I note under the 1st picture, and through the story they only talk about “John Nugent”, nice, English name there for you, then onto “Antony Edward Judge”…another English sounding name there…but don’t really bother too much with the 12 or so “Enrichers”
The 10 “new” faces….well, 8 of them are of foreign decent, at the very least….no name checks?…..nahhhh…
We do get ethnic names though…like “Economic Secretary Sajid Javid” and “Chas Roy-Chowdhury, head of taxation at the ACCA accountancy body”
Talk about portraying one group in a bad light, one in a nice, glowing, almost spiritual one.
So overt was the spin on yesterday’s population figures I actually felt myself cringing.
Top of the pile was Beeb Home Editor Mark Easton explaining quite neatly how the 420,000 rise was due in the main to the largest “baby boom” since 1972. Hooray!
And the breath taking fact that men aged over 75 has risen. Hooray!
Oh and, erm, oh yes, there’s been 166,000 net migration, hardly worth mentioning though, let’s move on.
(And no mention whatsoever of the frightening – for some like me – fact that 1 in 4 of the “baby boom” new additions were born to immigrant mothers. But hey, nothing newsworthy in that is there?)
And finally, in the return to the Beeb’s immigration Utopia, it’s actually quite fortunate that the population is on the up because it means those of working age can help contribute towards pensions (as those of working age who come to our shores currently are often so wont to do).
As usual, a total and utter, head in the sand, nothing to see here so move along quickly, piss take.
NB – a quick glance at HMRC’s 20 most wanted gives a pretty decent insight into how we’ve been enriched – hooray for immigration!!
I was so glad that HMRC isn’t ‘hideously white’. Their list of most wanted was delightfully ethnically diverse. It fair warmed the cockles of my heart.
Nothing unusual about this – you should look at the FCA (and old FSA) website and see the people who get banned from transacting financial advice – and why.
Very interesting-when the facts are uncomfortable ignore them!
My solicitor has been compiling a list of names published in the Law Society Gazette of those practitioners who have been struck off for mal practice-you could not guess the result or could you?
On my local new program (Points West) we had an Asian presenter reporting on one of those, a VAT fraudster Nasser Ahmed. But watch as the focus is on the pictures of the two white chaps shown in steady focus.
I am fed up with the use of the “net migration” approach. We are still not really being told clearly by the BBC – or indeed by the Government – that inward migration was still running at over 500,000 last year.
And if 1 in 4 births were to immmigrant mothers – how many more were to second-generation immigrant families ? Does that take the figure up towards 1 in 3 ?
Even at 1 in 4 – why are we not told how this is distributed per city ? What is the figure for London – our capital city. We have some idiots on here who claim that the “face” of London has hardly changed – total lies. We are reaching a state of affairs where the schools will be overwhelmed with children of immigrants – not just in enclaves like Tower Hamlets, but across whole swathes of London.
But as usual, Easton’s deliberate aim is to conceal all this, to make the rather obscure official figures even more obscure.
We are sold the term ‘net immigration’ to lessen the blow that is immigration, the BBC brainwashed soft heads believing that immigration not as bad as it really is.
Its hardly like for like is it? eg the arrival of a male, his 2nd cousin wife and two inbred children from rural Pakistan does not equal the loss of a tax paying family of four off to Sydney does it?
Spot on John and Geoff – people in this country are being spun a totally false picture on the demographical impact of immigration on this country through deliberate omission of key facts, the BBC being the prime culprit.
At least some newspapers get under the skin of this whitewash – this was from 2008! (apologies for repeating this from the end of the last open thread):
The soaring birth rate among immigrant mothers will soon become the main driver of Britain’s rapid population growth, Government experts have predicted.
Immigration has been the biggest factor in increasing the population in recent years, and with millions of new arrivals starting families the birth rate is soaring.
The Office for National Statistics said yesterday that it could be the main source of overall population growth as early as next year, overtaking immigration itself.
Spot on about 2nd generation immigrants giving birth because no doubt they are classed as British births even though they may be Muslims with no loyalty to this nation. Still it makes it nice and easy for the BBC to obfuscate.
“We are reaching a state of affairs where the schools will be overwhelmed with children of immigrants – not just in enclaves like Tower Hamlets, but across whole swathes of London.”
They already are, in most parts of London schools are majority foreign ethnic.
Utterly uttterly predicatable. Anybody here could have written Easton’s script.
He had to do it of course- the hive demands it. But then he most certainly is of the hive , with the hive and onwards and upwards together to utopia.
Dishonest drivel that evades the key questions and we all know what they are .
1. Numbers of indigenous Britsih leaving.
2. Relative birth rates of indigenous English and immigrants
3. years to go before the indigenous are replaced as the majority .
4. What to do when they realise they are going to lose England.
Demographics is destiny and we all better understand this.
Not that Easton, Cameron and the elite care. Never has a people been so betrayed by their rulers and so easily.
Beeboids-Guardian-Labour Party (and much of U.K political class) STILL campaign for open-door, unlimited, mass immigration into U.K, including the entry of 80 million Muslims from Islamising Turkey into E.U.
” Immigration made America strong – but it threatens to ruin Europe”
I remain hopeful that the British indigenous population will wake to what the future holds for them if they don’t do something soon. But I am also glad that I am of an age when i will probably not live to see the awful end of this story of national suicide in a few decades time if positive action is not taken.
Its not the immigrants who should reap the whirlwind of anger, but those who sowed it, the liberal left, labour and of course, the BBC.
On PM the BBC have been running a series of reports from the USA about how the Hispanic population is increasing at an enormous rate. The reports seem to indicate how well everything is going , how dynamic the Hispanics are, how receptive the existing population is of them etc etc. None of this seems to chime with my , admittedly limited experience, of working in Tennessee 15 years ago, when racial tension was high.
However, the Hispanic immigrants do seem to want to get on and they don’t go around blaming the USA for just about everything , nor trying to kill its citizens on a regular basis. So I suppose there is better chance of a happy outcome to that story than the one we are seeing unfolding before our eyes in the UK.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Nothing ever really changes and we are finding this out.
Is their treachery deliberate or a result of stupidity?
Probably a mixture of both although so effete has the elite become I favour stupidity.
The worst generation ( the 68ers) in English history bar none. They have nothing to commend them and I hope our grandchildren curse them into oblivion.
They have elevated selfishness into their prime motivation and we can all see it in the huge undeserved rewards they loot from the nation.
Stop debating with them. It is past time on that. Turn your back.
They do not care about future generations, all they care about is themselves. Even the Vietnam war protests (insofar as they were about anything other than causing a bit of destruction) were little more than trying to avoid getting drafted into the armed forces – about Pol Pot and the killing fields or the consequences of Mao’s Cultural Revolution they could not care a jot.
A truly vile self-indulgent selfish arrogant and greedy generation – always expecting somebody else to pick up the tab.
“On PM the BBC have been running a series of reports from the USA about how the Hispanic population is increasing at an enormous rate. The reports seem to indicate how well everything is going , how dynamic the Hispanics are, how receptive the existing population is of them etc etc.”
As Mandy Rice-Davies might put it, “They WOULD say that, wouldn’t they?”
Of course, the question is a vexed one, as the Hispanic population of the US is not a monolithic one; Puerto Ricans are citizens from birth, Cubans are in the main refugees or their descendants, and Mexicans are either the “indigenous” kind, descended from the population of the land annexed by the US in 1846, or vastly more likely, immigrants (both of the visa’d and un-visa’d variety) or their immediate descendants.
Just as a comparison, take “Bongo Bongo Land,” and introduce a Caucasian English-speaking category which lumps English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealanders and whatnot together, combined with Caribbeans both of African and South Asian descent, grouped solely as “Anglophones,” and attempt to come up with some common denominator beyond language.
This sort of reportage ignores the obvious problems that persist in the US relating to immigrants undercutting Americans’ wages (a point which divides the “black from brown”) and a feeling setting in that the US government is way too tolerant of non-assimilation by “Latino” (read: “Mexican”) populations. Crime, of the human trafficking and drug variety northbound and gunrunning southbound, can be found in many Latino communities. The “Hispanic” community shares many characteristics and attributes with immigrant communities in the UK.
But the BBC won’t tell you that part of it– the part about how immigrant communities in the UK have these problems, I mean– as a yardstick by which to measure success or lack thereof of “Hispanics” in the US, apples to apples.
Needless to say, the great majority of Latinos in the US DO go about their lives in a law-abiding unremarkable way and are themselves personally not a drain upon their country of residence.
Agree totally. It was particularly telling that the report showed mostly white children in the clips. Every child coming down the slide behind him was a white one! Breaking their own rules here I think.
After winning Wimbledon, Andy Murray went to a little school in Africa, to do a photo shoot. Then I realised he wasn’t in Africa…. A picture paints a thousand words.
The SNP are fake nationalists, they support African / muslim immigration, multiculturalism and islam. Thus making Scots independence all a bit pointless.
Spot on there. The SNP are absolutely as bad as Nulabour. They want mass immigration and call anyone who rocks up ‘New Scots’.
Salmond is the most vile traitor imaginable who wants to be King of Scotland and wants to give more weight to the little country by growing its population and GDP.
(And no mention whatsoever of the frightening – for some like me – fact that 1 in 4 of the “baby boom” new additions were born to immigrant mothers. But hey, nothing newsworthy in that is there?)
And that too is another smoke and mirrors figure, since ethnic minority women, born in Britain, do not ‘count’ in the ‘born to immigrant mothers group’ but boost the otherwise very low ‘British born mothers’ birth rate.
The BBC even tried to suggest it was due to more women in their 30s and 40s having children, failing to mention that this is offset among the indigenous by the fact that far fewer are choosing to have children while still in their twenties.
In fact having children later SLOWS population growth because it widens the gap between generations.
Now where in the UK would we have built another London to house them and collect their p**s and s**t? And how many more ships would have to dock each day to feed them?
Back in June/July, Paxman spoke of “the gravy train running right through this building”, “this building” being Broadcasting House.
So, I’ve decided to use his quote to name some of the trains that run through the said building and the Salford premises and some of its passengers.
The 10:30 pm train on platform BBC2 every weekday service with passengers Paxman, Esler, Maitlis, Wark, Anand, Derbyshire. Urban, Stratton and Mason…though Mason is getting off soon.
The 10 pm train on platform BBC1 daily service (though slight differences on weekends) with passengers Edwards, Bruce, Alagiah, Raworth. Obviously, there is also a 1pm & 6 pm service which adds passengers Silverton, K. and Williams S.
In Salford, there is the 6 am daily service on platform BBC1 with passengers, Turnbull, Reid, Stayt, Minchin, Munchetty, Johnson
There is of course the non-stop 24 hr service on platform BBC News where passengers jump on & jump off every 4 hours or so comprising of Mccoy, Gracie, Wilcox, Hill. Amroliwala, Long & quite a few others. This is the train with the most carriages.
Over at platform BBC Radio4, there is R4Today train daily service with passengers Humphrys, Davis, Web, Naughtie, Montague and Husain.
Please feel free to name the other gravy trains. This is quite fun !
You forgot the 45 or so local branch lines, with 1/2 hourly services, all carrying the same useless cr@p, only useful when it snows, where’s Dr Beeching?
Not to mention the hourly services to Radio One, Two and the really poor service to Radio 5Live.
You might want to add the hundreds of BBC foreign correspondents who get paid a full-time wage, plus generous expenses, for doing a very part time job. The vast majority of them will not submit one report a week. When something does happen abroad they are invariably hundreds of miles away from the action and relying on being fed reports from London. Contrast with sky who have effective partnering arrangement with hundreds of foreign broadcasters and whose coverage almost always overshadows that of the BBC – and all for a fraction of the price.
And most of those foreign correspondents are now actually foreigners, so a loss of very much sought after British jobs that many young Brits would love to do (including ethnic minority British citizens in cases where they actually do need a ‘native’ knowledge of the local language) and a further drain on the pound since ALL their earnings are spent abroad, AND a loss of trainign in journalism skills for this country.
Undoubtedly many of these foreign correspondents with the benefit of experince under their belts will later apply for jobs at BBC UK and will be appointed over possibly less experienced Britons.
What an evil and deliberate vicious circle they have created there.
But note another subliminal leftie dig at capitalism where bBBC ‘News’ categorises the tax-criminal story as ‘business’ rather than ‘UK’ or ‘politics’.
So how many people have heard about the Acid attack on 2 young British girls in Zanzibar. I did manage to catch the news last night where some bBC Geezer was pushing the line that the conservatives of the Island may have been disrespected by these girls somehow. (Conservatives indeed)
Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you. Both girls are….Jewish.
And while the bBC will tell you this is the first such attack the truth is as usual very different: There is no dispute that recent years have seen an upsurge in violence. There have also been a number of politically motivated acid attacks, although none have been against tourists.Two years ago, youths hurled petrol bombs into at least three bars in protest at the sale of alcohol. In May 2012, a violent mob set fire to the 500-seater Assemblies of God Church in Stone Town, the island’s capital.
Seven months later a Catholic priest was shot and wounded and in February this year another priest was shot dead. Christians, who form three per cent of Zanzibar’s 1.2million predominantly Muslim population, spoke of living in fear on the Indian Ocean island, which was once famed for religious tolerance.
Just wondering how the bBC would have reported this if 2 nice Muslim girls had been attacked by a gang of white lads in Spain..hmmm
Even the Israel-hating Grauniad acknowledges their Jewishness and that it might provoke attacks, so why the Beeb haven’t mentioned it becomes even more mysterious.
“Trup [father of one of the victims] said the women had been dressed appropriately and had been warned not to wear anything that gave away their Jewish background, including the Star of David. “We know it’s a Muslim country. They were western girls. Unfortunately they went out during the month of Ramadan. There has been a huge alert in African countries with potential threats. Maybe it’s connected, maybe not.”
But isn’t Jewish emigration to the Middle East enriching Palestine, or white emigration to Zimbabwe enriching Southern Africa…..Oh sorry wrong narrative.
The BBC’s crusade against zero hours contracts a few days ago appears to have come to an abrupt halt (as has the opposition’s outrage).
Might this be because The Guardian, The Co-operative Bank and several Labour councils use them?
I love the smell of a burning narrative in the morning !
Seriously though they have got so shameless with this. We get a narrative appear seemingly from nowhere (although there is usually a lefty think tank behind it) all of a sudden its the lead item and being used to bash the govt. Then however someone finds this narrative involves the left (and not in a good way) and poof it vanishes into white smoke and is never seen or mentioned again.
Not to worry a new week means a new narrative and no one is supposed to remember the last one.
Try, if you can, to watch last night’s appallingly biased episode of Newsnight with Kirsty Wark. I thought the whole idea of news reporters is to adhere to objectivity and refrain from personal pleas to subscribe to a particular view. Last night we had gay power in full swing with Newsnight admonishing Russia for CHOOSING not to follow in the west’s acceptance of lesbian, transgender and gay in all aspects of society. Kirsty Wark basically resorted to telling Russia that they are wrong, that we are right and that they should do the right thing and allow gay marriage. One of the guests interestingly stated the anomaly concerning the West turning a blind eye to Muslims and their atrocious treatment of gays and lesbians. Funny, how Kirsty moved hastily on after that clanger!
On the topic of Muslims, Newsnight and all other BBC stations, regarding the two Jewish girls attacked by acid-chucking Muslims, were stating: ‘no evidence this was a religiously motivated attack…’ and ‘there doesn’t seem to be any reason behind this attack…’. Absolutely PATHETIC! We all know why these girls were targeted!
‘no evidence this was a religiously motivated attack…’
This appears now to be a default immediate line taken in such cases, doubtless in empathy with the communities who live in fear of 3-letter acronym spraying or oddly perp-less attac… ‘incidents’ ((c) Tell Mama) in abandoned quarries near places.
