On the news report that was just aired, tensions between Muslims and Coptic Christians in Egypt are threatening stabilty, according to the BBC. This is after yet more Christians being attacked and killed in that country by it’s newly ‘freed’ population due to the (in the BBC’s veiw) wonderful Arab spring. Where are the reports of Christians attacking and killing Muslims? It looks to me like persecution of Christians in Muslim countries and I would have a lot more respect for the BBC if it called a spade a spade instead of sticking to a false narrative so as not to ‘inflame community relations’ It is almost as though the BBC hate Christianity.
Intersting too to see how Al Jazeera reported this live last night.
The Copts were heading for the TV studio to denounce the Governments blind eyes in terms of their churches getting attacked and burned…by Islamist extremists.
The selfsame Muslim mob attacked the protesters with stones as they marched and that is where the burning of Cairo city centre began..same landmarks as those the Beeb knew and loved last February.
Todays news on Toady as well as the 9am headlines make it all seem as if its the Army against the Christians-and no Islam or Muslim Brotherhood mentioned anywhere!
As if the BBC would play down the consequences of their much loved Arab Spring…and as if those Christians are provoking Bin Ladens boys into getting all eggy with them!
Islam will foever be the religion of peace until Gadhaffis tent is in the staff carpark at AlBeeb HQ!
The BBC are about as subtle as a scorching blade coming down on a bared neck in Chop Chop Square…and all the nastier for their wilful bias and ignorance
Listening to the 7am news on R4 you get anything but the full story. It is reported as being violence between christians and police, and all because some “conservative muslims” ,”attacked a church” in Asswan.
Can’t see the BBC reporting the following …Christians are fleeing the Middle East and Western Christians are indifferent. More than half of Iraqi Christians, threatened with death and terrorism are out of that country, though many are in neighboring Syria. Virtually all Christians have fled the Islamist Gaza Strip and Syrian Christians generally (though not all) support the regime there, fearing an Islamist takeover.
But Egypt is home to millions of Christians that dwarf these numbers. In fact, the number of Christians in Egypt exceeds the populations of Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, and Tunisia.
Copts have emigrated in the past, but they have been so rooted in Egypt as to tend to remain there. Now the Egyptian Union of Human Rights Organizations reports that 95,000 Christians have emigrated since March 2011. If Egypt continues to look as if it is going down an Islamist road, or at least if the government and military appear ready to tolerate such assaults, one can easily imagine one million or so Copts heading for the exits in the next few years. How would Europe like to receive these people who—in contrast to many other immigrants—would be legitimate asylum seekers with a genuine fear for their lives?
The outlook appears bleak for Christianity in the Middle East, in the very home of the religion, where Christ walked the earth and the central events of Christianity occurred. Emigration began in the aftermath of World War I when Muslim Arabs gained political control, continued through the middle of the twentieth century, and then accelerated in the 1990s with the rise of radical Islam. Indigenous Middle Eastern Christians are fleeing in droves, escaping Muslim violence and persecution, and deteriorating economic conditions. The only exception is Israel, where the Christian population is slowly increasing.
You can bet the Beeboids agonize over this in production meetings. They’re most likely convinced they must bend over backwards to avoid creating the impression that everyting goes bad when Islam takes over a country, because that would be biiiiiiiassssed. It’s gotten to the point that they can’t even simply report the facts without having to do some Narrative spinning.
However the BBC’s ignoring or is it ignorance of the plight of the Copts is nothing to the potential Egyptian famine they are also ignoring. Some 20-30% of Egypt’s population live in absolute poverty. The Arab Spring protests directly disadvantage them. Tourism is way down, investment has virtually stopped and I am assuming Israel and Jordan only pay for oil after it is delivered which means the constant closure of the pipeline is a major revenue loss. Should Egypt fail to earn enough for food imports a catastrophe is around the corner. Egypt’s Food Problem In A Nutshell Arab Spring Over in Egypt; Ready for a Chilly Winter?
What is the betting that the worthless UK Gorvernment don’t accept any Egyptian Copts here, claiming they are really just economic migrants and will upset British muslims ?
Shenouda is under great pressure….this must be borne in mind. The Islamist mind-set sees the Copts as apologists for Israel.
A letter (sorry about the length) from a US Copt to Obama (last December before Mubarak’s ousting) makes it clear. My emphasis.
Dear President Obama,
I am writing to you as Coptic Christian who immigrated to the United States in the late 1970s.
I am an American citizen.
I have grave concerns about what is going in Egypt regarding the Copts.
To put it bluntly, I fear that something very bad is going to happen to this community in the very near future.
Coptic Christians have been the victims of systematic abuse and oppression in Egypt for a long time. On November 17, 2010, the U.S. Department of State recently issued a report on religious freedom in Egypt that details the abuses they suffer on a daily basis. January of this year, six Coptic Christians were murdered outside their church after celebrating Christmas.
Sadly, I fear another attack will happen again sometime in the near future. The tendency of blaming the State of Israel for every problem in Egypt, and linking it to the Copts, is on the rise, especially in the past a few months. By associating the Copts with the Jewish state, extremists and government officials are inciting hostility toward a beleaguered, defenseless minority. The anti-Israel polemic is fairly well known. One official accused recent shark and jellyfish for attacks on swimmers at Sharm el-Sheikh on the Mossad. The alleged goal was to kill the tourism season.
What is less well known is that Muslim Imams throughout the Middle East are demonizing Coptic Christians in Egypt. One oft-repeated claim is that Israel is using Coptic churches to store all kinds of weapons to attack Muslims. Such accusations lead to threats of violence.
For example, Sheik Wagdi Ghoneim recently said in a video message from the State of Qatar “I swear by God, you will not have time stay alive until America and the West arrive, this is for your own good, if you understand. Do you think the Muslims inside Egypt will say thank you and may Allah give you health? “No, by God.”
And on September 16, 2010 Mr., Muhammad Salim Al-Awa, Secretary-General of the International Union of Muslim Scholars announced on Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar): Copts Amass Weapons in Egyptian Churches and Are “Preparing for War against the Muslims”.
Copts are even being blamed for the violence perpetrated against them by Muslim extremists in Egypt. For example, after a mob of 5,000 Egyptians recently attacked a Christian service building, President’s Mubarak former assistant, Dr. Mustafa El- Feki from Ain Shams University stated that Israel and the Copts were at fault for the attack and the two deaths that resulted from it. Dr. El Feki stated that Israel was behind the subsequent protests: “”It is almost certain that the Mossad is involved in these events. The State is dealing with dangerous events that could not have succeeded without external intervention with Israel at its head.”
Here, it is important to note why the mob attacked the building in the first place. While the Egyptian government does not allow Christians to build churches, it does allow them to build “service buildings” where social services can be provided to the elderly and to young people in the Coptic Christian community. The mob attacked this service building after hearing rumors that the building itself was going to be used as a church and not merely to provide social services to its members.
Mr. President, in light of numerous acts of incitement and previous acts of violence, I fear that Coptic Christians in Egypt are going to have a very tough Christmas season. I implore you to use your good offices to insist that the Egyptian government protect the rights of its Christian citizens.
For reasons of my own safety, I can only sign my first name, but nevertheless, I offer wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I ask that you use your influence to make sure Christians in Egypt can celebrate their holidays in safety.
Dec. 24, 2010
In the words of one Christian eyewitness, armored vehicles “came at great speed and drove into the crowds, going backwards and forwards, mowing people under their wheels. The most horrible scene was when one of the vehicles ran over a Copt’s [Christian’s] head, causing his brain to explode and blood was all over the place.
Keep that in mind when you read more about the ‘Arab Spring’ and ‘moderate’ Muslim Brotherhood from the BBC, and telling you how they are going to build a ‘strong modern state’.
Graphic pictures of some of the slain can be seen here.
Excellent article on the subject by Raymond Ibrahim with links to see or read about the real goings on. I’m sure most if not all here agree with his conclusion about the MSM including BBC; Such journalistic and international dereliction of duty makes them complicit in the crimes, accessories to the massacres, and violators of the very notion of human rights they obscenely claim to advance.
The BBC showed footage yesterday of an armored vehicle driving at high speed through a crowd. The report, though, blamed the Christians for starting it.
Vicky Derbyshire on 5 Live is chatting with a new BBC favourite PC obsessed ex-copper. Med (Meredydd Hughes). A former chief of ACPO (he resigned after he was caught speeding). His style of policing? Well in January 2010 he ‘was accused of not taking anti-social behaviour seriously enough….(and was)….slapped down by Gordon Brown’.
What is his main gripe? Well Vicky is keen to talk about cuts. He is against Government plans to introduce elected police chiefs. Oh and it got a little messy when he grumbled about the wrong cut. Seems he was upset about the chief counstable having to give up the company car. Take a news break and get him back on message Vicky!
Heard this just now – it was a bit strange – VD ended up saying he was petty as he was whining about the role not having a car allowance despite its £140k a year salary…. but the head of the fire service has one, he moaned. I could see some sense in what he was saying in the interview but he came across as a vein little man more concerned about the trappings of power than providing good public service. So typical of public service execs they spend too much time worrying if their package matches their peers, then we have to pay them a fortune to fire them when they screw up.
I as a police officer in South Yorkshire when Med Hughes became its Chief Constable. He came to our station to introduce himself and in the canteen proceeded to regale us with a self congratulatory potted biography of his time as a police officer in Greater Manchester. I came away believing he was covered in self inflicted love bites.
If you think his radio interview became fatuous, you should read the minutes of his monthly senior management meetings. They are an exercise in mutual backslapping and pseudo business speak and clearly show how disconnected senior police officers are from real life policing.
I will not soon forget Mr Hughes’ reaction when confronted by a TV interviewer whose team had been following the woes of two households in MH’s South Yorkshire manor, both subject to constant threats, abuse and petty vandalism from a neighbouring household of scumbags – “People have got to learn to get along”, he shrugged.
Well he is right about electing coppers. A stupid idea that will hand the police to Labour next time they are in power. You’d’ve thought that after allowing labour to propagandise through the National Curriculum the Tories would have learned their lesson. Seems not.
Cattle Prod,
I am not sure I would assume Labour supporters will automatically vote for Left-wing candidates, who will be soft on crime. Poorer people are most affected by crime.
I would prefer elected Chiefs rather than political appointments by politicians.
It seems to work well in other parts of the world.
One for You and Yours at least…even Watchdog!
Love the need for the TV Licencing Nazis to uphold Parliaments will…seems not to apply to the cuts though…or rioting!
Utterly despicable…we should be raising this one…a pensioner ina YOI,,,vulnerable immigrant with possibly Roma roots?…come on Vanessa and the rest of them all…got to be worth a few programmes this one!
Murdoch has never threatened the life of a Bulgarian pensioner…the BBC have just done that!
Thanks Umbongo!
You`ll be pleased to know that civility is not what Paxman and Gott gave us on Andrew Marrs show that followed.
Both write about the British Empire…and both(naturally) have books to plug. Without the Hay festival, Marrs studio will do…just across from the Guardian offices and Paxos only rooting around downstairs anyway…so available for a goss.
Gott thinks it was evil incarnate and that we white trash still pimp off the cotton and watermelons we forced Kunta Kinte to grow of us all here. Paxman only thinks it was a qualified evil though.
Oh the fur did fly…well Paxman minor won`t be fagging for Gotts grandcivil partners sprog anytime soon anyhoo!
Paxman being an idiot said that Livingston was a crap missionary in that he only got one convert…but was it Billy Graham Jeremy?
In short, easy money for Marr and Paxo, so the paternity and legal bills are OK this month…but expect Marr on Newsnight soon to promote his book on SupaDupa Injunctions as a Revolutionary Tool!
