Complaints About Complaints

“Hundreds, if not thousands of people think the BBC is pro Israel. And an equal number think the opposite. How on earth do you adjudicate on matters as complicated as that?” asks BBC Newswatch’s Raymond Snoddy.

BBC Trust’s Richard Ayres has been brought in specially to help tell us that on balance the BBC gets it about right.

“It’s extremely difficult! It’s almost impossible for the BBC to do a news report on the M.E. without someone alleging that we are partial on one side or the other,” answers Mr Ayres,
“ sometimes on both” he adds, bafflingly.

(“Dear Sir,” someone has obviously written, “I am outraged by the BBC’s blatant bias against Israel and its blatant bias against the Palestinians” )

If they get complaints like that, no wonder it takes the BBC such a long time to reply.

Enjoy! Can’t wait for the new, speeded up complaints system!

Today in Parliament with Mark D’Arcy

M D’A:
“good evening. This is Mark D’Arcy at Westminster, where a peer who quit the Lib dems renews her attack on Israel.”

J T:
“I am not antisemitic. But I am anti-injustice.”M D’A:
“Plus border tensions between parliament and the civil service as the Sir Humphreys insist they answer to ministers, not to MPs[…] but first tonight, former Liberal democrat peer Lady Tonge who quit the party whip in the Lords after being told to withdraw criticisms of Israel has spoke out during a debate on the Middle East. Lady Tonge attracted furious criticism when she said Israel would not be there forever, defended her comments.”

J T :
“I am not antisemitic. But I am anti-injustice. And I think the treatment of the Palestinians over the last six decades by Israel and the international community has been a gross injustice which has eaten away at peace in the Middle East and has served to fuel extreme Islamism and terrorism.”

M D’A:
“She said she accepted that Israel had a right to exist – within its 1967 borders, but she gave a warning that its actions were becoming more and more dangerous, and she claimed it was attempting to make life for Palestinians impossible.”

J T :
“Our government deals with these violations of international law by urging restraint, and expressing concern. They’re worthy sentiments my lords, but they do not stop the relentless ethnic cleansing, land grab, and what many people would describe as terrorism, by the Israeli Airforce with their targeted assassinations. And because of the pro Israel lobby bullying tactics against anyone who speaks the truth, Israel is allowed to act with impunity.”

M D’A:
“Later, winding up the debate the foreign office minister Lord Howell said that Israel suffered regular missile attacks from Palestinian enclaves, and retaliated with force. Lady Tonge intervened.”

J T:
“The raining of missiles on Southern Israel, from Gaza, always follows a targeted assassination by the Israel Airforce.”

M D’A:
“Lord Howell retorted by quoting the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu”

L H:
“If there’s quietness on one side there’ll be quietness on the other side. There were targeted assassinations, there are constant threats of the elimination of Israel, there are these repostes by rockets.”

M D’A:
“At that Lady Tonge threw up her hands in exasperation. The debate ranged across the hotspots of the Middle East …….”

It did indeed, and nobody joined the dots.

I’m not blaming the BBC for reporting this ill-informed rant by Tonge, I’m not even bothering to tell Mark D’Arcy that he oversimplified and thus misrepresented the real cause of Ms Tonge’s dismissal from the Lib Dems. I’m not even going to mention the blurb that describes the audience at the event during which she sat next to and applauded Ken O’Keefe, as “a university audience.”

What I am doing is blaming the BBC for creating an atmosphere in Britain where a selective, fallacious and mischievous speech of this nature can pass virtually unchallenged in the House of Lords.


The latest greenie wheeze to spend tens of millions of our hard-earned cash is a nutcase scheme to build 100 £200,000 towers to counter the effect of an alleged planetary emergency’ of warming in the Arctic circle. British greenie fanatics now claim the seawater-spraying towers are required to prevent a build-up of nasty methane. The idiots involved previously wanted a fleet of £20m ships built to do the job, but now they say the emergency is so advanced that only the 100 towers will save us. Precise costings, it transpires, have not been carried out – money is clearly no object when you are saving the world from the public purse.

