communist. To be fair they did mention it in connection with the Milibands, but that was in an approving manner !
“Dame Nikkie ” ? For a minute I thought it was the return of Martin !
Guardian readers – Are you young, bit fick, and want to live your life on a permanent lucrative gap year, say standing with a microphone by a well in a remote village in the Rift valley asking goat-herders how many goats they have, or perhaps visiting a salt mine in the Atacama desert and asking the miners whether they earn a dollar a day? Then please visit http://www.bbccworldservice.com/careers.
Anyhoo (out here in the real world) said BBCC World Disservice had a programme on Ulrike Meinhoff.
Wimmin – tick
Part of a liberal left Hamburg clique – tick
Quote unquote Activist – tick
Supporter of AV as ‘a small but significant step in the right direction’ – tick
Worshipper of Ed Balls because ‘he’s a Labour big beast who can take the fight to the Tories’ – tick
OK, I made the last two up but you get the drift.
BBCC – we’re urban guerillas, we make bombs in our cellars.
Fine writing Bupendra!
Can I raise your “Meinhoff” with my “Petra Kelly”!
No-not the Blue Peter dog-but eco-warrrior extraordinaire!
“Great Lives” under that nice Matthew Parris devoted a whole half hour eulogy to the lady. For balance regarding her views he was joined by Caroline Lucas and-to oppose her-why Sara Parkin ex-leader of the Green Party-who else?
The foot licking hagiography was worthy of Joe Stalin had he elected for aromatherapy! As it is,he inspired a generation of BBC editors and presenters instead!
Spot on Will!
Can I add Will Straw-some Labour Drug-sorry Think-Tank apparently?
This list of course would include assorted McNulty/Gilberta…Marrs/Ashleys…Balls /Coopers -all citing the Blair Booth opt out! God alone knows how many of their spawn are flying under non de guerres using names we`d not be aware of. Doubt if the Toynbee kids use that one-only mum would have been that stupid! No surprise if they are ” independent commissioners” etc
-like John Peels lad doing rather well as a DJ by another flag of convenience!
Maybe a Rock Family Tree” diagram could help…starting with Kevin Howlett or suchlike at HMP(if only!)
And to my point- If Rag Week Radio was still going then “The Jam Generation” would still have been crap if it had been broadcast!
I don`t see why the usual Braggs, Harrises are invited for their views that…hey Tories were as gulled as the left by plonkers like Morrissey and Weller.
If Anne McElvoy wants to relive her glory days at Oxbridge with her old NMEs or what have you-maybe she shoule invite her “good rebellion” chums to one of her salon soirees and not record it ,just so we end up paying for the canapes.
I`ve heard enough of their vanity ,harking back to the days when they were only Trustafarians and not BBC/Guardian Trusties and toadies squatting over the body politic as they`re doing for now.
The weak are indeed a long time in politics-and only the weaker continue to indulge them and pay for the privilege as well.
One long bloody Rag Week is the BBC…one long Rag is the Guardian. Don`t see why I have to keep on chucking money at their flowery float!
” The weak are a long time in politics “. Classic !
My God, cj, there is someone who remembers Tony McNulty. I remember David Vance here, some time ago, describing him as “the Forces sweetheart “. I wonder what he is doing now ? He doesn’t seem to appear on the BBC.
Maybe writing his memoirs. That should be a cracking, bodice-ripping read. Can’t wait to go to the book signing.
The greatest Prime Minister we never had.
After the never-ending hand-wringing at the BBC over the killing of Bin Laden, the mealy-mouthed criticisms, the moral equivocation – here is a palate-cleanser, some straight-talking by young American kids :
Interesting sleight of hand reporting from the bBC Afghan forces not ready for security role, Oxfam warns Afghan forces are not ready to take over responsibility for security from Nato, a leading British charity says. Oxfam warned that more training is needed and human rights violations by Afghan forces could increase as they take on the frontline role…. According to the Oxfam report, entitled No Time to Lose, “there are serious concerns regarding the professionalism and accountability” of the Afghan security forces.
And what the bBC/Oxfam combo don’t tell you is that the Afghan army was in overall control, when the Taliban hit Kandahar the otherday. The tally was 25 terrorists dead for the deaths of 2 Afghan Army personal. 40 people were wounded. In fact for a good few months now the Afghan army has taken control of missions and in each they have been successful. Yes they could do to be better, but that could be said about everyone (Including the troops who took out OBL)
The problem with training Afghans is that first you have to break their ties to clans and such and then remould them to think of the greater good.
As for concerns regarding the professionalism and accountability of the Afghan security forces.
The left,liberals and Islamic world say that about every army in the world, Be it American, British or German. The thing is while these do-gooders ( and i include the bBC here) bitch about the people who risk life and limb in which to make their lives just that little bit safer, they have no problem promoting the people whose single aim is murder,death,kill as just people whose single aim is the care and welfare of their people. (oh look that mindset I started with at the top which we have to remove from Afghan army recruits so they can help rebuild their country.)
Is there a helpline that I can contact the Beeb on?
They DO need help if they seriously think that a pie-eyed Jenni Murray saying that she has had a drink is actually worthy of including in the 9am news? Yet that is what they did. “Thought you`d be pleased for the old trout ” I`m guessing is the mantra for the day.
Only sheer arrogance and an urge to stick the choux pastry in our faces would account for an item of supreme indifference to the rest of us being served up as “newsworthy”.
How many award hand jobs do these sozzled,grizzled old retainers need before they can be trained into doing a programme-ANY programme that might be worth a listen? This vanity crap is not what they all piled down from the north to slop out for us was it?…well yes,but..you know…
Maybe the BBC needs to be cajoled from its institutionalised hospital radio comfort zone-and we ough to revisit the open ward “care in the community” idea that their dear friend Margaret Thatcher once deemed right for the mentally recovering. Jenni can keep her award too if that helps her!
Were she to have a booze bottle in her other hand,then we might finally get the idea of a “balanced” BBC presenter for once!
I am “amused” by the beeboids usual description of the Sony Awards as being radio’s Oscars. Presumably “the unique way the BBC is funded” means that the rest of the world just doesn’t have any radio worth a listen
“The BBC is now officially a religion, according to an industrial tribunal. Devan Maistry has been told his belief in public service broadcasting is just as valid as any other faith.
Why doesn’t this surprise me? Climate change and animal rights have already been accorded religious status. How long before someone opposes NHS spending cuts on the grounds that the health service, too, is a religion?
Mr Maistry, who worked for the BBC Asian Service, now plans to sue the corporation for unfair dismissal on the grounds of religious discrimination.
But no one seems to be quite sure why. Never mind, I’m sure he’ll win. These nutters normally walk away with a handsome pay-off.
I’m not sure how you practise BBC worship. Does Mr Pastry have a special altar with a statue of Alan Yentob on it? Does he offer thanks for Huw Edwards before he goes to bed each night? Perhaps he thrashes himself with a copy of the Radio Times to cleanse himself of impure lusting after Channel Five.
Still, if Pagan policemen can be granted special leave to celebrate the solstice, it can only be a matter of time before BBC-worshippers start getting a day off to mark Lord Reith’s birthday.
Here endeth Thought For The Day.”
Thanks for this Span(if |I may be so bold!)
I think his case will fall though-for he only “strongly” believes in the BBCs creed-he would surely have to “PASSIONATELY” beieve it with every fibre of his body. No passion-no point!
Alex Freguson hates the BBC just as I do…he must be our unlikely John the Baptist figure then!
As usual, His Grace gets it. This kind of thing is the basis for the riposte I always use when someone tells me that we need a religious nation because look what happens when the Godless Communists run things. I always reply that the ideology of Communism took the place and function of religion.
Clearly this new case is just another example of the trend.
An investigation is being carried out into allegations that council staff mocked disabled children, calling them offensive names.Kent County Council (KCC) said a member of staff had been suspended while a disciplinary hearing took place.
So a kent council when it found out a memeber of tis staff was throwing abuse suspended him and the bbC reports at first hand from the story.Yet when Labour MPs did likewise not only didn’t the bBC report it (it reported Trevor Philips reaction it) It allowed Labour MPs to explain their actions: “Labour MP Tom Harris, who was not at the debate, has said no MP would attack someone for having a disability.”
I wonder how the bBC would have reported this story if the victim had been a Labour MP and the twats throwing the abuse had been Tories. well for a start I bet they would have covered it as they have done the Kent Council story.
Presumably being spineless,gutless and brainless-dribbling out platitudes and the drooling reflex at the mention of the EU or Blair- are NOT conditions worthy of treating-nor are they “disabilities”…but necessitites to get a job in the BBCs Current Affairs Department!
BBC-EU ‘Newsnight’ on bad, bad ‘right-wing’ FINLAND.
‘Newsnight’ cannot understand why Finns want to control Mass Immigration, stop EU bail-outs and have good relations with UKIP.