Funny you should mention Kunte Kinta, which is in Gambia. Many Gambians have said to me that they wish the British were still ruling the country. Don’t suppose the BBC would ever report that from any of our former colonies !
Grant, likewise a large number of Indian middle-class still living in Indiam whilst proud that they have independence, have admitted to me that they miss British rule; they hate the corruption that surrounds them today.
According to the BBC Radio 4 8:00 News, some research by the Meteorological Office (although had this come from a genuinely scientific institution it would have sunk without trace at the BBC) has found that the sun affects weather. Fear not though, Black was brought on to assert that although the sun has some marginal effect on temperature it has no effect on CAGW. To be fair to Black – the Heinz Kiosk of global warming studies – the phrase “scientific consensus” didn’t pass his lips although the implication that, despite the sun, “we’re all guilty” in the AGW wars was evident in all its glory.
Ah yes, it’s the snidey Met Office finally realising that their precious AGW ain’t happening, and it’s actually getting colder. and the idiot public are beginning to realise that they may have been conned. What to do? I know, we’ll tell the gullible public that it’s all due to the sunpot cycle (which of course most of us knew about all along), and continue to push the AGW meme whilst we desperately search for something else we can spin them, in the hope that they may believe us. And good old BBC Blackie can be our meeja spokesidiot, because he knows all about climate change and our dogmatic take on it, and because he looks suspiciously like Michael Mann (which, in itself, should ring warning bells with the sane majority).
“Heinz Kiosk” ! You bring back happy memories of the late and great Michael Wharton. Of course, even he would find it impossible to parody today’s Britain !
“Telegraph View: Imagine the fury of right-on BBC managers at being compared to the British Empire .”
“Not for the first time, Jeremy Paxman has delivered a blunt verdict on the BBC. Speaking at the Cheltenham Literature Festival, he has attacked the corporation for spending £1 billion on new central London offices – the equivalent of ‘building palaces before they are decolonised’, as he put it. He also suggested that the BBC had failed to make “radical” changes in the wake of cuts, although he did not say what those changes should have been. Mr Paxman has a point about the BBC’s property portfolio: the eye-watering expenditure on Broadcasting House and the media centre at Salford is hard to justify. And he knows how to hurt – imagine the fury of right-on managers at being compared to the British Empire. Even so, perhaps he should be wary of calling for radical changes: he is, after all, paid around £1 million a year by his ‘colonial’ employers. ”
Harking back to a Hornblower character, I always rather thought ‘Mucho Pomposo’ confjured an appropriate image, though there was also a South American despot called ‘El Supremo’.
I think he already has that latter designation, like a public service media monopoly version of Mandelson, P.
But this is certainly the “BBC Spring”. Everything the BBC apparently approves of in the UK – anti-semitism, anti-Christian thuggery, street “democracy” – is manifested in newly liberated Arabia.
Did anyone see Norman Smith on the news this morning talking about Liam Fox’s situation. He described how it all depended on the view of Cameron and to make it clear he said if Cameron’s position was that of a hand choking Fox’s neck then Fox would have to go but if it was more of a hug then Fox would be saved. He actually acted out the strangle and hug with his hand. It was so bizarre. Like something from The Day Today but worse.
He’s been on a couple more times since then. At one point, he glossed over some trip to the US Jim Murphy took which was paid for by someone or other, and told us it was not a conflict of interest, although it may blunt Murphy’s attack on Fox somewhat. Then it was back to Fox hunting. He has to say that Fox isn’t on the way out just yet, but suggested that there will be more revelations coming which will force him out. Does he know something or is he just assuming or what?
One for David P, whose insights I depend on and value for the actual US situation as much as I do others on such as matters ME (the current Egypt farrago being a case in point), as the national broadcaster I am compelled to pay for to the tune of £145.50pa (pensions inc.) could not report on die making without it ending up being totally bent.
I’ve already seen as much of this as I could stomach. It’s a classic example of how the white Left in the US views black people as their ideological property. We heard similar cries of Uncle Tom about Colin Powell, and there was much more vicious stuff aimed at Condi Rice, things that would never, ever be allowed if they were part of Democrat Administration. Left whites do not like it when blacks step out of line.
Mardell dismissed Herman Cain out of hand after the first candidates’ debate for uttering an unapproved thought about Muslim dual loyalty. That spoke volumes about Mardell’s own ideological biases than about the possible effects of Cain’s statement. Cain presents a problem for the Left because he disproves the racism charges against the Tea Party movement and Republicans, and because they all know – and condone – that blacks tend to vote as a bloc for their own kind.
The BBC totally understands and accepts racial voting when minorities do it. Last year, Andy Gallacher essentially accused a Mexican-American candidate of being a traitor to his race for being a Republican. So Mardell will have his work cut out for him if Cain maintains his current ratings.
Cain’s genuine accomplishments are a problem for the BBC’s Obama cheerleaders too. His CV pisses all over Obama’s media-blessed rose petal strewn march from liberal academia to the White House via community activism.
I watched that appalling Laurence O’Donnell interview a couple of days ago. Some people criticise Herman Cain for even going into the MSNBC studios – but I would not be surprised if he actually won a lot of black votes from that interview.
Cain’s ability to handle interviews and give fairly extempore speeches seems to be winning him a lot of friends. Big uphill task to match all Romney’s money – but Cain could emerge as the choice of the small-government Republicans ?
I liked the forthrightness of Col. Allen West from the off – but he could not go forward as a candidate this time (unless as V-P). I like Cain too, love his genuine Georgia accent that contrasts so clearly with Obama’s plummy Ivy League tones (except when The One is talking down to people in da hood).
It’s strange – nobody assumes that white people should hold homogenous political views, yet for some reason the left make this assumption for non-whites. To not vote for or represent the correct political party is to be a traitor to ones minority assignation. Celebrate diversity – but sneer at political diversity within minority groups. Identity politics is offensive in so many ways.
‘The BBC totally understands and accepts racial voting when minorities do it.’ That is not quite correct, should read ‘The BBC totally understands and accepts racial voting when minorities do it and vote for the BBC approved candidate’…
The report on violence against Christians in Egypt on the News Channel just now was more of the softly, softly approach by the BBC about the problems of fundamentalist Islam taking over. According to the BBC, “it all started” when a bunch of Christians protested against the attack on a church. Notice that the BBC doesn’t see the Islamic attack as starting the problem, but the Christians protesting against it.
We were shown some pretty ugly footage of a large armored vehicle crashing through a crowd nearly killing several people, along with some typical mob violence. We were told that “gangs” got involved, when the Christians then clashed with police. Funny how it took the BBC two or three days to mention gang involvement in the “England riots”, but have no problem immediately discrediting the situation in Egypt.
Then we heard a statement from the police about how the stupid Christians were to blame for “turning on us. We were trying to protect them.” Another BBC contortion to appear impartial. I was just saying in another comment that they bend over backwards to keep from giving the impression that fundamentalist Islam causes trouble. It was obvious from the footage that the Egyptian police/army initiated the real violence, yet the BBC sets up the story by saying the Christians started it and caused the problem.
Then we heard about the Egyptian PM calling for unity, and how this is a tough time in Egypt’s passage to “a new future”. Who needs to unify, BBC? How many Christian attacks on mosques have there been recently, BBC? Why so one-sided and dishonest, BBC?
BBC Radio 2’s news bulletins this afternoon made a pseudo-concession in talking about “Radical Islamists” attacking the Copts (not thugs from the general Muslim pop’n, eh?) and brought on a talking head from some charidee-cum-thinktank explaining that the lack of progress post-Mubarak is essentially to blame.
A key reason why I’m inclined to turn to Raymond IBRAHIM, rather than to an INBBC ‘reporter’ on such Egyptian issues is because of Mr. Ibrahim’s knowledge in such matters:
Well it least it turns out the BBC are not anti-Semitic. Now they can refute any accusation of it by showing that they shaft Christians too. Hardly surprising, after all, what’s Christianity ever done for them?
Wow! BBC Radio 4 has a new series starting on Sunday, Ferguson on Obama – Performance Notes on a Presidency, in which Niall Ferguson examines Obama’s presidency on its 3rd anniversary.
As if!!
No, they’ve actually got a new two-part series starting on Sunday calledYounge on Obama – Performance Notes on a Presidency, in which screaming leftie Gary Younge of (oh so ****ing predictably) the ‘Guardian’ examines Obama’s presidency.
Incidentally, I’ve noticed that the Radio 4 website (such as ‘The Media Show’ page) is developing a habit of neglecting to identify people as being ‘from the Guardian’, because there are so many of them. They are starting to call some of them just by their names, or calling them ‘media commentators’ or, as in this case, just ‘journalist’. Are they trying to cover up their ‘Guardian’ links?
Are they trying to cover up their ‘Guardian’ links?
As I recall, when this happens, and they get caught, the denier squad of Dez, Dozy, Beaky Mick and Titch seem to emerge from their slumber with a cut & pasted ‘gotcha’ from 2008 provided by the BBC archive crew to show that it’s ‘only’ 80% of the time – for a newspaper whose ABC ratings are curoiusly lees than akin to the representative balance of UK public preferences the BBC claims, and is bound to reflect.
Though Mehdi Hassan is lobbed in to not look too obvious.
I’m currently doing battle with the BBC’s Freedom of Information office, whose entire purpose in life seems to be sending out emails and .PDF files that say:
The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion.
All of my requests for information have been answered in this way, and I am left wondering what information – if any – they can and do supply.
Anyway, I had to laugh at this paragraph in their latest 4-page missive:
The BBC agrees that we have the right to protect our journalistic and editorial independence by maintaining just such a private space in which to produce our content. This extends to the sifting and review of praise and criticism from audiences, as well as the seeking of an independent view of criticism in order to undertake this review process. This is an important part of the BBC’s process of creating and improving programmes. Despite the BBC’s obligation to be independent and impartial, many bodies, groups and individuals attempt to influence our output. This pressure takes many forms and has to be resisted by programme makers across the BBC.
I guess it is all very well attempting to resist influence on the BBC’s impartiality, but when it is coming from WITHIN the BBC they really don’t stand a chance.
We all know that the BBC has a left wing bias. However i read somewhere, may have been a posting on this site, that left wingers think the BBC has a right wing bias?!? Try as i might, i can’t think of any right wing bias as far as the BBC is concerned. Does anyone here have any examples of this supposed BBC right wing bias?
Yes, that’s right Dez, even though Patten is not a BBC employee and has nothing to do with operations or journalism, his mere presence trumps the other thousands upon thousands of employees. Well done, you.
I was watching Countryfile last night and I swear I saw a tree. That is the Conservative Party logo, isn’t it? Biased right-wing bastards these BBC types.
In which he claimed the BBC reporting of EDF price rises was influenced by Chris Patten:
“The reality is that the BBC is also part of the scam. EU pensioner and apparatchik Lord Patten, chairman of the BBC so-called trustees, tops up his fat earnings by a number of directorships, including as a member of the “stakeholder advisory panel” of a company called…EDF.”
To which your response was:
“Who could have seen this coming, eh? *DONT_KNOW* ”
No mention of Patten not being a BBC employee, or having “nothing to do with operations or journalism”.
Very weak, Dez. That has nothing to do with journalism or the day-to-day operations of the BBC. That has nothing to do with the internal workings, nothing to do with newsgathering, nothing to do with hiring, nothing to do with editorial policy, nothing to do with anything inside the BBC. If anything it shows that Patten is on-side, which doesn’t help your case that he’s a Tory to balance out the biased actual employees.
