Train Engineer Resigns



The Head of the IPCC, that highly influential and political climate change propaganda pressure group, has resigned.  It’s on the front page of the BBC’s website but way, way down the page in the Environment section.

UN climate head Rajendra Pachauri resigns

The head of the UN climate change panel (IPCC), Rajendra Pachauri, has resigned amid sexual harassment allegations.

In a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Mr Pachauri said he was unable to provide strong leadership.

Indian police are investigating a complaint from a 29-year-old woman working in his office in Delhi.

Lawyers for the woman say the harassment included unwanted emails as well as text and phone messages. Mr Pachauri has denied the allegations.


Analysis: Roger Harrabin BBC Environment Analyst

Dr Pachauri’s resignation is a shock


So much of a shock that the BBC don’t make it headline news, preferring to stick with Tory Malcolm Rifkind for their big story.  Funny how Labour’s Straw has been downplayed, Humphry’s interview yesterday wasn’t exactly a feet to the fire job, whilst the Tory boy is up in lights.


Like Harrabin’s narrative…how ‘Patchy’, after seeing the light, converted from sceptic to believer…

Known to friends as “Patchy”, Dr Pachauri’s tenure has been controversial. He was installed after the US said the previous chair was too alarmist. They thought Dr Pachauri, as an Indian transport economist, would take a pro-development line.

After immersion in scientific research he too became persuaded that climate change is a real threat, deserving more action from political leaders – and he said so in outspoken terms.


As far as I can see Pachauri  has always been a believer, an advocate for renewable energy and interested in the social effects of climate change.

Harrabin, just another propagandist.  What did he do with that £15,000 the climate change hypers at the Tyndall Centre gave him to promote climate change ‘communication’?



The Art Of Corruption



‘The bad news is that culture and creativity are being erased from the classroom, and that audiences for the arts are substantially white, middle class, affluent and well educated.’


Yesterday the BBC launched it’s ‘Get Creative’ campaign to encourage greater participation in the Arts of all kinds and broadcast a programme talking especially about the Arts, or lack of, in schools.

Ostensibly very worthy ideals but is there a very political underlying message to this when you realise the background to the project, what ‘sparked’ it, and who supports it and why?

Is there a message other than ‘Get Creative’ to this campaign launched in the run up to an election?  Are we being peddled a Labour policy from 50 years ago?

The BBC tells us that:

“For those who take part, this activity becomes an essential part of their quality of life. Expressing yourself creatively enhances your skills, understanding, confidence and wellbeing – and taking part in creative activity collectively in a group strengthens communities.”


Today the Labour Party says ..

Labour promises more arts in school

Mr Miliband says he wants to put “policy for arts and culture and creativity at the heart of the next Labour government’s mission”.

He warned there was insufficient access to the arts in school, pointing to evidence from last week’s Warwick Commission on the Future of Cultural Values.

The report from Warwick University warned that creative subjects were at risk of being squeezed out of schools.


I’m certain it is just a coincidence that Labour launches its Arts policy for schools, usng the WU report as a basis as the BBC launches its ‘get Creative’ campaign…. just as the launch of the BBC/Guardian attack on tax evasion came within days of Miliband’s announcement of Labour’s own attack on tax havens.

However, in this programme at around 09:25 the presenter admits it is the declining number of children in the last five years doing Art at school (so linked to the Coalition’s education policies there)  that ‘sparked a new BBC led Campaign ‘Get Creative’….where lies, he asks, the responsibility for nurturing the Arts? Do we need these top down approaches whether from the BBC or a new education policy from Government?

The programme references the ideas of Labour’s Jennie Lee way back in 1965.  So you might guess where they are going with this.

Tony Hall, BBC Director General and afficonado of the Arts himself, has been instrumental in setting this up in conjunction with Warwick University, amongst others, which produced this report….which we are told…

….gives a clear message to society: that government and the cultural and creative industries need to work together to ensure that everyone has equal access to a rich cultural education and that conditions are in place for culture and creativity to play their part in our economic success.


