Alright then, Here’s a new Open Thread for you to detail the bias. I was on with Jon Gaunt this morning and we were discussing how the BBC emotes its coverage of “Syrian refugees”. They are using their massive media reach to convey THEIR opinion that we must “do” something to help Syrians. That’s not their job and its time we stopped seeing this alleged reporters hamming it up as third rate actors.
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RT – TPP Agreement signed yesterday with mass riots over in Australia. The Biggest US Trade Deal in history. Not a cheep on the BBC.
RT – Ukrainian Minister resigns over interference from EU. Not a cheep on the BBC.
Two huge stories completely ignored by ‘World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster’
What is the matter with these idiots?
You hear what they want you to hear – nothing else.
I usually have to turn over after watching the headlines on the BBC. I think the problem with the W1A morons at the BBC, is that the female Journalists drop of the children at the School in the morning. They then go back to the left-wing Headmasters of the Schools to collect reports about violations of political correctness and the enemies of the teaching profession such as the Parents and the Tories. This, and the usual token reports about Physically, Mentally or Ethnically disabled children and A story that seemed to imply that even the Blond actors in “The Brady Bunch” were not really human, were the headlines on the BBC recently. While in the real World there are wars in the Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan and many other places with violent Left-wing atheists and Muslims.
To busy plugging their new Top Gear (on the 6 O’clock ‘News’ FFS! – not to mention R5Live)
The Top Gear PR on Facebook is also not faring as well as it might.
Many seem unconvinced that the BBC selling the BBC for all it is worth in a desperate attempt to float a dead white whale is being entirely unconflicted in its ‘news’ priorities or framing.
The sound of a massive backfire is ironically in keeping.
I tried to look up the Australia riots and nothing came up. Do you have a link?
Nothing too about the OECD report showing Britain’s plumet down the numeracy and literacy tables
News vs. ‘Not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) apply.
A rare moment of genuine comedy on R4 this afternoon as Open Country goes to the Cairngorms to talk about skiing in Scotland.
Not just once but several times, the experts recalled how the snow more or less vanished in the 1980s and ’90s but that things were much better now as the winters were more normal.
And when was the peak climate astrology era when the gong was being loudly banged to create a panic?
Of course, no one actually mentioned ‘climate’ on the programme, so they must have at least a slight sense of self awareness. If not actual sense.
bBBC ‘news’ is today filling the airwaves speaking up for one of their favourites, Julian Assange. Never mind that he is still wanted in Sweden to answer rape allegations, being anti-American obviously trumps that.
Recent events are re-calibrating the bBBC’s deck and feminism is heading for relegation. Cologne shows us that Muslim invaders trump raped German women. Assange shows us that anti-Americanism trumps raped Swedish women. Germaine Greer shows us that ‘transgender’ women trump real women.
[re-posted from the end of the Monday Open Thread, but the bBBC is still at it!]
I thought rape had been legalised in Sweden now? Perhaps the law is applied differently, based on the skin colour of the accused. With the increasing number of violent rapes where no perpetrator is brought before the courts and police resources so stretched, one wonders why the Swedish authorities (who have an extradition agreement with the USA) have Mr Assange at the top of their list, when the ‘rape’ accusations against him involve disputes relating to consent? It couldn’t be political could it?
Assange is the right kind of sexual predator…lefty, file under Prescott…and watch the fat fukka hump it before havering his chow chunder into a waiting open bucket…or Dianne Abbott as he`d call it.
Bloody Swedish trollopes nowadays-they like a bit of Assange, now all that blonde liberation stuff has been seen to be too much for our Malmo men…so -to quote some old judge “they`ll have been asking for it”.
Hope the gorgeous Abba ladies have crossbows in the knicker drawers…once Anjem `s got his water wings and some sea legs, there could be trouble on those islands that would once have been safe havens.
Tragic…but Assange shafting the West and blabbing to Islam trumps any feminist tropes…hope the Swedes can get used to this EU state of mind they`ve fallen for.
I think Assange is being unlawfully held………….by himself.
If I were Assange I’d go voluntarily to Sweden now. If he leaves it just another couple of years, he will face newly introduced Sharia justice in Stockholm.
On the other hand, attacking women in Sweden would no longer be a crime so I withdraw my initial observation.
Another Facebook priority for the BBC that does intrigue, as comments are unavoidable and tricky to mod, unlike HYS.
Their reporting, and fealty to certain individuals and organisations no matter what the facts, getting highlighted. And slaughtered.
It’s rather refreshing.
The BBC pro-EU bias is vomit inducing. I’m angry about it.
And as for the latest intallment of Cast Iron Dave’s episodic farce – ‘Act 2016 : Taken to Tusk’ , where the self serving interest of a corrupt elite offers a ‘polished poo’[courtesy Steve Baker MP HoC 3/2/16] to the British public. Enough of this guff EUrocrat drama! Out I say!
‘Some say’ there are historical comparisons that can be drawn between Cameron today, and Chamberlain in September 1938 with his “Peace for our time” moment. A German superstate – our sovereignty seded. It should also be remembered that within a year of Chamberlain’s paper waving, Germany had invaded Poland and as the BBC reports “ Adolf Hitler did not keep to the promises he made to Neville Chamberlain in September 1938. A year later the German leader derided the agreement as just a “scrap of paper” and invaded Poland on 1 September 1939.”
Douglas Carswell explains this latest ‘act’ of Spineless Dave’s Tusk document waving, in a clear summation:
What a low rate gutless self serving extra in the attack on Britain Cameron is. In the final analysis, a scrap of paper is all it is. Let us hope we don’t see another war in Europe within a year.
Vote Leave.
I never thought I’d read this on the BBC!
“….The Department of Health is subject to sharia law. You read that right: to turn London into the “Islamic finance capital of the world,” George Osborne secretly made three Whitehall buildings the property of Middle Eastern banks under an Islamic bond scheme, so they are now governed by Islamic law….”
What !?
Of course, I didn’t. I read it on the blog of the oft maligned Douglas Carswell.
Well done Douglas.
Should we be surprised, after all Osborne has a younger brother named Mohammed, I kid you not…
Isn’t he the struck off doctor who prescribed cocaine for a prostitute? I wonder what attracted him to the joys of islam?
He’s a “specialist in psychiatric care”, sounds like he’s in need of some that “care” himself, as do all Britons or Europeans who convert to Islam.
I have no support for Sharia Law or George Osborne, but I do have many years of experience working in the City and Carswell is talking twaddle here.
The agreements are not subject to Sharia Law. They are English law documents governed by English law whose sole jurisdiction is the English courts, but which are structured to be consistent with Shari principles.
Why is this done? To make investments that can be sold to a limited class of investors.
Is this a subsidy? No, probably not. The cost of the effective borrowing is probably slightly below the alternative borrowing cost of the Treasury (otherwise they have no incentive) but since these are effectively government risk, the difference is likely to be only a few basis points.
Why is it good for the City? Because the banks involved (presumably all London based) get to be the first to bring OECD government risk deals to the Middle East investor market. This gives them a competitive advantage in winning mandates for further business from other governments because they have successfully structured and placed this type of investment with investors.
Why is it good for the UK? Because the fees are earned in London and the banks, bankers and lawyers all pay taxes in the UK.
I stand to be corrected/hounded by xenophobes.
You make interesting points AlexM.
The difficulty is that although you say you don’t support Sharia law, the practice you suggest is supportive of just that.
I have no experience of the machinations of the City so I defer to your knowledge of that, but I do have several years experience of living and working in the Arab world, experience that exposed me to unmediated Arab Muslim ideas.
As many of my former colleagues see it, Islam and sharia constitute a total system, that is divinely inspired by Allah, therefore to accept part of sharia sets the precedent for accepting more, and then more of it.
It means in short, suggesting to the Islamic world the idea that sharia is being “embraced” incrementally by the west as its divine inspiration is recognised, of course this also encourages greater effort toward concentrating dawa efforts to proselytise for the further advancement of sharia and Islam in the west.
You say “we” are gaining commercially by this practice, but to Muslims it is seen as the western non muslims acceptance of the superiority of sharia finance, it is an advance of Islamic practice into the west, an acceptance of a part of the total system of Islam.
This is what the term “islamisation” means.