Oddly, in such cases, the motives and possible perps are near immediately alluded to if not named from the off, despite zero evidence.
Maybe in name of ‘balance’?
Just caught a bit of TWATO – BBC dutifully reporting they still have ‘no idea what the motive was’ for that vicious acid attack on the two British girls in Zanzibar.
Imagine if Lord Haw-Haw (William Joyce) had been doing his wartime anti-British propaganda from Broadcasting House in London, rather than from Germany … That’s what I feel when I listen to most of the BBC’s distortions on Islam, ethnic minorities, mass immigration, etc. You really could be forgiven for imagining that the BBC is in the pay of a foreign power.
Ah, Newsnight, and what it chooses to focus on and what not, explanation FoI-excluded for the purposes of getting away with whatever they fancy.
Guessing the story of the thinly-stretched blue line’s latest area of interest may not be high on the pre-pro agenda being discussed as we speak.
Talking of the BBC and forces…services of law and order, WDTK again a worthy source of what is legal, what is not, who doesn’t know and who doesn’t care… or want anyone to find out: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/search_warrants_4
And finally, given that when cornered the BBC usually terminates further discussion in name of saving waste: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/media/10231770/BBC-accused-of-paying-12million-to-rent-empty-building.html
I actually like this most, as it is them on the wrong end of an ‘accused of..’ punt, which given their addiction to it really is karmically delicious this fair Friday.
It may be a slow news stick poke, but boy do they deserve it on top of all the other examples of flushing cash they have blustered away so far.
richard supergob leftie bacon show yesterday was an eye opener,and that was not because he was wearing red shorts for everybody to see on the 5 live cam,the opening segment from 2pm to 2.30 pm was about the italian mafia,richard got very would up about this and sent a message out to the italian mafia and i quote he said (you lot in the italian mafia are just pathetic and you should all get a life) umm,dont make enemys of the mafia richard i would advise you,his finishing segment at 3,30 pm to 4 pm was a review of the weeks news with 2 leftie friends of his slagging off godfrey bloom of ukip and calling him racist over his bonga bonga comments,what got me about this is when richard bacon said he was really enjoying having a go at ukip and godfrey bloom,if that was not politacal bias what was,what a left wing fool richard bacon is,i thought he was supposed to be impartial as a bbc presenter.
No BBC reports of them being investigated by the Met for fat cat fraud.
Instead they lead with Labours attack on the govt and their attempts to catch tax cheats.
Obviously the BBC thinks that some types of abuse of taxpayers money is important enough to lead all their bulletins , and others are simply not worth reporting at all.
Where do you start with any edition of the Today programme? Such a rich seam of bias you are always spoilt for choice.
This morning’s edition we had the Social Policy Foundation (note: not introduced as a left wing think-tank) having a cosy chat with Our Evan about why the idea of government target-setting for the outsourced Probation Service is just too difficult for his public sector-addled little brain and therefore won’t work, so the private companies involved won’t bother aiming for them and will just be happy with its basic fees and resort to cost cutting instead (hint: won’t be as good as under the public sector) – no challenge, nothing.
Then there was the pant-wetting over Jacob Rees-Mogg’s lack of judgement over attending ‘Traditional Britain’s’ annual dinner. This, horror of horrors, is a right wing organisation. Bizarrely, rather than choose some of its (allegedly) more ‘racist’ stances, the BBC chose to expose its right-wing credentials because it is anti-mass immigration (yes, that was mass) and anti-multiculturalism. What, like about 70% of the population then?
Then we had a little feature about left-leaning Oprah Winfrey’s rejection in a shop in Switzerland when she wanted to buy a £25,000 handbag which quickly morphed into ‘are the Swiss racist?’ with our intrepid Today staff providing evidence bacuse of the way they are treating illegal immigrants.
Then the sports news, where coverage of womens football results is now a regular feature.
‘Oprah Winfrey’s rejection in a shop in Switzerland when she wanted to buy a £25,000 handbag which quickly morphed into ‘are the Swiss racist?’’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-23626340?
Top comments so far not really headed the way Oprah or BBC clearly hoped.
I predict a closing.
‘Your comment is awaiting moderation.’
The irony of this, here, as is ‘Your post has been placed in a moderation queue, and will be reviewed by a moderator before posting. Explain.’ there is not lost however.
You probably had too many links. Talking of moderation, I have actually had a reply to yesterday’s appeal against a comment being deleted. I suspect you may find it familiar.
—— Thank you for contacting the BBC Central Communities Team.
We can only answer queries about the BBC messageboards, blogs and communities. If you have a general question about the BBC, or BBC programme or product, please visit the BBC Information site http://www.bbc.co.uk/aboutthebbc/
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For registration queries please visit https://www.bbc.co.uk/users/help
If you wish to appeal against a moderation decision, please ensure that you first read through the appeals FAQs – http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/moderation.shtml#canappeal
Appeals must include post numbers or moderation reference numbers, or include a link to the relevant content, to enable the original content and moderation history of the item to be traced. Complaints that do not include these details will not be considered.
While we do read all the emails we receive and appreciate all your comments about the services on bbc.co.uk, we cannot guarantee a personal response to all emails received.
Central Communities Team
Note that it does not include a copy of my original appeal, as this would have shown that all information requested was provided, via their form. The slimy b*st*rds know full well that few have the time or patience to wade through their obfuscation over a post on a long-closed topic. However it does bring closer the time when I bite the bullet and cancel that Direct Debit.
Aha. Obviously posts in moderation completely banjo the nesting system until unmoderated. Though it pokes a hole in my suggestion that it was too many links wot done it. Perhaps GW is on the naughty step.
‘Perhaps GW is on the naughty step.’
Wouldn’t be the first time; won’t be the last.
Placing me in interesting company 🙂
I shall now go and howl at the moon at the injustice of it all.
You probably had too many links.
Well, one. But I think all resolved now? ‘I suspect you may find it familiar
🙂 If wearily.
While we do read all the emails we receive and appreciate all your comments about the services on bbc.co.uk, we cannot guarantee a personal response to all emails received.
Maybe David & Alan could learn a thing or two from this?
Note that it does not include a copy of my original appeal, as this would have shown that all information requested was provided, via their form
Not that you care, but do note they monitor this site, specifically to justify bannings. ‘…closer the time when I bite the bullet and cancel that Direct Debit.’
Just bitten. Plus, sadly, SKY, to stay legal, though their ‘news’ is no loss, if some comedy, drama, is.
Currently playing with online catch-up services. Mixed bag.
Can’t understand why, in 2013, I have to be subjected to this in the Uk to gain access to global information or education or entertainment.
Especially in light of the BBC’s ‘performance’ as a business or service, in terms of product, staff and management.
…do note they monitor this site, specifically to justify bannings.
Noted, but I rather think that reply was a template sent to most complainants, so won’t be of much help to them. I’d put good money that they send that reply regardless of what complaint was made.
No matter. Chalk it up to (in)experience. I know better for next time, and their arrogance has made me all the more likely to ensure there is a next time.
‘Shut at 4 oclock!’
Looks more like 2pm.
Not sure when it was posted, but that makes 3 and half hours from last amended, in the middle of the day.
Bet the majority of working stiffs feel totally represented and included now.
The Swiss are now the BBC’s “public enemy number 1” in Europe. This latest “incident” has come days after the report that a town in Switzerland has banned asylum seekers from some public places and swimming pools. And it was “hand guns” before that.
As usual, everything blown up out of all proportion to make it look like the Swiss are fascists, racists and whatever else -ists the left don’t like.
Perhaps this racist shop is related in some way to the equally racist branch of Hermes in Paris which, you may recall, refused to open out of hours for her Ladyship a few years ago.
Life is so unfair when you can’t spent hundreds or thousands of Euros on basic essentials any time you want.
Perhaps Stephen Fry could compose a letter threatening a boycott?
The Oprah Winfrey, Swiss shop, incident is not ‘waaycism’. The shop assistant is just a snooty bitch, excuse my language, who would look down her nose if a white woman came into the shop wearing casual clothes.
But I did see ‘cultural commentator’ or to be more exact race hustler Bonnie Greer spouting off about it this morning, as if this was the crime of the century. Incidentally, what the hell is a ‘cultural commentator” ? is that like a ‘poet’, a non job ?
Women’s football….why are they thrashing this dead horse?
No one is interested in it, have they not got the message yet?
There was a reason that the worlds largest, and arguably most influential football team (Manchester United) dropped their “Ladies” team…
Because no-one was interested!…Not even Women watch the “Ladies” game.
Arsenal only have a “Ladies” team, because it’s the only way they have been able to win a trophy for the past 8 years…No Manchester United to contend with in the “Ladies” game.
Ok, the reason the Beeb REALLY flog this dead mare is thus…It is the only sport they can get their hands on that no-one else wants to, or will out bid them for it.
The BBC coverage of the recent Women’s Euro competition was fronted by three women, not a bloke to be seen.
Yet (not that I really care about football) their coverage of the ‘proper’ game is often presented by a woman, and has women reporting from the touch line…
There was a similar thing on the Today sports slot, a while ago during the First Ashes Test (Nottingham). Alison Mitchell was speaking to an Australian woman all about the men’s match. I suppose that what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the goose too.
Oprah, a complete non-story happening in a foreign country to an American and consequently of no interest to us, yet due to the ‘waycist’ angle, the Beeb feel the need to exposure us to the faux ‘horror’ of it, how awful….
She’s a whiney, self absorbed, up her own gargantuan arse. lefty egotist. Good Grief, I remember her interviewing (fawning over) Tom Cruise ages ago when she wiped away a tear and said to the audience the greatest film ever was Born on the Forth of July. the audience had hysterics, Cruise looked suitable embarrassed and the hag had a smile like something inappropriate was happening. It was the worst, sugary, schmaltzy type of daytime feed the masses, horseshite I have ever seen. Whoever made her one of the richest people on the planet certainly didn’t do it for her ability. Christ knows why so many women state she is a role model, mind you being paid millions for smiling and sucking the holy Obama shlong is what millions of equally vapid women with screwed up hair would equally love to do.
Britain’s population has risen greatly and it’s going through the biggest baby boom in 40 years. I wonder why that is ? It’s so baffling and bewildering, I can’t imagine why !!
So I looked up the BBC news website, as we all know they love multiculturalism and diversity, so why did they specifically choose a photograph of two white babies to headline this story ? Hmm, curious, If I was cynical, I would think this as a slight of hand, to give the impression to the unsuspected reader that the ethnic British are the ones who are having the babies.
When I go out, I rarely see indigenous ethnic British mothers pushing prams with indigenous ethnic British babies, but I do see a lot of Third Worlders swarming with babies.
“I also see quite a few ethnic British mothers, almost always poor looking, pushing buggies with mixed race babies, almost always black/white.”
Oh no, how terrible for you. Do you usually vomit on the spot or save it up till you get home?
I wonder if Dez has anything useful to say? I notice he’s always conspicuous by his absence when asked about obvious BBC Bias (28-gate?) but is always ready with accusations of an “-ism” without saying why, or making a positive contribution to the debate.
Dez must be one of the Beeb’s lower paid trolls, if indeed he’s not an intern with no ability worth paying for.
Just like all those programmes on English legends that feature black actors, that photograph is ‘clearly not intended to be historically accurate’, as Scott might say.
Similar to a BBC report about schools being over subscribed some months ago. To illustrate their report they went to a school with only white pupils. How many times do you see schools like this being used as an illustration for their education items? Usually one has to play “spot the white pupil” in their multi-culti reports.
Are those BBC reporters in Zanzibar sticking with that theory, concocted yesterday, that the two girls attacked with acid were hit accidentally by someone targetting another man?
Maybe not:
Religious leaders on the Indian Ocean island believe the two men who threw acid over teenagers Kirstie Trup and Katie Gee may be followers of Uamsho, which wants Zanzibar to become independent of mainland Tanzania and impose stricter Muslim rules.
In the past year there have been attacks on Muslim and Catholic leaders on the island, including an acid attack and a fatal shooting.
On the Zanzibar acid attack story, it’s interesting that the BBC keep referring to them as ‘women’ although just out of school.
When Breivik murdered youth Labour Party members in Norway, the vast majority of whom were young people over eighteen and many in their early twenties, the BBC consistently described them as ‘children’, or ‘schoolchildren’, although most must have been university students.
I shall enjoy being one of the BBC net migration figures on BBC World once my emigration to New Zealand from third world London is finalised this year.
My eldest daughter moved to New Zealand 15 years ago. I had asked her why she liked the country, she said it was like Cumberland and near Newcastle when she was a child in the late 1970s. I thought she meant the rolling hills and the sheep.
No – she told me later it was the PEOPLE – like being in Britain 20 years earlier.
It really is God’s own country – glorious variation of scenery, great people, polite and civilised.
Sorry to tell you this, but the plague of multiculturalism has spread to New Zealand.
”White Europeans could lose majority status in Auckland in the next few years as the combined population of Asians, Pacific Islanders and Maori increases, Statistics New Zealand figures indicate.
While the city’s population was 76 per cent white European in 1976, projections show it will be 51 per cent in 2016, with further reductions in later years.”
It’s possible that the Maoris might view this as a rebalancing of sorts?
Those with just half a brain perhaps!
Letting in newcomers from all over the world is far from the most effective way to ‘rebalance’ for the Maoris. As a much favoured ethnic group, they would be far better off continuing to benefit from positive discrimination meted out by the current soft hearted Northern European majority, until such time as a higher birthrate enables the Maoris to become the more populous ethnic group.
That situation will never materialise with mass immigration.
‘Those with just half a brain perhaps!’
And here was me trying to respond to calls for brevity.
Pre-coffee, I shall now engage both sides of mine in hope this proves an inspiration to all.
Best I recall, the Maoris were the indigenous population before any Europeans of any hue hove into view. http://www.newzealand.com/uk/feature/early-settlement/
Hence if, as stated, they see an increase in relative numbers now they might feel that is only fair, being they were once 100% of total population.
Loss of white majority status, the point I was responding to, is possibly not an area of concern for them.
But surely a more sensible goal would be to regain majority status themselves? That is a situation which may arise if N.Z. calls a halt to all further large scale immigration. If other fast breedign ethnic groups are allowed in then the Maoris are almsot certain to remain an ethnic minority.
I wanst suggesting they would care about the loss of majority status for Europeans, but they would be sensible to care about increasing the relative numbers of their own group.
BTW while they are, as you say, the indigenous, they only got there a few hundred years before Captain Cook, and their numbers remained very small up to that time.
‘..they only got there a few hundred years before Captain Cook, and their numbers remained very small up to that time.’
Sort of a ‘first come, not so well served on the weaponry front when it mattered later’ deal?
And taking the moral equivalence of that to a more current conclusion, it would surely be hard to justify any concern with relative birthrates creating imbalances of concern anywhere else now it’s no longer who carries the biggest stick who rules? Some have sussed a slight flaw to the ‘one person, one vote’ in the democratic ideal, which only takes a few generations and a bit of postal voting to take full advantage of. That, and voting in what can’t be changed back, which is already happening too much for my tastes.
But this is rather being pursued beyond my original teasing point, which you seem to be bent on missing. Things could deteriorate.
So I cede.
I had no intention of making any ‘moral point’ that the Maoris ‘deserve’ to be outnumbered, simply clarifying the timeline of first colonisation of New Zealand.
The story of the Maoris should be read as a warning to those who welcome alien cultures to settle in their land, do you not think?
I understand that Tasmania is now the most hideously White Anglo-Saxon paradise in the world. But please don’t tell the efnics where it is, we might have to move there.
