An Elite Group Out Of Touch



Thompson and Co seem to have no idea that there is anything wrong with paying people up to twice their contractual dues…apparently that is ‘saving the BBC money’.


Hodge has just been on 5Live and she says that the governance structures, management and the Trust, are unaccountable and refuse to take responsibility….the structure will need to change.

The Trust should have been more foreward looking, and been proactive in looking for problems rather than reacting to them as they arise and then apologising when it all goes wrong.

There is an elite group up at the top who are out of touch.


Funny how clear sighted the MPs can be when looking at governance but there is no such clear  insight about the actual content of the BBC’s output….the BBC’s news is produced by an ‘elite group’, one which believes its own values and beliefs are the only ‘acceptable’ ones and shape the news and what can be said on the BBC to reflect that.


Perhaps we need a ‘Royal Commission’ or something similar to independently, away from tame left wing academics at BBC friendly universities, examine the BBC’s coverage of events and the consequences that followed on from that.

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28 Responses to An Elite Group Out Of Touch

  1. Old Timer says:

    The catalogue of disasters, mismanagement and cover ups of evil is on-going.
    There is only one course of action for any government with an ounce of courage.
    Close it now.


  2. Ian Hills says:

    Looking forward to the new quango being set up.


  3. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Somebody didn’t get the memo about not airing grievances.


  4. will says:

    paying people up to twice their contractual dues…apparently that is ‘saving the BBC money’

    Well they will have been emboldened by the successful line over BBC Worldwide for many years, i.e. that somehow an organisation being given valuable tax funded product to sell is somehow operating beyond the scope of public scrutiny and that Worldwide save the tax payer money by selling what is his, living high on the proceeds, before passing what remains back to the original owner.


    • Derek says:

      “paying people up to twice their contractual dues..”

      And explicitly fibbing by saying what they’re paid is contractual – getting paid a heck-of-a-lot twice-over simultaneously is something the BBC ‘elite’ seems very good at.
      You can tell they’re Lefties, only motivated by ‘social justice’, so ‘I’m shocked, shocked to find that troughing was going on in there. Everybody out at once!’.


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        When caught out that the “sweeteners” were not contractual, they tried three favorite lines of defense:

        It Was Value for Money (saving more later by spending more now)
        We Needed To Do It To Keep Top Talent
        It Was A Different Time

        In the end, of course, they said lessons were learned. And didn’t Thompson actually have the gall to quote this bit from Casablanca, with Patten as the Claude Raines character?


        • Derek says:

          “And didn’t Thompson actually have the gall to quote this bit from Casablanca, with Patten as the Claude Raines character? “

          That seemed to be what Thompson tried, but I immediately thought of Thompson as the glib money-grabbing self-serving amoral opportunist who sides with the violent ideologues, as the line seemed so natural for him.

          Lefties do like to try to accuse others of having their own (the Lefty’s) failings – a tactic I’ve seen numerous times.


          • Wild says:

            “Lefties do like to try to accuse others of having their own…failings – a tactic I’ve seen numerous times.”

            Indeed. To understand the Left just listen to what they say about the people they hate. It is usually textbook projection.


            • Wild says:

              As I pointed out in a previous post

              “Trade Union leaders [hate filled] sermonizing about greed and inequality when (according to the Tax Payers Alliance) 37 of them are paid over £100,000 a year, and Derek Simpson of Unite receives a salary of just under £200,000 a year”


  5. David Kay says:

    was watching this this afternoon on the telly, Hodge said she had had enough off the lies will she was grilling lucy adams

    BBC lying reorted in the mail, but nothing from the beeb


  6. Dave s says:

    Here in microcosm is the whole sad story of this England’s decent into triviality and absurdity.
    A refusal to face reality. A culture of entitlement amongst people whose detachment from that reality is total. Sheer greed the more distasteful for being so blatent.
    The belief that to hold acceptably liberal social views means that such amoral behaviour is justified.
    A real contempt for us proles.
    It is not just the BBC it is endemic in our institutions. Politics and the media are just more visible. It will lead to the end of England as a decent viable nation and a descent into failed state status.
    There are serious matters here. Those that cannot be openly voiced with out condemnation from these liberal troughers being the most serious.
    They might get away with it and this worst of generations go to their graves well cosseted to the end. That they have no care for England or interest in it’s future is obvious.
    I will not debate with them, or give their views any further credence. I will only listen to the ordinary people of this land and mix with those who still believe in this country and it’s past and it’s future.