I hope you do not dismiss this reply as “xenophobia” though I do hold my hand up to being opposed to the creeping replacement and subjugation of western civilisation by Islam, even if someone, somewhere is making a financial profit in the process.
The only part of the agreement which makes any allowance for Sharia principles is the fact that there will be no reference in the documents to interest. Apart from that it will be drafted exactly like any other property sale and leaseback. You might think this is an excessive allowance to Islamic funds, but it is no different to the sort of structuring that goes on all the time in the City to structure deals for specific classes of investors, be they Canadian pension funds, Japanese banks or infrastructure funds for Australian retail investors. The Islamic investors may be happy that they get Sharia-compliant deals offered to them (and certified by Islamic scholars) but that is no different than any other offering structured for a specific class of foreign investors who get those deals covered by legal opinions in their own jurisdiction, even though it is a deal governed entirely by English law (just like any other transaction in UK land), which is why Carswell is over-egging it.
As far as utilitarian arguments go this is all well and good and no doubt correct. But where do you draw the line, morally – or don’t you?
I don’t know, but this is on the right side of the line, by a long way.
To AlexM. Xenophobes? What has xenophobia got to do with it? You also distort what Carswell asserts. He isn’t suggesting that the agreements are subject to Sharia Law, but that Buildings and English real estate are. Is this ‘twaddle’? Are you comfortable with English or British real estate in the ownership of foreign parties, especially Islamic ones? Are you comfortable that areas of our nation are subject to Sharia Law?
There is plenty of UK property in the hands of Islamic (and other foreign) owners, but all interests in UK land are subject to UK property law, so yes, it is twaddle. I am not comfortable that areas of our nation are subject to Sharia law, but I have no problem with lease agreements that make no mention of penalty interest (but call it something else) in order to be attractive to certain financiers, which is all this is.
That sounds like casuistry to me.
On DV’s original point, the bBBC may well have copied the bloated Diane Abbott, who has an article in The Times today arguing that “We need a comprehensive strategy for humanitarian relief for all refugees whether they are in camps or not and whether they are Syrian or not. No ideas of what we should do, apart from the usual socialist meme of give them more money.
I wonder how many other European countries are devoting £2.3 billion of aid to helping Syruan refugees where they should be I.e. the Middle East. Or is all this B BC emoting about Britain needing to do more just another left wing ploy to change our demographics even further by adding yet more Muslims and ‘rub our noses in diversity’ ?
I believe the whole of the Brussels have only donated 2 billion euros. What a bunch of sprouts!
The next time sometime tells you we can’t afford an aircraft carrier, remind them that Cameron can seemingly find a billion quid down the back of the sofa when the need arises to help our muslim chums.
A Dictionary definition of the word Sovereignty.
sov·er·eign·ty (sŏv′ər-ĭn-tē, sŏv′rĭn-)
n. pl. sov·er·eign·ties
1. Supremacy of authority or rule as exercised by a sovereign or sovereign state.
2. Royal rank, authority, or power.
3. Complete independence and self-government.
4. A territory existing as an independent state.
We are not sovereign all the while we belong to the EU.
Cameron’s beliefs of our place in th EU
Cameron thinks we have sovereignty. LIAR.
Cameron thinks he can restrict immigration from the EU. LIAR
Cameron thinks he can effect a brake on immigrants receiving benefits. LIAR its only for for a short time. It’s temporary.
I feel for you Conservatives on ths site, what a shameful , disgutingly traiterous leader you/we have.
Conservatives/Labour/Liberals why the hell are you not banging down the door of your MP and forcing the issue to get out of the corrrupt, unaudited, undemocratic EU.
Those who read this site please give me one reason where we as a country from being in the EU when compared with having control of our own country, namely sovereignty.
It is just too preposterous to be. I cannot believe people are so thick, thick, thick to want to be part of club with 1/28h of a say, and be part of an electorate with no say in the running of your own country. .
Correction, but written while raging mad, should read
Those who read this site please give me one reason where we as a country BENEFIT from being in the EU when compared with having control of our own country, namely sovereignty.
If I’ve got it right, the reasons to stay in are:
1. Lots of highly paid politicians, bureaucrats and ‘academics’ who contribute little, yet cost much,would lose their jobs.
2, The sky will fall on our heads if we leave.
3. If we leave, eleventy million jobs won’t need doing anymore.
4. There is no history before 1975.
5. J P Morgan and Goldman Sachs want us to stay in.
Kick the Establishment. Vote Leave!
We have the same say as Malta which has a population the same as Bristol. 1/28th.
Kremlin: “Poor quality” BBC publications not worth wasting time on
MOSCOW, February 4. /TASS/. BBC permits publication of “rather poor quality products,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday. “Unfortunately, our colleagues from BBC have been lately allowing publications of rather poor quality products. That is why, of course, we are in no hurry to familiarize ourselves with it every time,” Peskov said.
I watched the programme about Kids Company on Wednesday. Supposed to be a no holds barred expose. Actually a snow job. Wonderful Camila and distraught kids. Only at the very end did the sucker of a “journalist” begin to start to get an inkling that she had been taken for a ride. Then, just to make my day complete, Health before the NHS. This verged on Soviet style indoctrination with – I kid you not – pictures of nurses and children dancing round with joy because the NHS had come into being. Prior to that, hospitals were merely offshoots of the workhouse, whilst the rich were attended at home. Apparently. A small detail that grated – praise for Fleming as the discoverer of penicillin although it took a decade to develop it. Yes, because he didn’t realise what he had until Florey and Chain etc. did the work.
Thought they only danced around when they
a) got to Number One in the charts
b) lost a lot of service users to mid-Staffs funeral parlours or to mystery tours to Dignitas, Zurich…same destination, different route.
c) got Jeremy Hunt replaced with Andy Burnham or Dr Crippen.
d) got junior doctors to walk out and onto Newsnight.
I suspect others have seen this too. I find it comforting to have a site with high visibility laying out the stories others miss (or block).
“These people rely on our stupidity. They rely on us watching repeat episodes of the British Cake Off or whatever it’s called, using as our sole source of news, the BBC, and engaging in politics once a week during the sham that continues to be BBC Question Time.”
And this is – I think – is the main problem. People need to scan beyond what’s on the main 4 TV channels to broaden their view of the world. With the Guardian listing reasons last week for reducing the CiF entries, I noted one person saying they don’t like looking at other sources of information as they don’t like it. Stretch yourself, love. Broaden your view to cover the whole of the world, not just the Guardian bubble. And others do likewise. How do you encourage others to look further than MSM?
I had a relative staying last weekend who is from NZ. Interestingly, their views were quite well informed and a lot of their ideas were inclusive of wider aspects of the narrative. I have a hope that the general public do ‘get it’, and the governing forces will have another shock at the next set of elections.
I think “Question Time” sums up the BBC. The contradiction of BBC journalism, and its need to censor the real World, outside of the Labour voting middle-class white minority, who had to do Arts and Media studies at University due to an unusually low-IQ for a white middle-class person, people who usually vote Tory or UKIP due to above average IQ.
These people need to pack the audience of “Question Time” with emotional violent lefties as a way to intimidate and silence debate about the real World outside of the left-wing BBC bubble.
The BBC really does not like putting on “Question Time”, unless its guest list is full of bland politically correct morons. None of the Members of Parliament that have come up on the Mensa radar as highly intelligent, (and there are even a few Labour MPs on that list) have appeared on Question Time. Otherwise I would have tuned in more often.
These thickies used to go into teaching or the church…now they`re equally at home in the media, where we once used to get clever people with minds of their won.
Guess all the brains are-once again-dressing to the right…and we`ve got the beauties too like Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter too.
Yes I know-but better than anything on the left…
Damn fine looking woman is Sarah Palin, see here:
Not sure what the lefties would dislike more, her or the background to the photo. Always amuses me when Sandy Toxic, Susan ‘Did I mention my wife’ Calman et al do the vampire sprinkled with holy water hissing routine whenever Palin is mentioned. It is their inner demons they are really wrestling with.
I’ve never laughed so much in ages at this absolute imbecile and his “anti fascist” beliefs….
Am no fan of Gaunt as a rule-but what a joy to hear this self-righteous prick blow himself up, at every opportunity.