A ‘clear message’….the State must be involved in the Arts and that of course means handing out the money.

Why the need for this campaign by the politically neutral BBC?  It is sending a ‘clear message’ to voters and government….cuts to the Arts are bad, vote for the people who will fund the Arts and enhance your life.

The BBC tells us…

Creativity and the arts are being squeezed out of schools, a major report has said.


Squeezed out of schools by the Coalition’s education policies and cuts….or so we are led to believe.

Yesterday R4 broadcast this programme which I referenced above:

The Front Row Debate

Are artists owed a living? John Wilson hosts a public debate to mark the launch of the BBC’s Get Creative campaign and to open a national conversation exploring the relationship between the state and the arts.


The programme was supposedly a debate but essentially had one message…we need more Art and more funding from Government…Government cuts are damaging the Arts and without the Arts life is hardly worth a candle.

The pogramme admitted that the ‘get Creative’ campaign was intended to change Government policy on the Arts and that the present Arts’ funding shames the Coalition, it’s a tragedy, the Arts are dying we are told.

As an added extra we had the usual tirade against Middle Class or Upper Class artists…there are just too many of them…too much ‘Oxbridge’ thanks.  Presumably Art is only authentic if ‘Working Class’….and of course it goes without saying, more non-white people needed….more ‘Diversity’.

The programme was highly political on its own without any connection to a BBC campaign launched to undermine and discredit Government Arts’ policy.

As said before the programme referenced the ‘vision’ of Labour’s Jennie Lee in 1965 as a possibly ideal way forward for the Arts and Government…as described by the Guardian..

Jennie Lee’s vision for the arts is as relevant today as it was 50 years ago

Fifty years on, we are still fighting for arts policy changes that Lee considered as crucial to our everyday lives and wellbeing as the NHS.

Last week, the Warwick Commission’s report on The Future of Cultural Value was published. The good news is that the arts are a significant contributor to the economy; the bad is that culture and creativity are being erased from the classroom, and that audiences for the arts are substantially white, middle class, affluent and well educated. Worryingly, there is a downward trend in participation.


Here’s what Tony Hall, director general of the BBC and a PHF trustee, said about Warwick University’s report:

“The Commission’s Report is a blueprint for the continued success of arts and culture in Britain. It’s written for everyone – right across our industry and in every walk of life – and I join with its authors in calling for all of those who have a part to play to give themselves permission to believe in a better future for the arts. Its conclusions will help us all deliver that vision.”


An entirely neutral BBC DG, head of the impartial BBC, just before an election, the day before the Labour Party launches its own promise about support for the Arts in schools, launches a campaign to support the Arts, especially in schools, and to promote the need for more State funding.  Tony Hall was once Chief Executive of the Royal Opera House and someone who had a close working relationship with the Labour government in relation to the Arts….and when you look at who produced the Warwick University report it is just Tony Hall’s old mates….nearly every one from the Arts world.

Not saying this is at all political, or indeed in the BBC’s own interest, but this is what some of the ‘Stars’ who are supporting this BBC campaign said in 2011:

Entertainers warn over arts cuts

The 46 names from British film, TV and the stage say they feel compelled to ”speak out”.

In an open letter, they say that arts and culture across the UK are facing ”the biggest threat” in decades.

The letter states: ”Before the last election the Government promised to usher in a ‘golden age’ for the arts. The reality couldn’t be further from this.

”With the reductions announced in last year’s comprehensive spending review, the withdrawal of huge amounts of local authority support, the abolition of the UK Film Council and the financial pressures faced by the Arts Councils and the BBC, we are currently facing the biggest threat to funding the arts and culture have experienced in decades.”

The ”deep” cuts will not only hit film, regional theatre, the BBC and others, the letter adds, but audiences who experience the arts through the likes of outreach and education projects.


147,088,860 Hits Must Say Something Sista




The Telegraph published this article about so-called cultural appropriation, the adoption of other races’ or culture’s art,  music and style…apparently it’s not allowed…at least for White people to ‘Black up’, metaphorically, culturally, speaking.