“That has nothing to do with the internal workings, nothing to do with newsgathering, nothing to do with hiring, nothing to do with editorial policy, nothing to do with anything inside the BBC”
I see. So when Robin Horbury claimed in the above post that BBC reporters had been; “dragooned by the trustees into suppressing the views of those who disagree with climate change lies” you also thought that the trustees had nothing to do with journalism or the day-to-day operations of the BBC?
Yes; talking of BBC Trust Chairman, C. PATTEN, presentday E.U. propagandist (and European Commissioner 1999-2004), it is noticeable that BBC-EU shows its political preference for its Green Party chums over UKIP.
“Europe. Taxes. Immigration. After 52 years, Lord Hesketh explains why he’s turned his back on the Tories”
Since when has the current misnamed Conservative party been at all Conservative?
Long ago perhaps but since Cameron took over it is just another part of the liberal left consensus and on every issue it is predictable.
I would rather have a red raw socialist party in power.
My cat is more conservative than the lot of them.
This sub-thread started when Jonathan S posted “Does anyone here have any examples of this supposed BBC right wing bias?” And the best that Dez can come up with is Chris Patten.
Let us suppose for a second that the EU-loving toady Mr Patten in any way qualifies as right-wing. How exactly does one name count as bias when compared with the mountain of evidence showing a solidly left-leaning viewpoint demonstrated in the BBC’s output and the window into their souls, Twitter?
To the BBC, Chris Patten is ‘right wing’. We all know how they love to throw the phrase ‘far right’ around, but then Panama is ‘far north’ when you’re stood on the Falkland Islands.
Dezzie’s excuse (sorry, example) was predicted on this site as soon as the Patten appointment was made. Most on here knew that the lefties would feel more able than ever to express their bigoted prejudices as they could claim – “look Lord Patten is in charge and he’s a Conservative”.
Dezzie has fallen into line as predicted (in everything he and Scotty are very predictable) and the Beboids have also fallen into predicatble and completely unfettered bias.
It was clear that Cameron (like Patten, a Conservative in Name Only (CINO)) appointed Fatty Pang to stop the justified accusations of Leftism. The fact that Patten has still not walked across the floor does not mean he is a Conservative at all, in fact he is part of the problem, not the solution.
I understand it’s considered right-wing bias when the BBC lets Mark Regev speak. I don’t think it happens often enough to constitute the balance of complaints that the BBC boasts of, although the vehemence might make up for the lack of numbers. 🙁
Although defining the Middle East in left-right terms fails the slightest examination supporters of the Palestinians (another definition that fails examination) see themselves as Left and supporters of Israel as Rght.
As Mark Twain said, “Figures don’t lie but liers sure know how to figure”.
I could not think of a better recommendation for the repeal of the Climate Act than to listen to this preaching lefty twaddle from 10:10 campaign supporter Joan Walley MP.
I hate to be pedantic but…
nah!…who am I kidding?
I listened to the Toady soft and culcha bit after chewing on the bones of a Tory or two after 8am.
It was about Sandy Denny…fine singer and tragic waste in dying so young.
Fair enough…but who the hell feeds Humphrys his links.
Poor old fool clearly had his ear trumpet pointing towards Mecca of the croissant trolley…because he managed to insult the poor woman by being so wrong in what he said.
1.Thea Gilmour was NOT a friend of Sandys,…bit of an age gap there had he been listening earlier in the piece. Thea was probably not even alive when Sandy passed over.
2. Humphrys confusing Thea with Whispering Bob Harris-who was a friend and spoke in the broadcast.
After all the faux emoting and the usual trawl round for Dennys daughter (or so I`d imagine)-it was good indeed of the Denny estate to let Thea have the songs to work on and record…but Humph was phoning it all in, garbled and confused…came across as indifference to me ,given that it was the “aah..bless” bit before the business crap at 8.40.
How much do we pay the old fool to insult Sandy Denny by just not being bothered to rehearse-or at least listen to what his own bloody show has just said.
And no…the frequent trips to the loo do not excuse the clown…he`d hang any Tory for far less than his own oft-proven ineptitude!
So I’m half-listening to the News Channel, when they announce a new study showing that the nasty Tory benefit changes will put even more children into poverty by 2020, as well as putting more “working age” people into poverty. I didn’t understand how changes in the benefits system would put more people into poverty because I’m a cruel and naive United Statesian and assumed that only people already in poverty would be on benefits. So I started paying attention.
Reeta C did a report about how dire things were going to get because of the changes, and that the Tory promises that these would actually encourage those of working age into work were going to take too long. She gave us the requisite anecdotal person, a working class man with a young child, ominous voice over of how things were going to get worse for the poor moppet before things got better. Nothing in the figures she read out told me how exactly more people would be put into poverty.
Then it’s back to the studio, and Sophie Beeboid has on the video feed some mouthpiece from the Joseph Rountree Foundation. Naturally he’s full of gloom and doom. To the BBC News team’s credit, Sophie asked him how it could get worse when according to the Government their plans would actually remove 450,000 children form poverty over the next few years. That’s all very well and good, he allowed, but things were really going to get worse, etc., the jobs people would get would be too low and so would be hurt by the reform in childcare benefits, and actually 650,000 children would be put into poverty. Quite a difference in interpretation there.
Before you ask, no, there was no one from the Government available to comment.
Naturally, when the figures given are all over the damn place and advocates say 650,000 children will be put into poverty, my suspicions were aroused. It was simple enough to look up the report on the Institute For Fiscal Studies’ website, and guess what:
They’re talking about “relative poverty” (see Pg. 9). Absolute poverty is expected to fall slightly over the next few years, and then remain stable. What a shock, the BBC drops the key qualifier – “relative” – when reporting that 650,000 children will be thrust into poverty by the nasty Tories. So once again the public is grossly misled by the BBC.
There have already been many arrests, lots of anti-social acts and quite a lot of threatening behaviour, plus some actual violence eg trying to break into the Air and Space museum. Ominous presence of union heavies. Not reported by the BBC, though. Nor are the BBC reporting that there is not a single US flag to be seen at any of the “Occupy” protests, but I expect quite a few Hammer-and-Sickles and Socialist Worker placards.
I gather that at tonights debate among Repub candidates – the debates are always hosted by lefty MSM types ! – the knives will be out for Herman Cain. (At eacdh of the debates a lot of the questioning has been aimed at pulli ng down whoever the right-wing opponent to Romney is, first Bachman, then Perry, now Cain. The meme already floated in the MSM is that Cain is not truly a black man – he can’t be, he ain’t whinging about being a victim all his life.
Yes, John, but that’s all violence against the police: the evil authorities, The Man. Now we’ll see the real heart and true spirit of these people, when they engage in violence against their fellow citizens. I know the BBC will see it as nothing compared to what the evil corporations have done to us, etc., similar to how they rolled their eyes at the vandalism at Fred Goodwin’s home.
What angers me is the fact that all this is going on, which never, ever happened at any of the thousands of Tea Party gatherings over the last two plus years, and the BBC doesn’t fret over it. Yet Mark Mardell tried to smear millions of people in the Tea Party movement based on one single incident, which wasn’t even instigated by the non-Left guy.
You have every right to be annoyed at the disparate media treatment of the Occupy protests/riots and the orderly behaviour of the Tea Partiers. But I hope the Occupy stuff carries on and Democrats continue to flirt with it all – because it must be turning the stomach of a lot of law-abiding independent voters and definitely firing up the Tea Partiers.
Have you made up your mind yet on which Repub candidate you prefer, given that Christie and Palin are now out of the picture ? Or waiting to see how things go, plenty of time yet ?
Now that Cain has been doing his homework, it’s either him or Perry. I’d rather it wasn’t Romney, but he might be more electable than Perry. Cain is electable if he steps up his policy game.
I think Cain has now got to first base – achieving name-recognition and a lot of people knowing his Main Street business background. And maybe approaching second-base ? – doing well in debates so far, well on TV interviews, and getting high figures for intensity-of support and general likeability.
If Perry does not do well tonight, is his star fading ?
Cain is NOT spending big bucks on the primaries – he does not yet have a fraction of the funding Romney has. But maybe that is a selling point this election – standing as an outsider against the Beltway candidate with all the money. And his supporters certainly seem enthusiastic – if he won most of the Tea Party activist votes he’d have active unpaid grassroots support in small states with early primaries. Looking good in Iowa already, momentum building ?
If Cain does well in the early smaller-state primaries, he MAY start to attract big funds, which he will need for Florida in January and for Super Tuesday.
But as you say – he needs to flesh out on policy. Soundbites are not good enough.
Much of the focus of the US media and blogs etc has been on Cain for 2 weeks now as he has been in the ascendant. The BBC is way behind the curve on this. As with other stories, eg the gathering strength of the Tea Party movement, the BBC FAILS to report what is happening in US politics.
But then they only have a whole bunch of staff headed by Lardy Mardy, and the US news operation probably costs less than $5 million a year !
BBC News Channel just announced that Werrity was living rent-free in Liam Fox’s taxpayer-funded second home, and was running a business from it. Looks like Martin had it right from the beginning.
Spot the Missing Word from this BBC report about the new study about poverty figures over the next few years. The News Channel is now doing more scare-mongering about hundreds of thousands of lives being destroyed by poverty in the next few years. At the moment they’re showing a video of a sad young boy explaining how the electrics shut off in his home and they can’t make food.
Millions of children in poverty, it’s only going to get worse despite the nasty Tory claims (which aren’t explained in full, and no Tory is allowed on to defend it).
The Missing Word from this and all BBC reports on the topic today:
Relative. As in relative poverty. The IFS report (pdf file) is about relative poverty, and now some advocate is stating on air that “the definition of poverty” is relative. “You know you’re marked for life”. Children’s lives destroyed, full sympathy from Huw Edwards, nearly in tears himself it seems. And the BBC is being dishonest about the whole story.
Just heard a similar item on PM. Funny how the analysis doesn’t extend to the fact that far fewer people would be in poverty if they weren’t paying billions in taxes in order to fund: the EU; benefits for immigrants; compensation for muslim terrorists; aid for Pakistan so it can keep developing nukes…
And not least the vastly inflated wages of so-called ‘BBC talent’.
Tonights PM with Carolyn Quinn played an extract from something that Chris Parry said.
Parry says that Fox has “questions to answer”…I`ve no problem with that at all.
I do have a problem with the BBCs selective use of the great man though…for in the Sunday Times (11.6.2006) he paints a truly prophetic vision of the consequences of unfettered immigration…including the piracy bits involving radical Islam on the Med!
Quite brilliant analysis…but hey, that is NOT what the BBC would have wanted to hear, so poor old Chris was not invited onto PM to give his apocalyptic vision for Britain…not then, or indeed ever since!
Fast forward to 12.6.08…and he`s in hot water again.
Parry accurately portrays the education in the state sector for what it is…same as it was when he said it!
He was, however, speaking as Chairman of the Independent Schools Council…so no surprise that he was vilifed if not ignored…oh, and he lost his job soon after!
Clearly as an ex-Navy bigwig he has his uses to the BBC…but only when his message suits the researchers remit!
Selection of quotes and talking heads needs to be highlighted and condemned much as the selection in schools that got old Parry the sack!
Still-wish these salts would realise that it`s never wise to give the Beeb a quote…they`ll only want your opinion if it suits theirs!
CLOSE DOWN BBC’s global imperialist activities and its use of our money for Arabic/Islamic imperialism.
At present, British taxpayers are forced to finance BBC World Service broadcasting by e.g. providing INBBC Arabic Television, 24/7 to Arabic speaking/Islamic populations of the Middle East and beyond.