The classic lefty race baiting thicko, who is clearly unused to talking outside his union room or charity berth at Labour HQ.
An utter moron-and so revealing that this shit continually spouts re “international law”..”Godwins Nazi tendency”-like all liberal cretins do…spirit of the UN Beehive, where the dissenters get no jobs if even let alone to breathe.
But my real anger at this grievance monger was his “kindertransport” flashing credentials, saying that his Hopeless hate mob were “set up by Kindertransport survivors”.
If that is true-it`s tragice that they never heard of what their kapos did to their parents and loved ones as we in Britain were left to fight Hitlers Socialists alone.
The Kapos might as well have been called Weyman Smithers-or Gordon and Bobby Bennett as far as I`m concerned.
Scum like Gauntys Kapo here will blag a yellow star off the pyjama top, go out and lead the Internationalist Socialists right to the Jews door-then give same star to the Bosnian Muslim SS to get them our of Nuremburg, should that be needed later on.
AND-it tells me this-that any self-respecting Jew-especially those ones who require the BBC for politics, for entertainment of for theology/business-whatever-should get out of Hope Not Hate, Corbyns Labour Party or ANYTHING to do with Bennett and his brownshited gauleiters who “person the borders of what to say, and what the law says we can still say”
Gaunt reveals this repeatedly in this interview-and the Left are the thick fascists who need policing and disbanding…before THEY get big enough to be a threat to the rest of us.
If ever I hear lefty scum rope the Jews in again, to cover the defence against Jihadi sex pests and beheaders…I will make a point of trying to tell Jews to get the guns ready-for these Lefties and Islamists use them as sandbags…and they need to fix bayonets once again in Britain.
Bennett must never be the future-tomorrow must not belong to his type of thinking.
One positive-Gaunt missed Bennetts point that-whenever his band of crap shared a stage to argue with the FN in France-Le Pens vote and influence always grew enormously-which is why they`ll not argue in public with our Tommy!
Any why are we not surprised…rock on Tommy R!
How many of these seriously look like they were anywhere near the Kindertransport?
Never thought of a young Jewish David Cameron coming over from war torn Germany either !
What’s interesting to note about the founding UAF signatories, is that Cameron appears, where as Comrade Corbyn doesn’t…
So Cameron’s a Trot but Corbyn isn’t?
Imbecile isn’t quite strong enough a word to describe Mr Bennett but I can’t think of a better one so imbecile it is. Sadly, his level of argument and complete inability to defend his position coherently is the default position of the left.
Just as sad is the fact that £4Bn a year doesn’t buy the same level of grilling from our national treasure whose duty it should be to hold these clowns’ feet (minus the big shoes) to the fire at the national broadcaster level.
I’ve seen Bennett before on some BBC current affairs programme (I can’t remember which) with UKIP Susan Evans present. Bennett mentioned that his organisation supported feminists and they supported him. In the same breath he mentioned that they (UAF) supported and had support from the muslim community. Sadly an opportunity was missed to ask him how he reconciled supporting these two diametrically opposed groups and what was their common ground etc?
When an organisation’s leader is that f*cking stupid, you really have to wonder what it’s followers are like.
The number of “likes” has just exceeded this fool’s IQ.
More! … you want more then 😀
The intellectual (I use that term loosely) dishonesty of the “anti fascist” left exposed. What a rare treat.
Wayman really is a special individual. Lets make that clear.
This is an article written by an angst ridden leftie without any kind of common sense at all, someone who sees ‘waycism’ in everyone white, but when question why cannot explain in any other way than by insulting the questioner for their obvious stupidity and obvious ‘racism’!
It’s riddled with lies from start to finish, but as a bit of fun have a go at identifying the lies and having worked with Asylum Seekers, I’ll tell you everything she’s got wrong – and believe me it’s virtually everything !
Everything that is wrong with Progressives re immigration is contained within the opening sentence of that article:
“[W]e find out the reality of being an asylum seeker – and what they think about us.”
That would read, in a more sane society:
“We find out the reality of the effect asylum seekers have had since arrived here – and what we think about them.”
No chance.
“It’s riddled with lies from start to finish, but as a bit of fun have a go at identifying the lies and having worked with Asylum Seekers, I’ll tell you everything she’s got wrong – and believe me it’s virtually everything !”
Ok I’m interested. Since I haven’t worked with Asylum Seekers and you have (please tell in what capacity), could you please point out the lies for me?
Zero .
Why are you on this site ?
What is you post and opinion on Al Beeb ?
I would be interested to know .
“Why are you on this site ?”
Because I read “thoughtful’s” post and I’m curious to know which parts of the report she highlighted are lies.
Be rather frustrating for you, if ironic, if she cites only belief, backed by Thoughtful integrity, and if pushed, refuses to answer for the purposes of something or other self-serving.
Like some others who are prone to making claims you appear happier to accept.
Blimey, he only gets £5 a day to eat. Luckily, he gets free meals at the refugee centre. Oh, and he relies on the mosque for his meals. It’s no wonder none of the other countries he passed through, or the one he left, wanted to feed the greedy bastard.
What about the bird fleeing from her violent husband (allegedly) Have we room to become the world women’s refuge centre?
According to Zero’s buddies she must have been asking for it and dressing provocatively. After all Muslim beaters and rapers of women and children are the real victims. See their attitudes on Cologne and Rotherham etc.
BBC hypothetical on Russian invasion: ‘Psychological warfare’
RT: The BBC is doing it. Isn’t it supposed to be impartial?
MM: That depends on your point of view. Because some people would say BBC is not biased, other people would say it has an agenda and it is following that agenda. If you look at the BBC news, it reports negatively – as do most channels – on Russia. There’s hardly ever a positive story. I cannot remember. In fact I really don’t watch the BBC news anymore because you don’t really rely on for direct interest-free points of view. I look for other channels to find the news, to read the newspapers, then I make up my own mind.
The BBC has been described by the Russians as a Propaganda outlet !
(1) The BBC Propaganda program was made to stoke up Russiaphobia on the run up to the referendum, to save the EU, by deflecting attention from the European Unions internal problems, by unveiling bogus secret service plans to Russia, on how they would retaliate.
(2) BBC Propaganda is used to deflect attention from terrorism, by attacking its victims as Islamaphobic, as an excuse to dismiss opposition to EU Policies on Mass Immigration, as simply fear of the Islamic faith, rather than fear of cultural, civilisational and infrastructural collapse, and death by a death cult similar to Soviet Socialism and National Socialism and now the Liberal Socialist death cult by suicide, of the EU.
bBBC NorthWest Tonight is leading on a shock survey showing that the proportion of people who would welcome more ‘refugees’ has dropped from 45% last September to below 25% now. Stand by for another bBBC weepy campaign with photos of dead children.
Well at least all the bleeding heart reports on refugees from the BBC are not working if this survey is to be believed. When will the BBC ever decide that it’s bias does not in fact work and that the British public are not stupid and gullible ?
By the way the BBCs junior partner in bias C4 is running a programme tonight telling us that Pakistanis in Britain are our role models . Yet more failed propaganda I hope.
Sadly clearly BBC propaganda does influence many, else UKIP would now have a substtantial number of MPs
Sadly, in the case of UKIP, the BBC’s efforts to damn the party were heavily reinforced by the Daily Mail. Possibly the only time the two have been found in bed together for a decade or more.
I think in 2015 people wre still prepared to give the Tories tne benefit of the doubt on reducing immigration and supporting EU exit if a meaningful new deal could not be negotiated . Tne Tories won’t get that benefit in 2020.
Jezza will in turn push labour voters in tne north towards UKIP in a way Red Ed did not despite his many failings.
But UKIP must stop their internal squabbling to capitalise on these factors and have more candidates who look like credible potential members of a government.
“I think in 2015 people wre still prepared to give the Tories tne benefit of the doubt on reducing immigration and supporting EU exit if a meaningful new deal could not be negotiated . Tne Tories won’t get that benefit in 2020.”
Right enough there.
But UKIP also need to drum up more support from the younger voters. Far too many of the under thirties and even the thirties to forties, are heavily influenced by a lifetime of media propaganda to be terrified of the ‘racism’ bogeyman.