Azealia Banks vs Iggy Azalea: ‘Privileged white people shouldn’t steal hip-hop’


It’s a minefield out there….cultural theft, cultural smudging, identity theft, reverse racism, bigotry, the ‘angry black woman syndrome’, minstrelsy, fetishized depictions of black people for the entertainment of white audiences…a cheap circus act….and so on.

It’s a whole academic study.  Which I think is the point.  It’s an industry for the ‘professional Black’ and not a few Whites who makes a living out of ‘campaigning’ against alleged racism.

Naturally there is genuine racism lurking out there but these people seek to create and exaggerate it and are intent on fostering anger and feelings of alienation that they leech off…parasites creating dangerous disharmony to fill their own pockets with money.

The BBC are pretty keen to go  down this road and accept that White people should not adopt Black or other races’ cultural heritage.

Alvin Hall perfectly illustrated the mindset a while back in a confused rant about racism and Black music which we looked at previously….

Viva Hate

A narrative that Hall shoehorns in regardless of the facts…..‘cultural theft’, ‘pillaging Black music’, ‘minstrelsy’ are some phrases that give a clue to the line he takes.

The USA was practically an apartheid State right up until the late 60’s, there is no doubt that that held back some musicians and Black music businesses….amongst others.

But that is not the whole picture, but it is a picture that Hall wants to present, that Blacks were controlled and exploited by Whites, and he does so despite at the same time giving us facts that contradict that narrative.

He blames racism for Blues musicians and singers not getting their rightful dues….but goes onto say that it was the Black middle class that thought Blues was below them and not something they wanted to be associated with.

He tells us that White companies just weren’t interested in Black Music…but then contradicts that….and  tells of Black music companies and radio stations that exploited Blacks.

He tells us that Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson sold out…they were compromised,  ‘whitewashed’….they weren’t authentically ‘Black’… highly successful…and yet Hall can’t really accept that.

He tells us that Hip hop was born from the ghetto, the ghetto that the Black Middle class left behind them….and all that was left for the remaining inhabitants was drugs, drink and crime, which they put into their music….Hip hop and Rap.

But then he tells us that it is the White folks buying the records that are  forcing and encouraging Blacks to become ‘Minstrels’, stereotypes of Black people…it is the fault of the Rap record buying public (66% white) who are to blame for ‘Gangsta Rap’…..the Whites enjoying the ‘thrill of the alien culture’.

He puts the case that success comes at a terrible price…selling their soul…and once again it is the whites who are manipulating and controlling Blacks.

Hall doesn’t seem to like success unless it is ‘authentically Black‘……and even when it is ‘Authentically Black‘ as in Rap, he claims that is just an unwelcome stereotype.

The final ironic statement about that very definitely Black music, Rap and Hip Hop, was this….

‘Now this is unacceptable…this is not who we are.’



It bubbled up again recently in this piece about ‘Native American’ art…

#BBCTrending: Fashion Week controversy over Native design

Native American fashion designer Bethany Yellowtail posted a comparison of a dress she had released last year and a design shown this week by London-based KTZ.

“The dress as stated on my website embodies a Crow design from my great great grandmother…funny I didn’t realize @ktz_official knew the Yellowtails or the Crow people,” she writes.

“It’s one thing for designers to be unoriginal and knock off other peoples designs but what happens when you blatantly take cultural valuable designs from Indigenous people? Let’s find out….#CanANativeLive #boycott #KTZ #ktzofficial #boycottKTZ”


Judge for yourself…

Two dresses


Personally I think she is talking out of her papoose.


We also had the subject on Woman’s Hour (10:30) a while back and Jane Garvey was excruciatingly apologetic for being white as she went on to discuss ‘White people stealing Black culture’…..we also hear a lot about those ‘Pale, male and stale’ whites who apparently control everything such as award ceremonies…and are racist…because they are white.  So racist, sexist and dismissive of a culture in one small phrase on Women’s Hour.

