

That’s the moment the first plane, American Airlines Flight 11 plunged into the North Tower, UK time.

The BBC are running a “special” One O’Clock radio programme on the remembrance event at Ground Zero which, quite frankly, I am not prepared to listen. I spotted that in the lead up they talked about the plane being “laden with fuel£ when it hit. It was also laden with HUMAN BEINGS as it was turned into a flying bomb. Such is the evil of radical Islam. I do note they have John McCain lined up to tell us that the “Arab Spring” is a repudiation to Al Queda. Need I say more? It’s amazing the number of people the BBC have flown over to New York to pontificate on the events, with Stephen Nolan representing BBC Northern Ireland. Quite WHY they go there surprises me – given that they have been running a meme for the past decade that is surprisingly close to that of the Islamist fanaticists. By way of a refreshing alternative to the noxious BBC output, might I offer you this excellent analysis from Mark Steyn? It’s the sort of view that is shouted down on the BBC, as I can testify from personal experience. I can also commend Fox News which has a moving coverage of the attack on America that day. I can’t bring myself to watch any BBC on this day so will simply leave you with this. It might seem odd to the BBC, but on this day, I simply say – God Bless America.


“Over the past few weeks we have heard a new refrain from the BBC George Osborne says that low interest rates and foreign investment are a sign of confidence in his economic policies. However the BBC’s Stephanie Flanders (and others in the Beeb) beg to differ….it is a sign of looming economic disaster and investors are panicking.

“I guess it depends on your definition of safe haven. Investors are buying UK government debt these days, not dumping it. The chancellor says that is the reward for his commitment to bring down the deficit.  But yields are also falling because investors are panicking. As Mr Osborne understands very well, when it comes to the global recovery, we are not a safe haven and we never will be.’

It all comes together of course when you hear something else from Stephanie on Newsnight that I missed….

“It has been mildly nauseating the last few days the way the Chancellor has sort of crowed here about how we are a safe haven and no one is worried about our commitment to cutting the deficit.”

Perhaps not something you would expect to hear from an impartial journalist. Then again, “Two Eds” is not impartial.”

Hat-tip to Alan


“Who is the BBC’s poster boy, the expert on Islamic radicalisation?

Frank Gardiner, BBC, uses Hanif Qadir to tell us how angry Muslim youth are about our foreign policy.

Who is Hanif Qadir? He is a Muslim youth worker, founder of the Active Change Foundation apparently ‘fighting extremism’ and part of the government’s ‘Prevent’ strategy.
In 2002 Hanif went to Afghanistan along with his brother to fight for the Taliban and Al Qaeda…to ‘fight the Jihad’….to kill Western troops. He now claims he saw how disrespectful Al Qaeda were to human life and has mended his ways. In a video, ‘Muslim Resistance…Back from the brink’, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2011/jan/19/muslim-resistance-back-from-brink-video
he happily confirms that Jihad is fundamental to his beliefs…as long as innocents are not killed….and ,er, none in Britain anyway.

He also tells us that the most vulnerable to radicalisation are those with ‘sympathy, compassion and pity along with anger against Western oppression.’….and as his brother tells us ‘they are right to be angry’ as Muslims are oppressed around the world by the West….so really they are quite good people, maybe the best, just mislead in how they go about standing up for their views.

Harry’s Place tells us more about who he associates with and why these anti-radicalisation groups (mostly run by so called ex-radicals) are not all they seem….anything involving Tariq Ramadan has to be suspect.
Note also that the BBC, and Eliza Manningham-Buller, still insist the Muslim Brotherhood are entirely benign and pro democracy….aren’t they?

‘They (MB) stand for the fusing of church and state, and the dominance of non-democratic religious law over man made law, the rejection of fundamental human rights standards, the entrenching of gender and religious inequality, the lack of freedom to change or abandon religious beliefs, except in one direction, and the death penalty for those who do. They are not a non-violent organisation. In Egypt, they do not engage in terrorism, but that is a tactical decision only. However, Hamas – which is the Muslim Brotherhood – directs terrorist attacks against civilians, without shame: a policy which is sanctioned religiously by the Muslim Brotherhood’s religious leader, Yusuf Al Qaradawi.’