‘Newsnight’ preview, extract:
“Then we have a film from Finland where we’ve met Timo Soini, the leader of right-wing, anti-immigration, nationalist party the True Finns. Last month the party, which opposes EU bailouts, took nearly a fifth of votes in the country’s general election.”
Newsnight has simply become the worst kind of parody of what it has pretensions (and, boy, does it have a raft) of being.
From sneering, dopey and/or inarticulate ‘interviewers’ like Paxman, Esler, Maitless or Wark, to hapless ‘expert’ ‘correspondents’ like Watt or Crick, all fed by the famous producer/researcher iPhone ‘guest’ list of six, it makes Drop the Dead Donkey look like a searing insight into a well-oiled, impartial, professional news machine.
Relax… £4B buys you only the very best ‘science’ ‘news’ ‘reporting’…
cebmblogcarl heneghan@@bbchealth: Finger length clue 2 motor neurone diseasehttp://bbc.in/jI9TeO there’s so many things wrong with this I dont know where 2 start
Move along, nothing to get worried about here at all… simply parrotting a press release for ratings… move along…
Now the elections are ove,presumably the BBC can get on with promoting the Greens in their various soft soap shows that they don`t include as “political”.
So it was that we got “Great Lives” with Caroline Lucas, Sara Parkin(ex-Green Leader) and -holding the handbags-Matthew Parris…a Tory so he says, but most of us would argue with that!
So we get an unadulterated half hour of green bilge in praise of Petra Kelly..useful rebel/martyr who is now the name of a room in The European Parliament…no higher praise!
I`ll not bore you with the Stalinist slush and hagiography that passed between the three of them…”ah,but could Petra have got 31% in Brighton as you did? ,Caroline” was about as “challenging” as it got.
So there you are-Lennon, Marley, Arafat…add Kelly now to the pantheon of secular saints that the BBC is canonising in the same way as the hated Catholics-only their saints will be beatified by Pope Patten the Fat instead!
“Losing my religion” eh you guys…looks like you`ve already made yourselves another!
Let`s hope that Nick Griffin gets an equivalent free plug for his “views”-in the name of balance of course!
Yes,but like Strummer etc, the BBC likes its rebels when they`re safely dead-Osama ,Che etc-and itsa toadying lickspittles and quislings available on speed dial or in the studio!
“As the head of steam builds up for shale gas and other unconventional hydrocarbons, it was inevitable that there should be a backlash. It was also a foregone conclusion that the BBC should be the cheerleader.” http://eureferendum.blogspot.com/2011/05/holding-line.html
There’s a similar propaganda wave against shale gas in the US, especially against the primary method of getting it out. The environmentals hate it, because they’re ideologically opposed to any fossil fuel, regardless of the details. We’ve had to deal with bans and deceit from the government as well because the current Administration is full of watermelons (and no, that’s NOT a racist remark aimed at half the anscestry of the President).
Black gets his talking points from the same sources.
even the “one brain cell show” was jumping on the toricutz bandwagon this evening wioth a touching piece about old codgers not being able to play bowls
Dr Ramirez also described Iceland at the time as a ‘melting pot’ – what utter, spoonfed, childish cultural Marxist nonsense. There may well have been cooking pots in abundance, but the implication that the horny ones were into mass miscegenation is simply untrue. The ‘mix’ was Scandinavian men & Scottish/Irish women – hardly a ‘melting pot’. I should know, there’s one up the road called Finsbury Park. A melting pot that’s been stirred so violently, & so many unstable ingredients thrown in that it’s constantly on the boil. It could do with a few Vikings to whack the gangbangers into line.
I really hope BBC4 doesn’t go down the plughole. It’s just about the last place in Beeboidia that occasionally broadcasts something worthwhile. The rest of them can’t see over the walls of The Frankfurt School.
BBC 4 going down the plughole? Too late, mate – it’s already caught in the vortex…
…as I settle comfortably to watch the 1,000th inevitable repeat of Indian Fuckin’ Hill Railways.
Like with Mony Python, I have memorised just about all of the dialogue in this (and the endless succession of other repeated series). It was brilliant the first couple of times around, but then shown again and again, and again – then on BBC2, then back on BBC4.
Do the BBC ever make any new programmes, or is having multi-channel availability just a big con?
But for people like me who don’t watch much BBC, it is good to get a chance to see programmes I have missed. I am talking about some of the few things the BBC do well or, at least, used to do well.
Yes, how utterly pathetic. I doubt if my Scottish ancestors thought of the parts of Scotland under Viking control as a “multi-cultural society”.
The BBC is beyond parody. Beeboids are literally mentally deranged.
The BBC are full of this crap!
Most things I see and hear about WW2 seem to think that it was the women that won it…that the role of pets or animals has been underplayed…and that the blokes were probably being their silly selves swigging beeand playing football!
It goes without saying that the more white they were-the less important that they were in saving the country( just so the EU and the pastel rainbow tendency could have it without having to fight for it!…God forbid!)
This point about right-on thinking encrouching into BBC4-type documentaries is important because it shows how the BBC has become institutionally leftist. It sheds light on what the BBC approves, who gets put on air, and what people think they need to say in order to get a show commissioned.
Dr Ramirez has done it and so too has Dr Stavrakopoulou on Israel. The other day I saw a repeat of a 2009 show in which Bettany Hughes tells us about Minoan culture and stresses cultural diversity (naturally) how they shared wealth (they were obviously ‘all in this together’) and what she believed was their version of girl power.
Its not just the wimmin, Neil Oliver is at in his Celtic Britain.
Surely the worst thing for historians to do is to try to transpose modern views and outlook onto the historical past.
But we get, for example, the opinion that the Viking ‘republic’ replacement with the rule of a single chieftan was inherently a backward step, and a tad too much romanticism about the pre-Christian religion.
I half-expected to hear that the Danegeld represented a fair tax on Southern England levied by a continental administration in order to transfer resources toward the poorer regions.
You would think that meant Syria had announced or even confirmed it, but it hasn’t. We’ll know for sure in the next nine days. If Syria doesn’t withdraw and automatically wins the seat as regional rep will Barbara retract?
The organs of that spawn of Beelzebub, Murdoch, always make clear the company ties when reporting on another part of the empire. Not so the BBC in advertising a new UK Lonely Planet guide on radio this morning. Disclosing the common ownership would have ensured that listeners could savour the irony of the taxpayer funded & immigration promoting BBC using its travel guide arm to run down the attractiveness of the nation
eg press quotes “The new Lonely Planet travel guide to the UK warns the millions expected for next year’s Diamond Jubilee and Olympics that Britain is overpriced and overcrowded” and “Overcrowded, overpriced and overrated: welcome to Britain“
Does the BBC have the balls to announce anyone who doesn’t move receives his/her one month notice? Lets’ see how many of the market rate talent will take that risk …
… and if they do the BBC is grossly overstaffed anyway.
More apologetics for Islamic jihad, as INBBC ignores Osama bin Laden’s Islamic jihad mass murders, but regurgitates Bin Laden family propaganda. Victims of Islamic jihad ignored here by INBBC.
“Yet somehow the mass murder of 3,000 people in the name of Islam doesn’t demean or humiliate his family and his supporters, or challenge religious provisions and feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims.”
2.) INBBC:
“Bin Laden sons protest to US over ‘arbitrary killing'”
It said US President Barack Obama was “legally responsible” for clarifying “the fate of our father” and that the sea burial “demeans and humiliates his family and his supporters”.
Could only do the BBC staffers some good to run the gauntlet from the Mertosexual apartment area near the Hacienda(ggod drugs in the early 90s-don`t tell them that Bez and Co aren` there any more!) to the new BBC HQ at the end of Cross St,Salford.
Little did I know that when Newsnight did its “features” on the Langworthy Estate up there-with our `Azel Blears singing “Sally” with a tear in the eye(and a cheque in the hand); the BBC were merely househunting.
About time we had some genuine Community television, where Peston and Norton etc can “be part of the proletariat-live the dream!
Guacamole and organice polenta for Ms Montague at aisle 12? I`d watch it!
body { font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small; } Such corrupted language hampers the honourable calling of the reporter, which is to give the readers a selection of facts and leave them to make up their own minds.
A quote from Independent journalist, Guy Keleny. (I got my fishnchips in it.)
Can you read that, droids, it says
‘…give the readers a selection of facts and leave them to make up their own minds.’
Now eff off into subscription obscurity and your northern waste land.
If any of you get to Media City,Salford( Segways or not!), do have a look at the “Smoking Shelter” that they have thoughtfully provided 300 metres away(oh so metric!)
I kid you not-FOUR fire extinguishers next to it-a canal to jump into and a float for the Rescue Services-and enough notices about what a twat you are for putting everyone at risk!
It`s number ten on my “BBC Staffers-“Welcome to Salford Guide 2012”-providing shell suited solutions to Beeb handwringing filler for gaps in schedules since 2009″
Do I see a “Watchdog Investigation” here Grant?