Its because most of the ‘youngsters’ were not even born or are old enough to remember a free and ‘Great’ Britain that was the envy of the world, until AlBeeb’s World Service crept in to ‘airbrush out’ our proud history and replace it with a guilt complex.
Sir Arthur,
North West News at lunchtime was quick out of the blocks forming a rearguard action, sending camera crew to a Liverpool food bank from whence a Greenham Common lookalike was interviewed by an indulgent studio presenter.
Here’s what we learned:
– The ‘asylum seekers’ are mainly engineers, medical people and the like because they’re the ones who can afford the astronomical fares charged by the people traffickers.
– Former asylum seekers working at the food bank are making the job of helping the new asylum seekers a lot easier.
– There has been some friction with locals but they address this through ‘education’, explaining why we need to allow these people into the country. (Cries of ‘Lord, I have seen the light!’ could be heard in the background as joyful Scousers exited these re-education sessions)
– ‘Fear’ is the reason fewer people are in favour of refugees – the fault of the press and their ‘scare stories’.
Then there was loads we didn’t learn because the following very likely ‘fear’ factors were ignored:
– The Cologne etc attacks and the rise in violence against women in general across Europe
– Alarm at the huge numbers entering Europe, particularly of young single males
– Parallel societies/lack of integration
– Muslim treatment of women
– Sharia law
– Bigamy
– Arranged marriages
– Honour killings
– Muslim rape gangs and cover ups
and the rest.
Oh, and no questions asked why former ‘asylum seekers’ were working in a food bank.
Yet more Islamic PR, aka treachery, from the BBC.
Did our Foodbank Frank actually “have a Scouse accent”.
Or are we talking welfare professional or blow-in Quaker who never left the Poly and chose to stay to “help the locals”?
Liverpuds are a grand bunch, surely they`re not THAT soft after Degsy and The Real Thing ?
Or are they all Thesarus suckoffs like Joey Barton in the Guardian op-eds these days?
Hope not…I blame Tom O Connor for not sticking to teaching them if I`m wrong about Scouse mockery of Foodbank lollards and migrants from further than Birkenhead.
So rare to find an unfunny Scouser who isn`t Carla lane or Stan Boardman…
@Sir Arthur, they ran with this poll during the day. Between 9 and 10 we, the little people, were allowed our say on BBC Manchester. Cue a near imbecile who wanted to let everyone into the country because, we like, go to theirs. Even Mike Sweeney thought this was moronic – “since when do British people go to Somalia or Eritrea”, he asked him. Before and after that call, there were the usual idiotic comments from the local mongs (giving the North West a bad name) with some waffle from a refugee advocate in between telling us how they were ALL doctors. He seemed to suggest that they all should work in the NHS or something.
Here is the fellow, one David Simmons from the Local Government Association. Google him and you’ll notice he’s been busy pontificating since last summer.
Thats funny, tonights look east so called regional news is leading with the same. I wondered how that would be spun locally-turns out a syrian woman and a labour councillor in cambridge think we should DO MORE! Lab councillor says that there are plenty of empty properties that can be used. Bet thats news to the people on the waiting lists
Just as funny, 2nd story up on Points West, 7 minutes spent on the ‘grassroots movement’ (read brainwashed sandal wearing Liberals) giving them a home, cue shots of poor Alyan being plucked out of the water, then over to a warehouse full of goodies ready for shipping, from wheelchairs to food, the generosity of the West Country….cue a scarfed Muslim worker to sprout more cr@p…
Ironically, we’re told that a survey has shown that peoples attitudes are hardening to their plight, what despite all this BBC propaganda? Just f*^k the f*^k off BBC we don’t give a sh1t.
Local news? pah ! With others pointing out similar broadcasts in their regions, it makes the BBCs agenda blatantly clear.
The West Country ought to know that the Barbary pirates were well able to make slaves of the Cornish and Devonians-and take them back as slaves on corsairs back to Algiers or Tunis.
Until now they`ve been crap sailors, relying on our pedalo navy and jug eared acned and pregnant ratings to drift into the Straits of Hormuz,before displaying them as war booty for MEMRI etc.
And now Points West have them learning piracy studies at Plymouth Poly do they?
Bumpkins voting for Beltane…idiots seeking Eid?…do NOT let this lot near a ship and then show them how to sail it-or else the Med and all its cruise ships will be toasted sooner rather than later.
Isn’t it interesting to compare the bBBC ‘news’ ‘where you are’ in different regions of the country, only to find that they all follow the same national agenda of leftie propaganda? No surprise of course.
In the same spirit, later in NorthWest Tonight they ran a PR item for the Marxist actress Maxine Peake, trying to sell copies of Big Issue on the streets and finding how hard-hearted are Mancunians towards those less well-off than themselves.
This is a new and very practical thing we can do with this site – document the way the BBC uses local news to push its metropolitan SJW agenda, torturing local stories to fit its desire for constant ‘progressive’ propaganda.
That is interesting Sir_A_S-G; last night on Look North there was a piece from Sheffield, where the lead singer from a local band was out selling the Big Issue on the streets of that city.
Thank goodness for the internet, so that we can share these common propaganda threads which al beebus weaves nationally and locally.
Geoff , I said before, that you should not watch those , local news shit progs , it is enough to make you upsticks & leave , or commit suicide . Michael Portillo`s Great American Railroad Journey`s , far more pleasant , & unusually , for the BBC, with mainly Hideously White , experts , who talk to M.P. ,during various parts of his journey.
Totally agree on switching over to Portillo to avoid regional news drivel. Yes, these programmes are given editorial instructions from the BBC national hierarchy. I’ve noticed the rash of stories on NHS ‘in crisis’ , how wonderful refugees are, how we all have to use foodbanks etc across a number of these regional programmes. I have long thought that the BBC should be forced to end these awful programmes to open the field up to local papers and other news providers .
Here is the first, of two bBBc gems on the equality and feminist anti-male narrative of our beloved state broadcaster.
Voiceover – we talk to the rugby player from Wasps who has won selection to play for England v Scotland at the weekend.
Pictures – it is the Women’s rugby team.
The next will be distinctly bleaker and more disgusting.
Gem no 2. bBBC 1 news 6pm
A story about male suicide. The biggest killer for men under the age of 50.
His widow was featured. The narrative was entirely about how selfish and self-centred he had been and how awful he had been to leave his family will have to bring themselves up without him.
Absolutely f!!! all about what were his problems, what was the background, what made him do it. No concern for him and his plight at all. Not a single thought.
Pure unaldulterated anti-male bile. A disgusting throw a brick at the TV moment from our appalling perverted drunk-on-equality biased BBC.
I saw that same ‘news’ and, after a few seconds of the woman’s whingeing, was immediately able to diagnose why her husband committed suicide.
By the 10pm news the story had changed to suicide generally and the talking head was leftie lawyer Michael Mansfield whose daughter took her own life.
Even for so tragic a subject the biased bBBC just has to inject a nice left wing narrative and subtext. They are totally beyond the pale.
PS the next topic was a new city in Saudi Arabia that no-one has ever heard of. At the end, turned out this one was an advert for a future prog. on the news channel.
It just never ends…………
Your sentence,’The narrative was entirely about how selfish and self-centred he had been and how awful he had been to leave his family will have to bring themselves up without him.’, also describes perfectly what the thousands of male ‘refugees’ pouring into Europe have done to their families.
Too late for the edit. Slight clarification.
Read the above as …the narrative was entirely about how selfish and self-centred he had been TO KILL HIMSELF and thus how awful he had been to leave his family to bring themselves up without him.
Always worth a check of the Koran when we see things like loads of whales landing up in Norfolk and up to North Yorks along our coast.
Note Surah 37(139-144) copies the Biblical story of Jonah hiding in the whale.
I would check those carcasses if I were the Border police…all that crap about noxious gases inside being decaying internal organs makes me queasy, seeing as even a small whale could contain up to fifteen migrants and their laundry bags.
As this site is so good re telling me of others who are nailing the liberal left and Islam-just seen these two articles from Con Woman-and in turn the brilliant Daniel Greenfield.
Brilliant-“Virtuous Reality” it is-and some big words when next I have a laugh with the SWP clots who sell their comic in the local high street…Muslims don`t feel the need to sell their wares-it`s dropping into their laps like a stone, and the BBC and clever uni types at County hall confirm this every day as well.
chrisH – as I’ve said for number of years Daniel Greenfield truly is exceptional, but even by his standards that is a superb article. Thanks for posting the link.