On cultural theft (35 mins in)…Garvey wants to know what makes Black people angry….apparently it’s Iggy Azalea who is ‘deeply offensive and racist’ for singing rap in a ‘Black’ style…it’s colonialisation all over again, a sense of entitlement to something she doesn’t have permission to use….even Myley Cyrus using Black backing singers is cultural theft, ‘accessorizing Black’.



We hear that Black cultural styles aren’t attractive on Black people and are only popularised when whites adopt them….that’s bad we learn….er….if it’s not attractive on Black people why then do white people then adopt a style that is so ‘unattractive’?

They talk of Big Butts on White women…But are J-Lo or Kim Kardashian white?  Can’t say Big Butts,  Black or White, get the vote with anyone I know in the real world.



Garvey goes along with the narrative and feeds in her own thoughts to keep it going.

Iggy Azalea is deeply offensive Garvey suggests.

Dreadlocks on White people are also Haram…..Mainstream media can’t stomach dreadlocks on Black people and they only become acceptable when Whites start to use them.

Garvey says ‘No wonder you feel so offended…I totally get that!’

However again…can’t think of anyone who thinks White people look good in Dreads…and indeed just watched ‘The Inbetweeners 2’ andone of the biggest dicks in the film had Dreads…and was, obviously, white.



It could just be that dreadlocks are just weird whatever colour skin you have and very few people can carry them off with any style.




Happily though, the media might be changing we are told.

‘Times are changing and about time too’  Garvey expresses in relief.


The BBC of course never changes its tune.

I would suggest that all this talk about cultural theft and appropriation of Black style is highly divisive and hardly inline with the BBC’s supposed task of ensuring ‘social cohesion’… It looks more like the BBC is intent on sowing discord and disharmony and inciting anger against white people for some imagined racial crime.

I am guessing that a Black person singing an Italian opera, in Italian, is not classed as ‘cultural appropriation’ by the BBC…..and Vincent Osborne is your typical ghetto boy, ain’t he just….



A Peculiar Kind Of Racism


The BBC, as with the 5 year old HSBC story that they disinterred to support Labour’s narrative on tax evasion, has timed to perfection a hatchet job on UKIP using the words of  UKIP councillor Rozanne Duncan to tar the whole party by association with what the BBC wants you to believe are racist beliefs of this woman……this ‘documentary’ has been held back for quite a while and only released as near to the election as ‘decently’ possible without seeming to be obviously a politically motivated stitch up…..

The BBC leaked news of the tone of her words back in December without admitting what she had actually said….

Rozanne Duncan is understood to have used highly racially offensive language during filming for a BBC documentary to be broadcast in February.


This of course led to a lot of speculation….made use of politically by UKIP’s rivals…

It is believed the comments were made on a new BBC programme.

Craig Mackinlay, Conservative candidate for South Thanet, said: “Ukip is the party that just keeps on giving, there seems to be something every week.

“Finding out what was actually said is the bit I’m looking forward to.

“Ukip don’t throw people out, they usually let them get away with it.

“For her to have been thrown out this must have been very bad.”


Political game playing by the BBC to let this fester and then release the actual film so much nearer the election when they hope people will still have it in their memory and link UKIP to ‘racism’…….



We know that Rozanne Duncan had to leave UKIP and the Telegraph showed the sort of reaction that must please the BBC immensely as it condemns the woman as a racist…a ‘ranter’, and an ‘extraordinary’ one  at that…

The moment a UK Independence Party councillor ended her career with an extraordinary racist rant is to be broadcast nationwide on Sunday for the first time.


However a measured and more thoughtful listener would have made a completely different judgement.

Duncan is clearly upset that she has such feelings and is mystified as to why she has them…and note only Black people make her uncomfortable…she had no problem with Asians or anyone else.

She also expressed concern about Black people getting bullied and picked on in a majority white location.

She says she wasn’t used to black people having grown up in the 40’s and 50’s….but she says that ‘that’s no justification at all [for her feelings]’s really bizarre’.