It spawned Ricky Ponting, making it a ruddy poor approximation of paradise IMHO.
Personally, I’m thinking of renaming my not-palatial-enough home “Bongo Bongo Land”, so as to pull in foreign aid by the bazillion from HMG at the behest of outraged bien pensants, afterward buying myself a private island somewhere with my freshly minted loot !
Which will be renamed “Bug Island” and, I hope, a viable and persistent threat to world peace for decades to come.
“Today” coverage of the government’s publication of tax evaders.
1. News -govt published as above, Labour say it’s a huge failure.
2. Following the news bulletin here is Evan to expand on Labour’s line & keep repeating “failure, failure” all the time the government minister is trying to speak
The new BBC ‘The Editors’ is a rich seam of insight into the activities and thinking behind the stories that 20,000 produce for billions.
Shame they can only manage about one a month.
But it’s the key issues that count. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-editors-23441524
One can only presume it was the contentious nature of the topic and vast response that saw it closed the day it opened with a grand total of comments of… one.
Biases or just management approved office culture?
Picking up on a couple of recent posts hereabouts – it seems to me that the accepted BBC internal PC agenda is now so institutionally ingrained that what many here (and – I would venture – a fair proportion of the general Licence Paying public) might call ‘biases’ are, in fact, simply BBC de rigueur beliefs.
It is no longer credible to critiscise Richard Bacon (for example) for bashing ‘right wing’ attitudes to immigration.
Nicky Campbell has free rein to promote ‘Wimmins sports’ and in the next breath ‘Islam’ whether we (including women) like it or not.
Newsnight must ‘go with’ whatever some special race, sexuality or disability campaign groups on the Left happen to think is important today.
Correct me if I am wrong but didn’t New Labour tweek the BBC Charter to make it represent not Britain or Licence Payers but ‘The World’?
Listening to some race campaigner (to schools) the other day she told the BBC presenter it was now unacceptible to talk in terms of ‘races’ – we are all one species.
The BBC presented dared not ask for any qualification or explanation – he simply took her opinion as if were an instruction. The whole interview had the tone of an off air BBC special seminar to staff.
Similarly I have recently heard a disability camapigner tell a BBC presenter that they must push their ‘paralympic sports’ up the agenda. The BBC presenter simply replied to the effect of – yes we will do that for you.
The point is that the BBC has taken on board all the approved attitudes acceptable to these campaign groups.
When you shovel in all this stuff at the front end is it really any wonder that what comes out in broadcast is unremitting Lefty bollocks?
Reporting on the good trade figures and the rise in trade outside the EU the BBC says “However, the UK’s single biggest trading partner remains the eurozone”
I thought that the 1 o’clock bulletin on BBC deserved to be described as a non-news bulletin. Apart from the test match and John Sopel’s flawless delivery , each story had some label i.e. homophobia, racist, feminist, Islamist etc. The story itself could be summarised as “woman goes to shop to buy a handbag”, “the Olympics are in Russia who are not very nice on a range of issues”, “Zanzibar is a dangerous place etc. No mention of the Mafia gangster bailing, Syria, Obama v Putin or any other worthwhile story.
The Beeb itself describes August as the “silly season”, yet news worldwide does not stop, for instance Australia has a very interesting political situation at the moment – coverage miniscule. When you consider the money spent /collected by the BBC you would have thought that holidays would be staggered throughout the month and that service would continue as normal. The sixth former intern has obviously been left in charge.
I watched the BBC 10 ‘o’ clock news for the first time in ages last night, and even I was shocked that it was little more box ticking advocacy for various Leftist causes – if you want to see what the Left want just watch the BBC news.
It was clear for example that “Social Media” is the next target for State regulation, and it is surely only a matter of time before the BBC target blogs like this one for articulating disapproved thoughts – of course they will not say it has anything to do with attacking the Leftist wankers at the BBC but because somebody will say that Africans have a lower IQ or that Islam is incompatible with Western culture and there migration should be limited and pocket Fascists like Nicked Emus (who already struggles not to share his pathetic hatred of David Vance) will cry racist or Islamophobic and explain that he wants it closed down on behalf of “them” (not himself you understand) that he wants the site closed down.
First they came for your savings, then your jobs, then they went for the free press, and then…..
Why is it that when anyone even remotely suggests that the appointment of Doreen Lawrence was purely because of Left-wing politically correct reasons and that immigration should be stopped, the Left-wing media get their jackboots on and act like Gestapo squads? The BBC, Labour, the Guardian, The Independent, Sky and Channel 4 are the cause of the politically correct fascism that is eating away at our country like a rotten cancer and, as we have seen in the bongo in de congo affair, they will stop at nothing in their enforcement of the Orwellian word and thought crime ban.
Jacob Rees Mogg, what a coward for apologising, if you stand up to the BBC bullies and stand your ground, like bullies every where, they’re full of bluster, they’d fall to bits.
BTW Euwan Blair is now another one setting his sights on a Nulabour seat – he’s the older brother, the one that didn’t get to Oxford. Suspect the younger ones may share the same goal, daughter Katheryn has trained as a barrister and the middle one doesnt seem to know what to do.
The standard BBC approach to any political news story is …
“The government policy XYZ has not achieved its stated goals
Labour attacks the failure of XYZ policy”
There is never any question that the problem might have started as a result of Labour party policy or that the Labour party would have done the same thing themselves.
I am not a supporter of the Conservative party (certainly under their current leadership) but to judge any policy based upon the Labour party response to it can hardly be seen as even handed.
As Labour has sod all to do with the working man any more why not just call themselves the Socialists. Scotland will disappear up its own deep fried fundament so they can’t be UK wide so perhaps English Socialists. Those words are a bit unwieldy for todays uneducated/imported yoof so shorten it to something trendy.
I wish I was joking but that ludicrous situation just might fly!
With all the US embassy closings and evacuations and whatnot, giving fodder to a few naughty people who are suggesting that maybe the President was wrong to claim a while back that Al Qaeda was toast and that His foreign policy and State Dept. was an absolute clusterfark, the BBC needed one of those “Viewpoint” pieces to offer you insightful, expert analysis on the situation.
According to P.J. Crowley, (who worked for Sec. of State Clinton, so not even remotely impartial on this topic, which is why the BBC likes him, and why they don’t mention which Administration he worked for), it’s all going according to His plan. Or at least, we’ll find out soon enough that it is.
Do I detect an unapproved thought about the timing of this announcement and the closures creeping into your mind, dear reader? Let’s nip that in the bud, shall we?
There is no indication the intelligence behind this plot has been made to sound dramatic for political reasons. The administration’s response has received bipartisan support in Washington, with little of the political acrimony that followed the Benghazi attack last September.
And what would be an indication, pray? As if Crowley or the BBC would ever admit it. Note the obligatory White House talking point about Benghazi: only political opponents of the President were concerned about that. There can be no legitimate opposition to Him or His plans.
The partisan message is soon laid out very clearly.
A real-world reminder of the on-going threat may quiet widespread concern regarding global surveillance programmes under the National Security Agency (NSA).
Contentious programmes such as this one played no role in discovering this plot. Yet critics surely will point to the conversation between two known terrorist leaders as precisely the targets that the NSA should be focusing on, rather than on communications between innocent civilians.
Oh, those tiresome critics, eh? This announcement of a bugout-worthy plot “may” silence those concern, we’re told. Note that the criticism we’re allowed to discuss here is only that the NSA needs to get back on the ball, not that the whole thing is ridiculously out of hand. Does the President have any control over them, or input? Hush now. It’s not His fault, you see.
The plot certainly complicates the president’s narrative that the terrorist threat, while still potent, can be managed at a level of vigilance below the threshold of war.
Mr Obama’s strategy is to become more selective regarding the use of American military force; help allies like Yemen deal with threats within their own borders (a tall order given Yemen’s limited governance capability); and rely on good intelligence and improved defences to disrupt major plots before they mature.
Which is obviously a resounding success, since we’ve since learned that Yemen supposedly stopped some plot.
The next few weeks will be a stern test of this approach. No further news will be a significant achievement.
Well, a naughty, acrimonious critic might suggest that no further news would be an indication that there was no real threat, or that the trumpeting of the discovery of this conference call merely caused the bad guys to hold off and plan something else a few months down the line. Long after Crowley and his fellow travelers have declared the President’s scheme a success, of course.
Just to step back from the overly partisan line, we get the thoughtful closing line:
Mr Obama hinted in May that this war against al-Qaeda, like all wars, will end at some point. But Mr Zawahiri’s call suggests Mr Obama will not be in a position to declare “mission accomplished” any time soon.
Nice dig at Bush there, playing to the crowd, and continuing to push the myth that it was Bush who declared it. Even while allowing that the President hasn’t triumphed yet, Crowley still has to make Him appear superior to Bush.
I’m sure that cover art is racist somehow. Speaking of seeing racism everywhere, where’s Mardell to tell us that the anger about the President spying on citizens is really about people being angry at being spied upon by “people not like them”?
David Pr – you are helping me answer what I felt was a fundamental flaw in closing these embassies – if I had a major plot arranged to blow up somewhere (or even just go to a shop to buy a dress I liked) and found the place closed – well I would just wait until it reopened and then do the deed.
This past week the media has been full of articles of..Twitter trolls and the abuse they dish out. Well today another Twitter Story has arisen but for some reason the abuse angle has been diluted somewhat. It appears that Mr Dawkins was tweeting about how Trinity college has won more Nobel prices (32) than the whole of Islam. Of course the liberal world is up in arms and everybody bar the bBC (Be still my beating heart) is calling him some sort of racist Bigot.
All the world's Muslims have fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinity College, Cambridge. They did great things in the Middle Ages, though.— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) August 8, 2013
The thing is as always, the detractors have left out that Dawkins had actually been replying to posters who were quoting things such the Islamic contribution to Science and Algebra
Why mention Muslim Nobels rather than any other group? Because we so often hear boasts about (a) their total numbers and (b) their science.— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) August 8, 2013
If you follow the threads you will find: That is not accurate. We hear about *Arab* innovations in math and science in the Middle Ages. Most Muslims are not Arab.,
And: The Effect of Islam on Science in the Middle East – 9th-12th Century
Anyway, laying the boot into his detractors Dawkins comes out with the killer:
Muslims aren't a race. What they have in common is a religion. Rather than Trinity, would you prefer the comparison with Jews? Google it.— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) August 8, 2013
Now the reason why I have inserted the above is if and when the bBC does report this story, see if they include the fact that actually Dawkins was responding to other posters when he came out with the above.
…But the motive for the attack is a mystery. Our correspondent says residents seem genuinely confused and can’t understand why it happened or who could be behind it.
…Late last year a Muslim cleric was also the victim of an acid attack in Zanzibar – but this was thought to be personal matter not linked to any religious or political motives.”
It goes on:
Are there religious tensions?
Some, but these tend to come down to politics – and people on the islands say it is not linked to radical Islam.
Political groups tend to be split between those which want Zanzibar to remain in its union with mainland Tanzania and those that want more autonomy or secession.
…The issue has come to the fore again recently with the emergence of a new group, called Uamsho, meaning “the awakening” in KiSwahili, which has been calling for Zanzibar’s complete independence.”
So I Googled ‘Uamsho’ and <a href="this is what Wikipedia tells me:
“…Uamsho (Awakening) constitution declare openly its aims of returning Zanzibar to being a center of Islamic institution , applying Islamic law in Zanzibar…”
One other little snippet from that ‘Q&A’ provided by the BBC:
“…In a sign of further tension, a Catholic priest was shot dead in February.”
bbc are obsessed with throwing in that ahem “islamic cleric” sideline … any one would think that clerics are not the main instigators in this, whereas more factual reports show differently.
as for all this “alien ” nonsense the zanzibar chief of police stated on 5live yesterday its has been known to be an occurrence for … “some girls” over there
yep! some girls?
BBC-Democrat does almost anything to avoid reporting Islamic jihad inside USA.
Compare 1.) and 2.):-
1.) ‘JihadWatch’-
“Federal Reserve jihad mass murder plotter blames plot on childhood stammer and unfaithful girlfriend”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Many people of all creeds, including Muslims, may become more religious in times of personal crisis. Muslims who do so may, in an effort to cleanse their souls and please Allah, begin to pay attention they never paid before to the texts and teachings of Islam that mandate warfare against and subjugation of unbelievers. So it is entirely possible that Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis’s girlfriend troubles pushed him toward jihad.”
Oo, another internal. That’ll sort it.
As the evening shift doubtless mount the heights of horse and dudgeon elsewhere, let me leave for a well earned pint on these in complement: http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/on-report.html ‘the BBC tried to argue that a straightforward handover might breach data protection laws’
Seems not all exclusions are unique, then. Encouraging. http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/presentation-details.html ‘that briefing might be “verbal”, to avoid discovery under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act’
So, is ‘might’ right? Or, possibly, left. Again. Only different times will tell.
And finally… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/following.html ‘I’m more interested in James’ news sources. He’s a non-tweeting Twitter lurker’
What, the head of news of a £4Bpa broadcast monopoly that would make the mob blush may rely on what he thinks from a few mates’ witterings on twitter.
The very idea.
ps: loving Prof. Greenslade’s last line: ‘Both have entered a goldfish bowl because, unlike newspapers, their work will be intensely scrutinised by critics every day.’
At least the BBC goldfish bowl can’t get hounded by misinformation into closing down.
Well, given actually accurate stories on their behaviour, never say never.
Hall, who admitted in an internal email to staff on Friday that the BBC has “lost it’s way” on the issue of severance pay, has appointed KPMG to look at payoffs and deals with departing BBC staff prior to 2010.
He should have stopped at “lost it’s way”. Not another Sir Humphrey Special, but an external audit. Although KPMG isn’t exactly covered in glory for their work on the sub-prime mortgage crisis. Maybe that experience makes them more able to recognize an organization that’s lost it’s moral compass as well.
Six o-clock news headlines….Anti Immigrant Posters……6! Six! one more than 5 one less than 7! In a population of 6million approx….(shit calculator has not enough zero’s) %
More people complained about the Marmite advert (classic)
Met Police’s fraud squad investigating BBC pay-offs scandal
Detectives from Scotland Yard’s fraud squad are investigating senior members of the BBC’s leadership over allegations of misconduct in public office, The Telegraph can disclose.
A team of officers from the Metropolitan Police has been asked to gather information to determine whether pay-offs to senior managers amounted to fraud. A quarter of senior managers received more than they were entitled to in the past three years.
Newsdroid doing the script for the early bulletins…
Scriptdroid: Hey, I’m doing that Go Home Van ASA complaints thingy. It’s ‘Advertising’ and ‘Standards’ but does anyone know what the second A stands for?
Other Droid: Dunno. How about ‘Agency’?
Scriptdroid: Yeah that sounds about right. I’ll go with that.
BBC News. £3.2 billion a year plus ‘our own money’ from BBC Worldwide and still utterly shite.
More BBC pay-offs will be put under the microscope after auditors were called back into the corporation a month after a report uncovered hundreds of thousands of pounds was given to executives who were not entitled to the money.
BBC boss Tony Hall said the National Audit Office (NAO), which published last month’s report, was “now back at the BBC looking at the outstanding severance payments made during the three year period to the end of 2012”.
Of course the really big story of the day is the tragedy that poor Oprah Winfrey had to survive whilst in Switzerland. Apparently she wanted to buy a handbag that was retailing at nigh on £25,000!! and the assistant (clearly a racist) attempted to show her a cheaper item. When I heard this related on the Beeb earlier they even seemed to have soft music playing in the background to add to the pathos of the traumatic event.
I’m fighting back the tears thinking about what this heroic woman has had to endure!
Has anyone heard what the saintly Lady Lawrence has to say on the matter?