Excellent article; thanks for sharing.
Only doing what so many others do here, so thanks to all those who get me into Breitbart, Glasov, Condell, Murray, Spencer, Geller, Waters,…and, of course Greenfield, Steyn and all the rest of our gang.
God Bless and keep them all-and now I hope to see a PEGIDA Political International Party setting up, so we can vote for them, and keep UKIP honest…here`s praying for a good day tomorrow.
See that Hope not Hate /UAF scum?…Jesus plus me=majority in your toxic cases.
It must be really difficult offloading your telly tax payer funded £illions when you’re a BBC airhead, Gabby Logan and Tess Daly have a ‘narrow escape’ when looking to extend their property portfolios and buy the same £4m mansion in Buckingham.
These are relativity minor members of BBC ‘Talent’ but what the hell are ‘we’ paying them? I’m sure at a time when some telly tax payers are struggling to put food on the table or crank up the thermostat, it gives them a nice warm feeling knowing they can splash out the odd £4m or monthly payments to suit on a nice abode.
Helicopters are one thing, but at least they can escape the diversity that us normal types have to suffer…
‘Talent’ is a word I’d use very loosely with most of today’s presenters. Daly in particular is on the box for a couple of months in the winter and much has been written about her wooden presentation, husband Kay is good for grinning – a lot, but sadly that is the state of today’s tv; gag telling comedians are consigned to the history books, once respected journalists now appear tie-less, and young presenters with a propensity to call everyone ‘you guys’ . These people are on stupid salaries, but joe public is even more stupid for buying into it, and wanting a bloody selfie taken with them given the opportunity.
And still local BBC pushes the ‘agenda’ I quite fancy a croft in the Shetlands as would some homeless types, but it looks like its only being offered to Syrians…
Many times on B-BBC posters have wondered how the sudden rush of pro-transsexual, pro-Islam or some other current propaganda meme can possibly have developed and spread so quickly through the media and government.
Here, written by Stella Morabito in The Federalist, is one of the most clear and accurate insights into how the process works. I strongly recommend reading this if you are interested in how the PC agenda is created, manipulated and enforced.
Here’s a taster:
“It’s all carrot and stick. If people feel they’ll be socially rewarded by echoing the trending viewpoint, they’ll falsify what they really believe to get some pats on the back. Likewise, if they fear being socially rejected for expressing their concerns, they’ll shut up. As HAM forces conjure up this self-censorship scheme, pretty soon you have a spiral of silence that creates the illusion the propagandized view is actually trending higher in public opinion. Tease it out some more with the saturation-suppression propaganda machine, and public policy follows suit.”
Political correctness operates simply as a weapon in a war of attrition against free thinking. So we must persist in our willingness to call the BBC out on its attempts at conditioning us through manipulative propaganda. Voting for Farage and Trump will help. Like me, I bet Trump is immune to hypnosis by the best hypnotist in town. In Climate science, there are many degrees of consensus, even amongst sceptics. Those who are Luke warmers are still trying to comply to social pressure, while also pointing out that the Emperor has no cloths. While true independent thinkers in Astronomy have found the answer resides near to Piers Corbyn and beyond. (That’s Venus and Mars)
Venus and Mars? I can think of another, more distant, planet that might be relevant, as in “Roger Harrabin, you’re speaking from Uranus”.
Excellent article. Thank you. If western civilisation exists in 50 or 100 years time, and if it does then somewhere along the way it will have had to ditch the liberal left PC establishment , I wonder if academics will be ruminating on the role played by the media in the attempted Muslim/African invasion of the early part of the 21st century . I am sure that they will conclude that the media was a prime mover in causing the invasion.
If we examine the role of the BBC we find that they were cheer leaders for the Arab spring which toppled the unpleasant dictators who kept the Islamists under control. The demise of the dictators has lead in large part to the invasion, certainly across the Med. I don’t inflict the BBC World Service on myself but I suspect that if people living in poor conditions in Africa listen to it, they must be inspired to make the long and perilous journey by the endless propaganda they hear about how welcome they will be in the UK , how much we would love to have them and how we will shower them and their extended families with gifts and money. I am absolutely sure that the WS never airs the view that most immigrants are not wanted in the UK and should not attempt to come here, regardless of the fact that that is what a majority of Brits think. Then of course we move onto the endless stream of tear jerking reports of homeless ‘refugees’, orphans, boat people etc etc which the BBC fills our eyes and ears with 24/7.
Perhaps the academics in 2190 will conclude that the British people showed limitless common sense to resist this decades long attempt at mass brainwashing by a privileged liberal left elite who for reasons incomprehensible to the academics were hell bent on destroying their own society.
LOL not too many “British” Muslims offering to share with them!
Almost all silly ethnic Brits.
You are right Aerfen, that is very amusing. Right Move for virtue signalers. What about our own homeless though?
Indeed. Were I a homeless Brit I’d be very tempted to approach one of these do gooders. There are some nice pads, well located and it seems as if they’re including board!
I know homeless ex soldiers. No virtue in offering them a home and anyway too white and too difficult for these pampered middleclass wannabe saints.
Quite right Aerfen, Muslims from different parts of the world often despise one another (e.g.Turks and Kurds) even when they are both Sunni or Shia; look at the trouble they have in these Muslim “refugee” camps, with gangs made up of different nationalities fighting amongst themselves.
Yet another reason (as if one were needed) to bar the door against the whole lot of them.
What could possibly go wrong?
There are plenty of reasons to vote out of the EU, mine is simple I just want the country that I was born into and that of my childhood back!
This Week BBC1 4/2/16. Andrew Neil exposing how the universities are discriminating against white indigenous people. Black dude thinks that you can over obsess about the numbers, because white folk are racist and always will be. Tell the knob to stick to the jazz and stop spouting truly racist garbage.
I think this new racist grievance merchant has reached peak leftard. It has to be heard to be believed.
The racist says that fellow-racists won’t look at the figures, but just ‘know’ that Oxford will discriminate against them. Pity that Neil didn’t pick up that insult to the intelligence of other blacks, but otherwise the ridiculous slogans and non-sequiturs made it too easy and he was well and truly skewered by Neil.
I think Neil let him get away with it all.
We never found out what he studied did we-or at least I didn`t catch it.
He himself has “culturally appropriated” Black American music and posed along beside the Coltrane stags head, in a mocking blacking up impersonation as far as I was concerned…a racist coloniser of blacks who suffered in the USA to play jazz-not pose at a BBC set up of a window as he blows his own f***in trumpet!
Blacks are over-represented did I hear-or will our race hustling pillbox say that this included brown people too-FFS, I `m not keeping up with their labels and niches for grievance baits.
No-the adults in the room let Clarence get away with this-and as I think of my white kids never getting into a place like Oxford(and indeed my brother for that matter)I steam at entitled affirmative active phoneys like himself…a black bed blocker of white aspirations who dares to “ignore the stats” and just feels whitey is lucky to even GET a higher education…and the BBC pay his mooching taxi to and fro?
No-WE are being taken for a ride by the likes of this buzzkill.
Shoulder > massive chip
I thought it was one of Dame Lenny Henry’s better performances. I was completely taken in at first.
Anyone noticed the sudden emergence of the Zika threat? Journalists in place, stories released simultaneously from many sources and angles. All the hallmarks of another propaganda coup – but for what? Surely not just distraction – there’s something more definite being aimed at here?
The promotion of contraception and abortion in overwhelmingly Catholic Christian countries.
Disguised as a health intervention to prevent the unproven theory of a link between zika and microcephalic birth defects.
Then the inevitable fall in birth rates, will need to be “managed” that will mean…….more migration into the Americas from mmmmm, let’s see…Africa, Asia and the Middle East….overwhelmingly Muslim countries.
There won’t be enough work in Latin and Central America so the northward migration to El Norte will increase as the migrants “seek a better life”.
Every problem is an opportunity.
Yeah, I’ve noticed it. More over-saturation than emergence. I suppose when some suspicious effect gets your spidey senses tingling but the cause is clouded in fog, just obey the old axiom – ‘follow the money’ – and see who the shareholders are in the Pharma companies most likely to manufacture a vaccine, and therefore benefit.
