1. Span Ows says:

    More on the Minnestota ‘explosion’: Somali men seem to be prominent


    Now it’s my turn to say couldn’t find it on the BBC…at least not as ‘current’ news.


  2. thoughtful says:

    Is there no end to it?


    Did police falsify evidence against striking miners in the 1980s?


  3. An English Gentleman says:

    Well, here we all are 2014. I wish all contributors a happy and prosperous New Year.
    I look forward to all of us ‘raging against the machine’ throughout the forthcoming year.
    I suspect we will see the bbbc moving further to the left (if that were possible) and become more and more desperate to support/excuse the muslim religion.

    Two happy points of 2013 were
    1. The guy doing the signing in RSA. In one simple deception he manage to show up the entire political ‘elite’ and expose them for what they really are with their mobile phone photographs et al (all at our expense)and betray the truth about that basket case country – RSA.
    2. The ‘global warming’ ship in Antarctica that has become frozen in the ice due to the LOW temperatures. God certainly does move in mysterious ways – brilliant

    Good Luck all.


  4. Mice Height says:

    Mawson in ice-free Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica, 1912


  5. kayjays says:

    It’s all very well having guest producers on the Today program, but should not the truth be a prerequisite for guest speakers? John Pilger stated that the British trained and supported the Saudi National Guard (SANG); this is not true, it is false, it is a lie. I do not believe that the British have ever had anything to do with SANG, much as they would no doubt have loved to; SANG has always been a US reserve and a very lucrative contract for Vinnell Corp of the USA.
    How much more of Pilger’s piece was untrue?


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      The problem is that many BBC journalists and producers will agree with PJ Harvey’s version of the “truth”. As, clearly, do quite a few Labour MPs. Postmodern relativism writ large.


  6. John Anderson says:

    Latest re the Ship of Fools :

    It now looks as though the rescue ship Aurora Australis may have difficulty breaking through to the open sea. This reports that it is making only a quarter of a knot per hour – with ice right across to the horizon :


    You can manipulate the URL of the image to give later bow views – this is the latest I could get, it really looks grim again :



    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Oh, man, this is going to cost somebody a lot of money. Whoever officially sponsored the expedition has to pay for the rescue expenses. We’ll assume that none of the paying customers will dare ask for their money back, for fear of excommunication, so Turney is safe there.

      Of course, this new miracle of the ice is only going to be used by the Warmists as proof that they’re not responsible for getting trapped in the first place, that they had no control over a capricious Gaia (or do these people believe in the Snow Miser and all that?). I mean, if even the Coast Guard can’t predict the danger, what chance would they have had?

      If there hadn’t been any vegetarians among them perhaps they could have done an animal sacrifice before setting off like in the old pagan days.

      Does the Univ. of New South Wales have to pay all the legal costs? Or will we see a legal defense fund website start up in the next few weeks?


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      From the WUWT comments, there’s evidence that Turney is 100% responsible for getting trapped. Now that I read it, I remember somebody mentioning this here a while back, but it didn’t register in the brain:

      “The third drama of the day is the one which is still unfolding. Because of the Argo mishap we got off late, and had one less vehicle to ferry people to and fro. I’m told the Captain was becoming rather definite late in the afternoon that we needed to get everyone back on board ASAP because of the coming weather and the ice closing in. As I write we are continuing to make extremely slow progress through what looks like a winter alpine snow field – it’s yet another surreal part of this journey that we are in a ship trying to barge our way through here! I’m sure the Captain would have been much happier if we had got away a few hours earlier”.

      In other words, they got stuck because Turney was catering to his paying customers and thought he knew better than somebody who spent probably spent most of his adult life working in that environment. He was playing around with them, and made them miss any escape window.

      Although I suppose this means he’ll blame the passengers for the whole thing. Now I guess I’ll reconsider the assumption that none will ask for a refund. This is going to be very entertaining. We’ll have to look somewhere else besides the BBC to find out what really happens, though. They were half way towards redefining this as an SCA cruise gone awry.


      • DICK R says:

        The new Australian Government aren’t ecolunatics they just might send him the bill for the rescue operation which by now should be couple of million aussie dollars !


        • DownBoy says:

          I’ve quite high hopes for Tony Abbott nailing these fools. Dave C. he most certainly ain’t.


  7. Dave666 says:

    It’s breakfast. It’s time to run the “Tax fatty foods” story yet again, I’ve lost count . The angle this time is the population of the developing world is becoming obese. So does the report focus on this. Nope they get a reporter to tell us how much sugar is in coca cola. We know we’ve been lectured on this enough times.
    Same old story, please change the record.