‘Campus Salam held its first event:

‘What is the place for Islamic Political thinking in the UK today?’
What is the place of Islamic political thinking? You decide! A free event where students interrogate the experts, who are Tariq Ramadan , Anas Altikriti, Barbara Zoller, Sheikh Bahmanpour, Osama Saeed & Hanif Qadir.

The Centre for Social Cohesion has it spot on: 

” Campus salam’s inaugural event was a debate featuring Tariq Ramadan (arguably Europe’s most prominent defender of the Muslims Brotherhood), Anas Altikriti (the former spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain), Barbara Zollner (an academic who believes the Muslim Brotherhood are now moderate), Osama Saeed (the Muslim Association of Britain’s Scottish spokesman). The two other panelists included Sheikh Bahmanpour, who teaches at the Hawza Ilmiyya, a Shia school in East London which reportedly teaches that unbelievers are “filth” and Hanif Qadir, a youth worker who tried to join the Taliban in 2002.

Oh dear, said my friend. Have we got it wrong? Campus Salam has, in fact, become a base from which those aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood can spread their message. Neil D reported yesterday on the Government’s proposals to encourage the funding by Councils of ”community bodies which challenge extremist ideas”. My bet is that this will become a cash-cow for Muslim Brotherhood related groups, which will set up front organisations in order to recruit and extend their ideological influence. “
And you can be sure that neither Frank Gardiner or anyone else at the BBC will have anything to say about it.
Hat-tip to Alan.


Another reader contacted me with this instance of bias;

“I was interested to see the biased reporting of the local BBC stations in Scotland – BBC1 Scotlandnews, and BBC Radio Aberdeen. The BBC contacted my father to ask him to commenton the creation of a super-new town in Aberdeenshire, Chapleton of Elsick, whichwill have 9000+ houses, thus between 15,000 – 20,000 cars spilling onto the A90corridor at peak times. The BBC didn’t actually want to speak about thecreation of a new town. Instead they showed a picture of my father handing backhis honorary degree in disgust at Donald Trump getting a similar award from thesame university. As far as we know Donald Trump has no connection with the newtown, so why did the BBC choose to show that picture, and even more so, chosenot to let my father speak on the subject of a new town – the thing that they had invited him to do! Just to add to the bias they showed the proponent, LordSouthesk, developer and allowed him to speak at length in favour of his vision.Just goes to show that even at a local level the BBC is biased to the core.”


A Biased BBC reader notes;

“The new series aboutPathe Newsreels on BBC 4 has, predictably, fallen victim to BBC bias.Irecently watched an episode about foreign travel which included film of the oldBritish Empire. The original comment of the newsreader was followed byanti-Empire slanted remarks by some lefties, one of whom was a Charles Allenwho was described as a historian. He managed to spin the story so that thewicked British had exploited the people of India, Africa and elsewhere andtaken their resources leaving them in poverty. 

Nowhere did he mention the fateof post Empire Rhodesian (Zimbabwean) and South African farmers who have beenturned off their farms or murdered in a horrific display of racism which, if ithad been the blacks who were being affected, would be on every news headlineand would be a matter for action at the UN. Nowhere did he mention that manyof those countries are now reverting to tribal ways and lawlessness. Nowheredid he mention that if it were not for the Brits and other Westerners, thefarmland would remain fallow and that the Arabs would still be camping on theiroil. I will not be watching the series again.”


Remember the video of the UAF thug, laughing and mocking the fact that a single woman had been hospitalised by his UAF brethren? This one.  Well guess what?….His names Anthony J Richardson and he’s a Beeboid “comedian”…. 
hat-tip Dazed and Confused.

Here’s a FURTHER essential look at the “irresistibly nuts” comic at Max Farquar