Another stage in the power grab by the UN – this time through the WHO.
Radio 4 Today getting in their retaliation first by knocking the polls which now show that ‘Leave’ are ahead and especially the Express poll that was overwhelming because the people who voted were Daily Express readers.
To be perfectly fair Barry I believe there is some truth in what the BBC are saying on this one,.
I read the Express as it is the only paper that has been generally consistent in its comments on immigration and Europe. The rest of the press (including the Mail which I believed helped to sabotage UKIP in the election). – Are either very fickle or like the Guardian tow the left wing/compassion with no common sense approach on Europe and immigration. So naturally there would be a greater proportion of people like me using the Express site.
As I am sure all the BBC sixth form revolutionaries know, all good propaganda revolves around telling mainly truths and then inserting lies which hopefully will not be picked up. On the immigration/Europe issue I believe that most of our population are only just starting to awake from their long slumber and realise that they have been lied to for a very long time. Fortunately for us, the clever boys and girls at Aunty with their degrees in Goverment and Bolloxticks and Tedia sorry I mean Media studies became a bit too arrogant a bit too early and thought us prolls would devour any shit they would drop to us from their higher table. So at least now the cats are out the bags.
Unfortunately like case of artificially induced slumber waking up properly may take a long time. As most people will be in a state of denial hopefully eventually realising the depth and and breadth of the confidence trick Aunty and her attendant imps have been practicing against them.
I am cautiously optimistic however I do believe 92% against the EU in my opinion is definately too high. We must not become too relaxed. As in Lord Halls Magic Shop of Smoke and Mirrors – ANYTHING GOES!
Not good news for us out voter’s – Latest Best Bookmaker’s Odds : Stay 2/5 – Leave 5/2.
They don’t get much wrong !
From RT.
“BBC advertise position for ‘jihadist media team”
RT bias is crude and easy to see through but they have stories which the “world’s most trusted broadcaster” with its pool of talent, fail to uncover.
Unless the talent is being used to cover up the truth.
BBC news joins the dots……except it didn’t last night.
Story 1 desert refugee camp in Jordan, many Syrians living in tents, Zaatari, a city that has appeared in the desert.
Story 2 A new city being built in Saudi Arabia, by the Red Sea but “where are the people to live there?”
It’s like hearing the BBCs endless stories about relentless Tory government cuts, rising pension ages, crises in education, hospitals and social services benefits…..then hearing the government pledging a billion to the UN Syrian refugees appeal
Do they deliberately do this to take the p**s?
Stunning hypocrisy from the at the BBc. As you will remember from my plethora of comments about the BBc lecturing us about FOOD “WASTE” the BBc love to chastise us for all the food we just throw away, they were at it again earlier this week.
So on this mornings Breakfast we have a report on
Yes the chucky egg challenge complete with the presenters throwing eggs at each other with the inevitable breakage.
Mrs Dave simply insists that I complain about the waste of food, so my latest complaint going in this morning.
I often wonder what happens to all the food cooked in the various bakery and chefery competitions – do the crew eat it? Is it give to charity? Fed to the pigs (doubt that, somehow), or just thrown away?
As it is, the amount of food chucked away by the contestants, that they’ve messed up in one way or another, is phenomenal.
Whilst I’m having a whinge – the BBC, so pro-saving the planet, and reducing its “carbon footprint” must use (and waste) oodles of gas and electricity in all these competitions, with the multitude of cookers and other kitchen equipment supplied for the purpose.
It’s been E-mailed. Having had BBC Breakfast lecture the public at length over food waste, a story you have been running for some considerable time, Why is the BBC now promoting food waste?
We watched the presenters who would normally sit with stern faces reeling off figures about how much food the average family just throws away and how we are so dim we don’t know how advisory dates work on food packaging smashing eggs for what in reality is no good reason.
Can you please advise us how this is fun but the public supposedly throwing away food is such a serious issue that you feel the need to run the story again and again and again, There was even an item, on earlier this week…again..
On five dead they told us that the get out of EU were significantly ahead in the yougov poll. They omitted to tell us by how much.Funny that.
Lefties have no sense of irony. Week after week there’s a majority on the left and they’re quite happy with that, yet when there is a majority to the right once in a blue moon, they complain.
The response is, however, straight out of the BBC manual: “Over the course of a series Question Time aims to achieve balance and hear from a range of voices”. What they should do is release their records showing how they considered the series to have achieved balance. Otherwise, their explanation is meaningless. Of course, we all know there are no such records.
Like the Stasi, they can’t resist keeping records. Equally, they are currently more than coy in making them public. With luck, for the BBC this will end as well as it did their ideological inspiration.
All walls fall eventually, and hitting delete does not remove all traces.
Is Sky moving into the same Guardian territory as the BBC?
The Assange case may be the final straw for me. Is anyone here aware that the UN panel came to the conclusion Julien Assange is ‘arbitrarily detained’ by a vote of 3 from a 5 man committee?
Though Sky still has a few good political correspondents the main news after 7 is left to two ineffectual girls. One of whom was interviewing Professor Mads Andenas, one of the three committee members who voted in favour of Assange being ‘released’ from being ‘arbitrarily detained.’
Not once, not a single time, did she challenge him on anything, not least the fact that Assange is not ‘arbitrarily detained,’ that Assange has chosen to hide away to avoid facing serious charges.
Does The Guardian, Sky and the BBC believe that any fugitive fleeing from justice is ‘arbitrarily detained’ or just those who despise the west and its values?
Do all Euro-rapists have to actually go to a Latin American Embassy until things cool off and spunk stains have been removed at Clintons Cleaners then?
Or will a phone box do, or a church hall maybe if outside of London?
If so, expect a load of minibuses getting prepared for their spring break to Britain from Cologne.
And-must they wait five years for the compensation to come?
Or can we pay them in benefits and condoms, BBC appearance fees , which might be “more economic and benefit the taxpayer in the long run”.
Madness-f***in madness…SWEDEN in a dock, given its mimsiness re crime…why else do migrants go there for their 18-30 R&R?
Coin tossing majorities as landslides?…Assange to hand in his passport if he loses(when the BBC tell us he`s wonn…how`d they know THAT in advance then?)?…utter Barking Bollocks Conspiracies in action here.
Ah well-got my PEGIDA anthem anyway…The Champ!
Has the Left finally “jumped the shark” with this ridiculous Assange ruling?
Note that David Aaronovitch has a new book out on his Komonsol upbringing as one of Uncle Joes Youth Pioneers.
Funnily enough, he also is about to tell me about the “cultural relevance” of Maos Little Red Book!
Radio 4 in a few minutes.
Would love to know how THIS puff piece came about from Lennon-to John McDonnell-to Aravindan Balakrishnan, and his sentencing last week…to Alexie Sayles fallow period?…would love to know who decided that THIS was something we the Bourgeoisie needed to know about.
I` ll say that Mc Donnell caused it -and our 60s casualties of Dutch women, incest survivors, beaten wifelets and old drug dealers and their sex trafficked spawn at the curry house WON`T be getting TOO much of a mention-even though this case got the useless Theresa May to write new laws that won`t last the first test case.
No-Mao s Cultural Revolution continues, capturing Western imaginations-actually only the BBC and the Guardian, for WE saw the laogai and the gulags that result from letting a failed poet and primary teacher lead you over the old town walls.
Would the BBC have made a programme on the Gideon Bible had Frank Field lobbed THAT over to Osborne at the despatch box?..for THAT book has “captured the western imagination” with rather more effect over a few more years…but, hey the BBC want THAT book consigned to the dustbin of history don`t they?
Godless empty woks!
Managed to guess most of this crap.
Why won`t the BBC bring together oafs like Bellos and Elaine Brown together with the lady who wrote “The Wild Swan”…or maybe someone who survived the Chinese Laogai system?
Course not-segmentation and border patrols are specialising methods that Chomsky etc like.
Bit like Jon Snow and his Green bollocks clashing with his air miles to Sri Lanka on a liberal whim.
Utter hypocrites and useful idiots-need Chinese translations of that, if not the Arabic ones.