It is a shame the BBC have decided to ‘weaponise’ this woman’s admission, such as it is, and crucify her in order to attack UKIP.

She is clearly not racist in what we would generally accept as the meaning of the term, a deliberate hatred of someone because of their race, she just has innate, subconscious feelings that she can’t fathom and is entirely embarrassed by….perhaps she did have a traumatic experience in her youth?  No benefit of the doubt from the BBC Inquisition.

Others were traumatised by Santa in their youth…and suffer ‘Santaphobia’



“Santaphobia” is (apparently) the term for a persistent fear of Santa Claus usually caused by coming into close proximity (by no doubt sitting on his knee) at Christmastime. It’s not genetic, so one child in a family can have it while their brother or sister may not.’


The woman who is terrified of SANTA: 28-year-old suffers panic attacks at sight of Father Christmas after she was forced to sit on his knee as a child


Shameful of the BBC to hang her out to dry and ruin her life for their political ends.

In effect what the BBC has done is no different to the racism they claim to abhor….attacking a woman because she is in UKIP regardless of her genuine difficulty with her unwanted feelings….which are in complete contrast to her other expressed attitudes towards other races.

Did she use ‘ highly racially offensive language during filming for a BBC documentary’  as the BBC claim?   Or did she just admit the look of Black people made her feel uncomfortable?

The use of the word ‘Negro’ is a throwback to her generation when it would have been in general, and accepted use.  Maybe offensive to many today but for her it is just a word and not intended to be offensive….and consider Cumberbatch when he used ‘coloured’….how is that offensive when Blacks themselves use the phrase ‘People of Colour’?  Words are political weapons these days used to vilify and attack people with the label ‘racist’….a label that is the kiss of death of course in ‘decent society’.

In contrast you may have heard Woman’s Hour a couple of weeks back talking about supposed ‘cultural appropriation’ (more of which later) and the phrase ‘male, pale and stale’ being bandied freely about……so sexist, racist and dismissive all in one little phrase….never mind that the talk was all about Whitey not being allowed to use ‘Black’ culture.

And yet…it was a laugh for the girls.









More Brainwashing Needed!


Interesting reaction to this BBC Tweet……Not the one the BBC hoped for I imagine……

Fears grow for ‘Syria-bound’ girls























Fears Grow For Paris Bound Chelsea Supporters

Relatives of the three missing London boys believed to be heading to Paris have pleaded for them to come home.

The boys travelled to Paris on Tuesday. It is feared they may be planning to join Front National extremists in Paris.

One of the boy’s family said they understood he wanted to help those suffering attacks from Islamist fanatics in Paris but said Paris was “a dangerous place”.

The family said they were “feeling completely distressed”.

The three London boys who all supported Chelsea Football Club, travelled to Paris by train on Tuesday after telling their parents they were going out for the day to watch Chelsea play in the Champions League.

Football managers from clubs across the country have issued a statement pleading with the boys to come home.

Supporters at the  London club were asked to come forward if they had any information to help the boys return home safely.

A Club spokesman said the trio, who have been described as “straight-A students”, had been manipulated, possibly influenced by the heightened atmosphere around the subject of immigration during the run up to the election, much of it possibly due to the dangerous attitudes promulgated by Nigel Farage and UKIP.

He said: “They have been misled. I do not know what was promised to them. If they do go to Paris, it ‘s like a war zone and there are serious ramifications for going in to a war zone.”

He continued “Our understanding is the family didn’t have any idea and the children didn’t leave any clues and even their school, which is quite a good school in this borough, they don’t have any clue as to why these three boys just suddenly left.

“They might have some other friends and people don’t know whether they were radicalised online or by some individuals physically.”

“It’s a mystery for the community.”

Police said the boys had previously been  interviewed by officers after another boy from their supporters club went to Paris in January, but nothing had indicated they were at risk and their disappearance had come as a great surprise.

In a statement, one family said: “We miss you terribly and are extremely worried about you.