In a couple of years, British licencepayers will have to pay for all of the World Service , including Arabic Television.*
*(Of course this means that British people are paying for the broadcasting interests of predominantly Islamic peoples.)
This should be stopped immediately because:
1.) it is not the role of the BBC to make British licencepayers pay for broadcasting to the Middle East;
2.) this is all part of the BBC’s ever-expanding global broadcasting empire;
3.) a large money-saving exercise should be undertaken by ending the World Service operating from Bush House, and from BBC Arab Television from Broadcasting House (Mecca-facing East Wing);
4.)the case of BBC Arabic Television is an attempt to bolster the Arabic language when the are strong arguments to oppose the BBC’s effort to assist the use of Arabic, as outlined here:
“Does Anyone Speak Arabic?”
David P – I think we should be allowed to vote in the next US election. Not because you “rule the world”, but because it would be an education for Britains to be able to take part in a democratic process. Here we vote blue and get red, vote yellow and get red and vote red and get red.
I think that 1992 was the last time we had a partial democracy.
Funny how he leaves out the reason for the “decades of occupation”. I was in Israel when that all started, so can’t be fooled by the BBC’s whitewashing of history. And it was actually a bit less than 19 years, but I guess “decades” is still sort of accurate, if a stretch.
The US designates Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation?
So the US just *designates* it as a terrorist organisation? And the US is spoken for by Richard Baehr, who is described as “the political director of the conservative online magazine American Thinker. ” Alistair Crooke, however, the notorious Israel-hating director of Conflicts Forum alongside would-be suicide bomber Azzam Tamimi, is “a former British intelligence agent, he now runs a think tank in Beirut through which he has frequent contact with Hezbollah. “They are a resistance movement,” he says. “They are a liberation movement.”
Will BBC-NUJ-Democrat expose SOROS funding of ‘OCCUPY’?
From Glenn BECK’s ‘The Blaze’ –
“Exposed: Written by an Anarchist, Anti-Capitalism Group ‘Occupied Wall Street Journal’ (Full-Color, Free Newspaper) Is Funded by George Soros, the Tides Foundation, Code Pink and Michael Moore”
More amusing is that these anti-capitalists who are angry about corporate greed have no problem funneling the money through The Alliance for Global Justice, who arrange “financial sponsorship” for activist events like this, and take 7% off the top for the pleasure.
That’s more than twice what American Express or PayPal charge for transactions. And way more than any evil bank. It’s more in the direction of what evil financial brokers charge.
The BBC doesn’t know this, can’t be bothered, and wouldn’t call them out on it if they did.
My EPG tells me that Jeremy Paxman is on the One Show to plug his book.
At least Blair was prepared to get the wind on his face to go to Waterstones, until he decided it “wouldn`t be worth the hassle”.
Poncey Paxman presumably is in the BBC lift all day with interns to hold his Starbucks at every floor.
For Gods sake…how many more programmes can the Beeb find for this empty vessel!
Oh…and EPG described him as “Britains scariest interviewer”…true aspirational fantasy that the BBC seem to excel at!
What is the plural for a car park full of old dessicated BBC “attack dogs” turned into hush puppies for ED Balls and Co…a Dimble perhaps?
Desperate to keep a story going, news24 at 830pm gave us an update on ‘FOX news’. Werritty has been interviewed, yes we know that it was known yesterday that he will be interviewed today: no report on what has been said, yes we know that the report will not be until tomorrow atg the earliest.
So the news was we have nothing new to add but we will say something nethertheless.
Radio 4’s ‘Book of the Week‘ at the moment is Christopher Hitchens’ latest collection of essays, Arguably. There are 108 essays for them to choose from, covering a broad canvas of history, literature, science and politics. They’ve missed out all his literature pieces and have chosen four political ones instead, plus a medition on science.
There are a wide range of political essays in the book. They could have chosen any of his essays on the threat from radical Islam (such as this). They chose not to, nor to pick any of his essays on the Iraq War, which he supported (such as this.) Nor his powerful essay, ‘What Happened to the Suicide Bombers of Jerusalem?’ They passed over his essays attacking the madness of Hugo Chavez and the Castro Dynasty or his pieces on the slave state of North Korea.
They will be broadcasting a fine piece on Lebanon, probably for its hopeful ending (which will chime with their enthusiasm for the ‘Arab Spring’). It will be interesting to see how they abridge that long piece. Will they cut out much of his savaging of the thuggish/anti-semitic elements in Lebanon?
The other three articles are just what you would expect the BBC to select:
1. Believe Me – It’s Torture. An attack on the U.S. use of waterboarding.
2. Let Them East Pork Rinds. A piece on class and the flooding of New Orleans, beginning with a strong attack on George W. Bush and his mother.
3. The Vietnam Syndrome. An attack on America’s use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.
108 essays to choose from, and the BBC select the three that seem most to reflect their political prejudices, pieces all from the Left side of Hitchens, none from his Right side.
INBBC omits any reference to relevance of age-old schism between Sunnis and Shi’ites in Islam, and in the Islamic struggle for supremacy in the Middle East:
On Newsnight – a debate between three green fanatics: Batty Barker, Loony Lucas and some guy who claimed to be a representative of manufacturing industry – but turned out to be just another parasite seeking taxpayer subsidies. The topic of debate whether the UK gov are green enough and how they could be more green.
Once again the BBC failed to invite anyone on to ask the obvious question: “By how much will all these damaging green taxes reduce global temperatures – given that the UK generates only 1% of total man-made CO2 and the annual increase in Chinese CO2 is greater than our entire CO2 output”
And in the main news – repeated disingenuous reference to Gilad Shalit – the Israeli soldier kidnapped in Israel by Hamas terrorists – as “captured”. A blatant attempt to portray his kidnap and 5 year imprisonment without trial or humanitarian access as a perfectly legitimate action.
As they say at the BBC: impartiality is in our genes.
Another question would be to delve into how, exactly, many of these promosed or imposed measures actually reduce GHGs anyway, as most seem to be founded on very dubious cradle to grave lifescycle analyses.
As to Mr. Shalit, 1000 to 1 shows what the ‘deal’ is in the ME, and to any not brainswashed as to Hamas’ activities just how fair any exchanages with such people are.
President Obama received a slap from members of his own party Tuesday as the Senate voted 50-49 to block his $447 jobs package.
But, but, but, Mark Mardell told me it would have trouble passing because the Republicans found it ideologically objectionable. So what about the Democrats who voted against it? Does not compute….does not compute….Narrative fail…..
I bet the BBC would not run this – the typical face of the Occupy loons in the US. It all harks back to the pacifists and hippy protests in the 1960s. Except that this time there are Soros and union fingerprints all over it.
This rabble may be making all the noise. But in the end, the silent majority voted. And Nixon won in a landslide, for all his faults.
Search Biased BBC
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Lefty WrightJan 25, 19:44 Weekend 25th January 2025 vlad Oh for the days when Private Eye did satire!
On the news report that was just aired, tensions between Muslims and Coptic Christians in Egypt are threatening stabilty, according to the BBC. This is after yet more Christians being attacked and killed in that country by it’s newly ‘freed’ population due to the (in the BBC’s veiw) wonderful Arab spring. Where are the reports of Christians attacking and killing Muslims? It looks to me like persecution of Christians in Muslim countries and I would have a lot more respect for the BBC if it called a spade a spade instead of sticking to a false narrative so as not to ‘inflame community relations’ It is almost as though the BBC hate Christianity.
Intersting too to see how Al Jazeera reported this live last night.
The Copts were heading for the TV studio to denounce the Governments blind eyes in terms of their churches getting attacked and burned…by Islamist extremists.
The selfsame Muslim mob attacked the protesters with stones as they marched and that is where the burning of Cairo city centre began..same landmarks as those the Beeb knew and loved last February.
Todays news on Toady as well as the 9am headlines make it all seem as if its the Army against the Christians-and no Islam or Muslim Brotherhood mentioned anywhere!
As if the BBC would play down the consequences of their much loved Arab Spring…and as if those Christians are provoking Bin Ladens boys into getting all eggy with them!
Islam will foever be the religion of peace until Gadhaffis tent is in the staff carpark at AlBeeb HQ!
The BBC are about as subtle as a scorching blade coming down on a bared neck in Chop Chop Square…and all the nastier for their wilful bias and ignorance
Listening to the 7am news on R4 you get anything but the full story. It is reported as being violence between christians and police, and all because some “conservative muslims” ,”attacked a church” in Asswan.
Can’t see the BBC reporting the following …Christians are fleeing the Middle East and Western Christians are indifferent. More than half of Iraqi Christians, threatened with death and terrorism are out of that country, though many are in neighboring Syria. Virtually all Christians have fled the Islamist Gaza Strip and Syrian Christians generally (though not all) support the regime there, fearing an Islamist takeover.
But Egypt is home to millions of Christians that dwarf these numbers. In fact, the number of Christians in Egypt exceeds the populations of Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, and Tunisia.
Copts have emigrated in the past, but they have been so rooted in Egypt as to tend to remain there. Now the Egyptian Union of Human Rights Organizations reports that 95,000 Christians have emigrated since March 2011. If Egypt continues to look as if it is going down an Islamist road, or at least if the government and military appear ready to tolerate such assaults, one can easily imagine one million or so Copts heading for the exits in the next few years. How would Europe like to receive these people who—in contrast to many other immigrants—would be legitimate asylum seekers with a genuine fear for their lives?
The outlook appears bleak for Christianity in the Middle East, in the very home of the religion, where Christ walked the earth and the central events of Christianity occurred. Emigration began in the aftermath of World War I when Muslim Arabs gained political control, continued through the middle of the twentieth century, and then accelerated in the 1990s with the rise of radical Islam. Indigenous Middle Eastern Christians are fleeing in droves, escaping Muslim violence and persecution, and deteriorating economic conditions. The only exception is Israel, where the Christian population is slowly increasing.
You can bet the Beeboids agonize over this in production meetings. They’re most likely convinced they must bend over backwards to avoid creating the impression that everyting goes bad when Islam takes over a country, because that would be biiiiiiiassssed. It’s gotten to the point that they can’t even simply report the facts without having to do some Narrative spinning.
I find it hard to get too upset about the Copts although their current treatment (not that the past was dramatically better) does serve as warning that the Arab Spring will not be the festival of tolerance that the BBC would have us believe.
Antisemitism and the Coptic Orthodox Church
No tears for Egypt’s Coptic Christians
Coptic leader condems antisemitism among the Copts
However the BBC’s ignoring or is it ignorance of the plight of the Copts is nothing to the potential Egyptian famine they are also ignoring. Some 20-30% of Egypt’s population live in absolute poverty. The Arab Spring protests directly disadvantage them. Tourism is way down, investment has virtually stopped and I am assuming Israel and Jordan only pay for oil after it is delivered which means the constant closure of the pipeline is a major revenue loss. Should Egypt fail to earn enough for food imports a catastrophe is around the corner.
Egypt’s Food Problem In A Nutshell
Arab Spring Over in Egypt; Ready for a Chilly Winter?
What is the betting that the worthless UK Gorvernment don’t accept any Egyptian Copts here, claiming they are really just economic migrants and will upset British muslims ?
Shenouda is under great pressure….this must be borne in mind. The Islamist mind-set sees the Copts as apologists for Israel.
A letter (sorry about the length) from a US Copt to Obama (last December before Mubarak’s ousting) makes it clear. My emphasis.
Dear President Obama,
I am writing to you as Coptic Christian who immigrated to the United States in the late 1970s.
I am an American citizen.
I have grave concerns about what is going in Egypt regarding the Copts.