BBC Radio Devon 9am News, Devon’s two Tory MP’s, one wants in the other wants out, but we only get to hear from Peter Heaton Jones (stay in) we didn’t get to hear from Geoffrey Cox who gave an almost Churchillian anti EU speech in the HOC yesterday.
I’m sure, not by coincidence, The Independent today decides is a good day to release the fact that Geoffrey Cox has been fiddling his expenses, why today? Are no pro EU MP’s on the fiddle?
Project Fear is well and truly under way.
With evident and giggling delight, Daily Politics covered the in-fighting between the various groups ‘dedicated’ to leaving the EU, showing all too clearly how divide and rule is being enacted and demonstrated before our eyes. Funny for some, tragic for many.
You really can’t blame the BBC, when the stupid barstewards are taking lumps out of each other in public.
Guido has it right with this:

“With evident and giggling delight, Daily Politics covered the in-fighting between the various groups ‘dedicated’ to leaving the EU, showing all too clearly how divide and rule is being enacted and demonstrated before our eyes. Funny for some, tragic for many.”
The BBC never add the vital context that before the campaign can officially start the Electoral Commission has to choose which is to be the lead organisation on each side. At this stage all of the “Leave” groups are in competition with each other to win the designation and the funding. The BBC knows this but supports the Remain cause with stories of splits.
I also have a personal opinion that the Vote Leave organisation is a false flag operation. Its leaders are very close to leading Tory politicians and there seems to be repeated attempts to cause confusion – Vote Leave said that there didn’t need to be an exit plan, then that the Norway Option would be a disaster, then that it we voted to leave there should be a second referendum on the terms and then that we didn’t need to use Article 50 as part of the exit notification. This level of stupidity had to be opposed.
Let the chattering classes and the condescenti mock.
Yes-the Leave caampaign can be as multi-headed and ineffectual as they like.
Only the “Fuhrerprinzip” tossers at the BBC and the broadshits give a stuff whether Clegg will make fun of Farage or whatever, it`s a referendum-a plebiscite.
It needs no leaders-if after Stockholm, Cologne, Lampadusa, Molenbeek, Paris, Madrid, Varoufuckup, Von Thermostat, Rumpy, Barrio Barossa and his Maoists, Mandelson, Kinnock, Clarke, Heseltine, Hain, Herron/Thorburns and all the rest of the International Brownshirtlifting Brigade of foreskins and old tampax that the EU puts into places we can only imagine…if after all THIS baggage carousel of pickup scammers and serial cutpurses and Esperanto wank …ANYBODY thinks that the EU is worth a Hess….then they DESERVE Islam, the end of their “faith and western way of life”…because even the thickest Muslim knows something about tactics, cunning and self-preservation…like White Dee does.
The liberal crawldaddies just sacrifice other peoples kids-never their own if they`d even been selfless enough for ten minutes to even conceive or fornicate.
No leader needed-unless Tommy Robinson and Anne Marie Waters choose to be the Dream Ticket…say NO!…in all 20 languages and then some…
Let the chattering classes and the condescenti mock.
Yes-the Leave caampaign can be as multi-headed and ineffectual as they like.
Only the “Fuhrerprinzip” tossers at the BBC and the broadshits give a stuff whether Clegg will make fun of Farage or whatever. Only cluless clowns care about leadership-have they SEEN Merkel lately?
It`s a referendum-a plebiscite.
It needs no leaders-if after Stockholm, Cologne, Lampadusa, Molenbeek, Paris, Madrid, Varoufuckup, Von Thermostat, Rumpy, Barrio Barossa and his Maoists, Mandelson, Kinnock, Clarke, Heseltine, Hain, Herron/Thorburns and all the rest of the International Brownshirtlifting Brigade of foreskins and old tampax that the EU puts into places we can only imagine…if after all THIS baggage carousel of pickup scammers and serial cutpurses and Esperanto wank …ANYBODY thinks that the EU is worth a Hess….then they DESERVE Islam, the end of their “faith and western way of life”…because even the thickest Muslim knows something about tactics, cunning and self-preservation…like White Dee does.
The liberal crawldaddies just sacrifice other peoples kids-never their own if they`d even been selfless enough for ten minutes to even conceive or fornicate.
No leader needed-unless Tommy Robinson and Anne Marie Waters choose to be the Dream Ticket…say NO!…in all 20 languages and then some…
No leaders-no scum to follow-no third raters…only Tebbit and Lawson.
Yes-very communal, very democratic,very well socialist you might say…with no dead patriots unlike THEM!
Your list of the non-entities that profit from the largesse of the world’s most inefficient and anti-democratic bureaucracy has given me an idea. The Leave campaign’s party political broadcast needs consists solely of a slideshow of those you have listed, and the many others that lurk undetected and unaccountable in the endless corridors of Brussels and Strasbourg, with their salaries and expenses claimed shown below their photos. My idea depends upon those numbers being available which, in a proper democracy, they would. I would start the slideshow by listing the Kinnoch family.
That should be enough to persuade the undecided.
Think I`d start with Hitler the National Socialist who promoted paganism, Gaia worship( Nature, animal rights, vegetarianism etc)-wanted a pan-Euro currency, and lebensraum for his Germans-no borders, camps of Slavs etc.
The I`d do the USSR bit-the Diet, the phoney shows of sham democracy, the forced removal of Germans, of native peoples like Estonians-and replacing them all with Moscows roughest to screw the middle classes, enforce multicultural hogwash in forced curricula-but preach international brotherhood and solidarity with the victims of the Big Banks and the nasty west.
Basically setting the bully boy on message thugs in to rape, terrify and not be reported upon, not being “stigmatised” as criminals-just over exuberant class deficients in need of more therapy and better flats.
Both Nazis and Soviets did this-that`s why they are socialist.
The National ones (Hitlers) crossed their own borders to create a Judenfrei united states of Europe, albeit run from Berlin-today it`s Brussels.
The International ones preferred to march through the institutions in cultural capture like psychiaatry, science and education-had Hitler not over reached himself . both national and international socialism would have pincered up and divvied up Europe with ease-same philosophy, just one liked Blitkrieg more than Gramsci…but same destination for the rest of us.
The EU is exactly that rose pink socialist synthesis of soft and hard socialism compliance-but with the eco green nazis from Bahro/Kelly in West Germany having covered the National Socialist jackboot in lime gree whitewash and a rainbow jumper for segmented grievance and identity..gays, women, childrens rights, Assanges perks etc…
No wonder they don`t teach history before 1939 re the Nazi-Soviet carve up…the EU is the same thing today.
IN part 2…I`d go to Monnet, Schumann and those traitors Heath and Rippon…but bring Benn and Powell in here, both of who were honourably against what we`d soon be getting by way of a “Communist Market”
Just noticed the headlines about the 9 point lead for Brexit:
Guardian: Pressure on Cameron as poll suggests voters edging towards Brexit
FT: David Cameron heads for Europe as poll shows growing support for Brexit
Daily Mail: Brexit campaign surges ahead with 9-point lead in first poll since David Cameron’s EU deal as the PM kick-starts his Euro charm offensive in Poland and Denmark
BBC News: [I can’t find anything…]
With the Guardian: voters are ‘edging’; FT: ‘growing support’ ; DM: ‘surging’…
The BBC can’t bring themselves to write about it yet. All run off to ‘safe zones’ to cry, I guess. Bless.
I usually don’t comment on matters of race or religion, there is enough other BBC bias to keep me going as it is. But I couldn’t let this gem on Five Live’s, ‘QT – Extra Time’ go without mentioning it.
You may all have been tucked up in bed, but Nolan and Co invited onto their programme the woman who had earlier, on QT, had asked the question about Cameron’s desire for all Muslim women to learn the language. ‘Fatima Hussain’, who described herself as a white English Muslim Woman, was given the airways to sound off, as a victim of discrimination and of how wrong the PM was about almost everything including education and isolation. In doing so she had a pop at the white population in whose communities she had lived. To counter the allegation that Muslims were getting the blame for things like radicalisation and FMG (sic), she finished with this bombshell. Correcting herself, she said;
‘FMG (female genital mutilation) is a predominantly Christian practice (carried out) in Christian communities.’
Well I never knew that! I think that says all that you needed to know about Fatima’s provenance, disaffection and isolation. Needless to say, BBC Nolan and his sidekick allowed the comment to go unchallenged and unremarked. Gobsmacking.