In the interest of “accurate reporting”, may I state that there are just the THREE fire extinguishers as opposed to the four that had been previously cited in an earlier porgramme?
There are however TWO bombpoof shelters and a FIRE ASSEMBLY point just to the left of them!
I believe there is “top skunk” to be “mad for” and can be “sorted bruv” available here for the much anticipated “artistic community” should they wish to avail themselves of this facility1
A few new Scrabble words here perhaps!
And yes, my southern softie luvvies rolling their wagons as I write-it is of course “FairTrade”…it`s what Peter Woods would have wanted!
popeyeMar 28, 17:18 Midweek 26th March 2025 SpecSavers on Classic FM (I won’t listen to or watch the BBC) joining the “woke” advertising parade. A cockney-sounding guy…
popeyeMar 28, 17:15 Midweek 26th March 2025 But we still use steel, it’s just produced elsewhere, probably with lower environmental standards, so there is absolutely NO effect…
popeyeMar 28, 17:09 Midweek 26th March 2025 Zephir, my sister thought LOL was Lots of Love. Unfortunately when I mailed her (in Oz) that Mum had died…
ZephirMar 28, 16:55 Midweek 26th March 2025 I have just heard the guy who invented predictive text has died. His funnel is tomato.
Fedup2Mar 28, 16:47 Midweek 26th March 2025 I looked up how much a querty keyboard was going to cost once … I thought IMHO was a North…
MarkyMarkMar 28, 16:34 Midweek 26th March 2025 2015…. “She said: “They felt they were fearless and untouchable. They laughed and said they would never be punished. “The…
ZephirMar 28, 15:47 Midweek 26th March 2025 Appropos of nothing, or maybe because it’s Friday: I told my old mum that WTF means: “Wow, that’s fantastic” Her…
Fedup2Mar 28, 15:47 Midweek 26th March 2025 Was quite an achievement for the Marxists to release some vermin early who murdered on the same day …
ZephirMar 28, 15:42 Midweek 26th March 2025 It’s one rule for them… I wonder what would happen if Laurence Fox tried that on Wimmin’s Hour ? I…
moggiemooMar 28, 15:29 Midweek 26th March 2025 Leave the inmates in the jail and just add the MPs and Lords.
I am listening, gobsmacked, to this “Food Programme” on radio 4, from a “Climate Change” farm in Devon, for God’s sake.
I can’t believe the drivel I’m hearing. The climate’s been warming for the last 50 years, apprently, and will continue to do so, and within the next 50 years, the Former UK will be enjoying a mediterranean climate, and we’re all gonna fry, boil, drown, die. It must be true, a “climate change farmer” said so, and Mrs. BBC reporter was lapping it up.
Can’t they see, don’t they understand? How can they be so stupid, and even more so to try and brainwash the rest of us? Fuckin’ BBC.
it may be a surprise,but many people are not as easily sucked in by this crap as al beeb and the greenshirts would like you to think
many I have spoken to…..all in fact……about this con 100% reject it as total nonsense
Now that the real effects of ‘Global Warming’ are starting to take place (i.e. a huge chunk of your wages going on running your car and heating your home, as well as the countryside being covered in huge unsightly inefficient windmills), people are starting to look at the evidence, or lack of it, more closely.
Natsman, I think it’s a repeat from yesterday afternoon. And, like you I was appalled at what I heard being said, and without challenge by the presenter – Sheila Dillon? The bbc thought machine has infected just about every aspect of public life, including such uncontentious, as I thought, programmes as The Food Programme. I had to switch it off because I was swearing too much and the radio was in danger of being damaged.
These BBC poppets need to get beyond the word “warmer” and be asked ” by how much?” The IPCC (crooked computer) model says one tenth of one percent a year.
The temperature at the north pole is minus 40. So now its minus 39.9 And that means? What? These can’t count arts graduate greasy-pole climbing presenters should have to pass an IQ test,.
(BBC poppet: I took an IQ test!. Luckily it came back negative!”)
By 2020 we’ll all be living in penthouses with the frazzled corpses of polar bears floating past our windows – Clive James ©
Heresy_Corner Heresiarch Is belief in the BBC now officially a religion? Bizarrely, it seems so – Telegraph Blogs http://bit.ly/iEdYb5
For now, at least, they don’t appear to need a collection plate.
This seems very odd to me. I thought many Beeboids felt that “cultural interchange and social cohesion” were paramount? We were told that rather often by “John Reith” and others. The Charter says this:
4.The Public PurposesThe Public Purposes of the BBC are as follows—
(a)sustaining citizenship and civil society;
(b)promoting education and learning;
(c)stimulating creativity and cultural excellence;
(d)representing the UK, its nations, regions and communities;
So maybe it’s not a subjective “higher purpose” at all. Why would the guy have been fired, then? I guess it depends on how one defines “sustaining civil society”. Something doesn’t add up here, but who knows what without any real details of the charge.
(a)sustaining citizenship and civil society;
As long as it is EU and minorty centered.
(b)promoting education and learning;
Of what we feel they should know
(c)stimulating creativity and cultural excellence;
See (a) and (b)
(d)representing the UK, its nations, regions and communities;
Unless we don’t like them in which case we will ignore/insult/belittle as we see fit (BBC memo: anyone white and/or non-muslim and/or non leftie make up this group)
Talking about the CAGW fraud, the BBC toady show had that bent regime yes man stooge Turner on for a verbal hand job by the beeboid. WTF? do beeboids lose their critical faculties when talking about green fascism and the like?
Everyone agrees windmills are essential to our future croons the beeboid, no alternative is allowed and no other guest is invited to counter the outrageous pack of lies spewed by Turner. Windmill electricity will soon be as cheap as fossil fuels(bollocks it will) all is well and the crippling and utterly useless carbon reduction targets forced on us by the EU will not completely destroy our economy.
But the biggest lie is yet to come and its a F*CKING WHOPPER!
Apparently our electricity needs are going to be met soon by inporting solar array produced electricity from north bleeding Africa no less =-O Quite how this “cheap” electricity is going to get to us in the UK along several thousand miles of pylons not to mention the massive leakage on route. Perhaps this mong believes we can ship it over on the train or giant sailing ships? Talk about fairy dairy land.
Energy security? Yeah lets build thousands of miles of high tension power lines to an unstable area where unrest could cut the supply off even if the raghead camel admirers dont blow up the pylons and steal all the copper cables.
The tragedy about dribbling retards like Turner is that he is the voice of the regime, they have turned wishful thinking into an art form. Reality is not allowed into their political fantasy island, no common sense is allowed to intrude and those who attempt to tell them they are making expensive mistakes are ignored or smeared.
The BBC toady knows full well that if a critic was allowed a response then stooges like Turner would fold like cheap toilet paper, they simply cannot stand up to scrutiny.
But the worst thing about all this political fantasising is that slashing a completely harmless trace gas will not affect the temperature at all, it will not have any affect whatsoever but to bring poverty and desperation and misery and death. All that money wasted, all the time spent on a useless fantasy.
Just an added thought about the regime yes man who would claim the moon was made of cheese if so ordered.
The disasterous effects of the fraud he champions will have no effect on him, he is rich and he will live out his life in comfort while the poor elderly will die off in the tens of thousands, his pensions and payoffs will mean he will not suffer.
“Just an added thought about the regime yes man who would claim the moon was made of cheese if so ordered.”
So long as it’s GREEN cheese, that’s OK.
Richard Black is on the case, of course:
The choice of photos used to illustrate the story is revealing. Over the words “Nuclear continues to be the cheapest low-carbon energy source, the committee says” someone (Richard Black himself?) has chosen to put a slogan from French Greenpeace (“Le nucléaire sûr n’existe pas” – Nuclear certainty does not exist), with its image of a man running away from a nuclear symbol and, next to it, the image of an anti-nuclear protestor.
Strange that this fantasy involves getting the solar power direct from North Africa. I assume that is to replace our dependance on the same people for oil. How very illuminating is that sentence by the Beebeegreeny.
Importing solsr energy from North Africa. That is one of the funniest things I have heard in ages. These people are nuts !
“solar” !
No no no, you’ve got wrong. The electricity will be generated in the UK from sunshine transmiited across Europe by a series of very large mirrors.
Makes perfect sense to me.
I got it! give everyone who goes or comes from Africa a pack of rechargeable batteries which they fill when their there and bongo !
So OK the flights and transport costs would be a prob and also the lethal concoction of chemicals that go in the batteries and yes maybe all the wars and BBC sponsored democratic blood letting could add to the huge bill !
But hey remember the greenish/BBC dream is only ever another Billion or 2 away !
Don’t put ideas into their heads !