Richard Black, of course, is on the case like a rat up a drainpipe. He admiringly and without qualification outlines the nutty academics’ case, and embellishes the urgency of the story by repeating the greenie mantra that the Arctic ice is vanishing so fast that there will be none left within a few years. This fits with the totally unfounded long-term BBC frenzy on this topic: here, they predicted the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013. But no matter, Mr Black – in your quest so spread alarmism, we know here that any nutter scheme and any distortion will do.


An outraged B-BBC reader tells me;

“I could not believe my ears (or perhaps I should have, knowing the BBC) The report covered the truce between Militants (?) and Israel. The report was by Rupert Winfield Hays in the BBC Gaza Office!!! Can I suggest that you listen to pure BBC Bias

Examples .. More than 20 Palestinians killed.. not Militants…And some 200 rockets fired at Targets in Southern Israel.. Targets? What is wrong with the BBC reporting that Israeli civilians were being targeted? Would that not be a war crime by the Palestinian groups? Isn’t that how Syrian/Assad’s operations being described?!! A wasted ‘phone call to the BBC complaining about the report..I know it will be ignored !!”


As you will be aware the BBC is to sell TVprogrammes for download minutes after they broadcast Some might see this as a step forward, but one presumes that this is in addition to, and not instead of paying £145.50pa in advance as well, regardless of use or value. Worse again, the BBC informs us that viewers just can’t wait to lay out even more cash!!! WHO do they think they are fooling?

Question Time LiveBlog 15th March 2012

Tonight Question Time comes from St Andrews.

On the panel tonight we have Conservative leader in Scotland Ruth Davidson, Charlie *hic* Kennedy, Labour rebel Frank Field, Scottish National Party MSP Humza Yousaf and irritating toothy professional whinger Janet Street-Porter.

Your Moderators line-up consists of David Vance, David Mosque, TheEye and John Ward.

It’s a 10:30pm kick off and afterwards we will suffer the maddess that is This Week. In the past it’s been fair to say that QTs from Scotland have brought out some quite strong views from Commenters here. These days; satire, wit, banter and amusing heckling are welcome as always but plain abuse won’t get past moderation.

Don’t forget to look for Blue Nun Bingo updates on David Mosque’s website dedicated to the game here.

See you here later!


One of our many readers notes;

“I emailed the below to The Today Programme about BBC correspondents and why Jim Naughtiehad to go to the USA – needless to say I have had no reply except the automaticthankyou email…….

“Jim Naughtie is sent to the US for Super Tuesday, or is it just a jolly?
If I Google LIST OF BBC CORRESPONDENTS I get a Wikipedia page of who is alreadystationed there. There are 22 already, so why do you need to send someone else, unless its ajolly. Flights, hotels, expenses, support. What did all that cost? Why does he know any more than the 22 already there, and what do they cost? There are only three correspondents in Russia but he did not go there and thatwas a proper presidential election, not just selections. Shocking.”

Quite right too. This is just an indulgence and all at our expense.


Interesting catch of a little non-reporting from the BBC by Alan…

“BBC draws a veil over uncomfortable subject….

“A 7 hour stand off by armed police with army bomb disposal experts on hand to check a bag carried by a ‘veiled’ woman acting suspiciously. The Daily Mail reports this with photos of the woman and the reason for the standoff…..
The BBC has no photos of the woman, they mention the bomb squad but don’t reveal why they were on scene. Another occassion when the BBC refuses to report the full facts just in case people get the wrong idea about Muslims…..not bad going for the BBC…twice in one day burying potentially bad news….remember the Imam who died in an arson attack on a Mosque in Belgium today…no?…it’s there….on the BBC website….just you might not notice.
It would be good if the BBC allowed the viewer to make up their own mind about what is happening without the BBC censorship filtering out the inconvenient facts.