Here’s a quite astonishing instance of BBC advocacy for that well known oppressed minority group – Somali pirates. Yes, only the BBC would spend our cash worrying about these brigands will be treated in US prisons!

Federal prison is a frightening, perilous environment of intrigue, violent gangs, terrible food and severe isolation, even for the most hardened criminal. For men from a faraway land with little or no English-language skills and no prior familiarity with American culture, it will be especially hard, say lawyers for the men, and experts in psychology and the criminal justice system.

I suppose piracy is a noble and ancient tradition that we in the West need to try better to understand?

Hat-tip  to Trevor!
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19 Responses to SHIVER ME TIMBERS…

  1. Roland Deschain says:



  2. James Jingleballix says:

    Quite right………..piracy is a capital offence, so why not utilise it to save them the hardship of American prison?


  3. matthew rowe says:

    Well they have a point and we must care for their welfare by  shooting them at the time of capture [mind the French don’t even bother with the capture bit !] and then the poor loves won’t suffer at the hands of  the oh so evil Americans bless!!


  4. Frederick Bloggs says:

    Poor pirates. They only shot 4 sailors in cold blood.


  5. Idiotboy says:

    Perhaps the BBC would prefer that they had been arrested by the Chinese navy.

    That way, given the normal efficiency displayed by China in judicial matters, and their tendency to issue and carry out appropriate punishment without the hand wringing self doubt common in western cultures, the pirates would have had to spend almost no time at all in a foreign jail.


  6. cjhartnett says:

    Good old Beeb…worrying about pumpkins one minute and then vulnerable pirates currently landlubbing due to the monsoon season being their problem!
    Climate change no doubt…so whitey only gets what is deserved.
    Do sharks prefer white meat out there…or darker?
    Why not get Brian Cox to throw a Beeboid over one side of the cruise ship…and a Somali Tar over the other and let`s see!…


  7. Phil says:

    The US should do what the Cubans did in 2003 when some men hijacked a ferry and tried to escape the socialist paradise, but were captured.

    Despite the hijackers causing no deaths or injury they were tried, sentenced to death and executed within a week of their escape bid. 

    Oddly enough, this episode wasn’t subject to much BBC style human rights analysis/pontification at the time or since.


  8. Geyza says:

    They should take these pirates 500 miles out to sea and then grant them their freedom and allow them to escape overboard.  Just make sure that there are no other boats or ships nearby.  That way they do not have to suffer the American justice system.


  9. Teddy Bear says:

    I can imagine those working at the BBC think an article like this makes them appear as the ‘epitome of humanity’ by appealing to the reader to be concerned about the plight of these scum.

    It is despicable that the plight of Christians across the ‘Arab Spring’ has been ignored or minimised by the same BBC, who need to learn that ‘humanity’ begins at home. Perhaps if an outcry would have been raised about what was really happening throughout the ‘Islamic revolution’, many Christians would not have been killed, injured, forced to flee, or live in fear.

    But for the BBC, lets be concerned about the conditions of pirates and murderers who chose to inflict fear as their ‘way of life’.


  10. Craig says:

    Such a ‘Guardian’-worthy piece from former Guardianista Daniel Nasaw. Or should that be ‘Such a BBC-worthy piece from former Guardianista Daniel Nasaw’? They are interchangable. If any future encyclopedia were to have an entry on Bleeding Heart Liberalism, this piece could be quoted at length. 


  11. As I See It says:

    I note there is no counter argument, no balancing point of view in this BBC report. Those responsible should have to walk the plank – the Beeboids responsible for the report, I mean.


  12. Margo Ryor says:

    As a wise individual whose name I regrettably forget observed of the violence inside prisons; I guess that means we got the right kind of people in there.


  13. London Calling says:

    I have an aquaintance who is a sailor (don’t go there) who tells me they have rigid rules of engagement with pirates off the Somali coast. If the “pirates”  chuck their weapons over the side, they can’t be touched by our navy. ( Note to self: why do we need a navy? Why not employ a boat full of no win no fee compensation lawyers instead? Cut out the middle man)


  14. DP111 says:

    Federal prison is a frightening, perilous environment of intrigue, violent gangs, terrible food and severe isolation, even for the most hardened criminal.  

    So they should feel at home.


  15. LJ says:

    Just google for “russian navy pirates” – I think they set the standard …. The Beeb doesn’t bother to criticise Mother Russia – not sure why??


  16. ian says:

    I trust these penitents will soon find out what it’s like for the goat….


  17. AndyUk06 says:

    Well spotted Trevor.  Daniel Nasaw’s article really is the most spectular pile of hand-wringing bilge I have seen in some time, even by BBC standards.

    Fortunately, US sailors don’t piss around waiting for permission to save people when Somali pirates starting boarding boats that are not theirs.  No doubt Naswank’s response would be a “Stop at once or I’ll ask the UN to remind the ‘international community’ that the US is not at war with Somali pirates!”

    It just to show what sissies Europe and the UK have become in contrast to gun-toting Yanks.  Though Narshole probably secretly wonders what its like to be taken by a Somali pirate.


  18. Scrappydoo says:

    The BBC could get one of them back here and appoint him  or her   piracy correspondant (on a nice wage with lots of expenses perks and dont forget the fat pension).