Sorry CK, every so often I just have to respond to you – you are priceless, your little comments are probably my fave reading on the whole internet thingy & I read a fair amount of blogs…
“stooges like Turner would fold like cheap toilet paper”…
Maybe as well as an award for the best BBC dragon slayer-Melanie Philips pips Douglas Murray for this weeks prize- we need another one for the show that best sums up the flatulent smugfest that best typifies Beeb groupthink!
My nominees are
1. Thinking Allowed”( with that tag team father and son neptism we`ve had to put up with for years). Laurie Taylor .
2. Peter Whites godawful disabilty show- pregnancy testing sticks need a voice recording the result was the last one hgave us!
3. Bleedin` Libby Purvis and the Never Ending Tour that is Midweek!
Shiela Dillon was in Sicily a few weeks ago…no dounbt,she`ll be doing something on virgin olive oil from Karalonia before the schools break up!
Osama-you`re better off out of it sometimes!
No doubt one of the BBC “science for siblings”shows will point out to the mourning Bin Ladens that that extension lead was badly overloaded-not only unsafe but he was a carbon thief too!
Let that be his epitaph on the BBCs “roll of shame!”…no longer 72 virgins lad; just a 72 year old virgin now!
Laurie Taylor is a real pain in the whatsit !
extension lead was badly overloaded-not only unsafe
Meh, a dozen Navy Seals kicking in your front door; least of your problems is a dodgy cable
It’s been said before, but I wonder when (if, even) Cameron and the Number 10 media machine are going to grow balls and take on the BBC about their coverage of coalition policies. Cue PM tonight, and 12 minutes of anti-Tory rhetoric on the Health Bill, followed by three minutes of the other side of the argument. Just WTF is Craig Oliver doing?
The bBC and it policy of victimhood by saying ‘Muslim’ instead of Asian.
Birmingham Project Champion ‘spy’ cameras being removed
More than 200 so-called “spy cameras” installed in largely Muslim areas of Birmingham are being dismantled. The cameras in Washwood Heath and Sparkbrook, some of which were hidden, were paid for with £3m of government funds earmarked for tackling terrorism. An independent report was highly critical of the Project Champion scheme and West Midlands Police.
So the bBC which is more than happy to shout out Muslim when they can be promoted as ‘Victims.’But when the Muslim has been up to no good, then the bBC blindsides the reader by referring to Allah’s little helpers as…Asians:
“Rioting involved youths from the black and Asian communities”
Mr Straw made his comments after two Asian men who abused girls in Derby were given indeterminate jail terms last Friday.
Nine men have been arrested as part of a police investigation into sexual exploitation of teenage girls in Greater Manchester. They were held on suspicion of rape, inciting child prostitution, allowing a premises to be used for prostitution and sexual activity with a child.The Asian men, aged between 20 and 40 from Rochdale and Heywood, were arrested on 21 December.
Young British Asian men becoming radicalised suicide bombers
Oh and just for the record those so called terror cameras, they were vehicle number plate recognition cameras. Guess which areas in the Uk have the highest rate of vehicles been driven without insurance. Put it this way the bBC would describe them as ‘Asian areas’.
Great post, Pounce. I’d be intrigued to hear their pathetic explanation for this.
The slow speed and general clumsy technical performance of this blog is becoming more odd as time passes.
It is like a throwback to the dial up era.
Why is it so old-fashioned?
Broken record time again! vBulletin software would give us a fast and flexible forum where posts can be organised by themes and topics and where we can search and find past posts. To have that speed, flexibility and functionality would be blissful.
Agreed. I find it the most cumbersome blog to use that I know. Content superb though, but there must be a better way. A preview facility would be good too, so that I can cover up my typos !
I don’t find any problems – maybe because I am using Mozilla Firefox ?
So am I. But, it still seems slow with strange quirks compared with all other websites I access and that is quite a large number. Maybe it is me or my computer. I am not very computer literate but, it appears other people here have problems too. I would be interested in comments fro other posters.
Slow to load – Yes
Easy to use – Yes
Hard to follow posts in time order – Yes very!
The bBC and how according to them Europeans can only be guilty when it comes to so called asylum seekers:
Hundreds missing off Libya coast
Nato has denied claims that its naval units left dozens of migrants to die aboard another boat in distress.It said it was unaware of the plight of the boat, which reportedly was adrift for more than two weeks…. The Guardian reported on Monday that a small boat had left Tripoli on 25 March, hoping to make it to Italy but ran out of fuel and started drifting. Eventually food and water ran out, too.”Every morning we would wake up and find more bodies, which we would leave for 24 hours and then throw overboard,” one passengers, Abu Kurke, told the paper.On 26 March, the passengers made contact with a priest in Italy, Father Mussie Zerai, who often plays a key role assisting migrants who hit trouble.He confirmed to the BBC that he had alerted Italian coastguards, who said they would take action. But he lost contact with the boat when its phone battery went dead. Abu Kurke said that shortly afterwards a helicopter appeared and dropped bottles of water and packets of biscuits onto the boat – but that after that, no further help arrived.At one point – on 29 or 30 March, the Guardian says – the boat drifted close to an aircraft carrier. Survivors contacted by the paper said two jets took off and flew low overhead, while the migrants held two starving babies aloft. But no effort was made to assist them.The Guardian said its inquiries suggested the ship must have been the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle.
The above is a story I read in the Guardian this morning , and if you read it fully and then looked at the map you would quickly realise that the full story isn’t been reported by the bBC.
In a nutshell a boat left Tripoli on the 25th March it ran out of fuel on the 27th 60 miles from….Tripoli , it then floated back to shore and landed near Misrata on the 10th of April. Now correct me if I am wrong here, but surely the remit is for the nearest state to rescue the boat, be it libya or tunisa both were alot closer to the boat than Lampedusa . Ref that so called Aircraft carrier. Libya has lots of anti-ship missiles, nearly all can fly over 60 miles. Do you really think the French or the Italians are going to place their only aircraft carriers in harms way? Just think if Gadiffi managed to strike an European aircraft carrier. Do you think that said country’s citizens would demand they pulled out. Then there’s that so called Helicopter which dropped water and biscuits. You’d think in this day and age they would put the source of the country on both of them seeing as it is law in the EU to do so? Yet the so called survivors ccan’t provide a name?
Something smells rotten about this story, yet the bBC only tells you half of it.
And the map from the Guardian which shows just how far the boat got.
“Every morning we would wake up and find more bodies, which we would leave for 24 hours and then throw overboard,” one passengers, Abu Kurke, told the paper.
I didn’t think it was acceptable for Muslims to be buried at sea, or is that only when the Yanks do it?
I forgot to mention David that while the bBC claims that the people are leaving unrest in Northern Africa (As if Tunsia /Eygpt are bad) the vast majority of people on these boats are from the Horn of Africa.
Does anyone see the 24 hr thing as a bit strange? Wasn’t the Muslim rule supposed to be burial within 24 hrs not wait 24 hrs before dumping?
Don’t confuse the BBC/Guardian with facts.
No observation that these savages are using starving babies to blackmail the West.
I too have noted this Asian/Muslim blurring by the BBC.
Hopefully Indians,Chinese and those who work their socks off from SouthEast Asia will take on this “catchall” lazy stereotyping of them all.just so the BBC is able to avoid the truth of what ever is going on!
Typical cultural cringe by the BBC-and I would argue-racist too!
Muslims work their socks off too! After all, breeding like rabbits and cashing all those benefits cheques ain’t easy you know. Or should that be innit?
I see the bBCs Fav Utopia are looking at letting the little people to leave the country freel as tourists. The bBC also explains that the little people haven’t been allowed to do so for over 50 years.Get that!
The country which the bbC time and time again has boasted as the best place to live in the world, what with its roast pea coffee, and its fantastic medical system has been exposed as having kept more people locked up and for far longer than that nasty America base also on Cuba.
Expect like those former inmates of Guantanamo for a large number of people from Shangri-la to forsake heaven to come and live in the UK.
Seems a bit premature to make this into a news story. They’ve only agreed to discuss thinking about doing it. Yet the BBC leaps to announce it as evidence of real reform. At least the sub-editor had the integrity to add the disclaimer that details are “sketchy”.
As it happens, a friend of mine just got back from a family trip to Cuba. He doesn’t pay much attention to the news, and is only vaguely aware of politics, but describes himself as a liberal and Socialist-leaning anyway (it’s what he hears from his artiste friends and colleagues, naturally). As for Cuba, he knew only anti-Castro rants from his grandmother, to which he barely ever paid attention. He was shocked by what he experience there, and what his cousins had to go through.
But because he spent a couple weeks with people who had no agenda to flog to a reporter or with any serious ideological drive, he found out what it’s really like, and who’s really at fault. He was shocked that an island nation had no fresh seafood available to the general public and instead relied on imported frozen sea food from China. It was obvious that he couldn’t blame that or the rationing on big bad old Uncle Sam. Nor could he find a way to blame the US for the fact that the only person in the family who had ever used the internet was his uncle, a low-level government paper-pusher.