To put it bluntly, I fear that something very bad is going to happen to this community in the very near future.
Coptic Christians have been the victims of systematic abuse and oppression in Egypt for a long time. On November 17, 2010, the U.S. Department of State recently issued a report on religious freedom in Egypt that details the abuses they suffer on a daily basis. January of this year, six Coptic Christians were murdered outside their church after celebrating Christmas.
Sadly, I fear another attack will happen again sometime in the near future.
The tendency of blaming the State of Israel for every problem in Egypt, and linking it to the Copts, is on the rise, especially in the past a few months. By associating the Copts with the Jewish state, extremists and government officials are inciting hostility toward a beleaguered, defenseless minority.
The anti-Israel polemic is fairly well known. One official accused recent shark and jellyfish for attacks on swimmers at Sharm el-Sheikh on the Mossad. The alleged goal was to kill the tourism season.
What is less well known is that Muslim Imams throughout the Middle East are demonizing Coptic Christians in Egypt. One oft-repeated claim is that Israel is using Coptic churches to store all kinds of weapons to attack Muslims. Such accusations lead to threats of violence.
For example, Sheik Wagdi Ghoneim recently said in a video message from the State of Qatar “I swear by God, you will not have time stay alive until America and the West arrive, this is for your own good, if you understand. Do you think the Muslims inside Egypt will say thank you and may Allah give you health? “No, by God.”
And on September 16, 2010 Mr., Muhammad Salim Al-Awa, Secretary-General of the International Union of Muslim Scholars announced on Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar): Copts Amass Weapons in Egyptian Churches and Are “Preparing for War against the Muslims”.
Copts are even being blamed for the violence perpetrated against them by Muslim extremists in Egypt. For example, after a mob of 5,000 Egyptians recently attacked a Christian service building, President’s Mubarak former assistant, Dr. Mustafa El- Feki from Ain Shams University stated that Israel and the Copts were at fault for the attack and the two deaths that resulted from it. Dr. El Feki stated that Israel was behind the subsequent protests: “”It is almost certain that the Mossad is involved in these events. The State is dealing with dangerous events that could not have succeeded without external intervention with Israel at its head.”
Here, it is important to note why the mob attacked the building in the first place. While the Egyptian government does not allow Christians to build churches, it does allow them to build “service buildings” where social services can be provided to the elderly and to young people in the Coptic Christian community. The mob attacked this service building after hearing rumors that the building itself was going to be used as a church and not merely to provide social services to its members.
Mr. President, in light of numerous acts of incitement and previous acts of violence, I fear that Coptic Christians in Egypt are going to have a very tough Christmas season. I implore you to use your good offices to insist that the Egyptian government protect the rights of its Christian citizens.
For reasons of my own safety, I can only sign my first name, but nevertheless, I offer wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I ask that you use your influence to make sure Christians in Egypt can celebrate their holidays in safety.
Dec. 24, 2010
Egyptian Christians reject protests against Israel.
(Sinai terrorists and Israeli Ambassador expulsion)
In the words of one Christian eyewitness, armored vehicles “came at great speed and drove into the crowds, going backwards and forwards, mowing people under their wheels. The most horrible scene was when one of the vehicles ran over a Copt’s [Christian’s] head, causing his brain to explode and blood was all over the place.
Keep that in mind when you read more about the ‘Arab Spring’ and ‘moderate’ Muslim Brotherhood from the BBC, and telling you how they are going to build a ‘strong modern state’.
Graphic pictures of some of the slain can be seen here.
Excellent article on the subject by Raymond Ibrahim with links to see or read about the real goings on. I’m sure most if not all here agree with his conclusion about the MSM including BBC;
Such journalistic and international dereliction of duty makes them complicit in the crimes, accessories to the massacres, and violators of the very notion of human rights they obscenely claim to advance.
The BBC showed footage yesterday of an armored vehicle driving at high speed through a crowd. The report, though, blamed the Christians for starting it.
Does INBBC understand this?:
“Durie: A Double-Bind Upon the Copts: dhimmitude in action”
Vicky Derbyshire on 5 Live is chatting with a new BBC favourite PC obsessed ex-copper. Med (Meredydd Hughes). A former chief of ACPO (he resigned after he was caught speeding). His style of policing? Well in January 2010 he ‘was accused of not taking anti-social behaviour seriously enough….(and was)….slapped down by Gordon Brown’.
BBC Policing…Softly Softly.
What is his main gripe? Well Vicky is keen to talk about cuts. He is against Government plans to introduce elected police chiefs. Oh and it got a little messy when he grumbled about the wrong cut. Seems he was upset about the chief counstable having to give up the company car. Take a news break and get him back on message Vicky!
Heard this just now – it was a bit strange – VD ended up saying he was petty as he was whining about the role not having a car allowance despite its £140k a year salary…. but the head of the fire service has one, he moaned. I could see some sense in what he was saying in the interview but he came across as a vein little man more concerned about the trappings of power than providing good public service. So typical of public service execs they spend too much time worrying if their package matches their peers, then we have to pay them a fortune to fire them when they screw up.
I as a police officer in South Yorkshire when Med Hughes became its Chief Constable. He came to our station to introduce himself and in the canteen proceeded to regale us with a self congratulatory potted biography of his time as a police officer in Greater Manchester. I came away believing he was covered in self inflicted love bites.
If you think his radio interview became fatuous, you should read the minutes of his monthly senior management meetings. They are an exercise in mutual backslapping and pseudo business speak and clearly show how disconnected senior police officers are from real life policing.
I will not soon forget Mr Hughes’ reaction when confronted by a TV interviewer whose team had been following the woes of two households in MH’s South Yorkshire manor, both subject to constant threats, abuse and petty vandalism from a neighbouring household of scumbags – “People have got to learn to get along”, he shrugged.
Well he is right about electing coppers. A stupid idea that will hand the police to Labour next time they are in power.
You’d’ve thought that after allowing labour to propagandise through the National Curriculum the Tories would have learned their lesson. Seems not.
Cattle Prod,
I am not sure I would assume Labour supporters will automatically vote for Left-wing candidates, who will be soft on crime. Poorer people are most affected by crime.
I would prefer elected Chiefs rather than political appointments by politicians.
It seems to work well in other parts of the world.
What sort of police chief do you reckon Tower Hamlets would elect?
In the case of Tower Hamlets, who cares ?
Grant – Jews, Christians, women, gays, lesbians, bi/curious, atheists, agnostics, democrats…
Here’s a story about the BBC torturing a cancer patient in prison who did not pay her TV licence. Funny this was not mentioned on the BBC news.
Woman’s jail ordeal over TV licence fine
One for You and Yours at least…even Watchdog!
Love the need for the TV Licencing Nazis to uphold Parliaments will…seems not to apply to the cuts though…or rioting!
Utterly despicable…we should be raising this one…a pensioner ina YOI,,,vulnerable immigrant with possibly Roma roots?…come on Vanessa and the rest of them all…got to be worth a few programmes this one!
Murdoch has never threatened the life of a Bulgarian pensioner…the BBC have just done that!
Thanks Umbongo!
You`ll be pleased to know that civility is not what Paxman and Gott gave us on Andrew Marrs show that followed.
Both write about the British Empire…and both(naturally) have books to plug. Without the Hay festival, Marrs studio will do…just across from the Guardian offices and Paxos only rooting around downstairs anyway…so available for a goss.
Gott thinks it was evil incarnate and that we white trash still pimp off the cotton and watermelons we forced Kunta Kinte to grow of us all here. Paxman only thinks it was a qualified evil though.
Oh the fur did fly…well Paxman minor won`t be fagging for Gotts grandcivil partners sprog anytime soon anyhoo!
Paxman being an idiot said that Livingston was a crap missionary in that he only got one convert…but was it Billy Graham Jeremy?
In short, easy money for Marr and Paxo, so the paternity and legal bills are OK this month…but expect Marr on Newsnight soon to promote his book on SupaDupa Injunctions as a Revolutionary Tool!
Funny you should mention Kunte Kinta, which is in Gambia. Many Gambians have said to me that they wish the British were still ruling the country. Don’t suppose the BBC would ever report that from any of our former colonies !
Grant, likewise a large number of Indian middle-class still living in Indiam whilst proud that they have independence, have admitted to me that they miss British rule; they hate the corruption that surrounds them today.
According to the BBC Radio 4 8:00 News, some research by the Meteorological Office (although had this come from a genuinely scientific institution it would have sunk without trace at the BBC) has found that the sun affects weather. Fear not though, Black was brought on to assert that although the sun has some marginal effect on temperature it has no effect on CAGW. To be fair to Black – the Heinz Kiosk of global warming studies – the phrase “scientific consensus” didn’t pass his lips although the implication that, despite the sun, “we’re all guilty” in the AGW wars was evident in all its glory.
Ah yes, it’s the snidey Met Office finally realising that their precious AGW ain’t happening, and it’s actually getting colder. and the idiot public are beginning to realise that they may have been conned. What to do? I know, we’ll tell the gullible public that it’s all due to the sunpot cycle (which of course most of us knew about all along), and continue to push the AGW meme whilst we desperately search for something else we can spin them, in the hope that they may believe us. And good old BBC Blackie can be our meeja spokesidiot, because he knows all about climate change and our dogmatic take on it, and because he looks suspiciously like Michael Mann (which, in itself, should ring warning bells with the sane majority).
“Heinz Kiosk” ! You bring back happy memories of the late and great Michael Wharton. Of course, even he would find it impossible to parody today’s Britain !
‘Telegraph’ View on PAXMAN’s comments-
“The BBC’s whiff of empire”:-
“Telegraph View: Imagine the fury of right-on BBC managers at being compared to the British Empire .”
“Not for the first time, Jeremy Paxman has delivered a blunt verdict on the BBC. Speaking at the Cheltenham Literature Festival, he has attacked the corporation for spending £1 billion on new central London offices – the equivalent of ‘building palaces before they are decolonised’, as he put it. He also suggested that the BBC had failed to make “radical” changes in the wake of cuts, although he did not say what those changes should have been. Mr Paxman has a point about the BBC’s property portfolio: the eye-watering expenditure on Broadcasting House and the media centre at Salford is hard to justify. And he knows how to hurt – imagine the fury of right-on managers at being compared to the British Empire. Even so, perhaps he should be wary of calling for radical changes: he is, after all, paid around £1 million a year by his ‘colonial’ employers. ”
The only two global COLONISERS Beeboids don’t oppose are:
1.) ISLAM; 2.) BBC.
And Mexicans.
I vote we start referring to Mark Thompson as Viceroy from now on.
Or Bwana
Harking back to a Hornblower character, I always rather thought ‘Mucho Pomposo’ confjured an appropriate image, though there was also a South American despot called ‘El Supremo’.
I think he already has that latter designation, like a public service media monopoly version of Mandelson, P.
INBBC’s ‘Arab Spring’:
Libya: Jew who tried to rebuild synagogue to be deported — “There is no place for Jews in Libya”
Yet another rampage: 300 Tunisian Muslims attack TV station and attempt to set fire to it for airing film critical of Iranian revolution and organizing debate on “extremism”
c.) EGYPT:
Egypt: Muslim thugs, military attack Christian protesters, 19 dead
But this is certainly the “BBC Spring”. Everything the BBC apparently approves of in the UK – anti-semitism, anti-Christian thuggery, street “democracy” – is manifested in newly liberated Arabia.
Did anyone see Norman Smith on the news this morning talking about Liam Fox’s situation. He described how it all depended on the view of Cameron and to make it clear he said if Cameron’s position was that of a hand choking Fox’s neck then Fox would have to go but if it was more of a hug then Fox would be saved. He actually acted out the strangle and hug with his hand. It was so bizarre. Like something from The Day Today but worse.