Forget young British Jewish girls attacked by Islamic men and focus instead on…..
‘The artistic director of Russia’s Bolshoi Ballet was attacked in January. Now after 18 operations he is still almost completely blind, according to reports.’
‘Another high profile case was that of Katie Piper, who in 2008 was the victim of an acid attack orchestrated by her jealous boyfriend.’
Yeah but isn’t this a little bit of an Islamic problem?
‘India has an increasing problem with acid attacks.’
Ah yes we are at last off to Asia but our first stop is in a majority Hindu country.
This will make you laugh….
‘Mohammad Jawad, a plastic surgeon who helped rebuild Katie Piper’s face and works with victims….’
The BBC does a quick geographic somersault to avoid telling us Dr Mo is a Pakistani
‘….in South Asia, says the crime is about trying to destroy someone’s identity.’
And he is a proud Pakistani. We know because he boasts that he was awarded Sitara-i-Imias (the third highest honour and civilian award in the State of Pakistan) see here….
‘If the BBC can’t or won’t ever deal with these issues straight they should stop covering them.’
A blank screen at £145.50pa might get noticed after a while, mind.
But yes, some of the po-faced ‘reporting’ in that piece is beyond risible. Those complicit in this obvious effort to redirect, accompanied by plain daft claims, should hang their heads.
One presumes the acid-throwing community is living in fear now as well? And storing up old car batteries in case they become less available around the UK too.
‘Ah, of course, it’s the acid’s fault.’
Maybe Bollywood should knock out a commercial to get acid banned? ‘Don’t worry, Sanjay, they don’t mean that acid, and it will help revive your career’
Every time I click my fingers, some loon with a grudge thinks sneaking up on another and throwing acid over them is an honourable crime.
Radio 4 banging on about advertising standards investigation the illegal immigrant vans. Here’s a story for you about them. Do you remember a few years ago there was an anti-litter campaign where the person dropping the litter transformed into a pig? Yes, no? Well I complained that all the people show were white and that this did not reproduce our wonderful multi-ethnic society. Surprise they didn’t want to even look at it. Funny that, isn’t it?
Someone needs to get a grip here. Look, those ads were never aimed at any illegals.
The real targets for the ads are wayne and waynetta slob, indigenous whitey, to make them THINK that something is being done. Smoke and mirrors, no more, no less.
The real illegals see the ads and walk away laughing.
All reminiscent of the benefit cheat ads awhile back, same principle.
This time it’s the Tories trying to stick a pin into ukip.
Exactly. Cameron has no interest other than power and he is afraid of UKIP.
Quite why the BBC had it as it’s main story on the 10pm TV News is beyond me.
Memo to any passing Beeboid. Nobody cares. It is less interesting than virtually anything on the news. It is terminally dull.
Illegal means just that. Can you not understand plain English?
Probably not seeing the way they murder the English language given half a chance.
We need a school for Beeboids. Simple pronunciation and comprehension. Might help a bit. Make them stand in the corner when they drop the final consonant.
But they can do pronunciation already.
Did they not bring us Mumbai? And Bejing? And kolkatt?
As yet tho’ I haven’t heard them discussing Paree!
Wankers all of them!
Except good old French news channels , all the good old traditional names like “Bombay , Madras , Calcutta ,Peking , come up on their maps & captions , when something newsworthy happens in those parts .Also it is all En Direct from Paree er Paris of course ,not Lyon or Bordeaux , all their main studio`s are in the their capital , not the Manchester ship canal or wherever this Breakie tv studio now resides !
I hear Liberty has got into the act concerning the *racist tour van* debacle. I think we can expect quite a lot of free air time from the BBC promoting their thoughts. (All paid by the licence fee payer of course). Have the BBC interviewed any of the *Joe public* who are for the van yet?
Credit to the BBC where it’s due: Radio 4 at 20:50 on Friday, “A Point of View” with Dr Roger Scuton. A critique of democracy, which he believes has to be underpinned by free speech, an independent judiciary and protection of property rights. There were subtle hints about how the first two on this list are being overlooked by our political elite.
“Revealed: The tiny South Pacific island which receives £70,000 in British taxpayers’ money for each of its 52 inhabitants.
“Pitcairn Island has received £10million since 2009 but residents pay no tax.
“52 inhabitants are descendants of sailors from the Mutiny on the Bounty.”
Forced marriages is the order of the day over at Five Live this morning.
How odd though that there is barely a mention of the countries to which these (mostly) child brides are taken – one very quick, Pakistan and Bangladesh – nothing more. I’d have thought that this was an integral part of the story – apparently not.
Two most disturbing things;
A guest, herself a child bride some years ago, claimed it’s not a cultural thing, it’s a child abuse thing. What? Are you serious?
And the five live presenter said words to the effect of, we really need to speak about this more and more in public to start tackling the problem.
He, an employee of the BBC, that bends over backwards to ensure that such things as forced marriage, gential mutilation and honour killings are not discussed openly.
And that the nationalities (please don’t call them British) of the perpetrators of such crimes are rarely, if ever, mentioned.
story from march by al beeb. it doesnt mention what culture caused a 2 year old baby to be “helped” (rescued?) from forced marriage by The Forced Marriage Unit
‘BBC very quiet about what happens..’
Often they fail to pass the acid test when it comes to reporting professionally with integrity. Assuming they do at all.
Heh heh. A great piece of Gramscian nomenclature on the BBC website today. Immigrants are now called ‘migrants’. Nice, subtle shift. Love it…looking back through the stories, they’ve been using it a while, now.
Well, whatever it is, they can’t be faulted for now telling it often enough. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-23645112
I count 6 in the first 5 paras.
Maybe it has become true?
Also purely on a reporting basis, if we are told they were ‘..apparently killed in a shipwreck’, how then does the author know they ‘…were thrown into the sea when the boat ran aground just 15m (50ft) from shore, but some drowned because they could not swim’?
Tragic yes, but I don’t just mean the loss of innocent lives.
Glad I’m not alone in having spotted yet another subtle use of deliberately vague wordplay by the msm, the charge being led, as always, by the ever-willing BBC. They did the same when they started referring to Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) simply as the catch-all ‘climate change’.
Climate change and CAGW are two completely separate things – one is not only fact, but also perfectly natural, the other is the fictional product of over-excitable socialist enviro-trolls (you all know this, of course, but the BBC isn’t going to stop the misdirection any time soon).
Orwell invented the concept of ‘newspeak’ in his warning to future generations, 1984. The BBC consider it less of a warning, more of an instruction manual.
‘Migrants’, indeed. And we are still at war with Eurasia.
They’ve been doing it for about eight years!
I am surprised you’ve just noticed.
Another favourite is ‘migrant workers’ , rather implying they are seasonal, isn’t it?
Another bit of smoke and mirrors is to talk about ‘net immigration’ as opposed to ‘gross immigration’.
This is Labour policy now. Listen out for it – on the rare occasion that they are forced to talk about the issue, they ALWAYS use the words ‘migration’ or ‘migrant’. It’s a much more diffuse term, and could just refer to the movement of people all over the world. Immigration is a much more specific term, used to describe the flow of people into this country. It’s too much of a reminder of Labour’s ‘open the floodgates’ non-policy when thet were in office, and they know the public are on to them here.
The BBC are just following Labour’s lead, doing their bidding as usual.
Perhaps he’s starting to crap himself over the thought that relatives of someone who dies from cold when the rationing starts could sue him for supporting the closure of our power stations through his zealous global warming nutjobbery.
Ah, but British Gas are pushing their TV ads now, extolling the virtues of smart-meters.
Their real problem is, why would you want one?
You can watch the pounds ticking over on an ordinary meter, anyway, it’s just that the numbers have to be turned cubic mteres to quids.
But oh the joy when they can force your energy usage at peak times to reduce, purely by price!
The only way they can ration you to smooth out that post- eastenders big kettle switch on peak demand.
Or put another way, when there’s no wind, and the wind contribution drops from 12% to nil, they can force you by price to switch off.
The BBC news has been running with the story of tax dodgers and putting up a picture (provided by the government I think) of the worst offenders. They have not so far commented on the ethnicity of the tax dodgers which is closer to the mix we would expect in the worst parts of London or from presenters on BBC children’s telly rather than a mix typical of the country as a whole.
If any politician in this country suggested that the ‘accused’ murderers of Lee Rigby should hang, the BBC would unleash the righteous fury of the bleeding-heart left upon them………..
Ah, think of all the cultural enrichment we could gain by importing lots of those savage barbarians into our shithole of a third world country!
Oh what joy they can bring to our primitive society.
Gentlemen, the blog I help with has a Ramadan Death Toll of 6625. However I am going to update that on receipt of the death toll from Karachi over the Islamic holy month where good thoughts and peace to all mankind is mandatory.
Fedup2Mar 13, 08:47 Midweek 12th March 2025 The emir of Windsoristan – previously the false king – has had snaps taken with Canadians to show ‘solidarity ‘…
JohnCMar 13, 08:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Russia says it’s in final stage of regaining Kursk territory as US team heads to Moscow for talks https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cgj5w6veqw6t No…
Fedup2Mar 13, 08:44 Midweek 12th March 2025 I saw that soros was clever enough to use USAID money to fund the corruption of the US Federal judiciary…
MarkyMarkMar 13, 08:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 🚨 @USDA was funding a $397K grant in the San Francisco Bay to educate queer, trans, and BIPOC urban farmers…
Guest WhoMar 13, 08:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://x.com/endwokeness/status/1900057190544638162?s=61 About 50 House Democrats just posted the same exact talking points, word for word Like when TTK passes wind,…
MarkyMarkMar 13, 08:15 Midweek 12th March 2025 “The world does not need any more white saviours. As I’ve said before, this just perpetuates tired and unhelpful stereotypes.…
MarkyMarkMar 13, 08:13 Midweek 12th March 2025 Yet a 70 year old cannot criticise Labour on facebook! Welcome to the Labour UK!
MarkyMarkMar 13, 08:12 Midweek 12th March 2025 Date Migrants arrived Boats arrived Boats involved in uncontrolled landings Notes 5 March 2025 210 3 0 6 March 2025…
MarkyMarkMar 13, 08:11 Midweek 12th March 2025 HA HA HA! Promises ….. “On 23 May 2010, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne unveiled a £500 million plan…
AsISeeItMar 13, 07:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Could Starmer’s regulation shake-up mean a ‘bonfire of the quangos’? – prompts our BBC… All together now, readers… Betteridge’s law…
The hypocrites at bBBC ‘News’ can’t work out which anti-government line to peddle.
It’s bad for them to advertise that illegal immigrants should leave but it’s good for them to advertise the top 20 illegal tax-evaders.
I note under the 1st picture, and through the story they only talk about “John Nugent”, nice, English name there for you, then onto “Antony Edward Judge”…another English sounding name there…but don’t really bother too much with the 12 or so “Enrichers”
The 10 “new” faces….well, 8 of them are of foreign decent, at the very least….no name checks?…..nahhhh…
We do get ethnic names though…like “Economic Secretary Sajid Javid” and “Chas Roy-Chowdhury, head of taxation at the ACCA accountancy body”
Talk about portraying one group in a bad light, one in a nice, glowing, almost spiritual one.
BBC, what a bunch of racist bastards.
And just look who chairs the council – none other than Christopher “Chris” Robert Smith, Baron Smith of Finsbury, ex liebore cabinet minister.
They have form for taking a political stance:-
Edit – ASA Council.
So overt was the spin on yesterday’s population figures I actually felt myself cringing.
Top of the pile was Beeb Home Editor Mark Easton explaining quite neatly how the 420,000 rise was due in the main to the largest “baby boom” since 1972. Hooray!
And the breath taking fact that men aged over 75 has risen. Hooray!
Oh and, erm, oh yes, there’s been 166,000 net migration, hardly worth mentioning though, let’s move on.
(And no mention whatsoever of the frightening – for some like me – fact that 1 in 4 of the “baby boom” new additions were born to immigrant mothers. But hey, nothing newsworthy in that is there?)
And finally, in the return to the Beeb’s immigration Utopia, it’s actually quite fortunate that the population is on the up because it means those of working age can help contribute towards pensions (as those of working age who come to our shores currently are often so wont to do).
As usual, a total and utter, head in the sand, nothing to see here so move along quickly, piss take.
NB – a quick glance at HMRC’s 20 most wanted gives a pretty decent insight into how we’ve been enriched – hooray for immigration!!
I was so glad that HMRC isn’t ‘hideously white’. Their list of most wanted was delightfully ethnically diverse. It fair warmed the cockles of my heart.
Nothing unusual about this – you should look at the FCA (and old FSA) website and see the people who get banned from transacting financial advice – and why.
Very interesting-when the facts are uncomfortable ignore them!
My solicitor has been compiling a list of names published in the Law Society Gazette of those practitioners who have been struck off for mal practice-you could not guess the result or could you?
Funny – I thought multiculturalism was supposed to enrich us!
According to Wikipedia, today is International Day of the World’s Indigenous People.
Whitey in Europe doesn’t seem to count, for some reason.
Well, the good news is that Lefties do call whities in North America and Australasia, indigenous to Europe.
It’s enriched them!
On my local new program (Points West) we had an Asian presenter reporting on one of those, a VAT fraudster Nasser Ahmed. But watch as the focus is on the pictures of the two white chaps shown in steady focus.
One min in http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b037xkh2/BBC_Points_West_09_08_2013/
I am fed up with the use of the “net migration” approach. We are still not really being told clearly by the BBC – or indeed by the Government – that inward migration was still running at over 500,000 last year.
And if 1 in 4 births were to immmigrant mothers – how many more were to second-generation immigrant families ? Does that take the figure up towards 1 in 3 ?
Even at 1 in 4 – why are we not told how this is distributed per city ? What is the figure for London – our capital city. We have some idiots on here who claim that the “face” of London has hardly changed – total lies. We are reaching a state of affairs where the schools will be overwhelmed with children of immigrants – not just in enclaves like Tower Hamlets, but across whole swathes of London.
But as usual, Easton’s deliberate aim is to conceal all this, to make the rather obscure official figures even more obscure.
Couldn’t agree more John. Perfectly put.
We are sold the term ‘net immigration’ to lessen the blow that is immigration, the BBC brainwashed soft heads believing that immigration not as bad as it really is.
Its hardly like for like is it? eg the arrival of a male, his 2nd cousin wife and two inbred children from rural Pakistan does not equal the loss of a tax paying family of four off to Sydney does it?
Spot on John and Geoff – people in this country are being spun a totally false picture on the demographical impact of immigration on this country through deliberate omission of key facts, the BBC being the prime culprit.
At least some newspapers get under the skin of this whitewash – this was from 2008! (apologies for repeating this from the end of the last open thread):
The soaring birth rate among immigrant mothers will soon become the main driver of Britain’s rapid population growth, Government experts have predicted.
Immigration has been the biggest factor in increasing the population in recent years, and with millions of new arrivals starting families the birth rate is soaring.
The Office for National Statistics said yesterday that it could be the main source of overall population growth as early as next year, overtaking immigration itself.
I think the key to this is a lot of BBC people are themselves not of ethnic British descent, or if they are its only partial.
They welcome the indigenous being robbed of their dominant position.
John Cleese ” London is no longer an English city.”
Spot on about 2nd generation immigrants giving birth because no doubt they are classed as British births even though they may be Muslims with no loyalty to this nation. Still it makes it nice and easy for the BBC to obfuscate.
“We are reaching a state of affairs where the schools will be overwhelmed with children of immigrants – not just in enclaves like Tower Hamlets, but across whole swathes of London.”
They already are, in most parts of London schools are majority foreign ethnic.
My 3 old schools in Oldham are ALL now 99% Muslim.