I’d say he learned to blame the government from his family, but I can’t because he was also shocked to learn that nobody would dare discuss it even in their own homes. But it was clear even to him that the US wasn’t the problem here.
Funny how this is the same story I hear from everyone I know who has taken a little jaunt to Cuba expecting to blame the US for everything. They finally learn that totalitarianism was a deliberate choice by Castro, not something he was forced into by a nasty US embargo. I think it’s only the bien pensants who don’t have to live there who blame the US. I include the BBC in this.
Dave P wrote:
“As for Cuba, he knew only anti-Castro rants from his grandmother”
If you have the time may I suggest you hire the Video ‘Blame it on Fidel’ Its french and unless you speak it you’ll have to settle for subtitles. its a hoot. But the star of the film is the child star Nina Kerval. She acts well beyond her years.
Great news eh? Long the demoocratic peoples revolutionary republic of Cuba, life is just great there.
Everyone gets a vote in free and fair elections, no secret police arresting people in the night, no rationing and food shortages and no restrictions on travel. Its a veritable paradise where everyone drives aound in lovely old 1950s cars having a great time. And its not just party members that get the finest medical treatment, ordinary people get the finest medical treatment in the world, everyone is happy in Cuba and everyone loves the party. If there was a free election tommorow then Castro would surely be re elected with a 99.9999% majority.
Viva la revolucion, viva Castro.
It is not funny. The morons at the BBC really believe that !
Watch this bBC video of following members of slough council clamping down on people living in sheds. What is the bBC leaving out?
Here is a similar story from the bBC where they have no problem informing you where the person living in the shed comes from.
Funny enough this report from the bBC in 2009 about people living in sheds in Slough also had no problem saying just who.
I get the impression that over the last few years the bBC have aped that 60 minute makeover program for their fav religion of peace.
Yes; BBC-NUJ relegates the centrality of the on-going MASS IMMIGRATION into Britain, especially from Islamic/Asian/African countries, and turns it into a mere local housing/cuts issue of Slough!
This following is a report on SLOUGH from the ‘Telegraph’ of a year ago; note that recent immigrants oppose more immigration too:
‘We can’t take any more people’
I see the bBC has found and posted on line the plans for Bin ladens home.
Have a look, notice anything strange, No Kitchens, No living rooms, No second floor. (Now where was OBL living?)
Gosh you’d think the bBC would have mentioned that.
On another note and people wonder why house prices drop when a Pakistani moves next door. Just hope my neighbour is happy with me. But then I do have a standalone Kitchen, living room, Hallway and even a dining room and only 2 bedrooms
It does say these were the original plans and that a second floor was built later.
This raises a point. Who owned the land ? Who applied for planning permission ? Did the authorities inspect the building ?
I have never been to Pakistan but Paki friends of mine here in Scotland tell me that planning laws there are surprisingly strict.
It is certainly true in countries which I am familiar with, Turkey, Malaysia and Gambia.
Why is this not being reported by Black?
I never thought anyone could be worse then the “environmentalists” at the BBc but the “conservatives” and Louise Grey win hands up.
Wi-Fi disrupted by high temperatures?? Wouldn’t it be nice if these so called “environmental” reporters had just a smattering of common sense. Maybe she is after a job at the BBC (along with Spelman). Maybe they should use their Wi-Fi and check this out!
‘Wouldn’t it be nice if these so called “environmental” reporters had just a smattering of common sense’
I seems beyond comprehension that the owners/publishers/bosses of so many MSM seem content that an area as key as environmental reporting is staffed almost exclusively by unqualified numpties whose every word deems almost designed to compromise sensible discussion.
It’s almost like it’s set up.
Spelman is useless. But the problem is serious. Politicians and journalists ignorance of science is breath-taking and dangerous. Of course they don’t have the intellectual capacity to study it, it is too “difficult” for their superficial butterfly “minds”. And , what is worse, it is hard work. Can’t have that at any cost.
The problem is more serious. They don’t even have the equipment to distinguish between good science and bad science. To know which scientists are lying for financial and/or political reasons.
Our political masters are immature fools and we all have to suffer because of their stupidity.
One of the early comments there sums it up nicely:
“please be assured-wifi works perfectly well in Dallas Texas, USA where it regularly achieves temperatures of 100-115 from May/June into Sept/Oct
i have no recommendation for the upcoming floods, locusts, plagues sure to come next….nor do i have any recommendation of how to handle clueless bureaucrats.”
Exactly !
They are brainwashed!
Wishful thinking from tonight’s (Monday night) newsreader on “The World Tonight” at 22:00
He began the full bulletin with, “The government has been defeated … [hesitation, begins again] … The government has defeated … ”
It’s in their DNA to decry the present government!
Yet again the BBC find themselves squirming on the hook.
All this Twitter stuff and super duper injunctions shows them up for the irrelevant state funded toadies that they are.
Time was then these fearless “publish and be damned” 60s types were “sticking it to the man” with Oz, Gay News and the many other places that Rag week could be replayed every week.
Now the Rag they work for is the Guardian-and as they straddle their two punts between Guardian and Beeb, they just simply have to “obey the injunction”. What happened to the spirit of 68 maan?…sell out!
Andrew Marrs apology of a show this morning followed on from the injunction/Twitter stuff on the 9am news-he didn`t seem to have anything to add!
Jon Snow looked a bit peeky on Channel4 news about it too! Like the other progressive alliance gasbags, he simply had to go all prurient on the poppet from “Popbitch”-but meanwhile wanting the dirt dished ,because his limp lettuce show is in the pay of the man.
Classic hypocrisy from the last eunuch in the harem!
Hate to remind the Jam Generation(sic) of St Joseph of Strummers prophetic yelp that they used to swear by
” There they go -fat and old/queueing up for the House of Lords”
Something like that anyway!…no doubt Snow, Billy Bragg etc can include…”just as long as it`s reformed”!
It`s what Joe would have wanted!
this may have been posted elsewhere. I didn’t watch it , but “Panorama ” today had something like ” The death of Bin Laden, the full story “.
No comment required.
Didn`t miss much Grant!
Maybe all those cassette tapes fluttering from the branches were NOT because the Taliban were medieval in their world view!
Au contraire-bet they were critics pissed off with well meaning relatives sending out ” Midweek” or “File on Four” to them!
Never fear Greece the BBCs economics editor is on the case as Stephanie Flanders is discussing it. Never mind that she told us that Greece and Ireland would get nowhere near default she has now discovered that one of the rules of mathematics is flawed. Hurrah for Stephanie the mathematical and economic genius!
“”Re-profiling would mean the principal (the initial amount that was borrowed) would remain the same, but the maturity is extended by, say, 5 years. In theory, investors agree to the exchange because the net present value stays the same. ”
Yep the same amount of money five years later has the same value as five years earlier.
No wonder I saw an economics discussion on the online Independent where her blog was called stupidonomics.
Good grief, she’s still singing the same song? That’s essentially the same thing she said about bailing out Portugal: it will cost “next to nothing” because interest rates are low. Consistently ideological.
Steph demonstrates she doesn’t even understand the concept of NPV which is taught in all basic introduction courses to financial management.
Steph, hint, if the period of the loan is extended without any change to the interest rate, the NPV does not stay the same !
Quite a few comments to her blog pointed this out and now we get.
Sorry, there has been a problem displaying comments, we are working to fix this
A problem with the lack of knowledge displayed by the author more like…
I am almost tempted to say , if Steph can’t understand basic Discounted Cash Flow and Net Present Value , what chance has she with Capital Asset Pricing Model ?
She would probably think CAPM is a contraceptive.
Note, how the BBC rush to censor her gaffe !!!!
Pathetic creatures, the whole lot of them !
Grant, to ideologues like Flanders, it’s not CAPM she’s focused on, but rather OPM.
I have just looked up Stephs education on Wikipedia it includes an expensive private school , Oxford followed by Harvard so I doubt she is thick. So just what is her excuse for this p*ss poor reporting – Does she really believe and press release put out by the EU ? Can you really progress so far in the western education system simply by believing and then repeating parrot fashion every “fact” you are told ?
‘I have just looked up Stephs education on Wikipedia it includes an expensive private school , Oxford followed by Harvard so I doubt she is thick’
Looking at a fair tranche of the Labour front bench (which I understand she ‘met’ at uni), I’d have to say there appears to be another track that can get followed covering all these bases to assist those who are not the sharpest knives. Maybe it’s just open to those aiming for such as the BBC and ‘correct’ political thinkers? Probably only offered by a nod, wink, funny handshake and obscure classified in the Graun to show it was ‘open to all’.
My Site,
Gordon the Moron’s PhD thesis was on an aspect of the History of the Labour Party in Scotland. It was at Edinburgh University. All the Unis in Scotland are controlled by the Left and that topic would never be failed.
Over the years me and others have tried to get access to his PhD, but no success !