Yes, Norman Smith really isn’t taking well to TV. Serves him right. He was as screamingly biased as it gets as Radio 4’s chief political editor.
He’s been on a couple more times since then. At one point, he glossed over some trip to the US Jim Murphy took which was paid for by someone or other, and told us it was not a conflict of interest, although it may blunt Murphy’s attack on Fox somewhat. Then it was back to Fox hunting. He has to say that Fox isn’t on the way out just yet, but suggested that there will be more revelations coming which will force him out. Does he know something or is he just assuming or what?
Not assuming – wishing!
One for David P, whose insights I depend on and value for the actual US situation as much as I do others on such as matters ME (the current Egypt farrago being a case in point), as the national broadcaster I am compelled to pay for to the tune of £145.50pa (pensions inc.) could not report on die making without it ending up being totally bent.
Just in case Tub of Mardell sees it more as an instructional video.
I’ve already seen as much of this as I could stomach. It’s a classic example of how the white Left in the US views black people as their ideological property. We heard similar cries of Uncle Tom about Colin Powell, and there was much more vicious stuff aimed at Condi Rice, things that would never, ever be allowed if they were part of Democrat Administration. Left whites do not like it when blacks step out of line.
Mardell dismissed Herman Cain out of hand after the first candidates’ debate for uttering an unapproved thought about Muslim dual loyalty. That spoke volumes about Mardell’s own ideological biases than about the possible effects of Cain’s statement. Cain presents a problem for the Left because he disproves the racism charges against the Tea Party movement and Republicans, and because they all know – and condone – that blacks tend to vote as a bloc for their own kind.
The BBC totally understands and accepts racial voting when minorities do it. Last year, Andy Gallacher essentially accused a Mexican-American candidate of being a traitor to his race for being a Republican. So Mardell will have his work cut out for him if Cain maintains his current ratings.
Cain’s genuine accomplishments are a problem for the BBC’s Obama cheerleaders too. His CV pisses all over Obama’s media-blessed rose petal strewn march from liberal academia to the White House via community activism.
I watched that appalling Laurence O’Donnell interview a couple of days ago. Some people criticise Herman Cain for even going into the MSNBC studios – but I would not be surprised if he actually won a lot of black votes from that interview.
Cain’s ability to handle interviews and give fairly extempore speeches seems to be winning him a lot of friends. Big uphill task to match all Romney’s money – but Cain could emerge as the choice of the small-government Republicans ?
I liked the forthrightness of Col. Allen West from the off – but he could not go forward as a candidate this time (unless as V-P). I like Cain too, love his genuine Georgia accent that contrasts so clearly with Obama’s plummy Ivy League tones (except when The One is talking down to people in da hood).
It’s strange – nobody assumes that white people should hold homogenous political views, yet for some reason the left make this assumption for non-whites. To not vote for or represent the correct political party is to be a traitor to ones minority assignation. Celebrate diversity – but sneer at political diversity within minority groups. Identity politics is offensive in so many ways.
Quite true, the white Left are the real racists who believe blacks are inferior. What hypocrites !
‘The BBC totally understands and accepts racial voting when minorities do it.’ That is not quite correct, should read ‘The BBC totally understands and accepts racial voting when minorities do it and vote for the BBC approved candidate’…
Pakistan legalizes persecution of Christians and others through blasphemy laws
Will INBBC report this fully, or censor it?
How should Britain respond to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan:
a.) by reciprocating, with Britain legalising the persecution of Muslims through changes to UK blasphemy laws?
b.) by ending all foreign aid to Pakistan from British taxpayers immediately?
c.) by ending all Muslim immigration from Pakistan to UK?
d.) by pretending, dhimmi-like, that nothing important is happening?
5. By increasing ‘aid’ payments to Pakistan.
The report on violence against Christians in Egypt on the News Channel just now was more of the softly, softly approach by the BBC about the problems of fundamentalist Islam taking over. According to the BBC, “it all started” when a bunch of Christians protested against the attack on a church. Notice that the BBC doesn’t see the Islamic attack as starting the problem, but the Christians protesting against it.
We were shown some pretty ugly footage of a large armored vehicle crashing through a crowd nearly killing several people, along with some typical mob violence. We were told that “gangs” got involved, when the Christians then clashed with police. Funny how it took the BBC two or three days to mention gang involvement in the “England riots”, but have no problem immediately discrediting the situation in Egypt.
Then we heard a statement from the police about how the stupid Christians were to blame for “turning on us. We were trying to protect them.” Another BBC contortion to appear impartial. I was just saying in another comment that they bend over backwards to keep from giving the impression that fundamentalist Islam causes trouble. It was obvious from the footage that the Egyptian police/army initiated the real violence, yet the BBC sets up the story by saying the Christians started it and caused the problem.
Then we heard about the Egyptian PM calling for unity, and how this is a tough time in Egypt’s passage to “a new future”. Who needs to unify, BBC? How many Christian attacks on mosques have there been recently, BBC? Why so one-sided and dishonest, BBC?
BBC Radio 2’s news bulletins this afternoon made a pseudo-concession in talking about “Radical Islamists” attacking the Copts (not thugs from the general Muslim pop’n, eh?) and brought on a talking head from some charidee-cum-thinktank explaining that the lack of progress post-Mubarak is essentially to blame.
“Egypt: Destroying Churches, One at a Time”
by Raymond Ibrahim
A key reason why I’m inclined to turn to Raymond IBRAHIM, rather than to an INBBC ‘reporter’ on such Egyptian issues is because of Mr. Ibrahim’s knowledge in such matters:
Biographical info –
Another article today by the eminent Raymond Ibrahim
The Egyptian Military’s Crimes Against Humanity
Well it least it turns out the BBC are not anti-Semitic. Now they can refute any accusation of it by showing that they shaft Christians too. Hardly surprising, after all, what’s Christianity ever done for them?
Wow! BBC Radio 4 has a new series starting on Sunday,
Ferguson on Obama – Performance Notes on a Presidency, in which Niall Ferguson examines Obama’s presidency on its 3rd anniversary.
As if!!
No, they’ve actually got a new two-part series starting on Sunday calledYounge on Obama – Performance Notes on a Presidency, in which screaming leftie Gary Younge of (oh so ****ing predictably) the ‘Guardian’ examines Obama’s presidency.
Incidentally, I’ve noticed that the Radio 4 website (such as ‘The Media Show’ page) is developing a habit of neglecting to identify people as being ‘from the Guardian’, because there are so many of them. They are starting to call some of them just by their names, or calling them ‘media commentators’ or, as in this case, just ‘journalist’. Are they trying to cover up their ‘Guardian’ links?
…and I didn’t even mean the presenter, Steve Hewlett!
OMFG. As if Mardell’s propaganda isn’t enough for them? I demand a rebuttal.
Consider this, regarding Obama on the campaign trail in 2008 :
“consensual where Bush was polarising”
How things have changed since then!
Are they trying to cover up their ‘Guardian’ links?
As I recall, when this happens, and they get caught, the denier squad of Dez, Dozy, Beaky Mick and Titch seem to emerge from their slumber with a cut & pasted ‘gotcha’ from 2008 provided by the BBC archive crew to show that it’s ‘only’ 80% of the time – for a newspaper whose ABC ratings are curoiusly lees than akin to the representative balance of UK public preferences the BBC claims, and is bound to reflect.
Though Mehdi Hassan is lobbed in to not look too obvious.
Ferguson’s views on Obama should be interesting, especially as Ferguson is employed by Harvard. ( I am not a fan of Ferguson, by the way ! ).
I’m currently doing battle with the BBC’s Freedom of Information office, whose entire purpose in life seems to be sending out emails and .PDF files that say:
The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion.
All of my requests for information have been answered in this way, and I am left wondering what information – if any – they can and do supply.
Anyway, I had to laugh at this paragraph in their latest 4-page missive:
The BBC agrees that we have the right to protect our journalistic and editorial independence by maintaining just such a private space in which to produce our content. This extends to the sifting and review of praise and criticism from audiences, as well as the seeking of an independent view of criticism in order to undertake this review process. This is an important part of the BBC’s process of creating and improving programmes. Despite the BBC’s obligation to be independent and impartial, many bodies, groups and individuals attempt to influence our output. This pressure takes many forms and has to be resisted by programme makers across the BBC.
I guess it is all very well attempting to resist influence on the BBC’s impartiality, but when it is coming from WITHIN the BBC they really don’t stand a chance.
We all know that the BBC has a left wing bias. However i read somewhere, may have been a posting on this site, that left wingers think the BBC has a right wing bias?!? Try as i might, i can’t think of any right wing bias as far as the BBC is concerned. Does anyone here have any examples of this supposed BBC right wing bias?
Nick Robinson was a Young Conservative! Plus Andrew Neil. That’s all the proof defenders of the indefensible will need.
Don’t forget the third man the lefties usually mention, Jeremy Clarkson!
Let me think………..
Shh, don’t mention that Chris Patten, Chairman of the BBC Trust, is a card carrying member of the Conservative Party.
Or that Craig Oliver, editor of BBC News at Ten (married to BBC News presenter Joanna Gosling) is now David Cameron’s “Director of Communications”.
Yes, that’s right Dez, even though Patten is not a BBC employee and has nothing to do with operations or journalism, his mere presence trumps the other thousands upon thousands of employees. Well done, you.
I was watching Countryfile last night and I swear I saw a tree. That is the Conservative Party logo, isn’t it? Biased right-wing bastards these BBC types.
David Preiser,
“Yes, that’s right Dez, even though Patten is not a BBC employee and has nothing to do with operations or journalism…”
That’s strange.
Less than four weeks ago Robin Horbury posted this:
In which he claimed the BBC reporting of EDF price rises was influenced by Chris Patten:
“The reality is that the BBC is also part of the scam. EU pensioner and apparatchik Lord Patten, chairman of the BBC so-called trustees, tops up his fat earnings by a number of directorships, including as a member of the “stakeholder advisory panel” of a company called…EDF.”
To which your response was:
“Who could have seen this coming, eh? *DONT_KNOW* ”
No mention of Patten not being a BBC employee, or having “nothing to do with operations or journalism”.
Very strange…
Very weak, Dez. That has nothing to do with journalism or the day-to-day operations of the BBC. That has nothing to do with the internal workings, nothing to do with newsgathering, nothing to do with hiring, nothing to do with editorial policy, nothing to do with anything inside the BBC. If anything it shows that Patten is on-side, which doesn’t help your case that he’s a Tory to balance out the biased actual employees.
David Preiser,
“That has nothing to do with the internal workings, nothing to do with newsgathering, nothing to do with hiring, nothing to do with editorial policy, nothing to do with anything inside the BBC”
I see. So when Robin Horbury claimed in the above post that BBC reporters had been; “dragooned by the trustees into suppressing the views of those who disagree with climate change lies” you also thought that the trustees had nothing to do with journalism or the day-to-day operations of the BBC?
a·nom·a·ly /əˈnäməlē/
Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
“Lord Patten’s appointment will not be welcomed by all his fellow Conservatives at Westminster however. He is considered of the left of the party, “a wet,” and too pro-European for many having worked in Brussels as a commissioner.”
Here are some past and present links between Labour and the BBC.
And how about some comment on the twittering BBC lefties
Well done for getting 2 names (and one of them is still being paid a tidy sum by the EU)
“Chris Summers, a BBC journalist who is also a Labour council candidate in Ealing, has been given a role managing the content of constituency pages on the BBC website. ”
Yes; talking of BBC Trust Chairman, C. PATTEN, presentday E.U. propagandist (and European Commissioner 1999-2004), it is noticeable that BBC-EU shows its political preference for its Green Party chums over UKIP.