Utterly uttterly predicatable. Anybody here could have written Easton’s script.
He had to do it of course- the hive demands it. But then he most certainly is of the hive , with the hive and onwards and upwards together to utopia.
Dishonest drivel that evades the key questions and we all know what they are .
1. Numbers of indigenous Britsih leaving.
2. Relative birth rates of indigenous English and immigrants
3. years to go before the indigenous are replaced as the majority .
4. What to do when they realise they are going to lose England.
Demographics is destiny and we all better understand this.
Not that Easton, Cameron and the elite care. Never has a people been so betrayed by their rulers and so easily.
Beeboids-Guardian-Labour Party (and much of U.K political class) STILL campaign for open-door, unlimited, mass immigration into U.K, including the entry of 80 million Muslims from Islamising Turkey into E.U.
” Immigration made America strong – but it threatens to ruin Europe”
Yes, it’s the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire all over again, the effete, liberal, decadent, ruling elite have let in the barbarians.
We’re finished.
I remain hopeful that the British indigenous population will wake to what the future holds for them if they don’t do something soon. But I am also glad that I am of an age when i will probably not live to see the awful end of this story of national suicide in a few decades time if positive action is not taken.
Its not the immigrants who should reap the whirlwind of anger, but those who sowed it, the liberal left, labour and of course, the BBC.
On PM the BBC have been running a series of reports from the USA about how the Hispanic population is increasing at an enormous rate. The reports seem to indicate how well everything is going , how dynamic the Hispanics are, how receptive the existing population is of them etc etc. None of this seems to chime with my , admittedly limited experience, of working in Tennessee 15 years ago, when racial tension was high.
However, the Hispanic immigrants do seem to want to get on and they don’t go around blaming the USA for just about everything , nor trying to kill its citizens on a regular basis. So I suppose there is better chance of a happy outcome to that story than the one we are seeing unfolding before our eyes in the UK.
Cicero wrote
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Nothing ever really changes and we are finding this out.
Is their treachery deliberate or a result of stupidity?
Probably a mixture of both although so effete has the elite become I favour stupidity.
The worst generation ( the 68ers) in English history bar none. They have nothing to commend them and I hope our grandchildren curse them into oblivion.
They have elevated selfishness into their prime motivation and we can all see it in the huge undeserved rewards they loot from the nation.
Stop debating with them. It is past time on that. Turn your back.
They do not care about future generations, all they care about is themselves. Even the Vietnam war protests (insofar as they were about anything other than causing a bit of destruction) were little more than trying to avoid getting drafted into the armed forces – about Pol Pot and the killing fields or the consequences of Mao’s Cultural Revolution they could not care a jot.
A truly vile self-indulgent selfish arrogant and greedy generation – always expecting somebody else to pick up the tab.
“On PM the BBC have been running a series of reports from the USA about how the Hispanic population is increasing at an enormous rate. The reports seem to indicate how well everything is going , how dynamic the Hispanics are, how receptive the existing population is of them etc etc.”
As Mandy Rice-Davies might put it, “They WOULD say that, wouldn’t they?”
Of course, the question is a vexed one, as the Hispanic population of the US is not a monolithic one; Puerto Ricans are citizens from birth, Cubans are in the main refugees or their descendants, and Mexicans are either the “indigenous” kind, descended from the population of the land annexed by the US in 1846, or vastly more likely, immigrants (both of the visa’d and un-visa’d variety) or their immediate descendants.
Just as a comparison, take “Bongo Bongo Land,” and introduce a Caucasian English-speaking category which lumps English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealanders and whatnot together, combined with Caribbeans both of African and South Asian descent, grouped solely as “Anglophones,” and attempt to come up with some common denominator beyond language.
This sort of reportage ignores the obvious problems that persist in the US relating to immigrants undercutting Americans’ wages (a point which divides the “black from brown”) and a feeling setting in that the US government is way too tolerant of non-assimilation by “Latino” (read: “Mexican”) populations. Crime, of the human trafficking and drug variety northbound and gunrunning southbound, can be found in many Latino communities. The “Hispanic” community shares many characteristics and attributes with immigrant communities in the UK.
But the BBC won’t tell you that part of it– the part about how immigrant communities in the UK have these problems, I mean– as a yardstick by which to measure success or lack thereof of “Hispanics” in the US, apples to apples.
Needless to say, the great majority of Latinos in the US DO go about their lives in a law-abiding unremarkable way and are themselves personally not a drain upon their country of residence.
Brilliantly put; so sadly true
Agree totally. It was particularly telling that the report showed mostly white children in the clips. Every child coming down the slide behind him was a white one! Breaking their own rules here I think.
After winning Wimbledon, Andy Murray went to a little school in Africa, to do a photo shoot. Then I realised he wasn’t in Africa…. A picture paints a thousand words.
You can understand why Murry supports Scottish independence.
The SNP are fake nationalists, they support African / muslim immigration, multiculturalism and islam. Thus making Scots independence all a bit pointless.
A ‘Scots’ muslim with Alex Salmond
SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon sucking up to islam.
‘Bongo Bongo’ madness in Glasgowgrad
Diversity this, diversity that, divershity blah blah blah.”
The brainwashed Eloi, quite sickening.
Spot on there. The SNP are absolutely as bad as Nulabour. They want mass immigration and call anyone who rocks up ‘New Scots’.
Salmond is the most vile traitor imaginable who wants to be King of Scotland and wants to give more weight to the little country by growing its population and GDP.
Actually, quite frightening.
Salmond gives more weight to Scotland all by himself.
(And no mention whatsoever of the frightening – for some like me – fact that 1 in 4 of the “baby boom” new additions were born to immigrant mothers. But hey, nothing newsworthy in that is there?)
And that too is another smoke and mirrors figure, since ethnic minority women, born in Britain, do not ‘count’ in the ‘born to immigrant mothers group’ but boost the otherwise very low ‘British born mothers’ birth rate.
The BBC even tried to suggest it was due to more women in their 30s and 40s having children, failing to mention that this is offset among the indigenous by the fact that far fewer are choosing to have children while still in their twenties.
In fact having children later SLOWS population growth because it widens the gap between generations.
Since David Steel brought in the Abortion Act in 1967. 6 million white babies have been killed. Heinrich Himmler eat your heart out !!
6 million innocents murdered – they’ve done that before. Should be called the “Holocaust 2 Act of 1967”.
Yes – that’s the population of London.
Now where in the UK would we have built another London to house them and collect their p**s and s**t? And how many more ships would have to dock each day to feed them?
Back in June/July, Paxman spoke of “the gravy train running right through this building”, “this building” being Broadcasting House.
So, I’ve decided to use his quote to name some of the trains that run through the said building and the Salford premises and some of its passengers.
The 10:30 pm train on platform BBC2 every weekday service with passengers Paxman, Esler, Maitlis, Wark, Anand, Derbyshire. Urban, Stratton and Mason…though Mason is getting off soon.
The 10 pm train on platform BBC1 daily service (though slight differences on weekends) with passengers Edwards, Bruce, Alagiah, Raworth. Obviously, there is also a 1pm & 6 pm service which adds passengers Silverton, K. and Williams S.
In Salford, there is the 6 am daily service on platform BBC1 with passengers, Turnbull, Reid, Stayt, Minchin, Munchetty, Johnson
There is of course the non-stop 24 hr service on platform BBC News where passengers jump on & jump off every 4 hours or so comprising of Mccoy, Gracie, Wilcox, Hill. Amroliwala, Long & quite a few others. This is the train with the most carriages.
Over at platform BBC Radio4, there is R4Today train daily service with passengers Humphrys, Davis, Web, Naughtie, Montague and Husain.
Please feel free to name the other gravy trains. This is quite fun !
You forgot the 45 or so local branch lines, with 1/2 hourly services, all carrying the same useless cr@p, only useful when it snows, where’s Dr Beeching?
Not to mention the hourly services to Radio One, Two and the really poor service to Radio 5Live.
You might want to add the hundreds of BBC foreign correspondents who get paid a full-time wage, plus generous expenses, for doing a very part time job. The vast majority of them will not submit one report a week. When something does happen abroad they are invariably hundreds of miles away from the action and relying on being fed reports from London. Contrast with sky who have effective partnering arrangement with hundreds of foreign broadcasters and whose coverage almost always overshadows that of the BBC – and all for a fraction of the price.
And most of those foreign correspondents are now actually foreigners, so a loss of very much sought after British jobs that many young Brits would love to do (including ethnic minority British citizens in cases where they actually do need a ‘native’ knowledge of the local language) and a further drain on the pound since ALL their earnings are spent abroad, AND a loss of trainign in journalism skills for this country.
Undoubtedly many of these foreign correspondents with the benefit of experince under their belts will later apply for jobs at BBC UK and will be appointed over possibly less experienced Britons.
What an evil and deliberate vicious circle they have created there.
But note another subliminal leftie dig at capitalism where bBBC ‘News’ categorises the tax-criminal story as ‘business’ rather than ‘UK’ or ‘politics’.
So how many people have heard about the Acid attack on 2 young British girls in Zanzibar. I did manage to catch the news last night where some bBC Geezer was pushing the line that the conservatives of the Island may have been disrespected by these girls somehow. (Conservatives indeed)
Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you.
Both girls are….Jewish.
And while the bBC will tell you this is the first such attack the truth is as usual very different:
There is no dispute that recent years have seen an upsurge in violence. There have also been a number of politically motivated acid attacks, although none have been against tourists.Two years ago, youths hurled petrol bombs into at least three bars in protest at the sale of alcohol. In May 2012, a violent mob set fire to the 500-seater Assemblies of God Church in Stone Town, the island’s capital.
Seven months later a Catholic priest was shot and wounded and in February this year another priest was shot dead. Christians, who form three per cent of Zanzibar’s 1.2million predominantly Muslim population, spoke of living in fear on the Indian Ocean island, which was once famed for religious tolerance.
Just wondering how the bBC would have reported this if 2 nice Muslim girls had been attacked by a gang of white lads in Spain..hmmm
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Even the Israel-hating Grauniad acknowledges their Jewishness and that it might provoke attacks, so why the Beeb haven’t mentioned it becomes even more mysterious.
“Trup [father of one of the victims] said the women had been dressed appropriately and had been warned not to wear anything that gave away their Jewish background, including the Star of David. “We know it’s a Muslim country. They were western girls. Unfortunately they went out during the month of Ramadan. There has been a huge alert in African countries with potential threats. Maybe it’s connected, maybe not.”
But isn’t Jewish emigration to the Middle East enriching Palestine, or white emigration to Zimbabwe enriching Southern Africa…..Oh sorry wrong narrative.
The BBC’s crusade against zero hours contracts a few days ago appears to have come to an abrupt halt (as has the opposition’s outrage).
Might this be because The Guardian, The Co-operative Bank and several Labour councils use them?
Yes what happened to that narrative? Quick let’s talk about a UKIP councilor talking about “bongo bongo” land instead. Nothing to see here.
I love the smell of a burning narrative in the morning !
Seriously though they have got so shameless with this. We get a narrative appear seemingly from nowhere (although there is usually a lefty think tank behind it) all of a sudden its the lead item and being used to bash the govt. Then however someone finds this narrative involves the left (and not in a good way) and poof it vanishes into white smoke and is never seen or mentioned again.
Not to worry a new week means a new narrative and no one is supposed to remember the last one.
Try, if you can, to watch last night’s appallingly biased episode of Newsnight with Kirsty Wark. I thought the whole idea of news reporters is to adhere to objectivity and refrain from personal pleas to subscribe to a particular view. Last night we had gay power in full swing with Newsnight admonishing Russia for CHOOSING not to follow in the west’s acceptance of lesbian, transgender and gay in all aspects of society. Kirsty Wark basically resorted to telling Russia that they are wrong, that we are right and that they should do the right thing and allow gay marriage. One of the guests interestingly stated the anomaly concerning the West turning a blind eye to Muslims and their atrocious treatment of gays and lesbians. Funny, how Kirsty moved hastily on after that clanger!
On the topic of Muslims, Newsnight and all other BBC stations, regarding the two Jewish girls attacked by acid-chucking Muslims, were stating: ‘no evidence this was a religiously motivated attack…’ and ‘there doesn’t seem to be any reason behind this attack…’. Absolutely PATHETIC! We all know why these girls were targeted!
The BBC’s Islamic and ethnic minority bias is the worst bias of the lot and it gets worse by the day!
‘no evidence this was a religiously motivated attack…’
This appears now to be a default immediate line taken in such cases, doubtless in empathy with the communities who live in fear of 3-letter acronym spraying or oddly perp-less attac… ‘incidents’ ((c) Tell Mama) in abandoned quarries near places.
Oddly, in such cases, the motives and possible perps are near immediately alluded to if not named from the off, despite zero evidence.
Maybe in name of ‘balance’?
Just caught a bit of TWATO – BBC dutifully reporting they still have ‘no idea what the motive was’ for that vicious acid attack on the two British girls in Zanzibar.
Your licence fee at work, people.
“Evidence” will never be found if it’s not sought out.
Imagine if Lord Haw-Haw (William Joyce) had been doing his wartime anti-British propaganda from Broadcasting House in London, rather than from Germany … That’s what I feel when I listen to most of the BBC’s distortions on Islam, ethnic minorities, mass immigration, etc. You really could be forgiven for imagining that the BBC is in the pay of a foreign power.
The Bilderbergers?
the bongo-bongo corporation is rotten to the core
Ah, Newsnight, and what it chooses to focus on and what not, explanation FoI-excluded for the purposes of getting away with whatever they fancy.
Guessing the story of the thinly-stretched blue line’s latest area of interest may not be high on the pre-pro agenda being discussed as we speak.
Talking of the BBC and forces…services of law and order, WDTK again a worthy source of what is legal, what is not, who doesn’t know and who doesn’t care… or want anyone to find out:
And finally, given that when cornered the BBC usually terminates further discussion in name of saving waste:
I actually like this most, as it is them on the wrong end of an ‘accused of..’ punt, which given their addiction to it really is karmically delicious this fair Friday.
It may be a slow news stick poke, but boy do they deserve it on top of all the other examples of flushing cash they have blustered away so far.
‘…and what not, explanation FoI-excluded for the purposes of getting away with whatever they fancy.’
So, guessing there’s no point in asking for an explanation?
richard supergob leftie bacon show yesterday was an eye opener,and that was not because he was wearing red shorts for everybody to see on the 5 live cam,the opening segment from 2pm to 2.30 pm was about the italian mafia,richard got very would up about this and sent a message out to the italian mafia and i quote he said (you lot in the italian mafia are just pathetic and you should all get a life) umm,dont make enemys of the mafia richard i would advise you,his finishing segment at 3,30 pm to 4 pm was a review of the weeks news with 2 leftie friends of his slagging off godfrey bloom of ukip and calling him racist over his bonga bonga comments,what got me about this is when richard bacon said he was really enjoying having a go at ukip and godfrey bloom,if that was not politacal bias what was,what a left wing fool richard bacon is,i thought he was supposed to be impartial as a bbc presenter.
If you Google the word twat it says; “Do you mean Richard Bacon?”
No BBC reports of them being investigated by the Met for fat cat fraud.
Instead they lead with Labours attack on the govt and their attempts to catch tax cheats.
Obviously the BBC thinks that some types of abuse of taxpayers money is important enough to lead all their bulletins , and others are simply not worth reporting at all.
Where do you start with any edition of the Today programme? Such a rich seam of bias you are always spoilt for choice.
This morning’s edition we had the Social Policy Foundation (note: not introduced as a left wing think-tank) having a cosy chat with Our Evan about why the idea of government target-setting for the outsourced Probation Service is just too difficult for his public sector-addled little brain and therefore won’t work, so the private companies involved won’t bother aiming for them and will just be happy with its basic fees and resort to cost cutting instead (hint: won’t be as good as under the public sector) – no challenge, nothing.