  7. “Things have changed”… “We are sorry”…. “We can assure the licence fee payers that this will not happen again”…”Valuable lessons have been learned”…”Major reshuffle”…”Put this behind us”…”Learn from our mistakes”…”A culture that no longer exists”…”We take our responsibilities seriously”…”We are a trusted public body.”…”People trust the BBC.”…”Respected around the world and we intended to keep that respect”…

    Yadda Yadda Yadda . I can her those comments coming in the next few months from the BBC as sure as eggs is eggs. It will all be brushed under the carpet and they will carry on the gravy train and nothing will change.


    • London Calling says:

      There is one thing the LibLabCon Axis fear more than anything else.

      Working Class Conservatism.

      No need for Tory Toffs, no need for patronising Champagne Socialist Fabians, the hell with the One Wolrd Government Green Fantasists. They are all redundant.
      The whole PR activist influence seekers and peddlers, we need none of them. The real alliance of left and right is the thing they fear. Lets call it UKIP. Or Tea party, Whatever.

      Fear stalks the establishment party landscape.


  8. “Things have changed”… “We are sorry”…. “We can assure the licence fee payers that this will not happen again”…”Valuable lessons have been learned”…”Major reshuffle”…”Put this behind us”…”Learn from our mistakes”…”A culture that no longer exists”…”We take our responsibilities seriously”…

    Yadda Yadda Yadda . I can her those comments coming in the next few months from the BBC as sure as eggs is eggs. It will all be brushed under the carpet and they will carry on the gravy train and nothing will change.


  9. DickMart says:

    Just to repeat what I said on the Open Thread: it was rather fun to see these shysters squirm as they blamed each other for what had gone wrong. Sack the lot of them, I say, and close down this dysfunctional organisation!


    • #88 says:

      I’m not sure that I enjoyed it as much as you.

      Shysters for sure, but this elite see themselves as our betters. Untouchable, they share the characteristics of cockroaches in that they are fireproof. Destroy their habitat and they turn up, recycled somewhere else, still at the teat of the public purse, for none of them have done a single real day’s work in their ‘Humphrey-esq’ lives. Sadly they are also role models for the next generation of hangers on and shape the culture for the wider (unaccountable) BBC

      It’s just a game for them and I’m left wondering at what point this great country, that achieved so much through its history, put its fortunes in the hands of wankers * like this (and I include the showboating MPs in that sentiment – not least the PAC Chair).

      * NB to Mods. If ‘wankers’ isn’t acceptable on a family blog, please feel free to amend to bastards, c**ts or anything else you feel more suitable.


      • Doublethinker says:

        The liberal elite took control of the BBC in the 60’s and since then they have used it ruthlessly to further their political ambitions.
        By controlling the BBC they can set the agenda for the country , promote or oppose any policy or cause they choose, give air time to supporters, deny air time to those who oppose them or offer an alternative view that challenges the liberal left. On a daily basis the BBC is used to distort the news, tell us lies , force feed us on their liberal left world view, deny us freedom of speech, attack any who dare to oppose them. In short the BBC has been and remains the key weapon of the enemies of British democracy.


  10. Doublethinker says:

    I seem to remember that it was Thompson who, some years ago, proposed a massive increase in the License Fee. I had thought at the time that it was to increase the BBC’s stranglehold over the UK and to pave the road towards world domination. It certainly never crossed my mind that they needed the extra cash to fund severance packages for their chums.


  11. Guest Who says:

    Another report that seems less than favourable…


  12. David Preiser (USA) says:

    All these people stating that the license fee is the real problem are mistaken. It’s part of the problem, for sure. But there are two other major contributing factors to the endemic problems at the BBC: the fact that they are ultimately unaccountable for their broadcasting unless somebody with money and influence gets angry, and – most important of all – the whole National Treasure sanctity and the near absolute power the BBC has in media.
    Too much power, too much influence, too many ways to use it.

    One or two of the MPs yesterday spoke of working at the BBC as being a privilege, but far too many of them seem to act as if it’s a birthright, or that they don’t have to follow the same rules as the proletariat do.


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘spoke of working at the BBC as being a privilege’
      It is an aspect that goes to the whole market rate rubbish every bit as vexing as paying them more to leave.
      Most people would kill for a shot at getting the BBC on their CV, talent or executive, especially at the earlier, actually lean and hungry point.
      Yet the bizarre notion is that vastly paid BBC mucky-mucks have to offer vast amounts to get or retain folk… for the awful CV-killer of having actual ability exposed to a national audience of millions if not billions. Who cares if you are not getting X-Factor dosh if your brand earning capacity is going through the roof to negotiate elsewhere. Ditto support/admin. Do a good job on a recognised winner and you can, with honour, name your price.
      That the pool is kept so narrow, with the results now on evidence, shows just how skewed & screwed the whole thing is. Especially when they go on strike. They would not dare let any others get a crack without first drinking the Kool-aid.


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        Once people do get in there, it seems that the BBC culture has a negative influence. And it’s not just in the news and current affairs.