151 Responses to OPEN THREAD

  1. George R says:

    Unlike ‘Times’ and ‘Daily Mail’ today,Islam Not BBC (INBBC) totally censors:

    “Fears over reaction to damning report into child grooming which shows one in five of those accused is Asian ”

    (Obviously the word ‘Asian’ need clarification in this context.)

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2005730/Child-sex-grooming-figures-higher-thought-experts-warn.html#ixzz1PqdlVCyk


    • John Horne Tooke says:

      Fears over reaction” . There will be no over reaction because despite views like Trevor Philips and Yasmin Brown, the majority of the British people will just get on with their lives and keep quiet. Labour supporters will still support Labour, Lib Dems will ignore it and “new tories” will carry on as usual. It is only the left-wing agitators and muslims who over react.


  2. David Preiser (USA) says:

    If Fox News is biased to the Right, then those who take up the opposite side must be biased to the Left.  With this in mind, I’d like to point out that the current top story on FoxNews.com has the following headline:

    “Wal-Mart Wins Historic Sex Bias Fight”

    The report itself, though, is titled:

    Supreme Court Decision in Wal-Mart Class-Action Claim Brings Praise, Anger

    Which is actually not biased at all, and is in fact much more impartial than the BBC.

    The link to this story on the BBC News Online front page (currently the second story up top) says:

    “Women lose Wal-Mart lawsuit fight”

    And the BBC report itself is titled:

    Wal-Mart women denied discrimination class action

    The whole thing is written from the plaintiffs’ perspective, plain as day.  Blatant bias.  If Fox News is on the Right, then the opposite – the BBC – must by default be on the Left.


  3. Kaks says:

    So on the day when quite possibly one of the biggest economic stories of this century is unfolding before our eyes and the politicians start to openly say the euro is finished what does newsnight have as one of its main stories? Yes the shape of ladies pubic hair designs. Something tells me they don’t want to face reality.


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Now that you mention it, a merkin is an apt metaphor for their covering up the sorry state of the euro.


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      Surprised one of their top talents didn’t manage a ‘mic malfunction’ combo involving previous Presidents and current Culture Secretaries.

      Only time before Emily does a Basic Instinct-style interview, surely?


  4. Llew says:

    I notice the BBC have been happy to use the phrase “u-turn” to describe every instance where the coalition have listened to the public/experts and changed their mind/policy on a given subject. 

    Except today. Cameron has announced again that the plan to halve prison sentences when the offender pleads guilty right at the start has been scrapped. Not once in the BBC 6am Breakfast Show news did they use the phrase “U-turn” like they normally do, instead they described it as a “policy retreat”! Could it be because no one wants prison sentences halved and it is a welcome and popular “u-turn”?! Can’t have the Government painted as a listening and caring one can we, BBC?

    I notice they also hurried through the paper front page reviews, mentioning the Mail, Telegraph and Sun’s headline of the “policy retreat” through gritted teeth. More time was devoted to the Independant’s scare headline on climate change however!


  5. London Calling says:

    Why did they ever considered halving sentences for pleading guilty? Why not double the sentence for those pleading not guilty who are found subsequently guilty as charged. Save a fortune in lawyers and court fees if the incentives were the right way around.

    Plenty of money available for judges, lawyers and of course law makers, but not enough money for prison places. Sort of system you would expect from 13 years of  government by Labour’s legal elite.


  6. As I See It says:

    BBC News 24, yesterday and a report on the Inverclyde by-election. BBC see this as a Labour/SNP two horse race – well, considering the huge Labour majority when their man scrapes in (and it is a man – no all female shortlist here) I assume it can be portrayed as a fight back.

    We also get a short clip of the LibDem and the Tory.

    Then after the report is over, flashed up for a second the list of all the candidates – you know including those loonies who are too obscure or eccentric to mention. But wai….there are only five candidates in total – so who didn’t make the BBC cut – ah of course – UKIP!


  7. My Site (click to edit) says:

    An ‘evolvement’ that anyone familiar with the BBC situation control team methods will be familiar with:


    First, deny. Then, obfuscate. If all else fails… lie.