“Paris is a dangerous place and we don’t want you to go there. Get in touch with the police and they will help to bring you home.”

“We understand that you have strong feelings and want to help those you believe are suffering in Paris.

“You can help from home, you don’t have to put yourself in danger. Please don’t cross the border.”

The family said: “In your absence, we, as a family, are feeling completely distressed and cannot make sense of why you left home.

“Due to the speculation that you may be travelling towards Paris, we are extremely worried about your safety.”

David Cameron says the disappearance of three London boys feared to be heading to Paris to join the Front National extremists is “deeply concerning”.

He said “Our authorities will do everything we can to help these boys.”

“But it does make a broader point which is the fight against racism is not just one that we can wage by the police and border control.

“It needs every school, every university, every college, every community to recognise they have a role to play.

“We all have a role to play in stopping people from having their minds poisoned by this appalling xenophobic hatred.”

Police have issued images taken from CCTV of the boys they want to speak to:

Chelsea fans sought by police


Detectives said the priority was to find the boys and “make sure they are safe”.

The families of the boys rejected claims that they had become radicalised saying there was “no concrete evidence” of this.

The Metropolitan Police said the investigation has been taken over by the South East Counter Racism Unit.

“They have strong international links which places them in the best position to pursue the investigation overseas and try to find the boys and bring them home,” a force spokesman said.

“We will continue to work closely with the families and the community in London.”

A police spokesman said it was a “really sensitive investigation” and they were doing “everything nationally and internationally” to find the boys.

He said: “We suspect they may have been influenced by others to leave the UK.”

Jim Blarney from the London Sporting Academy said there was “absolutely not” any radicalisation at the Academy.

“I’m 100% confident – with the head and the senior leadership team and the whole school – that we’ve done everything to put in measures that safeguard all the children that attend the school,” he said.

Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said: “The idea of young British boys setting off to Paris is very disturbing, and shows that more action is urgently needed to stop young people being drawn into extremism and conflict.”

Those with information can call the free Anti-Racism Hotline number on 0800 789 321.







Muhammed The Librarian




I’m sure you are all familiar with the BBC narrative that promotes the ‘Golden Age of Islamic Science’  and tells us the West owes all of its progress to Islam.

It is a constant refrain, one that the BBC wants to impress upon us, the idea being that once we realise that Muslims were once very clever we will change our perceptions about Islam as a backward, violent and intolerant ideology.

Good luck with that.

The problem is that the ‘Golden Age of Islamic Science’ owes its sheen to the cultures it conquered and the accumulated knowledge of the Romans, Greeks, Persians and Indians.  Muslims became great librarians as they stored up that accumulated knowledge from past centuries.  It profited from an intellectual drag….once conquered the various cultures held on to their science, philosophy and intellectualism…and we had a great deal of ‘cultural appropriation’…for example…A major innovation of this period was paper – originally a secret tightly guarded by the Chinese.  The art of papermaking was obtained from prisoners taken at the Battle of Talas (751), spreading to the Islamic cities of Samarkand and Baghdad.    This continued until Islam asserted itself fully and began to restrict the practise and development of science and learning and notably many of the scholars were in fact not Muslim but Christians and Jews.

For a more sceptical view of Islamic claims to scientific genius you might like to read this:

How Islamic Inventors Did Not Change The World


What should be understood is that it wasn’t ‘Islam’ or the Koran urging its adherents to strive in the fields of science purely for the sake of knowledge.  The scientific progress was merely a necessary adjunct to practising Islam…the need to know when to pray during the day, in which direction Mecca lay, and the dates of the various festivals and sacred days…as well as the need to administer a massive and complex empire.

Knowledge and learning were not next to Godliness, they were just a practical necessity.

Suggesting that Islam is ideologically a driver of scientific endeavour and knowledge is like saying warfare is…and by virtue of that we must all love War.