“Europe. Taxes. Immigration. After 52 years, Lord Hesketh explains why he’s turned his back on the Tories”
By Simon Heffer
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2047626/Europe-Taxes-Immigration-After-52-years-Lord-Hesketh-explains–Why-Ive-turned-Tories.html#ixzz1aQQv90Pj
Since when has the current misnamed Conservative party been at all Conservative?
Long ago perhaps but since Cameron took over it is just another part of the liberal left consensus and on every issue it is predictable.
I would rather have a red raw socialist party in power.
My cat is more conservative than the lot of them.
Patten may be a member of the Conservative Party, but he is not a conservative.
Dez Patten is about as Tory as Gordon Brown is straight.
Yes, Gay Gordon, one of the worst kept secrets in Scotland !
This sub-thread started when Jonathan S posted “Does anyone here have any examples of this supposed BBC right wing bias?” And the best that Dez can come up with is Chris Patten.
Let us suppose for a second that the EU-loving toady Mr Patten in any way qualifies as right-wing. How exactly does one name count as bias when compared with the mountain of evidence showing a solidly left-leaning viewpoint demonstrated in the BBC’s output and the window into their souls, Twitter?
To the BBC, Chris Patten is ‘right wing’. We all know how they love to throw the phrase ‘far right’ around, but then Panama is ‘far north’ when you’re stood on the Falkland Islands.
Dezzie’s excuse (sorry, example) was predicted on this site as soon as the Patten appointment was made. Most on here knew that the lefties would feel more able than ever to express their bigoted prejudices as they could claim – “look Lord Patten is in charge and he’s a Conservative”.
Dezzie has fallen into line as predicted (in everything he and Scotty are very predictable) and the Beboids have also fallen into predicatble and completely unfettered bias.
It was clear that Cameron (like Patten, a Conservative in Name Only (CINO)) appointed Fatty Pang to stop the justified accusations of Leftism. The fact that Patten has still not walked across the floor does not mean he is a Conservative at all, in fact he is part of the problem, not the solution.
the case for patten being a real conservative is as strong as Sally from the Allley’s pet poodle John Bercow
in name only……
In the twisted little minds of Lefties, if anyone who is not Left-Wing appears on the BBC, it means the BBC is biased to the Right.
“Has Patten forgotten his war on BBC?”
By Richard Kay
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2047741/Has-Chairman-Lord-Patten-forgotten-war-BBC.html#ixzz1aUns00Qa
Absolutely the point, Roland; that there are people associated with the political right at the BBC is not the same thing as evidence of bias.
Indeed, the fact that that there are such people and yet their bias is not manifest in BBC output is evidence of something else entirely.
No one want’s to talk about Craig Oliver? Oh there’s a surprise…
I understand it’s considered right-wing bias when the BBC lets Mark Regev speak. I don’t think it happens often enough to constitute the balance of complaints that the BBC boasts of, although the vehemence might make up for the lack of numbers. 🙁
The BBC pro-Israeli? Is the Pope Jewish?
Although defining the Middle East in left-right terms fails the slightest examination supporters of the Palestinians (another definition that fails examination) see themselves as Left and supporters of Israel as Rght.
As Mark Twain said, “Figures don’t lie but liers sure know how to figure”.
In the usual BBC ‘Climate’ spot on the toady prog – a walley speaks.
Go from 54 mins in.
I could not think of a better recommendation for the repeal of the Climate Act than to listen to this preaching lefty twaddle from 10:10 campaign supporter Joan Walley MP.
I hate to be pedantic but…
nah!…who am I kidding?
I listened to the Toady soft and culcha bit after chewing on the bones of a Tory or two after 8am.
It was about Sandy Denny…fine singer and tragic waste in dying so young.
Fair enough…but who the hell feeds Humphrys his links.
Poor old fool clearly had his ear trumpet pointing towards Mecca of the croissant trolley…because he managed to insult the poor woman by being so wrong in what he said.
1.Thea Gilmour was NOT a friend of Sandys,…bit of an age gap there had he been listening earlier in the piece. Thea was probably not even alive when Sandy passed over.
2. Humphrys confusing Thea with Whispering Bob Harris-who was a friend and spoke in the broadcast.
After all the faux emoting and the usual trawl round for Dennys daughter (or so I`d imagine)-it was good indeed of the Denny estate to let Thea have the songs to work on and record…but Humph was phoning it all in, garbled and confused…came across as indifference to me ,given that it was the “aah..bless” bit before the business crap at 8.40.
How much do we pay the old fool to insult Sandy Denny by just not being bothered to rehearse-or at least listen to what his own bloody show has just said.
And no…the frequent trips to the loo do not excuse the clown…he`d hang any Tory for far less than his own oft-proven ineptitude!
So I’m half-listening to the News Channel, when they announce a new study showing that the nasty Tory benefit changes will put even more children into poverty by 2020, as well as putting more “working age” people into poverty. I didn’t understand how changes in the benefits system would put more people into poverty because I’m a cruel and naive United Statesian and assumed that only people already in poverty would be on benefits. So I started paying attention.
Reeta C did a report about how dire things were going to get because of the changes, and that the Tory promises that these would actually encourage those of working age into work were going to take too long. She gave us the requisite anecdotal person, a working class man with a young child, ominous voice over of how things were going to get worse for the poor moppet before things got better. Nothing in the figures she read out told me how exactly more people would be put into poverty.
Then it’s back to the studio, and Sophie Beeboid has on the video feed some mouthpiece from the Joseph Rountree Foundation. Naturally he’s full of gloom and doom. To the BBC News team’s credit, Sophie asked him how it could get worse when according to the Government their plans would actually remove 450,000 children form poverty over the next few years. That’s all very well and good, he allowed, but things were really going to get worse, etc., the jobs people would get would be too low and so would be hurt by the reform in childcare benefits, and actually 650,000 children would be put into poverty. Quite a difference in interpretation there.
Before you ask, no, there was no one from the Government available to comment.
Naturally, when the figures given are all over the damn place and advocates say 650,000 children will be put into poverty, my suspicions were aroused. It was simple enough to look up the report on the Institute For Fiscal Studies’ website, and guess what:
They’re talking about “relative poverty” (see Pg. 9). Absolute poverty is expected to fall slightly over the next few years, and then remain stable. What a shock, the BBC drops the key qualifier – “relative” – when reporting that 650,000 children will be thrust into poverty by the nasty Tories. So once again the public is grossly misled by the BBC.
There is no poverty in the UK. Full stop !
Wall Street Protesters Plan ‘Millionaires March’ to Tycoons’ New York City Homes
First the intimidation, then comes the violence. They are the BBC’s heroes.
There have already been many arrests, lots of anti-social acts and quite a lot of threatening behaviour, plus some actual violence eg trying to break into the Air and Space museum. Ominous presence of union heavies. Not reported by the BBC, though. Nor are the BBC reporting that there is not a single US flag to be seen at any of the “Occupy” protests, but I expect quite a few Hammer-and-Sickles and Socialist Worker placards.
I gather that at tonights debate among Repub candidates – the debates are always hosted by lefty MSM types ! – the knives will be out for Herman Cain. (At eacdh of the debates a lot of the questioning has been aimed at pulli ng down whoever the right-wing opponent to Romney is, first Bachman, then Perry, now Cain. The meme already floated in the MSM is that Cain is not truly a black man – he can’t be, he ain’t whinging about being a victim all his life.
Some slogans I have seen so far :
Cain versus Unable !
Raising Cain !
Yes We Cain !
Cain Mutiny !
Yes, John, but that’s all violence against the police: the evil authorities, The Man. Now we’ll see the real heart and true spirit of these people, when they engage in violence against their fellow citizens. I know the BBC will see it as nothing compared to what the evil corporations have done to us, etc., similar to how they rolled their eyes at the vandalism at Fred Goodwin’s home.
What angers me is the fact that all this is going on, which never, ever happened at any of the thousands of Tea Party gatherings over the last two plus years, and the BBC doesn’t fret over it. Yet Mark Mardell tried to smear millions of people in the Tea Party movement based on one single incident, which wasn’t even instigated by the non-Left guy.
You have every right to be annoyed at the disparate media treatment of the Occupy protests/riots and the orderly behaviour of the Tea Partiers. But I hope the Occupy stuff carries on and Democrats continue to flirt with it all – because it must be turning the stomach of a lot of law-abiding independent voters and definitely firing up the Tea Partiers.
Have you made up your mind yet on which Repub candidate you prefer, given that Christie and Palin are now out of the picture ? Or waiting to see how things go, plenty of time yet ?
Now that Cain has been doing his homework, it’s either him or Perry. I’d rather it wasn’t Romney, but he might be more electable than Perry. Cain is electable if he steps up his policy game.
I think Cain has now got to first base – achieving name-recognition and a lot of people knowing his Main Street business background. And maybe approaching second-base ? – doing well in debates so far, well on TV interviews, and getting high figures for intensity-of support and general likeability.
If Perry does not do well tonight, is his star fading ?
Cain is NOT spending big bucks on the primaries – he does not yet have a fraction of the funding Romney has. But maybe that is a selling point this election – standing as an outsider against the Beltway candidate with all the money. And his supporters certainly seem enthusiastic – if he won most of the Tea Party activist votes he’d have active unpaid grassroots support in small states with early primaries. Looking good in Iowa already, momentum building ?
If Cain does well in the early smaller-state primaries, he MAY start to attract big funds, which he will need for Florida in January and for Super Tuesday.
But as you say – he needs to flesh out on policy. Soundbites are not good enough.
Much of the focus of the US media and blogs etc has been on Cain for 2 weeks now as he has been in the ascendant. The BBC is way behind the curve on this. As with other stories, eg the gathering strength of the Tea Party movement, the BBC FAILS to report what is happening in US politics.
But then they only have a whole bunch of staff headed by Lardy Mardy, and the US news operation probably costs less than $5 million a year !
I think you might be wrong there, John. The BBC has increased spending and hiring for their US coverage. I’ll have more info on that very shortly.
BBC News Channel just announced that Werrity was living rent-free in Liam Fox’s taxpayer-funded second home, and was running a business from it. Looks like Martin had it right from the beginning.
Spot the Missing Word from this BBC report about the new study about poverty figures over the next few years. The News Channel is now doing more scare-mongering about hundreds of thousands of lives being destroyed by poverty in the next few years. At the moment they’re showing a video of a sad young boy explaining how the electrics shut off in his home and they can’t make food.
Millions of children in poverty, it’s only going to get worse despite the nasty Tory claims (which aren’t explained in full, and no Tory is allowed on to defend it).
The Missing Word from this and all BBC reports on the topic today:
Relative. As in relative poverty. The IFS report (pdf file) is about relative poverty, and now some advocate is stating on air that “the definition of poverty” is relative. “You know you’re marked for life”. Children’s lives destroyed, full sympathy from Huw Edwards, nearly in tears himself it seems. And the BBC is being dishonest about the whole story.
Any family of 4 earning less that £373 per week is in poverty!!!
So if this is how poverty is measured you will be entitled to quite a number of benefits
People ar not queing up in Calais to come to England so they can live in poverty.
I know what poverty is and that is not it.
Just heard a similar item on PM. Funny how the analysis doesn’t extend to the fact that far fewer people would be in poverty if they weren’t paying billions in taxes in order to fund: the EU; benefits for immigrants; compensation for muslim terrorists; aid for Pakistan so it can keep developing nukes…
And not least the vastly inflated wages of so-called ‘BBC talent’.