    Only works if you control the country’s airwaves. mind. Some might call it corporate bullying even, especially when some pygmies decide to hide behind Aunties bloomers to snipe from the braying in-crowd.

    This bit resonated:

    ‘Except, well, how can I put this delicately….that’s not the truth.’… 

    Or, putting it another way:’they flat-out lied’

    Heck of a reputation, guys. Heck of a rep…

    If they say it’s ‘Today’, I reckon most will be checking their diaries just to make sure.

    Unique. Expensively, all compelled to fundingly… unique.


  8. Cassandra King says:

    Anyone listen to the BBC toady show interbiew with Dan Hannan this AM?

    Talking sense about the Greek bailout and how the money is simply being laundered through Greece to prop up the losses of French and German banks….and then guess what?

    Yet again a guest was mysteriously cut off dead in the middle of an answer and yet again the BBC toadies thought it was hilariously funny. Childish f*ckwits.

    Ooooh dear haha ha ha some right wing scum was cut off mid sentence, cant imagine how that happened haha haha haha. The same thing has now happened to Farrage, Cameron, Lawson. All guests and all cut off and beeboids laughing and giggling every time.


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      It’s the cuts, Cuts…. CUTSSSS!

      Only… these ones are ‘good’ ones.

      Control the edit suite and you control the medium. Control the medium and you control the message. Control the message and your control the audience. Control the audience and you are in control of everything. 

      A point missed by many under the delusion they are in ‘power’.

      The ones who have it in spades are not troubled by silly voting mandates every few years. 

      That’s what makes ’em unique.


    • Natsman says:

      These Toady people certainly do seem like a bunch of schoolkids, I have to say.  What with that, and the Davies lizard always starting whatever he has to say with “Um”….


  9. George R says:

    British ‘political elite’ (inc 3 main parties and INBBC) do not want ban on HIZB ut-TAHRIR (HuT):

    “Despite Labour, Conservative promises, Britain opts not to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir”


    Islam Not BBC (INBBC) supports its Tajikistan reporter, Muslim Usmonov, detained for being a member of HuT.



  10. George R says:

    BBC-EU-Patten political line on Greece and collapse of the EURO:

    A likely Patten-style memo to  Beeboid editors:

    ‘Give priority to views of someone called Straw (and MacShane) to put pro-EU position.’

    ‘Use a video clip of Straw pontificating.’

    ‘Relegate Government opposition to Euro to a minor role’.



    ‘Counter the Daily Mail emphasis’:

    “Not one penny more: Cameron vows he won’t let British taxpayers’ money be spent on another Greek bailout”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2006014/Not-penny-Cameron-vows-wont-let-British-taxpayers-money-spent-Greek-bailout.html#ixzz1PuFOzfsg


  11. George R says:

    INBBC: self-censoring on role of Islam towards women in EGYPT.

    It’s difficult to read the self-censoring guff of INBBC’s LEYNE, who talks of oppression of women in Egypt, without analysing the role of Islam in that:



    Egyptian imam: “When I want a sex slave, I just go to the market and choose the woman I like and purchase her”


  12. George R says:

    “BBC apologises to The Freedom Association: some TV licence-payers are more equal than others ”



    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      It doesn’t care what the rest of us think. Why should it?’

      While it is true that the BBC has enjoyed, and looks set to continue many decades’ spree more using, and abusing the public purse free of challenge, unlike our political representatives, the two are not mutually exclusive.

      My MP cares what I think. My vote for him depends on it. I intend that my feelings about the BBC extend in his mind beyond the dubious value of cosying up to a peroxide sink on a comfy sofa if he meets their approval.


  13. My Site (click to edit) says:

    Wonder if anyone’s tongue was in their cheek..?

    mediaguardian Media Guardian How newspapers, despite decline, still influence the political process http://gu.com/p/3v3v2/tf


  14. cjhartnett says:

    Can I be the last Open Fredder on this low hanging fruit tree of a thread?
    Number 150 is complete!
    Each one a Psalm…am just concurring with everyone above.