Huge leaps in scientific progress come out of war as the arms race sucks in huge funding and resources to develop war winning weaponry but there is no ideology of ‘War’ that directs and eulogises this development….the Army does not turn five times a day towards the MOD building in London and kneel in prayer as they submit themselves to the wisdom of Michael Fallon MP, Secretary of State for Defence.

Funnily enough the same people who praise Islam denounce the ‘Industrial-Military Complex’ as evil.

The magnificent Koran’s science tells us that the Sun orbits the Earth…a view still held by some….

Saudi Muslim cleric claims the Earth is ‘stationary’ and the sun rotates around it


You might want to read this to help understand how a Muslim, taking the Koran as his guide, as a good Muslim should, could make that error:

Scientific Errors in the Qur’an

The Qur’an mentions numerous times that the sun and the moon travel in an orbit, but does not mention once that the earth does too. This is consistent with a earth-centered (geocentric) view of the cosmos that places a motionless earth at the center of the universe and all “heavenly bodies” travel around the earth. This was the prevailing understanding of the universe prior to the 16th century when Copernicus helped explain and popularize a sun-centered (heliocentric) view of the universe. Tellingly, the sun’s orbit is always mentioned in the context of night and day.


It is notable that at times when a strict interpretation of Islam was followed science and culture died.

For 800 years Islam turned a land of sand into an intellectual desert, a backwater.

However, that, apparently, is an ‘invidious, ungentlemanly’ view…according to Evan Davis on Newsnight.

Craig from ‘Is the BBC Biased?’ has transcribed an interview that Davis held with Richard Dawkins who had tweeted about the lack of progress of Islamic nations…….Here is Davis at work….

…a tweet in which you drew a very invidious comparison between the number of Nobel prizes won by people from Trinity College, Cambridge and the entire Muslim population of the world. Trinity College, Cambridge comes out on top of that comparison. Now, not disputing the factual basis of it, why make such an invidious comparison? Why raise that? Why raise the issue? What’s the point of drawing attention to that?

I can think of much more gentlemanly ways of making the intellectual point that Islam has not been a great scientific…


This from the same BBC that dismisses centuries of European culture as a ‘Dark Ages’…

The Dark Ages – a period in which Europe, and scientific progress, slumbered.

“Just because Europe was stuck in the Dark Ages,” argues Jim Al-Khalili the professor of physics at the University of Surrey and author of Pathfinders: The Golden Age of Arabic Science, “we shouldn’t assume that the rest of the world had stagnated. There was this great flourishing of scholarship and discovery in the Islamic world of the middle ages”.


Curious isn’t it that the BBC can rubbish European culture and then go to enormous lengths to burnish the credentials of Islam with claims that it was a culture that a thousand years ago may have produced great scientific leaps to which we all owe our modern lives to and yet, when someone comes along to suggest all is not well now with the Muslim world, they are told to shut up, told not to mention the fact that Islamic countries are intellectual and scientific backwaters, that it is just a bit rude to say so.

I did laugh because the great enemy of Richard Dawkins, the slippery Mehdi Hasan,  is on Dawkin’s side on this.

In Hasan’s now infamous speech in which he labelled the non-Muslim as immoral,  ignorant cattle he also said this….


The Middle East, despite all its oil wealth…is an intellectually stagnant area of the world, where one in three Arabs, 65 million human beings, Muslims, are functionally illiterate, of which two thirds are women. 10 million children in the Middle East have never stepped foot inside a classroom, inside a school. That is the modern Muslim legacy. The Middle East…is now intellectually closed off to the outside world. … Closed off to the world – and let s not hear any of this nonsense about foreign literature, or foreign books, or foreign languages, being alien to Islam. It is the only way to learn, to open your minds to non-Muslims, to open your minds to other cultures, to learn foreign languages.

Just think about our priorities as a community, as a Muslim world, think about our priorities,: because when you look at our priorities….you look for example in the field of research and development…the West as an average spend around 2% of their GPD, their national income, on research and development…no Muslim country spends more than 0.5% of its national wealth on research and development…instead we spend the money on what? On killing, bombs, bloodshed, destruction, warfare, arms. Take Pakistan, for example, the “Islamic” Republic of Pakistan, with shamefully high levels of child illiteracy, and one of the world’s worst child labour problems, and yet it spends 20% of its GDP on its military and 2% of its GDP on education.