Can she progress at the BBC by repeating parrot fashion every “fact” she is told ?
Evidently – YES
As for Oxford/Harvard , it reads well doesn’t it ?
What a shame she missed all the lectures on integrity, far too busy no doubt attending the “mathematics for dummies” course.
Actually Stephanie Floundering Flanders just gets worse and worse.Here is her latest effort.
Why the Greek bail-out has worked”
Er has it? So we can all have our money back?
But then we see why Steph is in Athens and she simply repeats what she is told. When she meet Ireland’s Finance Minister Brian Lenihan she called him a good man. Two months later Ireland had to call for a bailout…
It is working for the Greeks !
Don’t know what Steph studied at Harvard , but obviously not economics or finance. Also , Harvard has a reputaion for being pretty left-wing, so who knows ?
Yes, she has a distinguished acaademic record – I looked it up some time ago and she is definitely a high achiever.
If she really doesn’t understand NPV then how can she lay claim to be an economics expert? Oh she’s on the BBC; now I see how.
Highly credentialed, yes. But still wrong every time due to ideology, which she learned at Larry Summers’ knee.
BBC-greenie’s latest political campaign: stop UK shale gas drilling.
BBC-greenie has taken a propaganda stance against development of shale gas, as Harrabin indicated in his recent trip to Blackpool shale gas area to meet a solitary, unrepresentative ‘Green’ guy in a pub.
So from now on we are fed BBC-Greenie’s scary side of the story only.
So we DON’T get this:
“Freeman Dyson: Shale gas is ‘cheap and effective'”
But we only get this:
“Shale gas drilling ‘contaminates drinking water'”
By Mark Kinver Science and environment reporter, BBC News
Only got a taste of the Toadys Shows “three part” feature on Broadmoor. Just the one to go though.
Yesterday the “clients” were “on a journey” and “displayed challenging behaviours”-you don`t say!
Hopefully those” journeys” do not extend too far past the medication station, but the BBCs journalists are busy setting the scene for us all to “see past the alleged crime-or its perception”. Can you see where this is going? We know what the BBC/Guardian would want for this their latest “oppressed,vulnerable community” . The BBC will be picking up the usual minibus load of human rights lawyers next time they are invited in. Share the petrol?
And then I thought-tomorrows part is what to do with the “established community” of those who`d been there for -well, rather serious offences if you MUST ask!
Here`s a thought-they live in their own little world there-they rant on about extra terrestrial threats-everyone is innocent there and not to be questioned. Swap Martians for global warming/bankers and we find taht Broadmoor is the new BBC!
Why not leave Bush House to the squatting community, and make the BBC our national hosptital radio-it would give the marginalised a voice-the inmates could earn an honest crust(Rizlas and snout Index today Steph?), and their incoherent droolings and ramblings with boozy Lennon singsongs toi follow would be no more that we get now-but far more expensively. No pensions or injunctions either!
So much cheaper and honest for us all. Their cocooned world as seen through a lilac haze applies to both these historic iconic and cloistered institutions. Just put Broadmoor on the paper boys route from now on,and we can send the BBC to somewhere less northern than Salford!
Come on-this blue skies thinking is my tribute to John Birt!
Let`s face it-Jenni Murray would win a lifetime achievement in both-and Louise Casey would be the Broadmoor choice for a “victims czar” in both-AV or not!
Who is the awful Blue-Peter style presenter? He’s bloody awful. Perhaps they’ll keep him there…
I love the idea of prisoners as “clients” . If they are clients , how much do they pay for the services ?
A few years ago on a train journey I had a very interesting conversation with a guy who turned out to be a guard/nurse at Broadmoor. In short his job disgusted him as he had become a nursemaid and servant to assorted criminals many of whom in his mind weren’t mentally ill at all but knew how to play the system which he said wasn’t very hard.
Dame Nikki in introducing a report on the then upcoming verdict on privacy by the European court gives us a 25 word potted background of Max Mosley. That manages to include that Max is the son of FASCIST leader Sir Oswald. A criminal’s crimes are wiped clean by him serving a prison sentence but it would appear that the actions of a parent can, in certain circumstances, put the offspring beyond redemption.
The BBC never seem to be keen to tell us about the parentage of their political reporter Ben Wright, who like Mosley has/had a former Labour MP as a father.
Do the BBC mention it when someone’s father was a communist. To be fair they did mention it in connection with the Milibands, but that was in an approving manner !
“Dame Nikkie ” ? For a minute I thought it was the return of Martin !
Guardian readers – Are you young, bit fick, and want to live your life on a permanent lucrative gap year, say standing with a microphone by a well in a remote village in the Rift valley asking goat-herders how many goats they have, or perhaps visiting a salt mine in the Atacama desert and asking the miners whether they earn a dollar a day? Then please visit http://www.bbccworldservice.com/careers.
Anyhoo (out here in the real world) said BBCC World Disservice had a programme on Ulrike Meinhoff.
Wimmin – tick
Part of a liberal left Hamburg clique – tick
Quote unquote Activist – tick
Supporter of AV as ‘a small but significant step in the right direction’ – tick
Worshipper of Ed Balls because ‘he’s a Labour big beast who can take the fight to the Tories’ – tick
OK, I made the last two up but you get the drift.
BBCC – we’re urban guerillas, we make bombs in our cellars.
Main wish to destroy Israel, killing as many Jews on the way as her father’s generation did – tick
Fine writing Bupendra!
Can I raise your “Meinhoff” with my “Petra Kelly”!
No-not the Blue Peter dog-but eco-warrrior extraordinaire!
“Great Lives” under that nice Matthew Parris devoted a whole half hour eulogy to the lady. For balance regarding her views he was joined by Caroline Lucas and-to oppose her-why Sara Parkin ex-leader of the Green Party-who else?
The foot licking hagiography was worthy of Joe Stalin had he elected for aromatherapy! As it is,he inspired a generation of BBC editors and presenters instead!
Spot on Will!
Can I add Will Straw-some Labour Drug-sorry Think-Tank apparently?
This list of course would include assorted McNulty/Gilberta…Marrs/Ashleys…Balls /Coopers -all citing the Blair Booth opt out! God alone knows how many of their spawn are flying under non de guerres using names we`d not be aware of. Doubt if the Toynbee kids use that one-only mum would have been that stupid! No surprise if they are ” independent commissioners” etc
-like John Peels lad doing rather well as a DJ by another flag of convenience!
Maybe a Rock Family Tree” diagram could help…starting with Kevin Howlett or suchlike at HMP(if only!)
And to my point- If Rag Week Radio was still going then “The Jam Generation” would still have been crap if it had been broadcast!
I don`t see why the usual Braggs, Harrises are invited for their views that…hey Tories were as gulled as the left by plonkers like Morrissey and Weller.
If Anne McElvoy wants to relive her glory days at Oxbridge with her old NMEs or what have you-maybe she shoule invite her “good rebellion” chums to one of her salon soirees and not record it ,just so we end up paying for the canapes.
I`ve heard enough of their vanity ,harking back to the days when they were only Trustafarians and not BBC/Guardian Trusties and toadies squatting over the body politic as they`re doing for now.
The weak are indeed a long time in politics-and only the weaker continue to indulge them and pay for the privilege as well.
One long bloody Rag Week is the BBC…one long Rag is the Guardian. Don`t see why I have to keep on chucking money at their flowery float!
” The weak are a long time in politics “. Classic !
My God, cj, there is someone who remembers Tony McNulty. I remember David Vance here, some time ago, describing him as “the Forces sweetheart “. I wonder what he is doing now ? He doesn’t seem to appear on the BBC.
Maybe writing his memoirs. That should be a cracking, bodice-ripping read. Can’t wait to go to the book signing.
The greatest Prime Minister we never had.
And no-that it was on in the early graveyard slot after 9am is no excuse…that`s Libbys opt out and it`s wearing thin!
Every slot on Radio 4 is a graveyard slot.
After the never-ending hand-wringing at the BBC over the killing of Bin Laden, the mealy-mouthed criticisms, the moral equivocation – here is a palate-cleanser, some straight-talking by young American kids :
Interesting sleight of hand reporting from the bBC
Afghan forces not ready for security role, Oxfam warns
Afghan forces are not ready to take over responsibility for security from Nato, a leading British charity says. Oxfam warned that more training is needed and human rights violations by Afghan forces could increase as they take on the frontline role…. According to the Oxfam report, entitled No Time to Lose, “there are serious concerns regarding the professionalism and accountability” of the Afghan security forces.
And what the bBC/Oxfam combo don’t tell you is that the Afghan army was in overall control, when the Taliban hit Kandahar the otherday. The tally was 25 terrorists dead for the deaths of 2 Afghan Army personal. 40 people were wounded. In fact for a good few months now the Afghan army has taken control of missions and in each they have been successful. Yes they could do to be better, but that could be said about everyone (Including the troops who took out OBL)
The problem with training Afghans is that first you have to break their ties to clans and such and then remould them to think of the greater good.
