It’s really all so simple when you understand the meme. The US is always wrong and the US military in particular is evil, a global bully. By way of contrast the Taliban are noble, exuding a humanity few truly appreciate, apart from BBC presenter Lyse Doucet. I was relieved to read the BBC dutifully report that despite the atrocious desecration of some of these noble humanitarians by evil Marines the Taliban have said it will not stop their commitment to the peace process. Taliban – heroes. Marines = enemies of civilisation. Oddly enough, the BBC don’t seem to be that interested in the mutilations, the maimings, the decapitations and the murders which the Taliban impose on fellow Afghans. Desecration seems a one way street these days.
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The Taliban are “students” remember?…as those Iranian gentlemen were that trashed the Embassy a few weeks ago.
Like the Zimbabweean “War Veterans”…the BBC would like their EMA restored in the case of the former…and no doubt those metal cenotaph plaques have gone to a good home to real heroes of the revolution-as opposed to those dupes who resisted Hitlers first stab at a united, federal Europe back in 1938.
What is your problem with these students not getting some butcher training on the go…and maybe their intemperance is due to the Tories not allowing them to attend golf enhancement studies at Roehampton Uni…so let them be!
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) politically supports:
Taliban, Hezbollah, Fatah and Hamas,
and opposes the English Defence League, which is against all those Islamic jihad organisations.
Not forgetting Israel, which the bbc viscerally hates.
yep! major news again eh!, filled with fury, and i really hope offence.
Did they saw the heads off them? whilst still alive?, drone out threat after threat? claim its for erm … allah?
sorry el beeb all out of sympathy here, go handwring somewhere else.
If your brown-nosing media coverage is because of biased broadcasting cresent, and obamas erm “islamic” respect …
go swivel! … already knobama, seems to have forgotten acid burning for no burkha, keeping kids in burning buildings, in case their “seen” by the wrong person?, stonings, decapitations etc
One or more of those genocidal c-nts could have killed ken bigley, daniel pearl etc etc etc.
They want to go to erm … allah anyway, they want to be martyrs
they ve been helped on the way ……. with a wash into the bargain.
allah ackbar to that .
bbc shame on you
“Taliban spokesman Qari Yousuf Ahmadi told the BBC that this was not the first time Americans had carried out such a “wild action” and that Taliban attacks on the Americans would continue” note apparently not shocked,(hardly surprising …
must be pretty tame compared to their abhorrent behavior).
apparently “alls fair in love and war” then, 😀 and so THAT should be the extent of the story
If we could talk to the Taliban…
If we could talk to the Taliban, just imagine it
Chatting to a thug with an RPG
Imagine talking to a Tamil tiger, chatting to ETA
What a neat achievement that would be.
If we could talk to the Taliban, learn their languages
Maybe take a PPE degree.
We’d study Red Faction and PLO fair, Hamas and Blair,
N Korean, SWAPO, and flea (brain).
We would converse in Argie and Monty python,
And we could curse in fluent temple trashing too.
If people asked us, can you speak in tearymoting nonsense,
We’d say, ‘Of courserous, can’t you?’
If we could talk to the Taliban, grasp their motivations
Think of all the things we could discuss
If we could walk with the Taliban, talk with the Taliban,
Grunt and squeak and squawk with the Taliban,
And they could squeak and squawk and speak and talk to us
(well, via the BBC edit suite first, of course)
Good to know that the spirit of Lionel Bart lives on!
Well done sir!
Nor is the BBC interested in making too much fuss about the raping of young boys which is endemic in Pashtun culture. They sent one Beeboid to a report on the “dancing boys” a little over two years ago, but even he played it down.
Although I guess in some quarters, having sex with young boys is a feature, not a bug.
goodness, don t say to much about that dave, it is SOOO! offensive.
whatever next the talibans pashtun fags parade 😀
strange but true
Odd isn’t it? They’ll hang a man for being in love with another yet just lurve to abuse boys.
What jolly chaps they are. 🙁
I say bugger Afghanistan.
He probably participated, you know what some of these BBC types are like…
Typical of Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
-it reports persecution of (Muslium) women in Afghanistan, without reference to role of Islamic repression of women!
“What future for Afghan woman jailed for being raped ?”
(by Caroline WYATT)’
Of course, ‘Jihadwatch’ etc has concentrated on this fundamental Islamic problem for years, but the likes of INBBC and most Western ‘feminists’ have avoided the problem.
Afghanistan: Half of women in prisons are there for “moral crimes,” EU documentary deemed too dangerous to women to be shown
[Opening extract]:
“Amnesty International says it is important to ‘lift the lid on one of Afghanistan’s most shameful judicial practices.’
That shameful practice is part of Sharia, under which four witnesses must support allegations of a sex crime. Thus, a woman making accusations of rape opens the door to charges of adultery if she has not obtained the necessary witnesses, in accordance with Qur’an 24:13.
Such a rule may not be officially on the books yet, but Sharia is enshrined as the highest law of the land in Afghanistan, and the constitution says nothing can go against it. It is already being enforced in practice, and any prospective reforms will come up against protests in the name of protecting the integrity of Islamic law.”