Then there was the pant-wetting over Jacob Rees-Mogg’s lack of judgement over attending ‘Traditional Britain’s’ annual dinner. This, horror of horrors, is a right wing organisation. Bizarrely, rather than choose some of its (allegedly) more ‘racist’ stances, the BBC chose to expose its right-wing credentials because it is anti-mass immigration (yes, that was mass) and anti-multiculturalism. What, like about 70% of the population then?
Then we had a little feature about left-leaning Oprah Winfrey’s rejection in a shop in Switzerland when she wanted to buy a £25,000 handbag which quickly morphed into ‘are the Swiss racist?’ with our intrepid Today staff providing evidence bacuse of the way they are treating illegal immigrants.
Then the sports news, where coverage of womens football results is now a regular feature.
By 7.30 I was reaching for the Valium.
‘Oprah Winfrey’s rejection in a shop in Switzerland when she wanted to buy a £25,000 handbag which quickly morphed into ‘are the Swiss racist?’’
Top comments so far not really headed the way Oprah or BBC clearly hoped.
I predict a closing.
‘Your comment is awaiting moderation.’
The irony of this, here, as is ‘Your post has been placed in a moderation queue, and will be reviewed by a moderator before posting. Explain.’ there is not lost however.
You probably had too many links. Talking of moderation, I have actually had a reply to yesterday’s appeal against a comment being deleted. I suspect you may find it familiar.
Thank you for contacting the BBC Central Communities Team.
We can only answer queries about the BBC messageboards, blogs and communities. If you have a general question about the BBC, or BBC programme or product, please visit the BBC Information site http://www.bbc.co.uk/aboutthebbc/
If you have a question about the messageboards or blogs, please read the Popular Questions section of the help pages as your question may be answered there. Please note that we can only send custom email responses to questions that are not already covered by our help pages.
For registration queries please visit https://www.bbc.co.uk/users/help
If you wish to appeal against a moderation decision, please ensure that you first read through the appeals FAQs – http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/moderation.shtml#canappeal
Appeals must include post numbers or moderation reference numbers, or include a link to the relevant content, to enable the original content and moderation history of the item to be traced. Complaints that do not include these details will not be considered.
While we do read all the emails we receive and appreciate all your comments about the services on bbc.co.uk, we cannot guarantee a personal response to all emails received.
Central Communities Team
Note that it does not include a copy of my original appeal, as this would have shown that all information requested was provided, via their form. The slimy b*st*rds know full well that few have the time or patience to wade through their obfuscation over a post on a long-closed topic. However it does bring closer the time when I bite the bullet and cancel that Direct Debit.
That was a reply to GW, which has mysteriously become orphaned.
This is getting silly.
Aha. Obviously posts in moderation completely banjo the nesting system until unmoderated. Though it pokes a hole in my suggestion that it was too many links wot done it. Perhaps GW is on the naughty step.
‘Perhaps GW is on the naughty step.’
Wouldn’t be the first time; won’t be the last.
Placing me in interesting company 🙂
I shall now go and howl at the moon at the injustice of it all.
You probably had too many links.
Well, one. But I think all resolved now?
‘I suspect you may find it familiar
🙂 If wearily.
While we do read all the emails we receive and appreciate all your comments about the services on bbc.co.uk, we cannot guarantee a personal response to all emails received.
Maybe David & Alan could learn a thing or two from this?
Note that it does not include a copy of my original appeal, as this would have shown that all information requested was provided, via their form
Not that you care, but do note they monitor this site, specifically to justify bannings.
‘…closer the time when I bite the bullet and cancel that Direct Debit.’
Just bitten. Plus, sadly, SKY, to stay legal, though their ‘news’ is no loss, if some comedy, drama, is.
Currently playing with online catch-up services. Mixed bag.
Can’t understand why, in 2013, I have to be subjected to this in the Uk to gain access to global information or education or entertainment.
Especially in light of the BBC’s ‘performance’ as a business or service, in terms of product, staff and management.
…do note they monitor this site, specifically to justify bannings.
Noted, but I rather think that reply was a template sent to most complainants, so won’t be of much help to them. I’d put good money that they send that reply regardless of what complaint was made.
No matter. Chalk it up to (in)experience. I know better for next time, and their arrogance has made me all the more likely to ensure there is a next time.
I was once told by a car salesman that I couldn’t afford a car I was interested in. Wish I’d known it was racist, so I could sue.
Yikes!! Now I’m on the naughty step. 🙁
Maybe it needs redesignating as the ‘naughty patio’?
If needs be.
I remember walking into a “so called” up market car showroom looking extremely scruffy and driving a series 2 Land Rover (also scruffy).
The salesmen were highly entertaining! As in “do you want finance, sir – spelt cur?”
Having asked them how much the good looking convertible was available for cash their attitude changed, needless to say they did not make a sale.
Can I report them for raaaaacism!!!!
Shut at 4 oclock!
I can see them ending the right to comment totally before long, like they shut down ALL the current affairs discussion boards.
Stalin would be proud.
‘Shut at 4 oclock!’
Looks more like 2pm.
Not sure when it was posted, but that makes 3 and half hours from last amended, in the middle of the day.
Bet the majority of working stiffs feel totally represented and included now.
The Swiss are now the BBC’s “public enemy number 1” in Europe. This latest “incident” has come days after the report that a town in Switzerland has banned asylum seekers from some public places and swimming pools. And it was “hand guns” before that.
As usual, everything blown up out of all proportion to make it look like the Swiss are fascists, racists and whatever else -ists the left don’t like.
Perhaps this racist shop is related in some way to the equally racist branch of Hermes in Paris which, you may recall, refused to open out of hours for her Ladyship a few years ago.
Life is so unfair when you can’t spent hundreds or thousands of Euros on basic essentials any time you want.
Perhaps Stephen Fry could compose a letter threatening a boycott?
The Winfrey non-story was actually about the 4th item at 1pm, BBC1.
However, we were helpfully informed that Winfrey counts the Obamas’ amongst her friends.
Oh good. Thanks for that.
if Obama had a fat ugly sister, she’d look like Oprah Winfrey
No doubt if he had a black mother that is how she would look – or him if he were a woman “of color” – or something like that.
If Obama had a fat ugly wife she would look like…oh wait.
The Oprah Winfrey, Swiss shop, incident is not ‘waaycism’. The shop assistant is just a snooty bitch, excuse my language, who would look down her nose if a white woman came into the shop wearing casual clothes.
But I did see ‘cultural commentator’ or to be more exact race hustler Bonnie Greer spouting off about it this morning, as if this was the crime of the century. Incidentally, what the hell is a ‘cultural commentator” ? is that like a ‘poet’, a non job ?
Precedent is all.
But then, it was a different time.
And fiction. But hey… art & life…
It’s like an arsehole, only less useful.
Women’s football….why are they thrashing this dead horse?
No one is interested in it, have they not got the message yet?
There was a reason that the worlds largest, and arguably most influential football team (Manchester United) dropped their “Ladies” team…
Because no-one was interested!…Not even Women watch the “Ladies” game.
Arsenal only have a “Ladies” team, because it’s the only way they have been able to win a trophy for the past 8 years…No Manchester United to contend with in the “Ladies” game.
Ok, the reason the Beeb REALLY flog this dead mare is thus…It is the only sport they can get their hands on that no-one else wants to, or will out bid them for it.
More people might watch it if they swapped shirts at the end of the match.
I have seen some of them interviewed on MOTD.
Erm…nah, they can keep ALL their clothes on, thanks.
Rough as a bears arse…
Wimmin who wanna be men.
As the old saying goes…”Wouldn’t even touch em with yours.”
The BBC coverage of the recent Women’s Euro competition was fronted by three women, not a bloke to be seen.
Yet (not that I really care about football) their coverage of the ‘proper’ game is often presented by a woman, and has women reporting from the touch line…
There was a similar thing on the Today sports slot, a while ago during the First Ashes Test (Nottingham). Alison Mitchell was speaking to an Australian woman all about the men’s match. I suppose that what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the goose too.
Oprah, a complete non-story happening in a foreign country to an American and consequently of no interest to us, yet due to the ‘waycist’ angle, the Beeb feel the need to exposure us to the faux ‘horror’ of it, how awful….
She’s part of the left’s unelected, global political class.
She’s a whiney, self absorbed, up her own gargantuan arse. lefty egotist. Good Grief, I remember her interviewing (fawning over) Tom Cruise ages ago when she wiped away a tear and said to the audience the greatest film ever was Born on the Forth of July. the audience had hysterics, Cruise looked suitable embarrassed and the hag had a smile like something inappropriate was happening. It was the worst, sugary, schmaltzy type of daytime feed the masses, horseshite I have ever seen. Whoever made her one of the richest people on the planet certainly didn’t do it for her ability. Christ knows why so many women state she is a role model, mind you being paid millions for smiling and sucking the holy Obama shlong is what millions of equally vapid women with screwed up hair would equally love to do.
I don’t like her.
Oh and before some troll screams racism or fatism or some other ism, I couldn’t care less what colour she is, she just blows.
Britain’s population has risen greatly and it’s going through the biggest baby boom in 40 years. I wonder why that is ? It’s so baffling and bewildering, I can’t imagine why !!
So I looked up the BBC news website, as we all know they love multiculturalism and diversity, so why did they specifically choose a photograph of two white babies to headline this story ? Hmm, curious, If I was cynical, I would think this as a slight of hand, to give the impression to the unsuspected reader that the ethnic British are the ones who are having the babies.
When I go out, I rarely see indigenous ethnic British mothers pushing prams with indigenous ethnic British babies, but I do see a lot of Third Worlders swarming with babies.
I also see quite a few ethnic British mothers, almost always poor looking, pushing buggies with mixed race babies, almost always black/white.
I think the expression is ”Mud Shark.”
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mud sharks
”White women dating only black men”
“I also see quite a few ethnic British mothers, almost always poor looking, pushing buggies with mixed race babies, almost always black/white.”
Oh no, how terrible for you. Do you usually vomit on the spot or save it up till you get home?
” Do you usually vomit on the spot or save it up till you get home?
Vomit on the spot, old chap !!
Dez, add to your quote (with my compliments) ‘with the baby sucking on a Gregg’s dummy’.
Dez doing his usual “Hit-and Run” posting.
I wonder if Dez has anything useful to say? I notice he’s always conspicuous by his absence when asked about obvious BBC Bias (28-gate?) but is always ready with accusations of an “-ism” without saying why, or making a positive contribution to the debate.
Dez must be one of the Beeb’s lower paid trolls, if indeed he’s not an intern with no ability worth paying for.
Oh no, how terrible for you. Do you usually vomit on the spot or save it up till you get home?
Neither , why would I care enough?
Just making the point that ‘underclass’ ethnic Brits (often involved with third worlders) become fast breeders too.
Just like all those programmes on English legends that feature black actors, that photograph is ‘clearly not intended to be historically accurate’, as Scott might say.
Similar to a BBC report about schools being over subscribed some months ago. To illustrate their report they went to a school with only white pupils. How many times do you see schools like this being used as an illustration for their education items? Usually one has to play “spot the white pupil” in their multi-culti reports.
Are those BBC reporters in Zanzibar sticking with that theory, concocted yesterday, that the two girls attacked with acid were hit accidentally by someone targetting another man?
Maybe not:
Religious leaders on the Indian Ocean island believe the two men who threw acid over teenagers Kirstie Trup and Katie Gee may be followers of Uamsho, which wants Zanzibar to become independent of mainland Tanzania and impose stricter Muslim rules.
In the past year there have been attacks on Muslim and Catholic leaders on the island, including an acid attack and a fatal shooting.
On the Zanzibar acid attack story, it’s interesting that the BBC keep referring to them as ‘women’ although just out of school.
When Breivik murdered youth Labour Party members in Norway, the vast majority of whom were young people over eighteen and many in their early twenties, the BBC consistently described them as ‘children’, or ‘schoolchildren’, although most must have been university students.
I shall enjoy being one of the BBC net migration figures on BBC World once my emigration to New Zealand from third world London is finalised this year.
Good luck with the move to NZ but sorry to see you go.
My eldest daughter moved to New Zealand 15 years ago. I had asked her why she liked the country, she said it was like Cumberland and near Newcastle when she was a child in the late 1970s. I thought she meant the rolling hills and the sheep.
No – she told me later it was the PEOPLE – like being in Britain 20 years earlier.
It really is God’s own country – glorious variation of scenery, great people, polite and civilised.
Sorry to tell you this, but the plague of multiculturalism has spread to New Zealand.
”White Europeans could lose majority status in Auckland in the next few years as the combined population of Asians, Pacific Islanders and Maori increases, Statistics New Zealand figures indicate.
While the city’s population was 76 per cent white European in 1976, projections show it will be 51 per cent in 2016, with further reductions in later years.”
It’s possible that the Maoris might view this as a rebalancing of sorts?
It’s possible that the Maoris might view this as a rebalancing of sorts?
Those with just half a brain perhaps!
Letting in newcomers from all over the world is far from the most effective way to ‘rebalance’ for the Maoris. As a much favoured ethnic group, they would be far better off continuing to benefit from positive discrimination meted out by the current soft hearted Northern European majority, until such time as a higher birthrate enables the Maoris to become the more populous ethnic group.
That situation will never materialise with mass immigration.
‘Those with just half a brain perhaps!’
And here was me trying to respond to calls for brevity.
Pre-coffee, I shall now engage both sides of mine in hope this proves an inspiration to all.
Best I recall, the Maoris were the indigenous population before any Europeans of any hue hove into view.
Hence if, as stated, they see an increase in relative numbers now they might feel that is only fair, being they were once 100% of total population.
Loss of white majority status, the point I was responding to, is possibly not an area of concern for them.
But surely a more sensible goal would be to regain majority status themselves? That is a situation which may arise if N.Z. calls a halt to all further large scale immigration. If other fast breedign ethnic groups are allowed in then the Maoris are almsot certain to remain an ethnic minority.
I wanst suggesting they would care about the loss of majority status for Europeans, but they would be sensible to care about increasing the relative numbers of their own group.
BTW while they are, as you say, the indigenous, they only got there a few hundred years before Captain Cook, and their numbers remained very small up to that time.
‘..they only got there a few hundred years before Captain Cook, and their numbers remained very small up to that time.’
Sort of a ‘first come, not so well served on the weaponry front when it mattered later’ deal?
And taking the moral equivalence of that to a more current conclusion, it would surely be hard to justify any concern with relative birthrates creating imbalances of concern anywhere else now it’s no longer who carries the biggest stick who rules? Some have sussed a slight flaw to the ‘one person, one vote’ in the democratic ideal, which only takes a few generations and a bit of postal voting to take full advantage of. That, and voting in what can’t be changed back, which is already happening too much for my tastes.
But this is rather being pursued beyond my original teasing point, which you seem to be bent on missing. Things could deteriorate.
So I cede.
I had no intention of making any ‘moral point’ that the Maoris ‘deserve’ to be outnumbered, simply clarifying the timeline of first colonisation of New Zealand.
The story of the Maoris should be read as a warning to those who welcome alien cultures to settle in their land, do you not think?
I understand that Tasmania is now the most hideously White Anglo-Saxon paradise in the world. But please don’t tell the efnics where it is, we might have to move there.
It spawned Ricky Ponting, making it a ruddy poor approximation of paradise IMHO.
Personally, I’m thinking of renaming my not-palatial-enough home “Bongo Bongo Land”, so as to pull in foreign aid by the bazillion from HMG at the behest of outraged bien pensants, afterward buying myself a private island somewhere with my freshly minted loot !