As for concerns regarding the professionalism and accountability of the Afghan security forces.
The left,liberals and Islamic world say that about every army in the world, Be it American, British or German. The thing is while these do-gooders ( and i include the bBC here) bitch about the people who risk life and limb in which to make their lives just that little bit safer, they have no problem promoting the people whose single aim is murder,death,kill as just people whose single aim is the care and welfare of their people. (oh look that mindset I started with at the top which we have to remove from Afghan army recruits so they can help rebuild their country.)
I have always respected Oxfam’s views on military matters.
Is there a helpline that I can contact the Beeb on?
They DO need help if they seriously think that a pie-eyed Jenni Murray saying that she has had a drink is actually worthy of including in the 9am news? Yet that is what they did. “Thought you`d be pleased for the old trout ” I`m guessing is the mantra for the day.
Only sheer arrogance and an urge to stick the choux pastry in our faces would account for an item of supreme indifference to the rest of us being served up as “newsworthy”.
How many award hand jobs do these sozzled,grizzled old retainers need before they can be trained into doing a programme-ANY programme that might be worth a listen? This vanity crap is not what they all piled down from the north to slop out for us was it?…well yes,but..you know…
Maybe the BBC needs to be cajoled from its institutionalised hospital radio comfort zone-and we ough to revisit the open ward “care in the community” idea that their dear friend Margaret Thatcher once deemed right for the mentally recovering. Jenni can keep her award too if that helps her!
Were she to have a booze bottle in her other hand,then we might finally get the idea of a “balanced” BBC presenter for once!
I am “amused” by the beeboids usual description of the Sony Awards as being radio’s Oscars. Presumably “the unique way the BBC is funded” means that the rest of the world just doesn’t have any radio worth a listen
Notice ” Jenni” with an “i”. How very BBC.
It’s not only INBBC’s media which promotes Islam; in U.S. too:
“TV Networks Promote Evangelical Islamists”
Steve Emerson
“Welcome to BBC1… Let us pray “
by Richard Littlejohn.
“The BBC is now officially a religion, according to an industrial tribunal. Devan Maistry has been told his belief in public service broadcasting is just as valid as any other faith.
Why doesn’t this surprise me? Climate change and animal rights have already been accorded religious status. How long before someone opposes NHS spending cuts on the grounds that the health service, too, is a religion?
Mr Maistry, who worked for the BBC Asian Service, now plans to sue the corporation for unfair dismissal on the grounds of religious discrimination.
But no one seems to be quite sure why. Never mind, I’m sure he’ll win. These nutters normally walk away with a handsome pay-off.
I’m not sure how you practise BBC worship. Does Mr Pastry have a special altar with a statue of Alan Yentob on it? Does he offer thanks for Huw Edwards before he goes to bed each night? Perhaps he thrashes himself with a copy of the Radio Times to cleanse himself of impure lusting after Channel Five.
Still, if Pagan policemen can be granted special leave to celebrate the solstice, it can only be a matter of time before BBC-worshippers start getting a day off to mark Lord Reith’s birthday.
Here endeth Thought For The Day.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1385383/AV-referendum-In-Haringey-Hackney-humility-hardly-happens.html#ixzz1LwrEelph
(Scroll down piece.)
Cranmer…a must read today. BBBC linked too.
BBC Ethos is the British State Religion
Thanks for this Span(if |I may be so bold!)
I think his case will fall though-for he only “strongly” believes in the BBCs creed-he would surely have to “PASSIONATELY” beieve it with every fibre of his body. No passion-no point!
Alex Freguson hates the BBC just as I do…he must be our unlikely John the Baptist figure then!
As usual, His Grace gets it. This kind of thing is the basis for the riposte I always use when someone tells me that we need a religious nation because look what happens when the Godless Communists run things. I always reply that the ideology of Communism took the place and function of religion.
Clearly this new case is just another example of the trend.
I wonder how my belief that the BBC is crap would stand up in
court ?
Fie ! ‘Tis a heretic ! A burning at the stake for you !
Just pay an extra license fee this year and say 100 Hail Aunties and you’ll be absolved.
Attention, INBBC: some of you are moving to Salford soon.
You must report on Islam in Manchester, thus:
UK: Muslim group “groomed men for jihad”
INBBC: forever sanitising the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Two contrasting reports:
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:
Pakistan: Tiny Minority of Extremists buys 100,000 Osama bin Laden posters
2.) INBBC’s Ms Husain’s sanitised impression:
“Memories of Abbottabad, Bin Laden’s hideout ”
The bBC and when mocking spastics,mongs and flids is worthy of a direct report.
Kent council probe into ‘disabled children mockery’
An investigation is being carried out into allegations that council staff mocked disabled children, calling them offensive names.Kent County Council (KCC) said a member of staff had been suspended while a disciplinary hearing took place.
So a kent council when it found out a memeber of tis staff was throwing abuse suspended him and the bbC reports at first hand from the story.Yet when Labour MPs did likewise not only didn’t the bBC report it (it reported Trevor Philips reaction it) It allowed Labour MPs to explain their actions:
“Labour MP Tom Harris, who was not at the debate, has said no MP would attack someone for having a disability.”
I wonder how the bBC would have reported this story if the victim had been a Labour MP and the twats throwing the abuse had been Tories. well for a start I bet they would have covered it as they have done the Kent Council story.
Presumably being spineless,gutless and brainless-dribbling out platitudes and the drooling reflex at the mention of the EU or Blair- are NOT conditions worthy of treating-nor are they “disabilities”…but necessitites to get a job in the BBCs Current Affairs Department!
BBC-EU ‘Newsnight’ on bad, bad ‘right-wing’ FINLAND.
‘Newsnight’ cannot understand why Finns want to control Mass Immigration, stop EU bail-outs and have good relations with UKIP.
‘Newsnight’ preview, extract:
“Then we have a film from Finland where we’ve met Timo Soini, the leader of right-wing, anti-immigration, nationalist party the True Finns. Last month the party, which opposes EU bailouts, took nearly a fifth of votes in the country’s general election.”
‘Tundra tabloids’:
“Muslim Immigration Transforms Finland”
Newsnight has simply become the worst kind of parody of what it has pretensions (and, boy, does it have a raft) of being.
From sneering, dopey and/or inarticulate ‘interviewers’ like Paxman, Esler, Maitless or Wark, to hapless ‘expert’ ‘correspondents’ like Watt or Crick, all fed by the famous producer/researcher iPhone ‘guest’ list of six, it makes Drop the Dead Donkey look like a searing insight into a well-oiled, impartial, professional news machine.
Relax… £4B buys you only the very best ‘science’ ‘news’ ‘reporting’…
cebmblog carl heneghan @ @bbchealth: Finger length clue 2 motor neurone diseasehttp://bbc.in/jI9TeO there’s so many things wrong with this I dont know where 2 start
Move along, nothing to get worried about here at all… simply parrotting a press release for ratings… move along…
Now the elections are ove,presumably the BBC can get on with promoting the Greens in their various soft soap shows that they don`t include as “political”.
So it was that we got “Great Lives” with Caroline Lucas, Sara Parkin(ex-Green Leader) and -holding the handbags-Matthew Parris…a Tory so he says, but most of us would argue with that!
So we get an unadulterated half hour of green bilge in praise of Petra Kelly..useful rebel/martyr who is now the name of a room in The European Parliament…no higher praise!
I`ll not bore you with the Stalinist slush and hagiography that passed between the three of them…”ah,but could Petra have got 31% in Brighton as you did? ,Caroline” was about as “challenging” as it got.
So there you are-Lennon, Marley, Arafat…add Kelly now to the pantheon of secular saints that the BBC is canonising in the same way as the hated Catholics-only their saints will be beatified by Pope Patten the Fat instead!
“Losing my religion” eh you guys…looks like you`ve already made yourselves another!
Let`s hope that Nick Griffin gets an equivalent free plug for his “views”-in the name of balance of course!
Hate to rain on your parade, but Bob Marley died some years ago, although his music lives on.
Yes,but like Strummer etc, the BBC likes its rebels when they`re safely dead-Osama ,Che etc-and itsa toadying lickspittles and quislings available on speed dial or in the studio!
Eh, Grant? They are all dead! That’s usually the way with saints.
“As the head of steam builds up for shale gas and other unconventional hydrocarbons, it was inevitable that there should be a backlash. It was also a foregone conclusion that the BBC should be the cheerleader.”
Note the research “reported” by Black has been debunked yet Black does not mention any of this in his report.
“The main author is an evolutionary biologist and an anti-natural gas activist who is not credentialed to do this kind of chemical analysis.”
” In supporting documents, the authors admit that the data used was of very low quality.”
The were apparently two research papers on shale gas. The BBC missed this one.