Listen if you dare, 2:06:15 in.
How kind of the BBC to give this Muslim shill TWO bites at the cherry-not only was she a Lauren Booth type of dill at 11pm, but she`s able to repeat her crap at 1am.
Does hubby know she`s up at that time?…and why wasn`t she self segregating at the QT Mosque-seemed to be men nearby…does hubby know?
If I didn`t care about the planet, I might fly to Riyadh to press for a fatwa-her headscarf wasn`t pointing to Mecca as she supplicated herself before Djinn Dimbleby.
Yes dear, Sunday Schools now do “while you wait FGM” on your daughters after Choral Evensong-but don`t tell Giles or Justin will you?
Yet our Muslima DOES make one good point.
Whether she was Muslim or not-being white and working class means your education is shit,and sacrificed so that her religious mates get the education.
She says that white levels of reading and writing are a scandal as well(in her way, I`d say).
Not a point the BBC will be making, especially after those oECD reports last week-that the BBC would rather we not discuss
My God , that Nolan is Hideously Fat, never seen, or heard him before.
It would appear that old BBC ME-Hand, Haw-Haw Hawley is firmly in the Assange camp, she writes “The call for compensation for Mr Assange is particularly controversial when there is already public anger in the UK over the cost of policing his confinement at the embassy.”
What confinement?
We are all missing the point here, Assange is not actually in England, or British soil, he is in the Embassy of Ecuador , so he is actually in their country, “Ecuador “, and not ours, that’s why the Police can’t arrest him, to he steps onto our soil. In effect, what the UN says is total bollox.
Suppose there`s no chance of the Rathband family heading off to New York and, to get the UN working group to look into the murder of their David, by that bald foreskin scum Raoul Moat is there?
But then again, he`s only a dead copper in the pay of a useless police force who`s left a family behind-so maybe we can sell their houses to pay for Assanges compo before too long.
Today we live in a country where THAT passes as “justice”…guessing that Assanges verdict would have been on a vote of tossed coins…tossers indeed.
And-as ever-no BBC analysis of this lunacy, any more than there is about Sanders losing to Clinton by six coins to five or whatever…
Now come, come… we all know in the new order that men can have babies too and it’s their Yuman right to have a baby. Hence they would have a confinement.
Biology is just a construct, after all.
“Where are we going, and why are we in this handcart…?”
I think that film should be on every school curriculum.
More and more the BBC itself becomes the story. Soon, the useless bunch of lefties will be broadcasting only to themselves. Here is the lovely Evan Davis telling us how expensive dogs are:
Well Evan, get rid of the dog and you might be able to take in a refugee. Not a Syrian, obviously, more someone like this chap:
Alternately he could employ a ‘lovely’ Latvian as a live in au-pair
For those interested Farage is appearing at another GO (Grassroots Out) event in Manchester tonight. You can watch it live here, David Davis will also be speaking, the countdown timer indicates it starts at 7pm, better than the One Show….
Ta Geoff.
Listened in. some good people up on the platform, but sense of going through the motions too.
David Davies is a pretty poor speaker for such a potentially “Big Figure”.
Surely to God we`ve all made up or minds-how the hell can anyone think of staying on the Titanic , where Cologne and Cyprus, Greece and low energy lighbulbs, Euro disasters and Lampadusa are what we`ve seen.
Only the chattering classes. the bovine and the docile that they “tend” surely will vote for the end of this nation state.
The Cologne carnival has seen an increase in sexual assaults this year compared to last. What a surprise and I just can’t think why that might be. The article by the BBC deserves, as usual, a critical examination to reveal the subliminal (and not so subliminal) messaging:
Reference the police it states,’They have 190 people in custody and officials have described them as “a cross section of the general public”.’ Why the need to say that? Given the cross section of those in custody it must be pure chance that the person helping police with their enquiries in the lead photo looks very European. No context to that photo so he might be just another drunk but regulars on this site don’t need to be told why.
Propaganda all the way with the left and no concern whatsoever shown for the poor girls and women suffering for the cause. They are concerned about this poor chap though:
Poor old Fideleis. Note he is originally from Nigeria and came to Germany to escape fighting in Libya. Something doesn’t compute. £4Bn a year for this sh*te.
NINE men have been found guilty of a range of serious sexual offences as part of an investigation into child sexual exploitation.
The offences occurred mainly in Rochdale, mostly between 2004-2008. The men have been convicted following two trials at Manchester Crown Court. The convictions, part of Operation Doublet, relate to eight victims aged 13-23 at the time of the offences.
Afraz Ahmed (33),
Choudhry Ikhalaq Hussain (38),
Rehan Ali (27),
Kutab Miah (35),
Mohammed Dauood (38),
Abid Khan (39),
Mohammed Zahid (45),
A man who cannot be named for legal reasons
Mahfuz Rahman (29),
Strangely there’s nothing on the BBC site about this !
The usual suspects, but in fairness it has been on the BBC website complete with the names since this morning. See
Ah, when I searched for it nothing came up, and I used the keywords ‘Rochdale, men’ you would have thought something would have appeared. In any event it seems that this has become so common it’s been relegated to regional news.
Thoughtful, Not many comments after that story. Is that sort of thing no longer news in Oldham?
They are a small independent regional paper and the comments won’t be posted until Sunday late afternoon normally.
Obviously a cross section of society. I hope they dont put them in jail we need the skills of all these engineers, doctors, teachers, astro physicists out here. Its good to see how well these one time immigrants have settled and enriched us.
Pointless. Never has a program been so aptly named. One of the clues Jamaican who looked after British soldiers in Crimea. Yes one of the teams says that should be Florence Nightingale but why would she be born in Jamaica Yes it’s history re-write time mary seacole. Smug twatoid with glasses tells us it’s a great story taught in schools now. F***k o**
The smug twatoid with glasses being none other than Bell End of the Year Richard Osman.
If you were taught history in the 20th century you would have been told that Florence Nightingale was the most important nurse in the Crimea because as well as nursing wounded soldiers she reorganised the hospital at Scutari, imposed general standards of cleanliness, invented the pie chart to record the results, and went on to play an important role in developing nurse training.
If you’re taught history now you’re told that Mary Seacole was the most important nurse in the Crimea because as well as nursing wounded soldiers she was black. In fact she had a white father, but whatever you do don’t mention that.
This is not intended to belittle Mary Seacole – she went to the Crimea to help. My criticism is of those who think that her being black is the most important fact about her, and trumps the efforts of everyone else involved.
Thanks RJ, I was trying to explain to Mr D that Mary Secole was not that great a nurse but with nothing more than vague memory, now I can give him a bit more detail.
I have noticed with increasing annoyance that Richard Osman is increasingly providing evidence of his left wing credentials not just on Pointless but if he appears on Would I Lie to You etc. Alexander seems to survive in spite of his blue blood (was it William the Conq that Who Do You Think You Are found he was descended from?)
Yeah & Bob Marley too , his father was Hideously White , Ha ha .
Clearly, the Jamaican referred to must be Mary Secole. However, my understanding is that she does not really merit the term ‘nurse’, being really mostly occupied in providing some comfort and accommodation to officers and men at her ramshackle ‘hotel’ near Sebastopol. Her history seems to be de rigeur in progressive schools, but very over-egged for the sake of ethnic balance. I’m happy to be corrected on this, for memory does play tricks sometimes.
Quite correct. Mary Seacole ran something called the ‘British Hotel’ in Sebastopol, a sort of boarding house and restaurant. There were no medical facilities and she was not formally qualified in medicine, although she had some knowledge of herbal treatments that she had picked up from her mother. In her autobiography, she describes herself as ‘yellow’ rather than black. Of Jamaican and Scottish ancestry, she may have been what was referred to at the time as a ‘quadroon’, meaning she was only 1/4 black. Or 3/4 white expressed in a different way. As an article in the Times Literary Supplement dated 6th December 2013 summarised it: “She deserves much credit for rising to the occasion, but her tea and lemonade did not save lives, pioneer nursing or advance health care”
Thank you for that. Oh dear, she seems even less worthy than I had thought. It also puts those manipulators controlling schools’ curricula in a poor light.