It is no surprise then that when you look at the Muslim world you see that we 1.2 billion Muslims have just 10 Nobel prizes to our name….and our Jewish brethren who we spend so much time fighting and arguing with, 12 million Jews in the world, they have 150 Nobel prizes to their name….We are not under-armed, we are under-educated. We have lost our ability to think, to acquire knowledge, to advance intellectually, and then we wonder why our community is in such decay, why globally wherever you find Muslims we have such problems. It’s not a secret, it’s not a conspiracy, its clear to anyone who looks at the numbers.


Once again we see the BBC propaganda machine at work, you can see the cogs actually moving…Islam good, Europe bad.

The BBC is lying to us.  The more we get bombed or otherwise attacked by ‘Conservative’  radical Muslims the more we get patronised and lied to by the BBC about how wonderful the ‘Religion of Peace’ is.

Why does the BBC keep pushing the lies?  This might give us a clue as to the thinking behind it…

People in MI5 tell me that denying the connection between Islamism and terrorism derives from the belief that if you accept it, there’s no hope for a multicultural society in Britain: we would just have to recognise that part of the population is permanently liable to become terrorists.


The trouble is if you keep denying the connection you don’t get to a solution….you just keep getting more and more terrorists as you do not tackle the cause…the ideology…..

In December, The New York Times published confidential comments by Major General Michael K. Nagata, the Special Operations commander for the United States in the Middle East, admitting that he had hardly begun figuring out the Islamic State’s appeal. “We have not defeated the idea,” he said. “We do not even understand the idea.” In the past year, President Obama has referred to the Islamic State, variously, as “not Islamic” and as al-Qaeda’s “jayvee team,” statements that reflected confusion about the group, and may have contributed to significant strategic errors.


It seems the BBC would prefer to accept some ‘collateral damage’ amongst non-Muslims rather than upset certain communities with the truth about the causes of radicalisation and extremism.

Change the narrative about foreign policy, about Muslim victimhood and admit that what drives radicalisation is an ideology that stems from the Koran.

Not all Muslims are terrorists but most terrorists are Muslim at this time in history.  Why is that?  Is it ungentlemanly to ask?


You may want to read this from Nick Cohen:

The Great Betrayal: How Liberals Appease Islam

I must face the fact that there is a vast woozy mass of liberal-leftists who will never change, and would not fight back even if a bomb exploded in their own back yard.

I will not let supposed liberals forget that, by their own cowardice and lack of conviction, they have brought this dismal moment on themselves.







Race relations

We’re now well into day 5 of the BBC’s intensive coverage of the racist Chelsea fans story.

In the past week a number of other race-related stories have emerged, none of which you’ll find reported on the BBC website.

On Tuesday police released video of a black man dragging a white guy from a bus and beating him with a belt in an unprovoked attack.

You won’t find that story on the BBC website.

On Thursday the Coventry Telegraph reported that a young white mother had anti-white graffiti and faeces daubed on the front door of her new flat in Willenhall. A note pushed through her letterbox said that the area was for “black sisters and brothers” and “Willenhall is black so fuck off”.

You won’t find that story on the BBC website.

Today’s Evening Standard reports that police are “hunting a man after a female staff member at a bookmakers was threatened and subjected to racist abuse.” The man they’re looking for is black.

You won’t find that story on the BBC website.

Why is that? Is there a reluctance at the BBC to report stuff that could, in its view, agitate the despised white underclass in the run-up to the election? Or maybe it’s just a case of the old left-wing “only white people can be racist” ideology, therefore the BBC doesn’t deem stories newsworthy when white people are victims. Whatever the reason, it’s inconceivable that none of the above stories would’ve been reported by the BBC if the perps had been white and the victims non-white.