    • Umbongo says:

      Oh yes and Mishal – or was it Sarah – kept telling us how “independent” the outfit issuing this report (the Overseas Development Institute) is. Well “independence” as deployed at the BBC is apparently a synonym for an organisation not openly bought and paid for by a political party/group or government department. However, an inkling of what we’re dealing with here is disclosed on the ODI staff page which lists the senior parasites working for this organisation. Predictably, their backgrounds and careers have an eery resemblance to those of “journalists” at the BBC and Guardian, “activists” at Greenpeace and WWF and numerous other self-appointed protectors of Gaia.
      So independent of what exactly? Not a lot; the clue’s in the words – “overseas development” – a catchall phrase used by front organisations of authoritarian, quasi-fascist groups operating largely through fake charities. As its accounts don’t reveal, most of the ODI’s income is from taxpayers (not solely UK ones). Unfortunately such income is not listed by source but as an array of how such monies are dispensed to finance in-house projects (eg Centre for Aid and Public Expenditure (CAPE)) involving trendy political ambition and/or standing conspiracies to further world government and fight “climate change”. This outfit is as “independent” as the BBC Trust.


  8. George R says:

    More Beeboid bias on Immigration.

    “Skewed figures and a BBC agenda: How questions are being asked about immigration reform.
    “Findings of a UCL study given huge coverage across BBC
    Yet, questions are now being asked about the accuracy of report.”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2532975/Skewed-figures-BBC-agenda-How-questions-asked-immigration-reform.html#ixzz2pKR8ppHU


  9. George R says:

    “Drivel! PJ Harvey accused of filling BBC Radio 4’s Today programme with ‘leftie tosh.’
    “Tory MPs accused programme of breaching BBC’s duty of impartiality.
    “Public reaction divided, some calling it ‘powerful and thought provoking.’
    “BBC political editor weighed in to criticise journalist John Pilger’s segment.”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2532969/Drivel-PJ-Harvey-accused-filling-BBC-Radio-4s-Today-programme-leftie-tosh.html#ixzz2pKSJ4hjK


    • Guest Who says:

      I was actually more surprised by the headline and subhead from the Graun:
      ‘The corporation was accused of allowing left-leaning contributors – including the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, and the campaigning journalist John Pilger – to air their views uninterrupted on the flagship radio show on Thursday.’
      Given what is factually self-evident, that they raise pretty much what happened as an accusation speaks volumes.
      The comments are a treat, with some logic on display making the duty Brains Trust seem like Mr. Spock.


      • AsISeeIt says:

        This guest editorship business is interesting on several counts. Firstly, we Licence Payers are invited to join the BBC in its assuption that there may be a far-right and hard-right but no Left-wingery can ever really be beyond the pale – it just gets ‘thought provoking’ or shall we say arty. Then we have the Boss of Barclays as the putative counter-weight – now I didn’t/wouldn’t listen but I’m guessing Mr Banker put on a most PC-BBC-friendly performance. I doubt he had actors reciting poems to capitalism or had retired colonels singing folk songs calling for Trades Unionists to be put in chains. I’m not averse to PJH’s music. But if she says we should throw open the gates of Gitmo, I will take it with a pinch of salt. And if she says it on Jools Holland’s show then thats just about fair enough. But this artists as news casters romp – in the Mr Katz Newsnight snoring boring vein – that is starting to sound like taking the piss.


  10. John Anderson says:

    Aurora Australis is still not in open water.

    And if and when it gets there, it is now ordered to stand by – because the Chinese vessel is worried about breaking through.


  11. Robert Lavin says:

    More evidence of left-wing bias on the bbc website this morning they had a story about the Thatcher government wanting to close down 75 pits secretly(they had it second on the list seems like a big story) but then I look at Sky News and ITV who don’t even have that story on their list surely this is just further proof of the BBC promoting its left-wing ideology of Thatcher being bad whilst not giving a balanced account of the story such as the fact that 20 mines a year were being shut down already so 75 in 3 years would hardly have been a massive step up


  12. John Anderson says:

    It had to happen – the Ship of Fools bunker YouTube :


  13. George R says:

    BBC-Democrat censors on Islamic jihad, again.

    ‘Sky News’ has this:-

    “‘Jihad Jane’ Faces Lengthy Jail Sentence.
    More than four years since her arrest over a plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist, Colleen LaRose could be jailed for life.”


    Pamela Geller’s ‘Atlas Shrugs’:-






  14. Thoughtful says:

    An interesting post from a different forum – how many of these have come to pass?

    This is the result of mass immigration. However it is one aspect of the amoral globalism of big business and the cultural Marxism of the metropolitan elites and the left-wing media. (The Frankfurt School of Marxism – see below)

    They devised strategies by which the destruction of the West could quickly and effectively take place: “To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):

    “1. The creation of racism offences.
    2. Continual change to create confusion.
    3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
    4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
    5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
    6. The promotion of excessive drinking.
    7. Emptying of churches.
    8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
    9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
    10. Control and dumbing down of media.
    11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.”

    If anyone is wondering why the West is embarked upon sexual suicide, much of the answer can be found in the Frankfurt School: “One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pansexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

    “• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
    • abolish differences in the education of boys and girls.
    • abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces.
    • declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’.
    Munzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: ‘We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks’.”