Which will be renamed “Bug Island” and, I hope, a viable and persistent threat to world peace for decades to come.
“Today” coverage of the government’s publication of tax evaders.
1. News -govt published as above, Labour say it’s a huge failure.
2. Following the news bulletin here is Evan to expand on Labour’s line & keep repeating “failure, failure” all the time the government minister is trying to speak
The new BBC ‘The Editors’ is a rich seam of insight into the activities and thinking behind the stories that 20,000 produce for billions.
Shame they can only manage about one a month.
But it’s the key issues that count.
One can only presume it was the contentious nature of the topic and vast response that saw it closed the day it opened with a grand total of comments of… one.
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/08/07/florida-school-bus-beatdown-goes-unnoticed-by-self-styled-civil-rights/…obama obama where art thou
Well ya know, if he had a son, he woulda looked just like him, err..the attacker that is!
Biases or just management approved office culture?
Picking up on a couple of recent posts hereabouts – it seems to me that the accepted BBC internal PC agenda is now so institutionally ingrained that what many here (and – I would venture – a fair proportion of the general Licence Paying public) might call ‘biases’ are, in fact, simply BBC de rigueur beliefs.
It is no longer credible to critiscise Richard Bacon (for example) for bashing ‘right wing’ attitudes to immigration.
Nicky Campbell has free rein to promote ‘Wimmins sports’ and in the next breath ‘Islam’ whether we (including women) like it or not.
Newsnight must ‘go with’ whatever some special race, sexuality or disability campaign groups on the Left happen to think is important today.
Correct me if I am wrong but didn’t New Labour tweek the BBC Charter to make it represent not Britain or Licence Payers but ‘The World’?
Listening to some race campaigner (to schools) the other day she told the BBC presenter it was now unacceptible to talk in terms of ‘races’ – we are all one species.
The BBC presented dared not ask for any qualification or explanation – he simply took her opinion as if were an instruction. The whole interview had the tone of an off air BBC special seminar to staff.
Similarly I have recently heard a disability camapigner tell a BBC presenter that they must push their ‘paralympic sports’ up the agenda. The BBC presenter simply replied to the effect of – yes we will do that for you.
The point is that the BBC has taken on board all the approved attitudes acceptable to these campaign groups.
When you shovel in all this stuff at the front end is it really any wonder that what comes out in broadcast is unremitting Lefty bollocks?
Reporting on the good trade figures and the rise in trade outside the EU the BBC says “However, the UK’s single biggest trading partner remains the eurozone”
How is a currency union a single trading partner?
And would remain so, even if we exited the EU, unless they didn’t want to continue to sell us their goods of course!
Fat chance?
I thought that the 1 o’clock bulletin on BBC deserved to be described as a non-news bulletin. Apart from the test match and John Sopel’s flawless delivery , each story had some label i.e. homophobia, racist, feminist, Islamist etc. The story itself could be summarised as “woman goes to shop to buy a handbag”, “the Olympics are in Russia who are not very nice on a range of issues”, “Zanzibar is a dangerous place etc. No mention of the Mafia gangster bailing, Syria, Obama v Putin or any other worthwhile story.
The Beeb itself describes August as the “silly season”, yet news worldwide does not stop, for instance Australia has a very interesting political situation at the moment – coverage miniscule. When you consider the money spent /collected by the BBC you would have thought that holidays would be staggered throughout the month and that service would continue as normal. The sixth former intern has obviously been left in charge.
A good point – and it is getting worse. I find myself yelling ‘This is NOT news’ at my TV more and more frequently. They are wearing me down.
I watched the BBC 10 ‘o’ clock news for the first time in ages last night, and even I was shocked that it was little more box ticking advocacy for various Leftist causes – if you want to see what the Left want just watch the BBC news.
It was clear for example that “Social Media” is the next target for State regulation, and it is surely only a matter of time before the BBC target blogs like this one for articulating disapproved thoughts – of course they will not say it has anything to do with attacking the Leftist wankers at the BBC but because somebody will say that Africans have a lower IQ or that Islam is incompatible with Western culture and there migration should be limited and pocket Fascists like Nicked Emus (who already struggles not to share his pathetic hatred of David Vance) will cry racist or Islamophobic and explain that he wants it closed down on behalf of “them” (not himself you understand) that he wants the site closed down.
First they came for your savings, then your jobs, then they went for the free press, and then…..
A classic Leftist BBC non-story:
Why is it that when anyone even remotely suggests that the appointment of Doreen Lawrence was purely because of Left-wing politically correct reasons and that immigration should be stopped, the Left-wing media get their jackboots on and act like Gestapo squads? The BBC, Labour, the Guardian, The Independent, Sky and Channel 4 are the cause of the politically correct fascism that is eating away at our country like a rotten cancer and, as we have seen in the bongo in de congo affair, they will stop at nothing in their enforcement of the Orwellian word and thought crime ban.
Jacob Rees Mogg, what a coward for apologising, if you stand up to the BBC bullies and stand your ground, like bullies every where, they’re full of bluster, they’d fall to bits.
Ive NO respect for any MP from a dynasty. Children of MPs and spouses should be banned – in the name of diversity!
BTW Euwan Blair is now another one setting his sights on a Nulabour seat – he’s the older brother, the one that didn’t get to Oxford. Suspect the younger ones may share the same goal, daughter Katheryn has trained as a barrister and the middle one doesnt seem to know what to do.
Why work for a living when you can become a Labour MP. The only qualification is a complete absence of integrity.
Is that the one who had to be carried back to Number 10 by the other Blair’s tame plod force – sorry service?
The middle one could always join the army.
Hmmm, somehow I dont think that’s on the cards. Serving themselves and not their country is more in the Blair tradition.
The standard BBC approach to any political news story is …
“The government policy XYZ has not achieved its stated goals
Labour attacks the failure of XYZ policy”
There is never any question that the problem might have started as a result of Labour party policy or that the Labour party would have done the same thing themselves.
I am not a supporter of the Conservative party (certainly under their current leadership) but to judge any policy based upon the Labour party response to it can hardly be seen as even handed.
As Labour has sod all to do with the working man any more why not just call themselves the Socialists. Scotland will disappear up its own deep fried fundament so they can’t be UK wide so perhaps English Socialists. Those words are a bit unwieldy for todays uneducated/imported yoof so shorten it to something trendy.
I wish I was joking but that ludicrous situation just might fly!
With all the US embassy closings and evacuations and whatnot, giving fodder to a few naughty people who are suggesting that maybe the President was wrong to claim a while back that Al Qaeda was toast and that His foreign policy and State Dept. was an absolute clusterfark, the BBC needed one of those “Viewpoint” pieces to offer you insightful, expert analysis on the situation.
According to P.J. Crowley, (who worked for Sec. of State Clinton, so not even remotely impartial on this topic, which is why the BBC likes him, and why they don’t mention which Administration he worked for), it’s all going according to His plan. Or at least, we’ll find out soon enough that it is.
Do I detect an unapproved thought about the timing of this announcement and the closures creeping into your mind, dear reader? Let’s nip that in the bud, shall we?
There is no indication the intelligence behind this plot has been made to sound dramatic for political reasons. The administration’s response has received bipartisan support in Washington, with little of the political acrimony that followed the Benghazi attack last September.
And what would be an indication, pray? As if Crowley or the BBC would ever admit it. Note the obligatory White House talking point about Benghazi: only political opponents of the President were concerned about that. There can be no legitimate opposition to Him or His plans.
The partisan message is soon laid out very clearly.
A real-world reminder of the on-going threat may quiet widespread concern regarding global surveillance programmes under the National Security Agency (NSA).
Contentious programmes such as this one played no role in discovering this plot. Yet critics surely will point to the conversation between two known terrorist leaders as precisely the targets that the NSA should be focusing on, rather than on communications between innocent civilians.
Oh, those tiresome critics, eh? This announcement of a bugout-worthy plot “may” silence those concern, we’re told. Note that the criticism we’re allowed to discuss here is only that the NSA needs to get back on the ball, not that the whole thing is ridiculously out of hand. Does the President have any control over them, or input? Hush now. It’s not His fault, you see.
The plot certainly complicates the president’s narrative that the terrorist threat, while still potent, can be managed at a level of vigilance below the threshold of war.
Mr Obama’s strategy is to become more selective regarding the use of American military force; help allies like Yemen deal with threats within their own borders (a tall order given Yemen’s limited governance capability); and rely on good intelligence and improved defences to disrupt major plots before they mature.
Which is obviously a resounding success, since we’ve since learned that Yemen supposedly stopped some plot.
The next few weeks will be a stern test of this approach. No further news will be a significant achievement.
Well, a naughty, acrimonious critic might suggest that no further news would be an indication that there was no real threat, or that the trumpeting of the discovery of this conference call merely caused the bad guys to hold off and plan something else a few months down the line. Long after Crowley and his fellow travelers have declared the President’s scheme a success, of course.
Just to step back from the overly partisan line, we get the thoughtful closing line:
Mr Obama hinted in May that this war against al-Qaeda, like all wars, will end at some point. But Mr Zawahiri’s call suggests Mr Obama will not be in a position to declare “mission accomplished” any time soon.
Nice dig at Bush there, playing to the crowd, and continuing to push the myth that it was Bush who declared it. Even while allowing that the President hasn’t triumphed yet, Crowley still has to make Him appear superior to Bush.
There is no indication the intelligence behind this plot has been made to sound dramatic for political reasons.
Yes, and Captain Blackadder definitely did not shoot this delicious plump-breasted pigeon.
I’m sure that cover art is racist somehow. Speaking of seeing racism everywhere, where’s Mardell to tell us that the anger about the President spying on citizens is really about people being angry at being spied upon by “people not like them”?
David Pr – you are helping me answer what I felt was a fundamental flaw in closing these embassies – if I had a major plot arranged to blow up somewhere (or even just go to a shop to buy a dress I liked) and found the place closed – well I would just wait until it reopened and then do the deed.
This past week the media has been full of articles of..Twitter trolls and the abuse they dish out. Well today another Twitter Story has arisen but for some reason the abuse angle has been diluted somewhat. It appears that Mr Dawkins was tweeting about how Trinity college has won more Nobel prices (32) than the whole of Islam. Of course the liberal world is up in arms and everybody bar the bBC (Be still my beating heart) is calling him some sort of racist Bigot.
The thing is as always, the detractors have left out that Dawkins had actually been replying to posters who were quoting things such the Islamic contribution to Science and Algebra
If you follow the threads you will find:
That is not accurate. We hear about *Arab* innovations in math and science in the Middle Ages. Most Muslims are not Arab.,
The Effect of Islam on Science in the Middle East – 9th-12th Century
Anyway, laying the boot into his detractors Dawkins comes out with the killer:
Now the reason why I have inserted the above is if and when the bBC does report this story, see if they include the fact that actually Dawkins was responding to other posters when he came out with the above.
In 2011 the Muslims were in second place with 4 Nobel Prizes (in all categories except Peace). The Jews held a narrow lead with 176.
I am sure the BBC would advise us that statistically speaking this would be a dead heat.
Of course it is a draw. The Jews comprise a massive 0.2% and Muslims only 25% of the world’s population. A clear advantage in numbers.
Through the looking glass and down the rabbit hole with the BBC’s finest…
Here is a page on the BBC’s online news site describing itself as ‘Zanzibar Q&A: Behind the acid attacks’
“…Who is thought to be behind the attack?
…But the motive for the attack is a mystery. Our correspondent says residents seem genuinely confused and can’t understand why it happened or who could be behind it.
…Late last year a Muslim cleric was also the victim of an acid attack in Zanzibar – but this was thought to be personal matter not linked to any religious or political motives.”
It goes on:
Are there religious tensions?
Some, but these tend to come down to politics – and people on the islands say it is not linked to radical Islam.
Political groups tend to be split between those which want Zanzibar to remain in its union with mainland Tanzania and those that want more autonomy or secession.
…The issue has come to the fore again recently with the emergence of a new group, called Uamsho, meaning “the awakening” in KiSwahili, which has been calling for Zanzibar’s complete independence.”
So I Googled ‘Uamsho’ and <a href="this is what Wikipedia tells me:
“…Uamsho (Awakening) constitution declare openly its aims of returning Zanzibar to being a center of Islamic institution , applying Islamic law in Zanzibar…”
One other little snippet from that ‘Q&A’ provided by the BBC:
“…In a sign of further tension, a Catholic priest was shot dead in February.”
The BBC: Half the facts, all of the time.
The Mail’s story is totally different from the BBC’s…
Like, 5 suspects have been arrested….
The little matter of an arrest warrant going out for Islamic preacher Sheikh Issa Ponda Issa, who is thought to have inspired this attack.
And the girls are Jewish, and were teaching in a Christian school.
And as Phil says, ‘Uamsho’ are attempting, by force (Is there any other way in Islam?) to turn Zanzibar into a totalitarian Islamic state of its own.
Who should I believe?
Actually there is another way, I give you Tower Hamlets.
bbc are obsessed with throwing in that ahem “islamic cleric” sideline … any one would think that clerics are not the main instigators in this, whereas more factual reports show differently.
as for all this “alien ” nonsense the zanzibar chief of police stated on 5live yesterday its has been known to be an occurrence for … “some girls” over there
yep! some girls?
A sound factual post there, Phil. Many thanks for unearthing yet another piece of shameless BBC brainwashing.
Scott? Dez?
BBC-Democrat does almost anything to avoid reporting Islamic jihad inside USA.
Compare 1.) and 2.):-
1.) ‘JihadWatch’-
“Federal Reserve jihad mass murder plotter blames plot on childhood stammer and unfaithful girlfriend”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Many people of all creeds, including Muslims, may become more religious in times of personal crisis. Muslims who do so may, in an effort to cleanse their souls and please Allah, begin to pay attention they never paid before to the texts and teachings of Islam that mandate warfare against and subjugation of unbelievers. So it is entirely possible that Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis’s girlfriend troubles pushed him toward jihad.”
2.) BBC-Democrat-
“Bangladeshi man imprisoned for plotting Fed bomb attack”
Any chance of pointing out how many Muslims carry out these attacks, compared with non-Muslims?
Lets concentrate on one of the very few white-on-white incidents, shall we.
I hate the BBC.
They do the same with honour killings…deflect deflect deflect.
“BBC calls in auditors to widen search for improper executive payoffs”
Oo, another internal. That’ll sort it.
As the evening shift doubtless mount the heights of horse and dudgeon elsewhere, let me leave for a well earned pint on these in complement:
‘the BBC tried to argue that a straightforward handover might breach data protection laws’
Seems not all exclusions are unique, then. Encouraging.
‘that briefing might be “verbal”, to avoid discovery under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act’
So, is ‘might’ right? Or, possibly, left. Again. Only different times will tell.
And finally…
‘I’m more interested in James’ news sources. He’s a non-tweeting Twitter lurker’
What, the head of news of a £4Bpa broadcast monopoly that would make the mob blush may rely on what he thinks from a few mates’ witterings on twitter.
The very idea.
ps: loving Prof. Greenslade’s last line:
‘Both have entered a goldfish bowl because, unlike newspapers, their work will be intensely scrutinised by critics every day.’
At least the BBC goldfish bowl can’t get hounded by misinformation into closing down.
Well, given actually accurate stories on their behaviour, never say never.
Hall, who admitted in an internal email to staff on Friday that the BBC has “lost it’s way” on the issue of severance pay, has appointed KPMG to look at payoffs and deals with departing BBC staff prior to 2010.
He should have stopped at “lost it’s way”. Not another Sir Humphrey Special, but an external audit. Although KPMG isn’t exactly covered in glory for their work on the sub-prime mortgage crisis. Maybe that experience makes them more able to recognize an organization that’s lost it’s moral compass as well.