Tonights PM with Carolyn Quinn played an extract from something that Chris Parry said.
Parry says that Fox has “questions to answer”…I`ve no problem with that at all.
I do have a problem with the BBCs selective use of the great man though…for in the Sunday Times (11.6.2006) he paints a truly prophetic vision of the consequences of unfettered immigration…including the piracy bits involving radical Islam on the Med!
Quite brilliant analysis…but hey, that is NOT what the BBC would have wanted to hear, so poor old Chris was not invited onto PM to give his apocalyptic vision for Britain…not then, or indeed ever since!
Fast forward to 12.6.08…and he`s in hot water again.
Parry accurately portrays the education in the state sector for what it is…same as it was when he said it!
He was, however, speaking as Chairman of the Independent Schools Council…so no surprise that he was vilifed if not ignored…oh, and he lost his job soon after!
Clearly as an ex-Navy bigwig he has his uses to the BBC…but only when his message suits the researchers remit!
Selection of quotes and talking heads needs to be highlighted and condemned much as the selection in schools that got old Parry the sack!
Still-wish these salts would realise that it`s never wise to give the Beeb a quote…they`ll only want your opinion if it suits theirs!
CLOSE DOWN BBC’s global imperialist activities and its use of our money for Arabic/Islamic imperialism.
At present, British taxpayers are forced to finance BBC World Service broadcasting by e.g. providing INBBC Arabic Television, 24/7 to Arabic speaking/Islamic populations of the Middle East and beyond.
” BBC Arabic Television ”
In a couple of years, British licencepayers will have to pay for all of the World Service , including Arabic Television.*
*(Of course this means that British people are paying for the broadcasting interests of predominantly Islamic peoples.)
This should be stopped immediately because:
1.) it is not the role of the BBC to make British licencepayers pay for broadcasting to the Middle East;
2.) this is all part of the BBC’s ever-expanding global broadcasting empire;
3.) a large money-saving exercise should be undertaken by ending the World Service operating from Bush House, and from BBC Arab Television from Broadcasting House (Mecca-facing East Wing);
4.)the case of BBC Arabic Television is an attempt to bolster the Arabic language when the are strong arguments to oppose the BBC’s effort to assist the use of Arabic, as outlined here:
“Does Anyone Speak Arabic?”
David P – I think we should be allowed to vote in the next US election. Not because you “rule the world”, but because it would be an education for Britains to be able to take part in a democratic process. Here we vote blue and get red, vote yellow and get red and vote red and get red.
I think that 1992 was the last time we had a partial democracy.
No offense, JHT, but I really wouldn’t want to add millions more Socialists into the voting ranks, thanks.
You are right, democracy died in the UK, decades ago.
As expected, IN BBC’s BENNETT-JONES does a ‘Pontius Pilate’ on Islamic jihadists, HEZBOLLAH.
(No doubt he’d be politically at home churning out the same ‘Pontius Pilate’ piece on Bin Laden, and on the Muslim Brotherhood.)
“Hezbollah: Terrorist organisation or liberation movement?”
Note: there is but a single Beeboid word on how the Islamic Republic of Iran suppports the jihadists of Hezbollah with weapons and finance.
“Iran’s Global Terrorist Reach”By Walid Phares
Funny how he leaves out the reason for the “decades of occupation”. I was in Israel when that all started, so can’t be fooled by the BBC’s whitewashing of history. And it was actually a bit less than 19 years, but I guess “decades” is still sort of accurate, if a stretch.
The US designates Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation?
So the US just *designates* it as a terrorist organisation? And the US is spoken for by Richard Baehr, who is described as “the political director of the conservative online magazine American Thinker. ”
Alistair Crooke, however, the notorious Israel-hating director of Conflicts Forum alongside would-be suicide bomber Azzam Tamimi, is “a former British intelligence agent, he now runs a think tank in Beirut through which he has frequent contact with Hezbollah. “They are a resistance movement,” he says. “They are a liberation movement.”
Is this worthy of reporting for Islam Not BBC (INBBC)?:
Not a single Christian church left in Afghanistan
Will BBC-NUJ-Democrat expose SOROS funding of ‘OCCUPY’?
From Glenn BECK’s ‘The Blaze’ –
“Exposed: Written by an Anarchist, Anti-Capitalism Group ‘Occupied Wall Street Journal’ (Full-Color, Free Newspaper) Is Funded by George Soros, the Tides Foundation, Code Pink and Michael Moore”
More amusing is that these anti-capitalists who are angry about corporate greed have no problem funneling the money through The Alliance for Global Justice, who arrange “financial sponsorship” for activist events like this, and take 7% off the top for the pleasure.
That’s more than twice what American Express or PayPal charge for transactions. And way more than any evil bank. It’s more in the direction of what evil financial brokers charge.
The BBC doesn’t know this, can’t be bothered, and wouldn’t call them out on it if they did.
Guardian Appoints Engage Employee As Stand In Religious Affairs Columnist
(As INBBC, so too the ‘Guardian’.)
My EPG tells me that Jeremy Paxman is on the One Show to plug his book.
At least Blair was prepared to get the wind on his face to go to Waterstones, until he decided it “wouldn`t be worth the hassle”.
Poncey Paxman presumably is in the BBC lift all day with interns to hold his Starbucks at every floor.
For Gods sake…how many more programmes can the Beeb find for this empty vessel!
Oh…and EPG described him as “Britains scariest interviewer”…true aspirational fantasy that the BBC seem to excel at!
What is the plural for a car park full of old dessicated BBC “attack dogs” turned into hush puppies for ED Balls and Co…a Dimble perhaps?
a ‘Slobber’.
Desperate to keep a story going, news24 at 830pm gave us an update on ‘FOX news’. Werritty has been interviewed, yes we know that it was known yesterday that he will be interviewed today: no report on what has been said, yes we know that the report will not be until tomorrow atg the earliest.
So the news was we have nothing new to add but we will say something nethertheless.
For the BBC-NUJ pro-drugs lobby:
“Even the Dutch think skunk drives you mad”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2047750/The-grass-greener-Holland.html#ixzz1aVGm2bd0
Note for BBC-NUJ:
more censorship by ‘leftists’ –
-“The New Statesman: The Toadies’ Gazette”
(by Nick Cohen)
Radio 4’s ‘Book of the Week‘ at the moment is Christopher Hitchens’ latest collection of essays, Arguably. There are 108 essays for them to choose from, covering a broad canvas of history, literature, science and politics. They’ve missed out all his literature pieces and have chosen four political ones instead, plus a medition on science.
There are a wide range of political essays in the book. They could have chosen any of his essays on the threat from radical Islam (such as this). They chose not to, nor to pick any of his essays on the Iraq War, which he supported (such as this.) Nor his powerful essay, ‘What Happened to the Suicide Bombers of Jerusalem?’ They passed over his essays attacking the madness of Hugo Chavez and the Castro Dynasty or his pieces on the slave state of North Korea.
They will be broadcasting a fine piece on Lebanon, probably for its hopeful ending (which will chime with their enthusiasm for the ‘Arab Spring’). It will be interesting to see how they abridge that long piece. Will they cut out much of his savaging of the thuggish/anti-semitic elements in Lebanon?
The other three articles are just what you would expect the BBC to select:
1. Believe Me – It’s Torture. An attack on the U.S. use of waterboarding.
2. Let Them East Pork Rinds. A piece on class and the flooding of New Orleans, beginning with a strong attack on George W. Bush and his mother.
3. The Vietnam Syndrome. An attack on America’s use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.
108 essays to choose from, and the BBC select the three that seem most to reflect their political prejudices, pieces all from the Left side of Hitchens, none from his Right side.
Superb as ever, Craig. I heard a couple of the progs – thinking that is NOT standard Chris Hitchens stuff these days.
The old face of INBBC: pro-Islam, pro-Muslim Brotherhood, pro-censorship’ –
“Tawakul Karman: ‘New face of Yemen’ ”
By uncritical Lina Sinjab
What INBBC and Lina Sinjab censor:
“Nobel Peace Prize Winner’s Links to Muslim Brotherhood”
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report
Forgive me if this has been posted elsewhere, but I found this story from Stinky journalism very telling about the tripe the BBC are wiling to publish unchecked, especially if it is anti-Israel
Thanks for that link, Alfie – another site to bookmark.
Also at that site (which I think was covered here at the time) :
The BBC’s “Montage” Tampered With President Obama’s Inaugural Words on Climate Change
Both stories are egregious examples of the BBC ‘at work’.
No factual doubt.
Yet not a peep from David, G, Dezy, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Titch, other than a cherry vulture swoop on a typo on occasion.
Yet nothing happens.
Except we are compelled by law to fund such ‘journalism’ forever and a day.
And my (Tory) MP, who now tweets about his DP sofa coverage, trots out to concerns that it is a ‘national treasure’ that must be supported.
He is easily bought off. Wonder how he’ll feel when they turn on him come the run upo to the next election.
Democracy means I can kick him into touch. THe BBC… not so much.
INBBC is sticking to its utopian political line on ‘Arab Spring’ in e.g. Egypt, as the Islamic repression grows:
“Where That Arab Spring In Egypt Has Ended Up”
Islamic violent plotting in America:
Sunni/Shi’ite jihad comes to America: Iranian plot to murder Saudi ambassador to U.S. foiled
INBBC omits any reference to relevance of age-old schism between Sunnis and Shi’ites in Islam, and in the Islamic struggle for supremacy in the Middle East:
“Iran agents ‘planned US terror attacks'”
The political ‘left’ is already working on how it can blame its enemy Israel for all this. Er, er, er,, er, …
Tonight’s bias:
On Newsnight – a debate between three green fanatics: Batty Barker, Loony Lucas and some guy who claimed to be a representative of manufacturing industry – but turned out to be just another parasite seeking taxpayer subsidies. The topic of debate whether the UK gov are green enough and how they could be more green.
Once again the BBC failed to invite anyone on to ask the obvious question: “By how much will all these damaging green taxes reduce global temperatures – given that the UK generates only 1% of total man-made CO2 and the annual increase in Chinese CO2 is greater than our entire CO2 output”
And in the main news – repeated disingenuous reference to Gilad Shalit – the Israeli soldier kidnapped in Israel by Hamas terrorists – as “captured”. A blatant attempt to portray his kidnap and 5 year imprisonment without trial or humanitarian access as a perfectly legitimate action.
As they say at the BBC: impartiality is in our genes.
Another question would be to delve into how, exactly, many of these promosed or imposed measures actually reduce GHGs anyway, as most seem to be founded on very dubious cradle to grave lifescycle analyses.
As to Mr. Shalit, 1000 to 1 shows what the ‘deal’ is in the ME, and to any not brainswashed as to Hamas’ activities just how fair any exchanages with such people are.
Obama’s $447 billion jobs plan blocked with 50-49 Senate vote
President Obama received a slap from members of his own party Tuesday as the Senate voted 50-49 to block his $447 jobs package.
But, but, but, Mark Mardell told me it would have trouble passing because the Republicans found it ideologically objectionable. So what about the Democrats who voted against it? Does not compute….does not compute….Narrative fail…..
Just…what… value has the BBC’s editorial analysis have any more?
It seems no more than a £4Bpa indugence to let deluded tribal obsessives post their wishes to the tooth fairy than any actual news.
I bet the BBC would not run this – the typical face of the Occupy loons in the US. It all harks back to the pacifists and hippy protests in the 1960s. Except that this time there are Soros and union fingerprints all over it.
This rabble may be making all the noise. But in the end, the silent majority voted. And Nixon won in a landslide, for all his faults.