There’s a similar propaganda wave against shale gas in the US, especially against the primary method of getting it out. The environmentals hate it, because they’re ideologically opposed to any fossil fuel, regardless of the details. We’ve had to deal with bans and deceit from the government as well because the current Administration is full of watermelons (and no, that’s NOT a racist remark aimed at half the anscestry of the President).
Black gets his talking points from the same sources.
even the “one brain cell show” was jumping on the toricutz bandwagon this evening wioth a touching piece about old codgers not being able to play bowls
feck sake this gets tedious
Newsnight headlines tonight with an attack on the Coalition. Oh dear, same old BBC, same old repeats.
BBC4 The Viking Sagas. Ancient history and literature – surely this ought to be an agenda-free hour of telly.
There are some wonderful scenes of the Icelandic landscape.
Dr Janina Ramirez tells us how scientific testing of the bones of the first settlers are mainly Norwegian males and Scottish females.
I know they didn’t really have horned helmets but that sounds just like the naughty old Vikings.
Our licence fee presenter corrects my wrong thinking. She says this shows early Iceland was ‘a vibrant multi-cultural society’.
Anachronism anyone?
The frightening thing is she believes it so hive minded are the beeboids.
Dr Ramirez also described Iceland at the time as a ‘melting pot’ – what utter, spoonfed, childish cultural Marxist nonsense. There may well have been cooking pots in abundance, but the implication that the horny ones were into mass miscegenation is simply untrue. The ‘mix’ was Scandinavian men & Scottish/Irish women – hardly a ‘melting pot’. I should know, there’s one up the road called Finsbury Park. A melting pot that’s been stirred so violently, & so many unstable ingredients thrown in that it’s constantly on the boil. It could do with a few Vikings to whack the gangbangers into line.
I really hope BBC4 doesn’t go down the plughole. It’s just about the last place in Beeboidia that occasionally broadcasts something worthwhile. The rest of them can’t see over the walls of The Frankfurt School.
Agree with you about BBC 4.
BBC 4 going down the plughole? Too late, mate – it’s already caught in the vortex…
…as I settle comfortably to watch the 1,000th inevitable repeat of Indian Fuckin’ Hill Railways.
Like with Mony Python, I have memorised just about all of the dialogue in this (and the endless succession of other repeated series). It was brilliant the first couple of times around, but then shown again and again, and again – then on BBC2, then back on BBC4.
Do the BBC ever make any new programmes, or is having multi-channel availability just a big con?
But for people like me who don’t watch much BBC, it is good to get a chance to see programmes I have missed. I am talking about some of the few things the BBC do well or, at least, used to do well.
As I see it,
Yes, how utterly pathetic. I doubt if my Scottish ancestors thought of the parts of Scotland under Viking control as a “multi-cultural society”.
The BBC is beyond parody. Beeboids are literally mentally deranged.
Such laziness and lack of thought or insight inherent in trotting out such a tired old cliche. Dreadful.
Did she mention that the women weren’t exactly there voluntarily? That kind of changes the picture.
The BBC are full of this crap!
Most things I see and hear about WW2 seem to think that it was the women that won it…that the role of pets or animals has been underplayed…and that the blokes were probably being their silly selves swigging beeand playing football!
It goes without saying that the more white they were-the less important that they were in saving the country( just so the EU and the pastel rainbow tendency could have it without having to fight for it!…God forbid!)
This point about right-on thinking encrouching into BBC4-type documentaries is important because it shows how the BBC has become institutionally leftist. It sheds light on what the BBC approves, who gets put on air, and what people think they need to say in order to get a show commissioned.
Dr Ramirez has done it and so too has Dr Stavrakopoulou on Israel. The other day I saw a repeat of a 2009 show in which Bettany Hughes tells us about Minoan culture and stresses cultural diversity (naturally) how they shared wealth (they were obviously ‘all in this together’) and what she believed was their version of girl power.
Its not just the wimmin, Neil Oliver is at in his Celtic Britain.
Surely the worst thing for historians to do is to try to transpose modern views and outlook onto the historical past.
But we get, for example, the opinion that the Viking ‘republic’ replacement with the rule of a single chieftan was inherently a backward step, and a tad too much romanticism about the pre-Christian religion.
I half-expected to hear that the Danegeld represented a fair tax on Southern England levied by a continental administration in order to transfer resources toward the poorer regions.
Syria ‘pulls out’ of race for UN rights council spot.
You would think that meant Syria had announced or even confirmed it, but it hasn’t. We’ll know for sure in the next nine days. If Syria doesn’t withdraw and automatically wins the seat as regional rep will Barbara retract?
The organs of that spawn of Beelzebub, Murdoch, always make clear the company ties when reporting on another part of the empire. Not so the BBC in advertising a new UK Lonely Planet guide on radio this morning. Disclosing the common ownership would have ensured that listeners could savour the irony of the taxpayer funded & immigration promoting BBC using its travel guide arm to run down the attractiveness of the nation
eg press quotes “The new Lonely Planet travel guide to the UK warns the millions expected for next year’s Diamond Jubilee and Olympics that Britain is overpriced and overcrowded” and “Overcrowded, overpriced and overrated: welcome to Britain“
“It’s swish up North: Welcome to the ‘billion-pound’ state-of-the-art BBC HQ… just a pity no-one wants to work there ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1385558/BBC-chief-Mark-Thompson-reveals-high-hopes-corporations-new-Salford-HQ.html#ixzz1M1i1Jx3g
“Almost half of BBC workers refuse to move to Salford”
Does the BBC have the balls to announce anyone who doesn’t move receives his/her one month notice? Lets’ see how many of the market rate talent will take that risk …
… and if they do the BBC is grossly overstaffed anyway.
More apologetics for Islamic jihad, as INBBC ignores Osama bin Laden’s Islamic jihad mass murders, but regurgitates Bin Laden family propaganda. Victims of Islamic jihad ignored here by INBBC.
Compare and contrast:
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:
Osama’s son Omar bin Laden: Sea burial of OBL “demeans and humiliates his family and his supporters and…challenges religious provisions and feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims”
“Yet somehow the mass murder of 3,000 people in the name of Islam doesn’t demean or humiliate his family and his supporters, or challenge religious provisions and feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims.”
2.) INBBC:
“Bin Laden sons protest to US over ‘arbitrary killing'”
It said US President Barack Obama was “legally responsible” for clarifying “the fate of our father” and that the sea burial “demeans and humiliates his family and his supporters”.
I’m just glad the BBC has at last found something about The Obamessiah to criticize.
Glenn Beck’s team has been discussing whether it is appropriate to celebrate Osama bin Laden’s death…
‘”Best ringtone ever”
(3 min video)
…but like they said, it would be really bad taste to do that 😀
Could only do the BBC staffers some good to run the gauntlet from the Mertosexual apartment area near the Hacienda(ggod drugs in the early 90s-don`t tell them that Bez and Co aren` there any more!) to the new BBC HQ at the end of Cross St,Salford.
Little did I know that when Newsnight did its “features” on the Langworthy Estate up there-with our `Azel Blears singing “Sally” with a tear in the eye(and a cheque in the hand); the BBC were merely househunting.
About time we had some genuine Community television, where Peston and Norton etc can “be part of the proletariat-live the dream!
Guacamole and organice polenta for Ms Montague at aisle 12?
I`d watch it!
” a tear in the eye ( and a cheque in the hand “. Sums it up perfectly !
body { font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small; } Such corrupted language hampers the honourable calling of the reporter, which is to give the readers a selection of facts and leave them to make up their own minds.
A quote from Independent journalist, Guy Keleny. (I got my fishnchips in it.)
Can you read that, droids, it says
‘…give the readers a selection of facts and leave them to make up their own minds.’
Now eff off into subscription obscurity and your northern waste land.
And I wonder who selects the facts ?
If any of you get to Media City,Salford( Segways or not!), do have a look at the “Smoking Shelter” that they have thoughtfully provided 300 metres away(oh so metric!)
I kid you not-FOUR fire extinguishers next to it-a canal to jump into and a float for the Rescue Services-and enough notices about what a twat you are for putting everyone at risk!
It`s number ten on my “BBC Staffers-“Welcome to Salford Guide 2012”-providing shell suited solutions to Beeb handwringing filler for gaps in schedules since 2009″
So no provision for someone swallowing a fag and choking on it ? They haven’t thought this through. Negligent !
Do I see a “Watchdog Investigation” here Grant?
In the interest of “accurate reporting”, may I state that there are just the THREE fire extinguishers as opposed to the four that had been previously cited in an earlier porgramme?
There are however TWO bombpoof shelters and a FIRE ASSEMBLY point just to the left of them!
I believe there is “top skunk” to be “mad for” and can be “sorted bruv” available here for the much anticipated “artistic community” should they wish to avail themselves of this facility1
A few new Scrabble words here perhaps!
And yes, my southern softie luvvies rolling their wagons as I write-it is of course “FairTrade”…it`s what Peter Woods would have wanted!