And now I realize the bastard has me confusing it’s with its. Damn BBC and their dumbing down.
“BBC to air kids’ show on ‘gay marriage’”
That is seriously screwed up.
Six o-clock news headlines….Anti Immigrant Posters……6! Six! one more than 5 one less than 7! In a population of 6million approx….(shit calculator has not enough zero’s) %
More people complained about the Marmite advert (classic)
now come come,
just peruse the the bbc top stories
the none religious – nobody knows – not islam , acid attack
go home immigrant offence van
no uphill ski ing in russia
and oprah winfreys handbag
what more could you want
Ford Hood jihad murder trial (cont’d).
Two contrasting reports:-
1.) NBC-
“Soldiers set to testify about Fort Hood massacre after day of grisly testimony”
2.) BBC-Democrat:-
“Fort Hood trial: Lawyers ordered to advise Nidal Hasan”
And BBC-Democrat sees to political reason to report this:-
“Jihad group releases video to recruit Muslims in Minnesota for jihad in Somalia”
There is every politically reason for BBC-Democrat to censor that report. And it does.
Met Police’s fraud squad investigating BBC pay-offs scandal
Detectives from Scotland Yard’s fraud squad are investigating senior members of the BBC’s leadership over allegations of misconduct in public office, The Telegraph can disclose.
A team of officers from the Metropolitan Police has been asked to gather information to determine whether pay-offs to senior managers amounted to fraud. A quarter of senior managers received more than they were entitled to in the past three years.
Newsdroid doing the script for the early bulletins…
Scriptdroid: Hey, I’m doing that Go Home Van ASA complaints thingy. It’s ‘Advertising’ and ‘Standards’ but does anyone know what the second A stands for?
Other Droid: Dunno. How about ‘Agency’?
Scriptdroid: Yeah that sounds about right. I’ll go with that.
BBC News. £3.2 billion a year plus ‘our own money’ from BBC Worldwide and still utterly shite.
‘Zanzibar acid attack victims are ‘well’ say doctors’
So that’s sounds ok then
How about those injuries then…. picture the BBC does not want to share with Licence Payers?
Except they have shown that picture, albeit cropped a little.
Does the report say the two women are Jews?
The Evening Standard also carries some more information concerning the BBC Payoffs Scandal
More BBC pay-offs will be put under the microscope after auditors were called back into the corporation a month after a report uncovered hundreds of thousands of pounds was given to executives who were not entitled to the money.
BBC boss Tony Hall said the National Audit Office (NAO), which published last month’s report, was “now back at the BBC looking at the outstanding severance payments made during the three year period to the end of 2012”.
Lucy Adams, head of HR at the BBC
‘It had become custom and practice’ for employees to expect a 12 month notice period.
Gotta lurve that ‘it had become’.
The passive tense – tailor-made for halfwits like Lucy to run away from responsibility.
Yerrr, Lucy treacle, we’d all like a twelve-month contract that woke up and refreshed itself every day.
Of course the really big story of the day is the tragedy that poor Oprah Winfrey had to survive whilst in Switzerland. Apparently she wanted to buy a handbag that was retailing at nigh on £25,000!! and the assistant (clearly a racist) attempted to show her a cheaper item. When I heard this related on the Beeb earlier they even seemed to have soft music playing in the background to add to the pathos of the traumatic event.
I’m fighting back the tears thinking about what this heroic woman has had to endure!
Has anyone heard what the saintly Lady Lawrence has to say on the matter?
Poor old Oprah, must have been watching re-runs of Pretty Woman, imagining she was Julia?
Good ole Oprah. Announcing that she didn’t want to play the race card while slamming it firmly down on the green baize.
And it just gets better and better…
How many acid attacks are there?
By Tom de Castella BBC News Magazine
Forget young British Jewish girls attacked by Islamic men and focus instead on…..
‘The artistic director of Russia’s Bolshoi Ballet was attacked in January. Now after 18 operations he is still almost completely blind, according to reports.’
‘Another high profile case was that of Katie Piper, who in 2008 was the victim of an acid attack orchestrated by her jealous boyfriend.’
Yeah but isn’t this a little bit of an Islamic problem?
‘India has an increasing problem with acid attacks.’
Ah yes we are at last off to Asia but our first stop is in a majority Hindu country.
This will make you laugh….
‘Mohammad Jawad, a plastic surgeon who helped rebuild Katie Piper’s face and works with victims….’
The BBC does a quick geographic somersault to avoid telling us Dr Mo is a Pakistani
‘….in South Asia, says the crime is about trying to destroy someone’s identity.’
And he is a proud Pakistani. We know because he boasts that he was awarded Sitara-i-Imias (the third highest honour and civilian award in the State of Pakistan) see here….
Now why would the BBC hide that little fact under a bushel?
Eventually at long last towards the end of the report we go on a little tour of Pakistan, Bagladesh and Iran.
But don’t draw any wrong conclusions from this….
‘The prevalence of attacks in South Asia can be explained by the easy availability of acid’
If the BBC can’t or won’t ever deal with these issues straight they should stop covering them.
‘If the BBC can’t or won’t ever deal with these issues straight they should stop covering them.’
A blank screen at £145.50pa might get noticed after a while, mind.
But yes, some of the po-faced ‘reporting’ in that piece is beyond risible. Those complicit in this obvious effort to redirect, accompanied by plain daft claims, should hang their heads.
One presumes the acid-throwing community is living in fear now as well? And storing up old car batteries in case they become less available around the UK too.
Wasn’t Katie Piper’s attacker of Asian (Islamic?) origin. I do know he wasn’t British.
Aerfen,I stand corrected. Many thanks.
‘The prevalence of attacks in South Asia can be explained by the easy availability of acid’
Ah, of course, it’s the acid’s fault.
‘Ah, of course, it’s the acid’s fault.’
Maybe Bollywood should knock out a commercial to get acid banned?
‘Don’t worry, Sanjay, they don’t mean that acid, and it will help revive your career’
Every time I click my fingers, some loon with a grudge thinks sneaking up on another and throwing acid over them is an honourable crime.
Whether this particular assassination is political or not-
“Libya Al-Hurra TV presenter Qusad shot dead in Benghazi”
– there is a context in Libya-
“Rights Group: Wave of Political Assassinations Paralyzes Libya”
(inc video clip).
Radio 4 banging on about advertising standards investigation the illegal immigrant vans. Here’s a story for you about them. Do you remember a few years ago there was an anti-litter campaign where the person dropping the litter transformed into a pig? Yes, no? Well I complained that all the people show were white and that this did not reproduce our wonderful multi-ethnic society. Surprise they didn’t want to even look at it. Funny that, isn’t it?
Someone needs to get a grip here. Look, those ads were never aimed at any illegals.
The real targets for the ads are wayne and waynetta slob, indigenous whitey, to make them THINK that something is being done. Smoke and mirrors, no more, no less.
The real illegals see the ads and walk away laughing.
All reminiscent of the benefit cheat ads awhile back, same principle.
This time it’s the Tories trying to stick a pin into ukip.
Exactly. Cameron has no interest other than power and he is afraid of UKIP.
Quite why the BBC had it as it’s main story on the 10pm TV News is beyond me.
Memo to any passing Beeboid. Nobody cares. It is less interesting than virtually anything on the news. It is terminally dull.
Illegal means just that. Can you not understand plain English?
Probably not seeing the way they murder the English language given half a chance.
We need a school for Beeboids. Simple pronunciation and comprehension. Might help a bit. Make them stand in the corner when they drop the final consonant.
But they can do pronunciation already.
Did they not bring us Mumbai? And Bejing? And kolkatt?
As yet tho’ I haven’t heard them discussing Paree!
Wankers all of them!
Except good old French news channels , all the good old traditional names like “Bombay , Madras , Calcutta ,Peking , come up on their maps & captions , when something newsworthy happens in those parts .Also it is all En Direct from Paree er Paris of course ,not Lyon or Bordeaux , all their main studio`s are in the their capital , not the Manchester ship canal or wherever this Breakie tv studio now resides !
I hear Liberty has got into the act concerning the *racist tour van* debacle. I think we can expect quite a lot of free air time from the BBC promoting their thoughts. (All paid by the licence fee payer of course). Have the BBC interviewed any of the *Joe public* who are for the van yet?
How many of the ‘objectors’ are ‘Liberty’s (Chakrabarti’s) politically selective, pro-mass immigration activists?
Liberty themselves funded by Lottery Money.
One hand washes the other.
That mafia don living in Uxbridge would have fitted right in.
Credit to the BBC where it’s due: Radio 4 at 20:50 on Friday, “A Point of View” with Dr Roger Scuton. A critique of democracy, which he believes has to be underpinned by free speech, an independent judiciary and protection of property rights. There were subtle hints about how the first two on this list are being overlooked by our political elite.
And that will probably be the last you will hear of Dr Roger Scuton on the BBC then!
Roger Scuton or Scruton?
I’ll be surprised if its the later ,read section on Salisbury review to see why
My typing mistake – it should be ‘Scruton’. Sorry for the confusion.
From Mutiny to Hand-outs.
Not for BBC-NUJ to report?
‘Daily Mail’-
“Revealed: The tiny South Pacific island which receives £70,000 in British taxpayers’ money for each of its 52 inhabitants.
“Pitcairn Island has received £10million since 2009 but residents pay no tax.
“52 inhabitants are descendants of sailors from the Mutiny on the Bounty.”
NIGERIA and British Aid.
BBC-NUJ has this:-
“Nigeria police officer sacked over YouTube video”
But corruption in Nigeria is much more widespread:-
“A country so corrupt it would be better to burn our aid money”
Forced marriages is the order of the day over at Five Live this morning.
How odd though that there is barely a mention of the countries to which these (mostly) child brides are taken – one very quick, Pakistan and Bangladesh – nothing more. I’d have thought that this was an integral part of the story – apparently not.
Two most disturbing things;
A guest, herself a child bride some years ago, claimed it’s not a cultural thing, it’s a child abuse thing. What? Are you serious?
And the five live presenter said words to the effect of, we really need to speak about this more and more in public to start tackling the problem.
He, an employee of the BBC, that bends over backwards to ensure that such things as forced marriage, gential mutilation and honour killings are not discussed openly.
And that the nationalities (please don’t call them British) of the perpetrators of such crimes are rarely, if ever, mentioned.
Yes, and BBC-NUJ doesn’t mention if this has anything to do with Islamic practices:
“Forced marriages: School holidays prompt warning”
And BBC-NUJ won’t discuss the case for stopping immigration into Britain from countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Why should the problems and costs of dealing with forced marriage (and honour killings) be imposed on the British people?
Some references:-
story from march by al beeb. it doesnt mention what culture caused a 2 year old baby to be “helped” (rescued?) from forced marriage by The Forced Marriage Unit
BBC very quiet about what happens to victims if they dont want a forced marriage
‘BBC very quiet about what happens..’
Often they fail to pass the acid test when it comes to reporting professionally with integrity. Assuming they do at all.
Mankini attack by muslims, reported in Mirror, Mail and Sun, couldn’t find it on BBC though………
Talking of stories not finding their way onto the BBC….
New York man, 22, ‘tries to sell girlfriend’s baby online’
So many reporters in the US – but if don’t fit the agenda we don’t get to see it on the BBC.
The Mirror seemed to think we would be interested
Heh heh. A great piece of Gramscian nomenclature on the BBC website today. Immigrants are now called ‘migrants’. Nice, subtle shift. Love it…looking back through the stories, they’ve been using it a while, now.
Well, whatever it is, they can’t be faulted for now telling it often enough.
I count 6 in the first 5 paras.
Maybe it has become true?
Also purely on a reporting basis, if we are told they were ‘..apparently killed in a shipwreck’, how then does the author know they ‘…were thrown into the sea when the boat ran aground just 15m (50ft) from shore, but some drowned because they could not swim’?
Tragic yes, but I don’t just mean the loss of innocent lives.
One of my favourites is “undocumented”
Hilarious if it wasn’t so serious. Have the BBC started to use it yet? If not only a maatter of time.
Glad I’m not alone in having spotted yet another subtle use of deliberately vague wordplay by the msm, the charge being led, as always, by the ever-willing BBC. They did the same when they started referring to Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) simply as the catch-all ‘climate change’.
Climate change and CAGW are two completely separate things – one is not only fact, but also perfectly natural, the other is the fictional product of over-excitable socialist enviro-trolls (you all know this, of course, but the BBC isn’t going to stop the misdirection any time soon).
Orwell invented the concept of ‘newspeak’ in his warning to future generations, 1984. The BBC consider it less of a warning, more of an instruction manual.
‘Migrants’, indeed. And we are still at war with Eurasia.
They’ve been doing it for about eight years!
I am surprised you’ve just noticed.
Another favourite is ‘migrant workers’ , rather implying they are seasonal, isn’t it?
Another bit of smoke and mirrors is to talk about ‘net immigration’ as opposed to ‘gross immigration’.
“Immigrants are now called ‘migrants’”
This is Labour policy now. Listen out for it – on the rare occasion that they are forced to talk about the issue, they ALWAYS use the words ‘migration’ or ‘migrant’. It’s a much more diffuse term, and could just refer to the movement of people all over the world. Immigration is a much more specific term, used to describe the flow of people into this country. It’s too much of a reminder of Labour’s ‘open the floodgates’ non-policy when thet were in office, and they know the public are on to them here.
The BBC are just following Labour’s lead, doing their bidding as usual.
Beeboids continue their propaganda against shale oil/gas development.
Robin Brant produces this typically Beeboid one-sided material:
“Fracking opponents consider election bid”
Of course, Brant ignores this:-
“Fracked off? No, I’m thrilled they’re drilling for oil in my beautiful corner of England.”
theres a good cartoon by josh over at bishop-hill regarding fracking
It seems the nice, formerly green faux-convert Sir David King is changing sides, a bit…
Perhaps he’s starting to crap himself over the thought that relatives of someone who dies from cold when the rationing starts could sue him for supporting the closure of our power stations through his zealous global warming nutjobbery.
Nutjobbery, I like it and I’m going to use it more in conversation. Especially when talking about the BBC.
Ah, but British Gas are pushing their TV ads now, extolling the virtues of smart-meters.
Their real problem is, why would you want one?
You can watch the pounds ticking over on an ordinary meter, anyway, it’s just that the numbers have to be turned cubic mteres to quids.
But oh the joy when they can force your energy usage at peak times to reduce, purely by price!
The only way they can ration you to smooth out that post- eastenders big kettle switch on peak demand.
Or put another way, when there’s no wind, and the wind contribution drops from 12% to nil, they can force you by price to switch off.
The BBC news has been running with the story of tax dodgers and putting up a picture (provided by the government I think) of the worst offenders. They have not so far commented on the ethnicity of the tax dodgers which is closer to the mix we would expect in the worst parts of London or from presenters on BBC children’s telly rather than a mix typical of the country as a whole.
Ramadan is over, thank feck for that
during this peaceful time for muslims, they have killed 1651 men, women and children and wounded 3048 more
The BBC’s favourite islamic freedom fighters, hamas, are celebrating the end of ramadan by killing loads more people
If any politician in this country suggested that the ‘accused’ murderers of Lee Rigby should hang, the BBC would unleash the righteous fury of the bleeding-heart left upon them………..
Ramadan score:
Ah, think of all the cultural enrichment we could gain by importing lots of those savage barbarians into our shithole of a third world country!
Oh what joy they can bring to our primitive society.
Gentlemen, the blog I help with has a Ramadan Death Toll of 6625. However I am going to update that on receipt of the death toll from Karachi over the Islamic holy month where good thoughts and peace to all mankind is mandatory.